- Get actionable insights on how high-ticket coaches and consultants can generate clients more effectively, without relying on complicated or expensive marketing tactics.
- Learn a straightforward, low-risk approach to marketing, something anyone can implement easily and for free.
- Discover practical, free tools on taking your resources on tour to boost client acquisition.
- Claim your FREE tools: partner discovery cheat sheet, pitch template, a 30-minute training on how to take your best tool on tour. Click here: https://lp.growthtools.com/tom
Tired of feeling invisible in a crowded market despite offering great services? Many high-ticket coaches and consultants pour time into content creation and networking but still struggle to attract clients predictably, leading to financial stress and frustration. Here’s a simple solution that offers a free, easy-to-implement strategy that generates consistent leads and sales calls without the complexity of traditional marketing.
Bryan Harris, a CEO of Growth Tools makes it almost impossible for high ticket coaches to fail at getting new clients by borrowing other people’s audiences.
In this episode, Bryan shares how high-ticket coaches and consultants can generate clients predictably by leveraging their best resources and having others promote them, instead of relying on complex or expensive marketing tactics.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:03 – Bryan’s ideal client: Coaches, people that love working with other humans and helping them achieve the transformation that the coaches received.
- 02:54 – The problem he helps clients with: We help them get clients.
- 04:01 – Symptoms of the problem: Getting clients is a mystery, not math.
- 05:00 – Mistakes clients make before reaching out to him: People will go to Facebook, some version of ads, as their first marketing channel. It’s a terrible first marketing channel.
- 06:00 – Bryan’s Valuable Free Action [VFA]: Take the single best resource, the single best tool you have to coach other people and have other people share it with their list.
- 07:19 – His Valuable Free Resource [VFR]: Claim your Free tools: partner discovery cheat sheet, pitch template, a 30-minute training on how to take your best tool on tour. Click here: https://lp.growthtools.com/tom
- 08:28 – Q: Why did I get into this when I was nine? A: I got into this because somebody paid attention to me and spent time with me and coached me. And I want to do that for other people and I just really enjoy that.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Take your resource on tour and go get 20 other people to share that resource with their list. And you'll generate more sales off that than any other stupid stuff.” -Bryan Harris Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you always from the sunny Sunshine Coast here in Australia. Joined today by Bryan Harris. Bryan, first time on the show, but you and I have done a bit of work together, which is why I’ve invited you here. Welcome back, Sir. Good day. And where are you hanging out?
Bryan Harris 00:25
Thank you for having me. Nashville, Tennessee, a little suburb called Franklin.
Tom Poland 00:30
Why are you in Nashville? I mean, there’s lots of reasons, of course. But were you born there or did you go there for love or music or what?
Bryan Harris 00:37
Yeah, nothing music related. We got married, my wife lived up here. She moved down to where I’m from Mobile, Alabama and hated it. So we moved back.
Tom Poland 00:46
Oh dang. And how do you find it?
Bryan Harris 00:48
Awesome, we’ve been here 17 years and we love it.
Tom Poland 00:50
Oh, okay. Yeah. So you settled in for sure. Okay, well, folks, Bryan is the CEO of Growth Tools, which, and I have to say, Bryan, your marketing stuff is so impressive because I think you really think you understand the market and your value proposition is very similar to ours. But I’m jealous as to the way you’ve presented it, I suppose, which is one of the reasons why I’m delighted to have you on the show. Folks, Growth Tools, the value proposition is quite clever. They say that they make it almost impossible for high-ticket coaches and consultants to fail at getting new clients from other people’s audiences. So as I said, it’s a variation of the theme. And Bryan, some people are going to ask me, ‘Well, why did you have a competitor on the show?’ We like to have competitors on the show because, yes, they are competitors and I’m not sort of thinking that some of my folks probably buy from Bryan, but you have to celebrate diversity. And everyone has different styles and different ways of doing things. And my style is probably a bit plodding for some people, to be honest with you. So that’s why I like to share with people who are doing something similar but in a different way. So Bryan, let’s kick off. I’m going to talk less now and ask you to talk a bit more. Question number one, Sir, who’s your ideal client?
