- Learn how to create a sense of clarity about the drama free life you really want to have
- Determine the #1 thing stopping you from having the peaceful life you want
- Identify the most powerful actions that will move you towards the life you desire
- Five Steps to Take Back Your Power and Find Direction in Life. It’s Time to Be the Best You Can Be : https://www.rejuvenatelife.co.nz
Robyn Vintiner is a clarity coach. She help leaders transform stress and anxiety into confidence, clarity, and achievement.
In this episode, Robyn shares how she helps individuals who are experiencing challenges in their relationships in the workplace and in their home life create a sense of clarity about the drama-free life they really want to have.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:15 – Robyn’s ideal client: Those ladies who are stressed at work because they are in their own small business and they’re doing everything. Or they’re in a bigger organization and they’ve got pressure to perform.
- 01:51 – Problem she helps solve: They actually don’t see or recognize the triggers that are causing this stress.
- 02:26 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Robyn: Overwhelmed, irritable, maybe even angry. Judging or criticizing others more and perhaps not feeling supported the way they used to be because they’ve behaved in such a way that people don’t actually want to be around them anymore. Or they may drink more alcohol than they used to, to numb them of what they’re feeling.
- 03:14 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: They don’t realize how bad everything has got. And they don’t seek help.
- 04:09 – Robyn’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): Just to stop where you are right at this moment. Take two or three deep breaths. Close your eyes if you can, if you’re not driving. And feel into what are you feeling physically and emotionally. And until you know what you’re feeling right now, you actually can’t make improvements or change anything. That’s like driving a car, you can’t get somewhere if you don’t know where.
- 05:06 – Robyn’s Valuable Free Resource(VFR): Five Steps to Take Back Your Power and Find Direction in Life
- 06:03 – Q:”why do I choose to change career and go into life coaching after I’ve had a very successful career as a physiotherapist?” A: It’s sort of twofold really like one I realized I was getting a lot of people who were coming for physical problems but they had all this baggage, they had all this stuff going on that was creating the stress on them. And therefore, they weren’t healing quite as quickly as they could. And people don’t realize how powerful that is in their lives. And then also my own journey when I got really depressed at one point and all the help, I got from energy healers and coaches and so on really made me keen. And I just felt that purpose in me was now shifting from helping physical things to more emotional, mental, and psychological, spiritual sort of aspects of people’s lives.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“ There's so much research out there now that is linking the stress treatments that they need in the hospital for major illnesses that all could be helped if they just knew how to cope with the stress.” -@rejuven8or Share on XInfo about our correspondent host:Travis has a background in sales, marketing, and strategy, and left the corporate world several years ago to start his own agency. As a copywriter by trade, his biggest skill is putting the right words, in front of the right people, at the right time. Travis has developed go-to-market strategies for grassroots apps to Fortune 500 and helped optimize up to $50k per day in Facebook Ad spend for one of the biggest startups in Asia.
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Travis Bennett: [00:00:09] Hi everyone and welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Travis Bennett and I’m rocking it to you here out of Yangon in Myanmar, proving that you can be successful anywhere in the world and build your business into a success. I’m joined today by Robyn Vintiner. Robyn, a very very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?
Robyn Vintiner: [00:00:28] Thanks, Travis.
Travis Bennett: [00:00:28] Oh sorry. Where are you hanging out?
Robyn Vintiner: [00:00:30] That’s right. I’m from Dunedin in New Zealand.
Travis Bennett: [00:00:32] Perfect. It’s nice to part of the world. I was actually over there early last year and my sister got married in Moeraki of all places.
Robyn Vintiner: [00:00:40] Yeah lovely place so.
Travis Bennett: [00:00:42] It is. It is definitely. And for those of you don’t know Robyn, I’m just going to introduce her really quick. She is a coach and she helps leaders transform stress and anxiety into confidence, clarity, and achievement. So, Robyn, it’s really great to have you on the show today. The title of our episode is “Conversational and Emotional Intelligence Needed in the Workplace”. And Robin’s going to explain everything that you need to know in just seven minutes. So, I’m going to jump and start the timer here and our time starts now. Question number one. Who is your ideal client?
Robyn Vintiner: [00:01:15] Those ladies who are stressed at work because they are in their own small business and they’re doing everything. Or they’re in a bigger organization and they’ve got pressure to perform. Know that bottom line they need to conform to. And because things that are going on at home that really stress them. Like you were talking about with your young children.
Travis Bennett: [00:01:34] Yes. Yeah. You don’t want a night of terror and have to wake up for a day of work in the office that’s definitely a coffee inducing moments. Cool. So, we’ve got six minutes 23 seconds left. What is the problem that you’re solving for these stressed-out business owners and employees?
Robyn Vintiner: [00:01:51] I think that they actually don’t see or recognize the triggers that are causing this stress. And in fact, they’re not even always recognized that they are stressed because they’re so used to it. And they’re not used to managing their emotional reactions to the stress that triggers that from the people around them. So, it’s really just bringing, highlighting that and then helping them understand how to put through them.
Travis Bennett: [00:02:13] Okay. That’s very powerful stuff. So, then the typical symptoms that people experience when they’re displaying these kinds of stresses and they might not even be realizing it. We’ve got five minutes 42 seconds left.
