How to Make $100k in a Day – In Just 7 Minutes with Ann Carden

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  • Learn how to earn substantial fees through small group coaching models that would allow you to scale your expertise while maintaining a personal touch.
  • Discover the power of intimate group settings, where deeper connections and tailored guidance can drive more impactful results for your clients.
  • Explores strategies for seasoned professionals transitioning to coaching, focusing on innovative approaches to maximize value and profitability.



How can seasoned professionals transition into business coaching and still command high fees while serving multiple clients effectively? Many professionals looking to build a profitable coaching practice struggle with balancing scalability and personalization. Without a structured approach, they risk burnout or leaving significant revenue on the table.

Ann Carden is a top business growth expert, marketing and sales strategist, and consultant. Ann has more than forty-three years of business, marketing, and sales experience, with over thirty-four years as an entrepreneur. She has built seven successful businesses (selling five) and is the current owner of two.

In this episode, Ann shares the sweet spot for scaling a coaching business revealing strategies that deliver high-value services in intimate group settings that foster connection, impactful results and achieving sustainable growth.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:50 – Ann’s ideal client: Coaches and consultants, typically in the B2B space. They are excellent at what they do and they want to scale.
  • 02:02 – Problem she helps solve: They’re either stuck in their business revenue and they can’t grow. Or they are stuck in fulfillment and they can’t grow.
  • 03:05 – Symptoms of the problem: They’re getting exhausted with all the things that they’re doing or they’re working too much in their client’s businesses.
  • 04:14 – Mistake her clients make before reaching out to her: They stay on sort of the feast-and-famine-revenue rollercoaster.
  • 05:56 – Ann’s Valuable Free Action [VFA]: One thing that they can do is how can they use a more one-to-many approach?
  • 07:18 – Her Valuable Free Resource [VFR]: Supercharge scaling up your business! Click here:
  • 08:06 – Q:Can anyone do this? A: If you are great at what you do and you really know your stuff, yes you can do it.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“You can still get paid really high fees for a one-to-many. You're talking about small cohorts versus something bigger. When you do that, you can work at a premium level.” -Ann Carden Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings everyone and welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. I’m Tom Poland, beaming out to you from the sunny Sunshine Coast here in Australia. Joined today by Ann Carden. Ann, good day from down under, where are you hanging out?

Ann Carden 00:22
Hello, Tom. I am in the States. I’m in Missouri.

Tom Poland 00:25
Missouri. How’s the weather this time of year?

Ann Carden 00:28
It’s beautiful today. I actually love it. It’s sunny. It’s beautiful.

Tom Poland 00:34
Sunny, clear skies, autumn, right?

Ann Carden 00:36
It is.

Tom Poland 00:38
Right. And we’re having a very wet spring here. But anyway, enough of the climate. Folks, Ann’s specialty is helping coaches and consultants, which if you’re on my email list is probably you. She’s got more than 43 years in marketing. She started when she was two, but it’s not just marketing. So, Anne’s expertise is she can apply a strategic view to business growth, specialty, yes, is marketing and sales. But yeah, 34 years as an entrepreneur on her own. She’s built seven successful businesses. She’s sold five of them. She’s the current owner of two. So, if you’re interested in business growth and what it really takes to get to whatever the next level is for you, then a pretty good chance that this interview is going to be helpful. And the title of the interview is not just intriguing, but it’s also quite compelling. So the title and that has been nominated is, How to Make $100k in a Day. I’m up for that. So let’s start. Absolutely, so folks, there’s going to be some general advice here, but there’s going to be some specific top tips as well. So listen up, we’re going to kick off the seven minutes. That’s going to start now. And who’s your ideal client?

Ann Carden 01:50
My ideal client is coaches and consultants, typically in the B2B space. They are excellent at what they do and they want to scale.

Tom Poland 01:58
And what would you say is the problem that you solve.

Ann Carden 02:02
Most often they are stuck. They’re either stuck in their business revenue and they can’t grow. Or they are stuck in fulfillment and they can’t grow.

Tom Poland 02:10
Oh, that’s interesting. Or could be, yeah, get the trophy. You got both of them. So that whole fulfillment thing you just snuck in there. So, some of your clients are people who are actually doing reasonably well, thank you very much, but they’re just not feeling like they’re fulfilled in their life.

Ann Carden 02:26
Yes, they want to grow their business, but they often feel like if I grow, I will be working more. That’s not the case. Or they don’t know how to leverage things in a way where they can make more money and grow their business and actually get more freedom. So, I help with everything in the business.

Tom Poland 02:44
Interesting. Thanks for that. And question three, what would you say are some of the typical symptoms that your ideal clients are experiencing before they find you? And we’ve talked about the big picture stuff, which is the lack of revenue growth and or the lack of fulfillment. But what else is going on in their business or their lives where someone listening to this could think, yeah, ‘That’s kind of what’s happening for me.’

