- Learn how to shift from traditional sales tactics to a structured approach that fosters authentic, human-centered conversations, increasing conversions and team confidence.
- Discover practical strategies for creating a purpose-driven sales culture for lasting impact.
- Uncover the secrets behind harmonizing short-term sales goals with long-term pipeline strategies.
- Unlock your revenue potential today! Click here: www.revenue-bydesign.com
Are your sales teams struggling with low engagement, poor conversions, and ineffective leadership? Without the right leadership and frameworks, these challenges persist, leaving teams frustrated and unmotivated.
A 25+-year sales veteran and executive, Dionne Mejer leverages her superpower of a recovering perfectionist and people-pleaser to teach leaders and sales professionals how to have Sales with Soul™! Clients see increases in conversion rates, closing rates, quality conversations, sales rep confidence, appointments set, and so much more! She’s the author of The Stepped Approach and a highly sought after speaker.
In this episode, Dionne shares a transformative, step-by-step approach to sales training, combining workshops, coaching, and leadership development to build sustainable structures. Her proven methods improve team confidence, foster authentic client connections, and align short-term goals with long-term success.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:33 – Dionne’s ideal client: They are typically B2B organizations, about 80 million and under working at a leadership level as well as working with teams that wanna get better.
- 02:48 – The problem she helps solve: The problem we’re truly solving is employee engagement as well as lack of effective leadership and structure.
- 03:51 – Symptoms of the problem: A lot of what we see is simply a lack of clarity.
- 07:25 – Dionne’s Valuable Free Action [VFA]: Involve your team in creating a team purpose statement.
- 08:38 – Her Valuable Free Resources [VFR]: Unlock Your Revenue Potential Today! Click here: www.revenue-bydesign.com
- 09:25 – Q: What’s the typical feedback from the engagements we do? A: Our leaders tell us, ‘Oh gosh, I’m really not as good as what I thought I was good at.’ But they go, ‘Huh, I’m not as good at that as I thought I was.’ And their defenses are down because we’re giving them a safe space to get better at something.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Involve your team in creating a team purpose statement.” -Dionne Mejer Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings everyone and welcome to what I think is going to be a rather exciting episode of Marketing The Invisible. I’m Tom Poland, beaming out to you from the sunny Sunshine Coast here in Australia. Joined today by Dionne Mejer. Dionne, very warm good day from down under, where are you hanging out?
Dionne Mejer 00:24
Oh man, I wish I was with you. I am in Southern California, Orange County, California in the US.
Tom Poland 00:31
That’s not too shabby. Where in Southern California?
Dionne Mejer 00:34
We are in Aliso Viejo. So, South Orange County.
Tom Poland 00:38
My favorite place in California is Encinitas just north of, oh my God, there’s just such a great spot. I mean, so close to San Diego, not too far from LA and you’ve got the beach and you’ve got cruise-y cafes. It’s like a seaside town that hasn’t grown up yet. I really like that. So there’s a hot tip for everyone in the US. Get your eyes on Encinitas, California. It’s a lovely spot. Let’s get this back on track, Tom. So, folks, Dionne is a, she’s got three decades of sales experience, both as an executive and as a professional trainer. Her superpower, the core, the DNA, the nucleus is she’s going to help you stop being that sort of perfectionist, people-pleaser type salesperson. And she’s going to flip a switch so that you feel like you are doing sales with soul.
Dionne Mejer 01:32
Tom Poland 01:33
Her trademark term, not mine, Sales with Soul, which I think in itself is an indicator that this could be something quite special. So, what’s the deal? So, what’s happened for our clients is, conversions increase from inquiry to conversation. Closing rates increase. We have quality conversations with people, not sort of just manipulative-arm-twisting conversations, but quality conversations with people with humans. So, confidence goes up for you or your sales team if you have a sales team. Appointments get set more often when we all know that it’s getting the right eyeballs in front of you. That’s 80% of the ball game right there. She’s also the author of the Stepped Approach, which I love the sound of. Don’t give you the whole bundle, just give me step by step by step. And she does a lot of speaking, as well. So, thank God COVID is over. Right? Well, the lockdowns, at least. So, Dionne, the title of this is, How to Successfully Attract Your Dream Clients. Our time is going to start now. Dionne, question number one. Who is your ideal client?