Robyn Vintiner: [00:02:26] General unexplained anxiety, it’s just that feeling in their body, I can feel it in my gut. Some people will feel it in their chest or their shoulders at different places. Feeling fear, they can’t cope the way they used to. Perhaps their relationships have become quite stressful when they’re getting a lot more disagreements with people. Overwhelmed, irritable, maybe even angry. Judging or criticizing others more and perhaps not feeling supported the way they used to be because they’ve behaved in such a way that people don’t actually want to be around them anymore. Or they may drink more alcohol than they used to, to numb them of what they’re feeling.
Travis Bennett: [00:03:01] Okay. That’s very disconcerting symptoms when they all kind of stack up like that as well. What do people usually, the mistakes that people make when they’re trying to solve these kinds of problems on their own? We’ve got four minutes 45 seconds left.
Robyn Vintiner: [00:03:14] They don’t realize how bad everything has got. And they don’t seek help. You know just there are some really simple things such as they got some help, they can get back on track quite quickly but they just don’t realize how simple it is. Feel ashamed sometimes that they can’t do it on their own and they don’t want others to know that they need to see a coach or a counselor. And they work harder and harder and neglect themselves. They don’t eat properly or exercise properly. Don’t get enough sleep and they just keep on and ongoing on that treadmill.
Travis Bennett: [00:03:42] Oh, wow. Yeah. And that’s a, I guess it’s a snowball effect, right? When you just, it just keeps getting worse and worse as you go.
Robyn Vintiner [00:03:50] Yup, absolutely.
Travis Bennett: [00:03:51] So then with your business what’s, what’s one valuable free action that you could help maybe one of our listeners today who might be struggling with a similar kind of problem or needing to ask for help in their lives or their business or whatever it is? Three minutes forty-seven seconds left.
Robyn Vintiner: [00:04:09] Well I could give you a two-minute little tune in but I think that might take too long for right now. But what I mean by tuners is just to stop where you are right at this moment. Take two or three deep breaths. Close your eyes if you can, if you’re not driving. And feel into what are you feeling physically and emotionally. And until you know what you’re feeling right now, you actually can’t make improvements or change anything. That’s like driving a car, you can’t get somewhere if you don’t know where you are now.
Travis Bennett: [00:04:40] Exactly. Yup, you need that idea of where you are so you can get to the right place.
Robyn Vintiner: [00:04:45] Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
Travis Bennett: [00:04:47] Okay. So then building on that, that technique I think is quite a powerful thing to kind of get that temperature check of where you are at any point in the day when you’re feeling stressed or troubled. Do you have a valuable free resource that we can direct people to for maybe they’re interested to learn a little bit more or get some further help overcoming these problems?
Robyn Vintiner: [00:05:06] Well I have a land…not a landing page, a website. And there’s a PDF document there called “Five steps to take back your power and find direction in life”.
Travis Bennett: [00:05:15] Yup.
Robyn Vintiner: [00:05:16] “It’s time to be the best you can be”. If you go there and you opt-in to this document, you’ll be signing up also for a weekly motivational quote but with a comment about it from me. As always there’s the option to unsubscribe if you don’t want to receive it.
Travis Bennett: [00:05:30] Perfect. And that’s rejuvenatelife.co.nz, your website just to make it clear for everyone. And the title of the PDF again, sorry.
Robyn Vintiner: [00:05:40] Five steps to take back your power and find direction in life. It’s time to be the best you can be.
Travis Bennett: [00:05:45] Perfect. That’s powerful. It’s very powerful stuff. Okay, we are doing really great on time. We’ve got two minutes left and the last question as well. So, I guess the only thing I have left to ask is, what’s the one thing that I probably should have asked you as we went through this but didn’t, as we were going through the call?
Robyn Vintiner: [00:06:03] Well one of the things that I think a lot of people are interested in this, why do I choose to change career and go into life coaching after I’ve had a very successful career as a physiotherapist? And it’s sort of twofold really as one I realized I was getting a lot of people who were coming for physical problems but they had all this baggage, they had all this stuff going on that was creating the stress on them. And therefore, they weren’t healing quite as quickly as they could. And people don’t realize how powerful that is in their lives. And then also my own journey when I got really depressed at one point and all the help, I got from energy healers and coaches and so on really made me keen. And I just felt that purpose in me was now shifting from helping physical things to more emotional, mental, and psychological, spiritual sort of aspects of people’s lives.
Travis Bennett: [00:07:01] Wow. Okay.
Robyn Vintiner: [00:07:03] And, yeah. So, a lot of people…
Travis Bennett: [00:07:04] Sorry to interrupt.
Robyn Vintiner: [00:07:06] Sorry.
Travis Bennett: [00:07:06] I was just saying so it’s a blend of the training that you had as a physiotherapist and your own experience to kind of create this business where you can actually, really powerfully, help people overcome these kinds of struggles that they’re facing.
Robyn Vintiner: [00:07:20] Oh, absolutely. That’s just, it’s just really, there’s so much research out there now that is linking the stress treatments that they need in the hospital for major illnesses that all could be helped if they just knew how to cope with the stress.
Travis Bennett: [00:07:39] Wow, that’s powerful stuff. And we’ve got two seconds left that was almost perfect timing.
Robyn Vintiner: [00:07:44] Wonderful. Thank you.
Travis Bennett: [00:07:45] Excellent. Thank you for your time, Robyn. And for all the listeners out there, make sure you check out her landing page. It’s rejuvenatelife.co.nz and I’ll pop the link up for you as well so you’ve got that too. I’ll see you guys all again soon. Thanks Robyn. Cheers everyone.
Robyn Vintiner: [00:08:00] Thanks, Travis.
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