- Find out how to boost your business by growing your confidence first, with insights tailored for women solo entrepreneurs who struggle with visibility.
- Learn practical, no-fuss strategies that work for you, whether you’re into social media or prefer alternatives.
- Discover how automating your business can take away the tech overwhelm and help you scale faster without chasing clients.
- Checkout and download the FREE ebook, ‘Five Easy Steps to Launch Your Own Online Business Without Tech Overwhelm’: https://www.bibapedron.com/5steps-to-online-business
Struggling to grow your business because you’re not confident enough to be visible? This lack of confidence can lead to underselling yourself, avoiding key marketing strategies, and ultimately stalling your business growth.
Biba Pedron helps women entrepreneurs to grow their business faster, through visibility, giving them a step-by-step roadmap to double or triple their revenues in 90 days, without
chasing clients. She authored multiple Amazon bestsellers and was featured in Forbes
Magazine France as a Woman of Influence. Nominated as one of the 100 Top Global Women Entrepreneurs to Be Inspired in 2023. And featured on the cover of the World Leaders Magazine as one of the most inspiring women leaders in 2023.
In today’s episode, Biba shares how to build confidence, leverage the right strategies, and double or even triple your revenue without the overwhelm.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:38 – Biba’s ideal client: Women and especially women solo entrepreneurs.
- 02:19 – The problem she helps solve: Everything comes down to confidence because if they’re not confident, they don’t want to be visible.
- 03:07 – Symptoms of the problem: It comes from confidence, self-esteem, and imposter syndrome.
- 04:39 – Mistakes people commit before reaching out to her: They don’t understand that they have to understand the confidence, they have to understand the value that they bring to the clients in order to charge.
- 05:47 – Her Valuable Free Action [VFA]: It’s not, I don’t like this and I don’t do anything.
- 06:41 – Biba’s Valuable Free Resource [VFR]: Checkout and download the FREE ebook, ‘Five Easy Steps to Launch Your Own Online Business Without Tech Overwhelm’: https://www.bibapedron.com/5steps-to-online-business
- 07:22 – Q: Reason why I want to help women? A: Because my motto is I do what I want, when I want, where I want, with who I want, making sure that money is not an issue.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“We work first on the mindset before we work on the marketing.” -Biba Pedron Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings to you everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. I’m Tom Poland, beaming out to you from the sunny Sunshine Coast here in Australia. Joined today by Biba Pedron. Biba, good day from down under. Welcome! And where are you hanging out?
Biba Pedron 00:23
Right now? I’m in France. In Normandy, but I normally live in Miami.
Tom Poland 00:27
France, in Normandy, just trying to avoid the Paris Olympic Games, which finished in just a day.
Biba Pedron 00:32
I think that’s what I did. I stay away from the crowd.
Tom Poland 00:35
Folks, Bida helps women entrepreneurs, but you’re not going to miss out if you’re male because the ideas are fairly applicable to us as well. To grow their business faster through visibility, giving them a step by step roadmap. I love that. Double or treble revenue in 90 days without having to do the whole client chasing thing. She’s just so you know that there’s a lot of substance behind Bida’s methodology. She’s authored multiple Amazon bestsellers who’s featured in Forbes Magazine-France as a woman of influence, nominated as one of the 100 top global woman entrepreneurs to be inspired in 2023 and featured on the cover of the world’s leading magazine is one of the world’s most inspiring women leaders just last year. So pretty, phenomenal resume there. Bida a lot to live up to, but I’m sure you’re going to deliver. We’re going to kick off with a title, which is, How to Grow your Confidence to Boost Your Business Faster. Seven minutes starts now. Question number one is, who’s your ideal client?
Biba Pedron 01:38
Well, my ideal clients are really women and especially women solo entrepreneur, because usually they are, whether it’s in France, in the US, women are kind of scared of visibility and they want business and they do whatever they like, they’re passionate about, but they didn’t learn before that we have to do marketing. So I show them how to be more visible and get the right mindset and everything in order to make sure that they turn the passion into profit.
Tom Poland 02:06
Mindset. That’s a big one. So tell us more about the problem you solve. Is the title we’ve got, Growing your Confidence, is that one of the issues that you deal with? What other issues or obstacles are you helping them with?
Biba Pedron 02:19
Everything comes down to confidence because if they’re not confident, they don’t want to be visible. They don’t want to have the right mindset, they don’t want to have too big a business because they care about what people will say about them. And because of that and because of the confidence they have a tendency, especially women, to undersell themselves. So that’s how I use the mindset so that way I help them to double or triple the revenue because we work first on the mindset before we can work on the marketing.