Dionne Mejer 02:33
My ideal clients are typically B2B organizations, about 80 million and under working at a leadership level as well as working with teams that wanna get better.
Tom Poland 02:45
Thank you. And question two, what’s the problem you solve?
Dionne Mejer 02:48
The problem we’re truly solving is employee engagement as well as lack of effective leadership and structure. At the end of the day, it’s always a leadership issue. It is very rarely not a leadership issue. So we’re solving the problem of actually putting guidelines and guardrails on the road for people to follow and setting standards for organizations. And it works every time and everybody up levels into it.
Tom Poland 03:15
So, you mentioned two things there, right at the start, of the answer to that question. One was leadership and the other was structure. And so that structure, when you unpack that, that’s the guardrails and the steps that you’re talking about. Is that right?
Dionne Mejer 03:26
A hundred percent.
Tom Poland 03:28
Okay. So question three then is what’s going on? So, the person who hires you, what’s going on in their business? If you were on the walls of their office looking down, what are some of the things you would be seeing? What are some of the symptoms that you’d be seeing? What kind of tells you that this person needs to be looking for your solution?
Dionne Mejer 03:51
Absolutely. So, a lot of what we see is simply a lack of clarity. My background is B2B Tech SaaS, predominantly professional services. And as an example, a lot of times when organizations are struggling with having a quality conversation between the rep and their client and or prospect and they’re having a horrible discovery call, it can be better. Maybe they’re doing a harbor tour of a demo of their platform instead of truly understanding.
Tom Poland 04:23
So first of all, tapping into that conversation and finding out what their needs are, what they’re struggling with, what solutions they’re looking for before they do the demo. Right?
Dionne Mejer 04:32
A hundred percent. Okay. So we’re really seeing: my numbers are down, my clients aren’t converting, we’re seeing poor engagement, we’re seeing poor conversion numbers, and we’re seeing unhappy employees at the end of the day. That is what we’re coming in to fix. One, at the employee level and then two, at the leadership level.
Tom Poland 04:51
Okay. I’ve got a curveball question for you because I think leaders, sales leaders listening to this will be going, yeah, tick, tick, tick. That’s, a lot of them are going to go, ‘That sounds like us.’ But they would’ve tried stuff before. They would’ve had sales trainers in, they would’ve given their representatives maybe some guide software to work through with clients. They’re either not used or not listening. So you talked before about this really important word called structure. So tell me what’s different about, and we’re talking about the likelihood of the team implementing your recommendations. So let’s unpack the structure a little bit and say, ‘This is why Dionne Mejer’s system might be different for you.’
Dionne Mejer 05:33
Yeah. So a lot of times what I’ll do is I, in addition to doing a workshop and launching a workshop with a team, I then take the leader aside and walk that individual through everything we’re doing, number one. Number two, it’s a lot of coaching, training, consulting, and therapy with the field because we’re not doing a point-in-time solution, right? And saying, we’re harmonizing the tension of making my number today, but I also need to have a pipeline for tomorrow. So that’s really what we’re harmonizing at the end of the day, Tom, is building the structure, building a playbook. So yes, training and upleveling the team in addition to getting the leader to understand how to execute for today while also strategizing for tomorrow, helping them build out a future framework.
Tom Poland 06:23
And how long is your typical engagement with a client then?
Dionne Mejer 06:26
Yep. We’ll engage either at a speaking or workshop level. I’ve also engaged with a three and six-month engagement where maybe we’re onboarding a team or having everybody through bootcamp again.
Tom Poland 06:38
Yeah. And I think that’s the point of difference that I was looking at is that that ongoing structure, sure they might hire you to do an initial talk or initial training, but for the people that really want serious and a significant and long lasting change, it’s that longer term engagement that’s going to bring about those results. Because you’ve got folks, as you know, you’ve got to inspect what you expect. There’s got to be, there’s got to be milestones in place, there’s got to be structures in place, there’s got to be conversations happening about how it’s going and so on. So this is a holistic and a complete package that is, it’s not just done in one session. Let’s skip ahead to question five. I’m going to ask you for a top tip that you can give salespeople and sales leaders. It’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it might just take a step in the right direction. What’s one action they could take?
