- Know how to get everything you want from your business using a system
- Learn how to establish a self-managing business that is high performing
- Learn how having a system help your break your revenue glass ceiling
Alexander Celie is an entrepreneur and CEO of TRACTION10, a company that is dedicated to helping entrepreneurial leaders clarify, simplify and achieve their vision. He is also a full time Certified EOS® Implementer in Europe service six countries helping entrepreneurs get what they want by building a self-managing business with EOS®.
In this episode of Marketing the Invisible, Alexander talks about how he helps business owners and their leadership teams gain more traction in their business while laying a strong foundation for scaling-up the business towards its true potential.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 00:39 – Alexander Celie as a revenue barrier specialist and as a Certified EOS® Implementer
- 01:50 – Alexander describes his ideal clients
- 02:07 – problems that Alexander solve for his clients who struggle with execution and getting traction into their business
- 03:22 – symptoms his clients experience with their company control, lack of profit and breaking through the revenue ceiling
- 04:30 – common mistakes his clients do when trying to fix the problem
- 05:30 – Alexander’s Valuable Free Action (VFA)
- 06:20 – Alexander’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): www.traction10.com/MTI
- 07:17 – Alexander’s Valuable Free TIP (VFT): Do not try to make a mix of all kinds of system.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“People issues are 85% of the issue that you see in businesses. ”-@AAcelie Share on X
“ Start to implement in your leadership team the discipline of identifying your issue, discussing the issue and solving the issue. ” -@AAcelie Share on X
“Do not try to make a mix of all kinds of system. Because that will just make your world more complex and just does not work. ” -@AAcelie Share on X