- Find out how you can love marketing again by doing it your way while guaranteeing better sales
- Understand why creating an experience for your audience as your first step is crucial
- Learn the importance of focusing on being better than doing more for your marketing
- Want to know what’s your content personality? Click here: joyfulbusinessrevolution.com/quiz
Do you want to create content that magnetizes your message and simplifies your marketing?
You’ll end up exhausting yourself if you just try to do and be more, especially if you’re not working with the right marketing strategy. To maximize your potential, magnetize your message, and gain continuous sales without stress, it is crucial to first energetically align yourself with your marketing. And you can do it through the psychology of selling.
Amy Hager is the marketing mentor at the Joyful Business Revolution and helps coaches, consultants, and service-based business owners create organic marketing that you enjoy and that gets conversations started that leads to sales.
Grab a drink and sit in with Amy as she talks about the psychology of selling so that you can align your marketing with your energy and your message! She shares how you can become more visible online and turn your engagement into sales without being or doing more.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:02 – Amy’s ideal client: Coaches, consultants, or service-based business owners, and I think, the key is who have already a strong referral business.
- 02:29 – The problem she helps solve: So a lot of times, what we hear is, “I hate my marketing. I’m not good at marketing. It’s a chore. I want someone else to do it.” So we’re really helping you solve that problem of finding marketing and a marketing strategy that feels good to you.
- 03:14 – The symptoms of the problem: Your referrals are so strong but maybe not as frequent as they used to be. So you do need to step up the income one way or another. Tried marketing, but as I said, you don’t like it.
- 04:16 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Amy: So a lot of times, it really is the feeling that they need to be more visible. They need to be more places.
- 04:55 – Amy’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): When you’re thinking about the messaging that you’re creating and the content you’re creating, you need to create an experience. That is the very first step of the psychology of messaging and the psychology of sales.
- 07:03 – Amy’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to know what’s your content personality? Click here: joyfulbusinessrevolution.com/quiz
- 08:36 – Q: What happens when you only tap into one of those things? Will you miss a bigger, wider audience? A: No, because you’re going to tap in deeper and build stronger relationships with your people.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“More is more. We really want to focus on ‘better is better’.” -Amy Hager Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Amy Hager. Amy, a very joyful good day from Down Under. Where are you hanging out?
Amy Hager 00:23
I am in Virginia, just south of Washington, DC.
Tom Poland 00:26
And how is the weather? Are you having heat waves there?
Amy Hager 00:29
We do have the heat wave going on.
Tom Poland 00:32
So what sort of temperature have you been having?
Amy Hager 00:35
I would say high 80s, 90s, but like that super muggy, humid. As soon as you walk out the door, it’s just like, “Ugh”.
Tom Poland 00:43
So if it’s Celsius, you’re looking at the high 30s, which is if you’ve combined that with humidity, it’s sapping. Alright! We won’t get into global climate change, I don’t think, because we only have seven minutes. It could take a bit longer. Folks, I gave Amy a joyful introduction because she’s the marketing mentor at Joyful Business Revolution. She helps coaches, consultants, service-based businesses, and people like you and me, create organic marketing. And I like this! So organic marketing is going to be the sort of marketing you enjoy. You wake up in the morning, and you go out, “Oh, goody! I can do this thing.” And that’s organic marketing. She shows people how to do that and uses that to get conversations started that lead to inquiries into sales and new clients. So it’s pretty cool. There’s a dollop of authenticity in here because it’s stuff you want to do. It’s an expression of who you are and your experiences, and you’re helping people along the way. Plus, you’re getting some clients out of it! So let’s get into it. The title is, official title is– drum roll– “How to Magnetize Your Message and Use the Psychology of Selling to Engage with New Clients”. Amy, our seven minutes is going to start just as soon as I find the app. It’s disappeared. Here we go! Our seven minutes start now. Question number one, who’s your ideal client?
Amy Hager 02:02
As you said, coaches, consultants, or service-based business owners, and I think, the key is who have already a strong referral business.
Tom Poland 02:09
Okay, so you’re good at what you do, so if people are going to be referring. Your clients are going to be referring other people to you.
Amy Hager O2:16
Yeah, and so you’re usually looking at expanding outside of the referrals with your own marketing.
Tom Poland 02:21
Right. Okay, so you want to add another stream over and above the referrals? So tell us about the problem you solve, then? That’s question two.
Amy Hager 02:29
Yeah. So a lot of times, what we hear is, “I hate my marketing. I’m not good at marketing. It’s a chore. I want someone else to do it.” So we’re really helping you solve that problem of finding marketing and a marketing strategy that feels good to you. And unfortunately, it’s not something that I can just give you a template or framework. We’ve got to dive in playfully experiment, and really uncover what energetically aligns best for you.
Tom Poland 02:54
Okay, thank you for that! Very succinct and articulate. Question three is your ideal clients, before they find you and start working with you, what would you say is going on in their business or their mind or their life that would kind of give them a heads up that they should be reaching out to you? Typical symptoms they’re going through before they engage with you as a client.