Dionne Mejer 07:25
Yeah, the one action that I would recommend and everybody loves, that was my hesitation, is, everybody loves. I’ve done this for the last 20 years.
Tom Poland 07:35
Big call.
Dionne Mejer 07:37
Give your team, actually, scratch that. Involve your team in creating a team purpose statement.
Tom Poland 07:46
Say it again. Involve your team in…
Dionne Mejer 07:48
…creating a team purpose statement.
Tom Poland 07:51
Yeah, right. Yeah. This is transformational. I did this once with the sales team about 30 years ago and it worked so well. I never did it again.
Dionne Mejer 07:59
But that’s it. And to your point, I’ve done that with organizations like COVID in the office. They hung it on a banner over the cubicle.
Tom Poland 08:07
Yeah, exactly what I did. Yeah, I had it framed. Yeah, we put it in the foyer of the office. So every time a rep walked through, they saw it. After a while they get banner blindness, but folks, let me just, just underline, this is such a great tip. For me doing this I had a lot of nervousness around it at the sales leader doing this because I felt it was going to be clunky and artificial. People freaking loved it.
Dionne Mejer 08:28
They love it every time. Yeah.
Tom Poland 08:30
So that’s a golden nugget takeaway. 30 seconds left, I’ve got to scamper. Give us a URL people can go to to find out more about what you do, please.
Dionne Mejer 08:38
Yep. Absolutely. You’re going to head over to revenue-bydesign.com.
Tom Poland 08:45
And what will they find there that they can dig into?
Dionne Mejer 08:47
Yep. What we have for you today is a transformational worksheet. It sounds really heavy. It’s literally two pages. Don’t overthink it. And there are seven questions to think through for your structure and five for your leadership.
Tom Poland 09:03
I’ve got it on the screen right now. We manage things, we lead people. Simple opt-in. Nice job. So, that is just to repeat the URL, revenue-bydesign.com. Thank you for that. Last question, 10 seconds left. I have cheated and paused it because I threw a few curveball questions at you here. Just to give you a bit more time. What’s the one question I should’ve asked you but didn’t?
Dionne Mejer 09:25
What’s the typical feedback from the engagements we do?
Tom Poland 09:30
And drum roll? What is it?
Dionne Mejer 09:32
Our leaders tell us, ‘Oh gosh, I’m really not as good as what I thought I was good at.’ But they go, ‘Huh, I’m not as good at that as I thought I was.’ And their defenses are down because we’re giving them a safe space to get better at something. We’re giving them the words.
Tom Poland 09:51
Right. So you’re starting the spotlight on where they can improve, which can be, make some of them feel a bit naked, are we? But then you’re giving them the opportunity. And until you create that awareness of their growth potential, should we put it like that, or AKA where they suck. Yeah. Until they’re aware of that, they’ve got an opportunity to improve it. Right?
Dionne Mejer 10:10
Always. And absolutely. And to your point, your example was spot on, Tom, where leaders go, I feel weird doing a purpose statement. It feels really woohoo from like the, go get up, very concrete, make a number. But again, people love it.
Tom Poland 10:23
And yeah, I was blown away both by how interested the team were in making a contribution and I was also blown away by how proud they were of it. We call it a charter, but it’s the same thing. Dionne, big thanks for the interview. Appreciate it folks, please make sure you get your digital butt over to revenue-bydesign.com and download the transfer on your team guide. Dionne, thanks a lot.
Dionne Mejer 10:47
Thank you, Tom, I appreciate it.
Tom Poland 10:49
Thanks for checking out our Marketing The Invisible podcast. If you like what we’re doing here please head over to iTunes to subscribe, rate us, and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated. And if you want to generate five fresh leads in just five hours then check out www.fivehourchallenge.com.