Tom Poland 02:48
It makes a lot of sense and it’s so often overlooked. Question number three, what are the typical symptoms that your clients are experiencing before they find your solution. What’s going on? I guess there’s a bit of self-doubt, perhaps some self-esteem perhaps, am I good enough? But how else would someone know that they should be reaching out and finding out more about what you do?
Biba Pedron 03:07
Well, because the issue, once again, comes from the confidence, the self-esteem, as you say, the imposter syndrome. But another big issue is because of the confidence, they don’t like the technique, the technology, they don’t like marketing, they don’t like to do the funnel. And we know that today there’s no way to do a business if we don’t have the technology. So I have to bring them the confidence to also say, use the technology, use the funnel, automate your business in order to grow faster.
Tom Poland 03:35
I imagine the other thing is that a lot of them have, we all have it at some level or another, a fear of rejection or a fear of criticism or so on. What will people think? Will I be good enough? And so on. So I would imagine that by getting into the technology, it could liberate a lot of people from that because they’re not always on stage, so to speak.
Biba Pedron 03:55
Yeah. Because if they don’t use the technology today, they’re stuck with few things to do and they’re scared to be on social media because of the visibility. They’re scared to do offers, they’re scared to raise the prices, or they’re scared of so many things that the mistake that they make everything grows up and that’s the reason why they can’t grow the business.
Tom Poland 04:16
So, okay, thank you for that. Question four, we are talking about people who have started their own business, the solopreneurs and so committed to growth. They’re going to be trying things and I imagine that some of the things they’re going to try may not work out so well. So let’s try and help them avoid those mistakes. What would you say are some of the common mistakes that people need to avoid when they’re trying to grow?
Biba Pedron 04:39
Well, first of all to understand that marketing is testing all the time. You can try a lot of things, but there’s also a lot of things that won’t work. And it’s very important that there is a number of strategies, not just one or two. There’s numbers of strategies and they have to find the one that works for them, the one that works for their personality, for the business, for the audience. Because unfortunately today a lot of people say you have to use that strategy because it’s the one of the moment, and it’s not the way that I work. And the thing is, it also goes with charging according to the true value. That’s the big mistake. Once again it comes back to confidence. They don’t understand that they have to understand the confidence, they have to understand the value that they bring to the clients in order to charge. So that’s the biggest mistake because if you charge too low, well of course, once again, you can’t have a profitable business and it comes back to using the funnel, using the automation and everything. It’s marketing and we need to test.
Tom Poland 05:37
Thank you. And when you say selecting the right strategy, the right ones for them. Can you give us a couple examples of what you mean by strategy? Are we talking lead generation strategies or are we talking some sort of business model strategy?
Biba Pedron 05:47
Yeah, for example, I have a woman who comes to me and says, I don’t want to be on social media. Which we know it’s a big thing, but you don’t have to, I know a lot of people are not on social media, but then if you’re not on social media, you have to do something else. It’s not, I don’t like this and I don’t do anything. So, first, for example, you can be not on social media, but be very big on speaking on stage and that’s the main strategy. But it will be better if you use the stage and social media, but some of them don’t want to, right? So it’s not, I don’t like that I don’t do anything. I don’t like that when I have to find the right strategy.
Tom Poland 06:22
It’s also interesting how we all change our preferences. If something’s very successful, we suddenly don’t mind doing that because it’s putting more clients into my business and more dollars in the bank account. Thank you for that. Question six, where can people find more about what you do? Some sort of giveaway that you’ve got going there? A URL please.
Biba Pedron 06:41
Yeah, so my free ebook is a five-step to launch your own online business without tech overwhelm. The link is bibapedron.com/fivestep-two-online-business.
Tom Poland 06:55
Thank you. So, folks, if you’re listening to this just once, if you’re watching the video, it’ll be underneath the video. But Biba, B-I-B-A, Pedron, P-E-D-R-O-N.com and then the slash number five steps
Biba Pedron 07:09
Number five steps.
Tom Poland 07:10
to online business with the dash in between, five steps.
Biba Pedron 07:13
In between words.
Tom Poland 07:14
Online business, go get it. Perfect. Thank you very much for that. Last question, real quick, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t ?
Biba Pedron 07:22
Reason why I want to help women? And the answer is because my motto is I do what I want, when I want, where I want, with who I want, making sure that money is not an issue. And what I want the most is for women to create their own economy, to be independent through their business and realize their passion and help other people and transform other people’s lives. Like it’ll transform their life and their own business will transform their life.
Tom Poland 07:47
And the energy and passion comes across as you say it.
Biba Pedron 07:50
Tom Poland 07:51
So once again, Biba, thank you so much for your time and your insights and distillation of wisdom. Folks, www.bibapedron.com/5steps-to-online-business. Go get it. Thank you.
Tom Poland 08:07
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