Are You Running Your Business or Is Your Business Running You? – In Just 7 Minutes with Greg Benson

Check out episode
  • Understand what might be the reasons why you’ve been feeling frustrated over your business
  • Find out how to make sure you are running your business instead of your business running you
  • Learn why honesty and having one vision as a business is crucial in ensuring your business is at the right track towards growth


  • Wanting to Know How to Implement EOS Into Your Business and Avoid All the Unnecessary Frustrations? Find out if EOS is really for you and your business:


Have you been feeling frustrated with your business and feel like it’s just going nowhere/

Do you want to know more about EOS and how it can be the answer to all your business frustrations?

Are you ready to find out the magic of EOS and bring less stress to your life and more clients and profits to your business?

Greg Benson is an EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) implementer with over 25 years of experience helping entrepreneurial leaders to get what they want out of their business and out of life.

In this episode, Greg shares how EOS can help you get the most out of your business and profits while working with less stress, less time, and more control. He also talks about what are the common problems that you might be experiencing and how it might be your calling to try EOS that can guarantee you the best!

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:37 – Greg’s ideal client: “My ideal client is entrepreneurial leadership teams. They need to be open and honest, open with themselves and each other.”
  • 01:57 – Problem Greg helps solve: “I help entrepreneurial leadership teams solve their vision, traction, and healthy problems. So let me describe that for you. When I say vision, what I mean is helping to get that leadership team and the entire organization crystal clear on where they’re going, and how they’re going to get there.”
  • 03:37 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Greg: “Some of the symptoms or biggest problems that they have is going to be a lack of control. We talked about lack of control, what I mean is lack of control of their time, of the market, or their company.”
  • 05:11 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Greg’s solution: “There’s a bunch of them. But let me give you two of the biggest ones. Number one is thinking they can work harder and longer. The problem is that there’s a bandwidth issue.”
  • 06:32 – Greg’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “We call it ‘the journey’. So maybe their first step in this journey is simply to go to my website Schedule a chat with me.”
  • 07:19 – Q: Why do you love implementing EOS? A: I’ve been in the business world for 40+ years, and I’ve seen a lot of things. But what I’ve found with EOS is a system, a complete system, that’s simple and works.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“As goes your leadership team, so goes the rest of the organization.” -Greg Benson Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to you from little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Greg Benson. Greg, good day. Sir, a very warm welcome from down under. Where are you located?

Greg Benson 00:23
I’m located in Arlington, Texas and it is a good warm welcome because it’s about 99 degrees Fahrenheit here.

Tom Poland 00:31
That’s about 45 degrees Celsius, I think, which is extremely hot! So you haven’t already hit full yet, by the sound of it?

Greg Benson 00:39
No, we haven’t.

Tom Poland 00:39
Still making out the summer. Well, enjoy it, if you possibly can. I hope you got aircon. Folks, for those of you who haven’t heard of Greg, he’s an EOS specialist. That’s Entrepreneurial Operating System specialist. He’s implemented and he’s got over 25 years of experience helping entrepreneurial leaders gain traction in their business, rather than spinning your wheels actually moving forward. I know the system well enough to validate its efficacy. It’s a really thoroughly well-thought-out system. And I’ve seen the results in various clients, their businesses over many years, they actually do get traction and direction and focus. And it’s a very- I love the timeframe of accountability and review based on implementing a clear plan. So that’s what Greg is all about! The title today is called, “Are You Running Your Business or Is Your Business Running You?” And Greg’s going to share with us in the next seven minutes all about that. So, Greg, our time starts now. Question number one, sir, is, who is your ideal client?

Greg Benson 01:37
Yes, my ideal client is entrepreneurial leadership teams. They need to be open and honest, open with themselves and each other. They need to be growth-oriented, typically 10 to 250 employees and privately held.

Tom Poland 01:53
Perfect! Thank you, sir. Question number two is what’s the problem you solve for them?

Greg Benson 01:57
Well, I help entrepreneurial leadership teams solve their vision, traction, and healthy problems. So let me describe that for you. When I say vision, what I mean is helping to get that leadership team and the entire organization crystal clear on where they’re going, and how they’re going to get there. And with attraction, what I mean by that, is I help get the entire organization, starting with the leadership team, more disciplined and accountable and executing towards that vision. And finally, healthy. Tom, you and I have plenty of gray hairs. We’ve seen this before. But many times leaders in an organization don’t work well together. With EOS, what we do is help to get those leaders into a leadership team that’s cohesive, functional, open, and honest with each other. Because what we found is that as goes your leadership team, so goes the rest of the organization. We get to a point where everyone in the organization is crystallized on that vision, laser focus on. Everywhere you look, the people are disciplined and accountable and executing towards that vision. It’s like they’re gaining more traction every day. And finally, it’s just a much more open, honest, cohesive place, even a fun-loving place to work that makes more money.