Ann Carden 03:05
A lot of times they are starting to burn out. They’re getting exhausted with all the things that they’re doing or they’re working too much in their client’s businesses. They don’t see a way to scale really. They can’t take on more work and they don’t want to build a big team. I work mostly with coaches and consultants who want to have a really strong boutique business. They’re not looking to have a multimillion dollar business. They want something more boutique.

Tom Poland 03:30
Okay. But so it sounds like they are the problem that nothing happens. So, there’s that whole feeling that the weight of the world is on their shoulders because if they’re not, and so potential burnout issues, potential issues are working too long and working too hard, but they’ve got something that’s gold. The clients love it. They just need to scale it. Question four is, when these folks wake up one morning and they go, ‘Okay, I need to change.’ It’’s not scalable, I’m booting myself out. My clients love me, but it’s just too much. They’re going to try things. So what if, would you say some of the common mistakes that people make when they’re trying to grow and they’re trying to scale, they’re trying to get more fulfillment? Which is probably never going to work.

Ann Carden 04:14
Yeah. One of the big mistakes that I see more than anything is they stay on sort of the feast-and-famine-revenue rollercoaster. They don’t have a system, they don’t have any kind of marketing system in their business. They’re not consistent in their marketing. So, they get clients, they’re good and then they get busy with fulfillment and then all of a sudden they’re not marketing any longer and things start to go backwards. Or they lose some clients and they’re back down again. The other thing is, often the way they are structuring their business model and their sales process, not just their marketing but their sales process, it’s keeping them stuck in revenue as well. So, one of the things that I help people do is often get paid in full for their clients, which drastically increases their cash flow. Here’s what that would look like. You bring in a $50,000 client and you get paid in full. You only need two of those to have a hundred thousand dollars a month if you did that month after month after month. So it’s a very different model. It’s a very different way of doing things

Tom Poland 05:16
And I’m sure that you’ve got a whole sort of goodies bag of that type of thing. You’ve already given folks an idea which I think could be exceptionally valuable, which is to restructure how you, not just how much you charge but how you get paid. And very often folks when the clients ask you what the price is, it’s simply a matter of telling them the way you want to be paid. And they’ll go, ‘Oh, okay.’ So, let’s go to question five. Do you have another top tip? It’s because we’ve talked a lot about the problem and the mistakes and the symptoms. What else can someone do that it’s probably not going to solve the whole scalability issue or the whole fulfillment issue, but it might take them another step in the right direction.

Ann Carden 05:56
Yeah. One thing that they can do is how can they use a more one-to-many approach? And a lot of consultants and coaches don’t want to use this because they’re not looking to do cookie-cutter kind of coaching. They don’t want to work with a hundred clients. Again, they want to work at a higher level, higher touch. But what I always tell them is you can still get paid really high fees for a one-to-many. It’s just a one-to-many might mean one-to-six or a one-to-eight. You’re talking about small cohorts versus something bigger. And so when you do that, you can work at a premium level. Retreats is another way you can scale with retreats where you’re bringing in people at really high fees. There’s so many ways to scale your business, to leverage your time where you’re not giving it all away.

Tom Poland 06:43
And folks to add to that, a lot of people think, well I’m going to coach a group of people, I need to charge less. In fact, very often you can charge more because your participants are enriched by the voices and the experiences of the other people in that group. In other words, the right person for this is the person who appreciates and values the group. So, don’t think you have to drop your fees all of a sudden. So, that’s a great top tip. Aspirational for many folks, I know, but it’s achievable. Let’s give them even more. Where can people go to find out more about how to do all this? A free resource?

Ann Carden 07:18
Yes. I have free whiteboard training that I’ve done. It’s 30 minutes long and I literally walk you through how you can get 50k to a 100k plus months and days and it walks you through the entire process and I can almost bet you will see some gaps that you have where you could do things differently to simplify your business and make more.

Tom Poland 07:42
Where can people go to get that?

Ann Carden 07:44

Tom Poland 07:47 The title there is supercharged scaling up your business ready to unlock 50k to a 100k, months and days. So that’s going to, I think, really fill in a lot of gaps for you folks and thank you for that. Last question. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t.

Ann Carden 08:06
You should have asked me if anyone can do this? The answer is, if you are great at what you do and you really know your stuff, yes you can do it. You just have to restructure things. So many people think they can’t do this, but it’s not true.

Tom Poland 08:21
Yeah. And very often it’s just a matter of, folks, having someone like Ann to guide you through the process, the steps, one step at a time because it can seem like a really big obstacle if you’re going to shift from the one-on-one in the weeds coaching consulting approach to something that’s more scalable. There’s a lot of, well how do I do that questions that come up. And I’m simply pointing this out that you should go to and if it makes more sense, reach out to Ann and find out about what you can do together. And we’re not on any sort of affiliate commission arrangement here. Ann, are we? I’m just interviewing because I think you’re…

Ann Carden 08:56
Just sharing my expertise.

Tom Poland 09:00
The world needs more of Ann Carden. Thank you, Ann. Thanks so much for your time and hopefully folks, you get a lot of value from this interview, but also, Cheers, everyone.

Ann Carden 09:08
Thank you. Thanks Tom.

Tom Poland 09:11
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