Bryan Harris 02:03
Coaches, people that love working with other humans and helping them accomplish, helping them realize and like to achieve the transformation that the coaches received, right? So if your marriage sucks and now it’s great, you want to give that to other people. If your finances were a disaster and now they’re not, you want to give that to other people. If you’ve overcome trauma and you had trauma, now you’ve overcome it. You want to give that to other people. Like that’s what a coach is. I have been affected drastically in my life. My coaches and I love helping other coaches.
Tom Poland 02:31
Nice. So there’s a lovely alignment there between the personal transformation that you’ve had and perhaps your clients have had and passing that forward to their clients. So we are talking about a market that’s by and large, a caring market. They want to see a transformation, they want to make a difference in their clients’ lives. And you and I both know they’re pretty good with people. So what’s the problem you solve?
Bryan Harris 02:54
We help them get clients. They care about people. They know how to help people, but they suck at marketing in sales.
Tom Poland 03:00
So they probably feel like they’re the world’s best kept secret. When they get a client on board, the client’s delighted to be working with them.
Bryan Harris 03:10
Yeah. And right now their marketing plan is like the RAM marketing plan. It’s just random acts of marketing, yeah. Referrals and random content and stuff like that. But like there’s no cohesive simple sales and marketing channel that produces clients. They don’t have that, right?
Tom Poland 03:22
There’s no predictability about client generation and there’s probably no scalability, but they tend to not mind going to business, networking, meeting, and trade shows and so on and handing business cards out. But they probably feel like others, the proverbial blind screw in the forest, finding an acorn once in a while.
Bryan Harris 03:38
That’s right. They tend to work their butts off. They’re not lazy, but they just don’t sell themselves on marketing. Not that they don’t really care about it. But they do want clients.
Tom Poland 03:47
They are motivated individuals. So other than feeling like they’re invisible in the marketplace, what are some of the other symptoms that they would be experiencing, which would give them a bit of a heads up, they should find out more about your work.
Bryan Harris 04:01
Yeah, like getting clients is a mystery, not math. It feels like this big mysterious box. You need to hire Alex or Mosey or Neil Patel or some person to help you with. If you were just like them, you could win. It’s like no, that’s not the thing. And maybe like you produce content all the time, like you post on social media and write blogs and emails and podcasts and YouTube shows. Like that stuff’s fine. You don’t have to do it. We run a very large coaching company and produce not a lot of content at all. Like you don’t have to do that. So just like you won’t have clients predictably and you don’t have them and that causes financial stress or these up and down cycles where you have a get great quarter and a terrible quarter or you’re just like, you’re trying all this marketing stuff and you’re just kind of sick of it and you’re just like, what’s the simple path that feels like easy and works.
Tom Poland 04:45
So you mentioned a few things that they’re trying like content production, social media posts, and probably posting stuff and not getting great response. What else are they trying that’s probably never going to work. This is question four, common mistakes. We might be able to save people some time and some angst.
Bryan Harris 05:01
Yep. One big mistake is people will go to Facebook, some version of ads, as their first marketing channel. It’s a terrible first marketing channel. Like unless you have a hundred grand of light on fire and flushed on the toilet, don’t touch it. You will just waste time and money. The other thing is content. Like people think they’re going to put content out like, man, the bar of quality content needed to attract people rises by an order of magnitude every year. Like you’re not beating Mr. Beast. You’re not. You’re never going to beat them.
Tom Poland 05:26
Yeah, that’s so true. I mean what used to dazzle a while people 10 years ago doesn’t cut the mustard these days.
Bryan Harris 05:32
Unfortunately it does not. Like I did it 10 years ago and attracted people with it, but like the bar is way harder now, right? So just don’t play that. Go play a different game that’s easy to win. Like quit trying to play these difficulty level 100 game. Just play the ones that are more suited to you.