Tom Poland 03:14
The transformation of the culture. And what I love about it is you’ve got this team now heading in the same direction rather than pulling against each other. That’s one of the big features that I’ve noticed. Greg, tell us- thank you for that. Question three, we’ve got five minutes left. What are some of the typical symptoms that a leader in an organization is going to be noticing it’s going on, that’s going to kind of give them the heads up that they need to be reaching out to you?

Greg Benson 03:37
Yeah, some of the symptoms or biggest problems that they have is going to be a lack of control. We talked about lack of control, what I mean is lack of control of their time, of the market, or their company. Instead of them controlling their business, their businesses controlling them. Another one is what we call the “people problem”. And business would be wonderful if it weren’t for people! Well, especially in entrepreneurial growth-oriented companies, what you find is that they’re frustrated with their employees, with their customers, with their vendors, and even with their partners. You know, they don’t seem to understand that they don’t get it. They don’t follow through. They’re not on the same page. Another one is- we’ll call it “lack of profit”. They’re working way too hard for way too little. You see, another one would be they’ve hit the ceiling. No matter what they seem to try, they just can’t seem to break through to the next level. And so they’re stuck and they’re confused and they don’t know what to do. And the final one is, what I like to call, “nothing’s working”. They’ve tried everything and they’ve read the latest book, okay. And it works for a while but doesn’t stick. And as a result, their staff gets numb to new initiatives. And so they’re really, now, just spinning their wheels. They need to be able to stop and get traction.

Tom Poland 04:55
Got it! Thank you. Great description. Question four, we’ve got three and a half minutes left. We’re looking at some good-sized organizations that are growth orientated. They’re going to try stuff. You’ve mentioned buying the books, going to the latest seminar, maybe? What are some of the common mistakes that you’ve seen folks make before they find your solution?

Greg Benson 05:11
Yeah, well, there’s a bunch of them. But let me give you two of the biggest ones. Number one is thinking they can work harder and longer. The problem is that there’s a bandwidth issue. There’s a capacity issue in their business and in their personal life. You know, there’s only so hard and long that you can work before you get, either, you overload or you have a failure. And, personally, I hope it’s a failure in their business and not in their personal life. The other aspect of that is that if they work longer and harder, they’re probably going to be doing more of the things they shouldn’t be doing in the first place, and they should be delegating and working with their teams. So that’s number one. The second one is what I like to call the “new great idea book”. Now, you know, Tom, I know you, you’re a person that really seeks wisdom. And there are a lot of great books that have been written. And it seems like every month there’s a new book that comes out. A great book! A very good book. We also know that there’s nothing new under the sun. What we’re going to need is things that have a complete system that’s simple, that works?

Tom Poland 06:20

Greg Benson 06:20
That’s what I’ve come to do in EOS.

Tom Poland 06:22
Thank you, sir. Just under two minutes left. Question five, one valuable free action. So it’s like a top tip. Give an idea that’s going to move people forward, won’t solve the whole problem, but it might be a step in the right direction?

Greg Benson 06:32
Well, in EOS, we call it “the journey”. So maybe their first step in this journey is simply to go to my website Aprende means learn. I help businesses learn a new way of doing business, okay? Schedule a chat with me. All we’re going to do is talk and see if EOS and I might be right with them. If there’s some kind of manager, you know, and while supplies last, I’ve got a number of books by Gino Wickman, the book, “Traction”. I’d love to send them to them for free.

Tom Poland 07:00
Fantastic! Thank you, sir. So that’s A-P-R-E-N-D-E, Go get it there, folks. You can book a consultation and grab yourself a free book while you do that. We’ve got 60 seconds left, Greg. Question number seven, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?

Greg Benson 07:19
Tom, this may sound a little cheesy, and I hope the audience will forgive me. But you would ask, “Greg, why do you love implementing EOS?” And here’s why. You know, I’ve been in the business world for 40+ years, and I’ve seen a lot of things. But what I’ve found with EOS is a system, a complete system, that’s simple and works. And so what I love doing is working with entrepreneurial leadership teams to help them get with one of their businesses. Not everybody wants the same thing, but I can help them get what they want with EOS. It’s complete, simple, and works.

Tom Poland 07:53
I think the nice thing about EOS is that the structure and the framework and the knowledge that you apply actually make success more inevitable than anything else. Greg Benson, thank you so much for your time, your insights, and for sharing so generously.

Tom Poland 08:07
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