Become an Undeniable Brand – In Just 7 Minutes with Robby D’Angelo

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  • Discover how to make a greater impact, become undeniable, and overcome the limit
  • Learn the importance of your mental operating system and how to get unstuck from the feeling of being stuck
  • Find out what that missing piece is to help you find purpose in your actions and get you to the next level


  • Wanting to Learn How You Can Be Undeniable and Make a Greater Impact? Find out how to be the brand everyone wants and achieve more than you’ve ever had:


Have you been itching to go take that next step in achieving greater things but end up getting those “What if” moments?

Are you always working hard, doing so many things all at once, and making progress but end up with more stress and faster burnout?

Do you want to know how you can do more, be more, and make more with only the right mentality?

Robby D’Angelo is a best-selling author, international speaker, and mental optimization coach.

In this episode, Robby talks about the importance of our mental system and how you can change your mindset to stop it from holding you back from what you want to achieve. He also shares his insights on how to substitute the “work harder” mentality with a different one that will guarantee you better results in a shorter amount of time with no burnout.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:08 – Robby’s ideal client: “My ideal client is really anyone who knows they’re meant for more, knows that there’s something holding them back from achieving their next level of success.”
  • 01:23 – Problem Robby helps solve: “The problem that I really address is upgrading the mental operating system, which is the limiting beliefs or what’s really holding you back from achieving everything you’ve ever wanted.”
  • 01:46 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Robby: “You know, the common thing that I hear so much, even though I hate this language, is, “I just feel stuck”. You know, “I’m spinning my tires in the mud. I can’t seem to get ahead. No matter how hard I work, no matter what I do, no matter what I try, I just never feel like I’m really getting to that next level of my life.”
  • 03:19 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Robby’s solution: “The “Work harder” mentality is probably the number one thing that I see with most people that I run into. They’re burnout, and they have no energy left. I talk about your battery, as far as how much energy you have to put in the world.”
  • 04:05 – Robby’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “One of the biggest things that I get people doing right off the bat is just taking action. I find that action breeds clarity. And a lot of times when you’re feeling stuck, or you’re missing that piece that you’re looking for to achieve the next level.”
  • 05:35 – Robby’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Robby’s Website:
  • 06:24 – Q: Why can’t people do this by themselves? A: I get that all the time! “Like why do I need a coach?”, “Why do I need a mentor?”, or “Why do I need some help in this?” And a lot of times what I see when I work with high achievers and successful people, it’s what you don’t see in the mirror that holds you back.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“My challenge to people out there to really grab life by the horns and to accept the call that's in their soul to go do something great in this world.” -Robby D’Angelo Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to you from little Castaways Beach here in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Robby D’Angelo. Robby, good day. Sir, a very warm welcome! Where are you hanging out?

Robby D’Angelo 00:23
I’m actually from Tampa, Florida!

Tom Poland 00:25
Tampa, Florida! Right across the other side of the US. When we flew to LA and then get another big silver bird and head on your way. How’s the weather right now? Coming out of spring, right?

Robby D’Angelo 00:35
Well, the weather’s beautiful.

Tom Poland 00:36

Robby D’Angelo 00:36
We’re actually transitioning from summer to fall. But here in Tampa, Florida, it seems like it’s summer year-round.

Tom Poland 00:41
Yeah, I know. It’s similar to where we live. Why would you live anywhere else? Okay, so for those of you who don’t know Robby, he’s a best-selling author, international speaker, and he’s a mental optimization coach. And we all know that nothing happens in the outer world that’s sustainable and successful until something happens in the inner world. Rob is going to share with us how to become an undeniable brand. Very interesting! Robby, our seven minutes starts now. Sir, question number one, who is your ideal client?

Robby D’Angelo 01:08
My ideal client is really anyone who knows they’re meant for more, knows that there’s something holding them back from achieving their next level of success.

Tom Poland 01:15
Right. Perfect! Thank you. And so that’s a little what we’re already about. Question number two is what is the problem you solve? But do you want to share a bit more on that?

Robby D’Angelo 01:23
Yeah, the problem that I really address is upgrading the mental operating system, which is the limiting beliefs or what’s really holding you back from achieving everything you’ve ever wanted.

Tom Poland 01:32
Perfect! So question three, and we’ve got six and a half minutes left. Charging through it! What are some of the typical symptoms that people are going to be experiencing who have this problem? What’s going on in their life or their business where they think, “Yeah, I need to find out more about becoming undeniable”?

Robby D’Angelo 01:46
Right. You know, the common thing that I hear so much, even though I hate this language, is, “I just feel stuck”. You know, “I’m spinning my tires in the mud. I can’t seem to get ahead. No matter how hard I work, no matter what I do, no matter what I try, I just never feel like I’m really getting to that next level of my life.” That’s really probably the number one thing that I see. But there’s also that person that’s working their butt off, and they’re achieving success, but they’re not having a fulfilment. You know, you and I both know, you can have all the monetary success, and you can build this incredible business. But unless you’re truly fulfilled and happy at the end of the day, you know there’s that missing piece. So that’s really the other side of what I do in my business.

Tom Poland 02:24
Very interesting! So you got the folks that don’t seem to be getting ahead. And you’ve got the folks that are actually doing quite well from looking on from the outside but are lacking that sense of fulfillment and happiness, perhaps. Thanks for that, sir! A sub-question, do you find with the first category, they’ll often say to you, “You know, I see people out there seem to be doing really well. And I don’t think they’re quite as good as I am. So like, how come?” Do you have that?

