- Learn how to become the #1 trusted expert in your industry
- Know the basics you must have in place before you embark on to the journey of creating that profile of you as an authority
- Learn how being the “highest level of good for someone” can benefit your business
- The 5-Minute Authority
- The Video Brain
- FormLift for Infusionsoft Web Forms
- Gary Vaynerchuck’s Book: Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook
Steven Washer helps business owners become valuable experts by broadcasting their authentic inner authority using video. He is the Founder and CEO of Visible Authority, a firm that is internationally known for helping to transform business owners into industry-famous personalities in months rather than years. In addition to his stewardship of Visible Authority, he has 10 years of experience as a field producer for a multi-national manufacturer and 10 years of teaching at the university level. He is also the author of The Video Brain, a primer on the use of video in business and marketing for non-video professionals.
In this episode of Marketing the Invisible, Steven and Tom deep dive into how to help business owners become the #1 trusted experts in their industry.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:01 – Steven Washer as the founder of Visible Authority
- 02:41 – his ideal client is a person who’s heart is on their sleeve, their head is on the clouds and their brain is on permanent overdrive
- 03:18 – problems that Steven solve for his clients who lost their mojo in moving their business online
- 03:51 – typical symptoms people experience having done the marketing pretzel thing, having lost their mojo, having felt like giving up
- 05:06 – common mistakes that people make when trying to get their mojo back and be more authentic
- 07:00 – Steven’s Valuable Free Action (VFA)
- 09:05 – Steven’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): The 5-Minute Authority
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“All the mistakes stem from a common problem and that's based on a kind of neediness and that can make them flip from one tactic kind of desperately into another not understanding really how that tactic wants to be used.” -Steven… Share on X