Amy Hager 03:14
Your referrals are so strong but maybe not as frequent as they used to be. So you do need to step up the income one way or another. Tried marketing, but as I said, you don’t like it. You don’t feel you’re good at it. It’s not working, and it’s not landing. And I think the other symptom usually has to be something along the lines of, “I’m starting to burn out because I feel like I’m doing all the things” and it’s kind of just winging it, or throwing spaghetti at the wall. And, maybe you’ve got five or six social media accounts, plus your email, plus a podcast. And so really, you’re trying everything, but none of it is working.
Tom Poland 03:53
Yeah, you’re doing things. You’re just not seeing the results. So you’ve mentioned a few things there– more social media accounts, more posts, perhaps, and things like that burning yourself out. Question four is, are there any other mistakes that you see that are kind of like a pattern that people have made? They tell you that this is what I tried, and they just wish they’d know what you know now, so they could have avoided those mistakes. What else are they doing that is probably not going to work for them?
Amy Hager 04:16
So a lot of times, it really is the feeling that they need to be more visible. They need to be in more places. More is more. We really want to focus on ‘better is better’. And the big mistake is that more is more.
Tom Poland 04:30
Right. So it’s thinking that it’s a volume game when it’s really more about, perhaps, focus on engagement. Yeah, and what more of a laser focus? So can you drill down a little bit on– this may be a good time to give folks a top tip, which is just question five. What does better and better look like? What can people do to shift from more and more to better and better?
Amy Hager 04:55
When you’re thinking about the messaging that you’re creating and the content you’re creating, you need to create an experience. That is the very first step of the psychology of messaging and the psychology of sales. You need to take people through this cycle. So step one is experience. And that’s how they’re experiencing your content, whether it’s written, video, audio, live (in person), or whatever it may be. But then they flow into the subconscious decision-making of “Do I like this person? Do I like what they’re saying? Do I trust them? Do I not like them? Am I on the same page? Should I go check my email? What should I eat for dinner tonight?” There’s so much going on in that subconscious decision-making, but we need to flow people into the emotions, whether it’s “Yes”, “No” or “Hmm, I could come back”. Once you get to their emotions, they’re going to take some action. So they’re either getting out of here because they don’t like you. Or they are going to go check your email or their email, but they may come back. Or they’re going to fall forward and take some sort of action, whether it’s scheduling a call with you attending your workshop, commenting below, or something along those lines. So when you experience, get through the subconscious decision making, get them into the emotional state for them to make a decision and flow them into the “take action”. That is the psychology of messaging and sales.
Tom Poland 06:09
And you’re saying that it all starts with giving people an experience. And if we drill down that even a bit more, what does that look like? Does it trap the story? An analogy?
Amy Hager 06:20
To be honest, it can be a lot of things. And I know it’s kind of late. We only got seven minutes, so it could be a sales call. It could be a workshop. It could be a blog post that you’ve written, maybe an email, maybe a video, right? Some way that they’re experiencing you.
Tom Poland 06:33
Kind of like a first date experience, to find out if we like each other, if we connect if we click– that’s the experience. Perfect! Thank you. That makes a lot of sense. And also people are up for that sort of immersive experience. So I guess they’re signaling that they’re pretty intent on solving the problem that you can help them with. Let’s give people even more resources, just under two minutes left. Question six is a valuable free resource. Where can we direct people to find out more about your work and how to solve this problem?
Amy Hager 07:03
So when you’re in that experience phase, it is really important to be energetically aligned with your ideal content creation because that is the best way for you to communicate with somebody. And so there is a quiz. It’s called, The Content Personality Quiz. You can take it on our website. There are five content personality types you can be– live (in person), video, visual, audio, or written. You are the only one. And you may think you’re one, but take the quiz, answer those questions intuitively, and see what you get. And then I challenge you– create your content and create experiences by only using that content personality type. And let the rest go. And stop all of the things.
Tom Poland 07:46
Folks, this is really interesting. And what I love about it is it’s aligning the way you were born to communicate with your marketing. And so that’s why it’s going to feel like it’s a glove fitting onto a hand. And that’s why you’re going to enjoy it. And that’s why you’re going to do it because you enjoy it because it’s you. So, folks, go to www.joyfulbusinessrevolution.com. On the homepage there, you’ll see what’s your content personality. And if that does change, it’s /quiz, if you want to get straight there. So joyfulbusinessrevolution.com/quiz. Well, just go to the homepage. Video, live (in person), visual, written, audio– which is your marketing medium because that’s the one you need to tap into and focus on. This is brilliant stuff! We’ve got 15 seconds left, Amy. Plenty of time! What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Amy Hager 08:36
What happens when you only tap into one of those things? Will you miss a bigger, wider audience? No, because you’re going to tap in deeper and build stronger relationships with your people.
Tom Poland 08:46
Perfect! Amy Hager, thank you so much for your time and those very valuable insights. Cheers!
Amy Hager 08:51
Thanks, Tom!
Tom Poland 08:53
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