Robby D’Angelo 02:47
Oh, you mean the comparison thing?

Tom Poland 02:49
Yeah, the comparison thing! Yeah.

Robby D’Angelo 02:51
Absolutely! I see that all the time. And a lot of times, like the entrepreneurs and executives I work with, they’re missing a few mental tweaks. They’re missing a few, maybe, systems and processes that we can put in place to help them work more effectively and efficiently.

Tom Poland 03:05
I love the way you covered both of those things in that one sentence– the mental tweaks and the processes and systems. Two wings of the same bird! So let’s go on then, question four, just under five minutes left. What are some of the common mistakes that your clients tell you they made before they found your solution?

Robby D’Angelo 03:19
The “Work harder” mentality is probably the number one thing that I see with most people that I run into. They’re burnout, and they have no energy left. I talk about your battery, as far as how much energy you have to put in the world. And a lot of times, they’re just drained. They’re working so hard. They’re so intense that that battery is just gone! I see that a lot. But I also see a lot of people that are drowning in priorities. Where they have so much going on and have taken so much in their life. And they have all these priorities that they have to deal with daily, that they’re just drowning in them and they can’t ever get their head above water.

Tom Poland 03:50
Wow! Okay, thank you, sir. Question five, and we’ve got four minutes left, one valuable free action. Can you wheel out your top tip to help these folks, not solve the whole issue, they might need to find out more about working with you for that, but it might take them a step in the right direction?

Robby D’Angelo 04:05
One of the biggest things that I get people doing right off the bat is just taking action. I find that action breeds clarity. And a lot of times when you’re feeling stuck, or you’re missing that piece that you’re looking for to achieve the next level. It’s because you’ve tried all these different things and you feel stuck because you just literally stop trying things and you stop taking action. So one of the biggest things that I get people to do and this is a simple hack that anybody can use is, what’s the smallest thing I can do right now that I’m 100% control over that’ll create a win? And when you create that little small win, you’re like, “Okay, I really do have the confidence to do this.” I start believing in myself again. And then you ask yourself that question again. And you keep asking yourself and let that momentum start compounding. And it’s a beautiful thing to see happen.

Tom Poland 04:48
Can you repeat the question, please? Because I think that’s genius!

Robby D’Angelo 04:51
What’s the smallest thing that I can do right now that I have 100% control over that will create a win?

Tom Poland 04:57
See, the smallest thing is not the biggest thing.

Robby D’Angelo 05:00
Smallest! It may be a phone call. It may be an email. It may be sending a text! Like what’s the smallest thing I can do right now to create a win?

Tom Poland 05:07
So darn clever! Thank you for that. I really think that’s absolute genius! It’s so simple. I can feel the power of the question. So folks, sit down, figure out what is the smallest thing you can do right now that will take you a step forward and do the freaking thing and feel the energy that comes from that to get something maybe a slightly bigger? Okay, so let’s- I’m loving this! Question six, where can people go to find out more? valuable free resource. What have you got that we can send people to so they’re gonna find out more about this? Because people are gonna want to lap this up!

Robby D’Angelo 05:35
So I put out a ton of free content on my social media. It’s just Robby D’Angelo, and I’m sure you’ll spell that out for them. But I just put out a ton of free content there. And also one of my web pages is And it’s just kind of, you know, my challenge to people out there to really grab life by the horns and to accept the call that’s in their soul to go do something great in this world.

Tom Poland 05:57
Perfect! So it’s Robby, R-O-B-B-Y, D’Angelo, D, apostrophe, A-N-G-E-L-O, like the ones in heaven. Thank you, sir! And we’ve got one minute and 45 seconds left. So, by the way, folks, just repeating that URL for those who might be listening to this. That’s Thanks for that, Robby! Lots of resources there and make sure you check out Robby on social media. Question number seven, sir, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t? 90 seconds to answer.

Robby D’Angelo 06:24
The one question you should have asked me is why can’t people do this by themselves? I get that all the time! “Like why do I need a coach?”, “Why do I need a mentor?”, or “Why do I need some help in this?” And a lot of times what I see when I work with high achievers and successful people, it’s what you don’t see in the mirror that holds you back. It’s those subconscious programs that you have that you’re not aware of that are the reasons you keep repeating patterns. It’s the reason you keep, you know, self-sabotaging, or have imposter syndrome and all these cliche words that people are throwing out nowadays, which really just limiting beliefs in disguise. It’s all that is! But, honestly, it’s what you don’t see in the mirror that’s holding people back. And that’s why you need a coach. That’s why you need an outside perspective. That’s why you need someone in your life that can tell you not what you want to hear, but something that you need to hear.

Tom Poland 07:12
Right! And it’s the same reason why most vehicles have three mirrors and not just one. c

Robby D’Angelo 07:17

Tom Poland 07:17
You need someone else to be able to shine the light on you. So for- and, you know, just think of top sports stars, the top performers or the world around, one thing-

Robby D’Angelo 07:24
They all have them!

Tom Poland 07:25
They all have a coach. And, wow! Doesn’t success leave clues? Robby D’Angelo, thank you so much for your time!

Robby D’Angelo 07:32
Absolutely man. It’s been an absolute pleasure. Thank you so much.

Tom Poland 07:35
Thanks for rocking up. Cheers!

Tom Poland 07:37
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