Tom Poland 05:45
Pick the low lying fruit. So, well let’s get onto that then before people feel so depressed, they cut their wrists. I’m going to flip it to a valuable free action. Question five, what’s one thing someone can do? It’s not going to solve the whole lead generation issue, but it might take them a step in the right direction.
Bryan Harris 06:00
Take the single best resource, the single best tool you have to coach other people. If you coach people on finances, that could be your budget template. Or if you coach people on healing trauma, maybe your three-step checklist of what to do every day. Or if you’re something like, take your best tool, your best resource and have other people share it with their list. So take your resource on tour and go get 20 other people to share that resource with their list. Those people need content for their email list already. So just be the content.
Tom Poland 06:29
It’s true.
Bryan Harris 06:30
And you’ll generate more sales off that than any other stupid stuff we talked about. And it’s simple, it’s free and it’s really hard to screw up.
Tom Poland 06:37
That sounds like it’s my cup of tea. Yeah, I like that. That’s the simple free hard to screw up formula. There’s an acronym in this.
Bryan Harris 06:47
We’re doing one today. We have a resource we’re sharing, we have a partner sharing today and already today it’s put 28 sales calls on our calendar from one resource shared by one person.
Tom Poland 06:57
Wow. Phenomenal.
Bryan Harris 06:58
Like 28 sales calls. You can really suck at sales and close a client or two from that. Like it’s hard not to.
Tom Poland 07:03
Yeah, you would. Folks, there’ll be more to unpack in that idea. So I’m going to ask Bryan if you can give you more information about it. Question six, what’s your available free resource we can direct people to? They can find out more about this.
Bryan Harris 07:16
Can I give them a couple things?
Tom Poland 07:18
You sure can.
Bryan Harris 07:19
Okay. I’m going to give you three things. First thing I’m going to give you is a partner discovery cheat sheet. These are the exact Google search queries you can put in to find people that would promote your resource for you. Second thing is my pitch template with a couple examples. This is what to say to that person so they agree to promote you. The third thing is I’m going to put in like a 30-minute training on, like, how do you take your best resource and take it on tour so you can kind of get the concept at a high level. So I’ll share all three of those things at lp.growthtools.com/tom.
Tom Poland 07:48
Sounds great. LP for, I don’t know, Lisa Presley.
Bryan Harris 07:51
I don’t even know why we do that.
Tom Poland 07:52
Lisa Presley, you’re in Nashville, right? Lisa Presley, lp.growthtools.com/tom. Wonderful resource. You should be charging thousands of dollars for that. Folks, go get.
Bryan Harris 08:08
Our business model is we give away all of our tools and training for free and 1% of people hire us to coach them. So it’s like, go trial on this stuff and you want to do it yourself, go for it. 99% of people do.
Tom Poland 08:17
Bryan Harris 08:17
If you want somebody to walk beside you and help you execute it, like, that’s what we do all day long.
Tom Poland 08:21
Amazing. Alright. And the one question I should have asked you but didn’t, what would that be and the answer, please?
Bryan Harris 08:28
Why did I get into this when I was nine? We moved from a neighborhood that had a ton of kids in it to a neighborhood that had just a bunch of old people and didn’t have any friends. And our next door neighbor saw me drawing something one day and she poured into me for the next two years and coached me. Mentor toured me and wound up changing my life pretty drastically. So I got into this because somebody paid attention to me and spent time with me and coached me. And I want to do that for other people and I just really enjoy that. I take literally,’ Freely you’ve received; freely you give.’ And man, it’s just fun to do. It works.
Tom Poland 08:59
Fantastic. Bryan, I really appreciate your time and look forward to collaborating with you again in the future. All the best.
Bryan Harris 09:05
Absolutely. Thanks, Tom.
Tom Poland 09:07
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