How to Become the Business Everyone Wants to Promote – In Just 7 Minutes with Danny Bermant

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  • Learn how to effectively attract high-quality clients through joint ventures
  • Discover the common mistakes that businesses make when engaging in joint ventures so you can improve your JV approaches and achieve better results
  • Find out practical tips on how to add value to joint venture partners beyond simple lead exchanges



Are you struggling to attract high-quality clients and effectively grow your business? Many coaches and consultants face this challenge, often finding themselves frustrated with ineffective collaborations that yield poor results. They may have tried various marketing methods, like advertising and SEO, only to be disappointed by the lack of substantial leads and meaningful connections.

Danny Bermant helps established coaches and consultants attract their ideal clients through joint venture partnerships.

In today’s episode, Danny delves into the heart of this problem and shares what makes joint ventures successful, common mistakes to avoid, and actionable tips for adding value to your partners.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:28 – Danny’s ideal clients: My ideal clients are established coaches and consultants.
  • 01:53 – The problem Danny helps solve: People who want to increase their sales pipeline and they are using different methods.
  • 02:54 – Symptoms of the problem he is solving: It’s about the avatar.
  • 03:58 – Common mistake his clients commit before consulting him: Where they have tried joint ventures or some kind of collaboration and tended to be quite transactional in the way they approach.
  • 05:28 – Danny’s Valuable Free Action [VFA]: Get beyond this kind of quid pro quo mindset.
  • 07:22 – His Valuable Free Resource [VFR]: Learn to leverage JVs to get more clients here:
  • 08:07 – Q: Why? A: When I meet with JV partners, I always ask them, what is the why behind your business? That is a game changer.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“A joint venture is an investment. When you decide to collaborate with somebody, you have got to invest time into really understanding their business.” -Danny Bermant Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. I’m Tom Poland. Joined today by Danny Bermant. Danny, good day from down under. Where are you hanging out, Sir?

Danny Bermant 00:18
I’m hanging out in London, England today.

Tom Poland 00:20
How’s the weather today? You’ve got…

Danny Bermant 00:22
Atrocious. It’s always Winter England

Tom Poland 00:26
It’s always improving if you’re the optimist. Alright, cool. folks, yeah, Danny and I have known each other for many years. When did I last interview you, Danny? It was like six years ago or something, right?

Danny Bermant 00:38
Yeah, absolutely.

Tom Poland 00:39
About six years ago. And we’ve met several times a year ever since. And compared wall stories and show notes around joint ventures and cross promotions and folks, Danny is literally one in 500. We have over 500 joint venture partners over the years. Danny is literally the only one who followed up with a debrief. It’s a standard practice of ours, but it’s so rare and I think it speaks for, I think it speaks for your integrity and your thoroughness. So it’s a pleasure to have you on the show. Folks, if you don’t know, Danny as well as I, he does speak, he helps establish coaches and consultants, attract their ideal clients through joint venture partnerships and he’s very, very good at it. The subject today is, How to Become the Business Everyone Wants to Promote. Danny, our seven minutes is going to start now. Sir, question number one is, who is your ideal client?

Danny Bermant 01:28
My ideal clients are established coaches and consultants. They have an offer, they have an audience. It may not be a big audience, but they have an email. They have an email list. And what they’re doing is they really are looking at how they can basically increase their reach and monetize their expertise.

Tom Poland 01:44
Perfect. Music to my marketing ears. Question two is, can you elaborate a bit on the problem you solve? Clearly, it’s to do with lead generation, but do you want to add more than that?

Danny Bermant 01:53
Yeah, they basically, they are people who are, yes, they want to increase their sales pipeline and they are using different methods like advertising for example. They might be using SEO, they might have even done joint ventures before, but it’s never really worked properly. They’ve had people promote them who’ve not shown up or promote them. They’ve not got very great results. In particular, they like the idea of joint ventures because they don’t like sleazy selling, they don’t like manipulative marketing. And with a joint venture partner, you’ve got someone who is pre-sold, who is warm, who is already interested in what you have to sell. They’re not tire kickers.

Tom Poland 02:28
And yeah, highly scalable. And if you get it right, very good quality. And as I’ve just said, highly scalable. So question three is around the symptoms that you can make a problem disappear, which is getting a pipeline full of quality leads. Other than not having enough quality leads, are there any other symptoms that would kind of give someone a heads up, someone who’s listening to us, a heads up and going, I need to find out more about what Danny does?

Danny Bermant 02:54
Yeah, I think the symptom is, it’s about the avatar. It’s not just about attracting people who aren’t time wasters. It’s also just attracting people who have the right mindset, the right values, the right aspirations, the right goals. With a joint venture partner, you are already able to find an audience that’s a very, very close match to who you are serving. And in my experience, it’s very hard to do that with other forms of marketing.

Tom Poland 03:20
So one of the symptoms there, I mean in addition to having not enough prospects in the pipeline or having poor quality prospects in the pipeline, one of the symptoms might be they kind of feel like a square peg and putting a square peg into a round hole with some partners. Don’t quite have that simpatico like you and I had. Yeah, so, with coaches and consultants, people that are your target market are quite proactive and they’re quite assertive in attempting to grow their business. So, what are some of the mistakes they make? This is question four, over four minute slip, linear time. What would you say are some of the common mistakes that your new clients have made before they find your solution?

Danny Bermant 03:58
I think the common mistakes is where they have maybe tried joint ventures or some kind of collaboration. They’ve tended to be quite transactional in the way they approach collaborating with other people. So they may have said, how does kind of quid pro quo agreement where I send you so many leads, you send me so many leads. So, and I think that where people misunderstand collaboration, it’s about giving value in advance. If you decide to work with somebody, you need to be generous. And because the whole way that joint ventures succeed is you support me because I’ve really put myself out for you. I supported you and you want to reciprocate with me. And people don’t really understand that. And I think the other thing is that a joint venture is an investment. So when you decide to collaborate with somebody, you have got to invest time into really understanding their business and really looking at their audience and saying, hold on, are we actually seeing off the same hymn sheet? Right? And there’s not enough due diligence done. and I think that’s where it often falls over.

Tom Poland 04:59
Right? So, one mistake is a lack of understanding. There’s a whole lot more than just reciprocation. Another one is not putting in the effort to make sure you’re adding value to your partner’s network and by default to your partner. Let’s flip it from mistakes and symptoms, et cetera, to a valuable free action. A top tip that someone can take, it’s not going to solve their whole marketing problem, but it might take them a step in the right direction.

Danny Bermant 05:28
I think a really good step to take is with a collaboration, it doesn’t just have to be a tit-for-tat. So it doesn’t just have to be a case of, well, you promoted me, can you do for me what I did for you. I sent you some leads. Can you send me leads? Think of it in terms of just supporting their business. It might be that somebody promoted you, you might be able to support them in different ways. It might be that you might be able to refer them to clients, refer them to JV partners. You might be able to give an hour of your time, right? You might host someone on your podcast. So just think of collaboration. It’s about supporting each other’s businesses. It’s, get beyond this kind of quid pro quo mindset.

Tom Poland 06:07
The top tip therefore could be something like making a short list of how you can add value in addition to cross promotion, referral to key suppliers, referral to past partners, that type of thing. Because that I would imagine would give someone a lot more confidence going into a JV conversation to know that there is more than just their email list that is on offer.

Danny Bermant 06:29
Yes. Particularly if you have a small list, you might have a small list because you just started building your list recently. You are working with someone who’s got a bigger audience than you. But you can leverage that. You can leverage your position in different ways. So you can, instead of sending them leads, you can say, look, I don’t have a huge list but I’ve got very good contacts I could refer you to.

Tom Poland 06:49

Danny Bermant 06:50
And that might be worth more for the person you’re collaborating with.

Tom Poland 06:52
And you mentioned before about investing, and one of the things that I think people, a lot of people overlook is, they’re looking at the size of the email list. Are they approximately the same? But if you create some great content, then a lot of people have an email list. I’ll going to want to add value to this subscriber list by putting that content in front of them. So that’s also part of the value of exchange is coming up with something that’s quite unique and quite valuable. Where can people go to find out more about what you do, Danny?

Danny Bermant 07:22
Just go to

Tom Poland 07:26
And what will they find there?

Danny Bermant 07:28
They’ll find access to my monthly webinar, which is on the last Thursday of every month, demonstrating to them how they can leverage JVs to get more clients.

Tom Poland 07:37
That is brilliant. That’s the one to go for folks, Sign up for the monthly webinar that Danny, you can gain some great insights and also consider the possibility of working with Danny one-on-one or with this program. Last question, Danny. And by the way, folks, disclaimer, I’m not getting any commission, affiliate commissions off that, I’m just promoting Danny because he’s one of the good guys and he’s worth listening to. Last question, Sir, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t and the answer please, in less than 30 seconds?

Danny Bermant 08:07
A lot of the question you should have asked me is, WHY. Right? When I meet with JV partners, I always ask them, what is the ‘Why’ behind your business? That is a game changer. Because that really does the part of the seed in your partner’s mind about what possibilities are. Too many questions are about who, what, how, what’s the why behind your business.

Tom Poland 08:16
That’s the ‘Why.’ Danny Bermant, thank you so much for your time, your insights.

Tom Poland 08:20
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