- Discover how you can use podcasting as long-form content that promises you more leads at a lesser time
- Learn the importance of publishing original content online in positioning yourself as a thought leader
- Understand why you shouldn’t rely on trends as a solution to your lead-generation problem
- Want to learn how you can make more profits out of podcasting? Click here: theeffortlesslife.co/podcastworkshop
Have you been experiencing burnout from trying different ways to generate stable and promising leads?
Hopping on to trends isn’t always the best solution in making yourself known in the online realm. It’s short-term and can get stressful since you always need to post content. It’s better to invest your time, effort, and money into long-term stability, such as publishing a book or even podcasting!
Courtney Elmer is the Founder of The EffortLESS Life and helps online experts increase traffic and sales while enhancing their reputation as respected thought leaders in their niche.
Take a break and listen to Courtney’s amazing insights on how you can leverage your leads by creating a lead generation machine through creating a groundbreaking podcast. She also shares her top tips on how you can introduce your niche to the online community without wasting your time and efforts in short-term trends.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:32 – Courtney’s ideal client: We work primarily with six and seven-figure coaches, consultants, speakers, and authors, who want to elevate their thought leadership and become the go-to expert in their niche.
- 02:10 – The problem she helps solve: There are many, but one of them is the feeling of having a wealth of info to share, lots of knowledge, and lots of insight that could help people, but struggling to package that into short-form content that can really make a difference in a 250-word, Instagram caption or a 15-second video.
- 03:29 – The symptoms of the problem: One of the things that I hear from people all the time is, “I am so burnt out from having to create and post three or four times a week”, consistently come up with new content ideas that clearly drive sales because as soon as you post that content gets buried in the news feed within a 24-hour cycle or less.
- 04:39 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Courtney: Right now they’re likely looking for quick solutions to generate leads, to grow their following, but they haven’t yet learned how to create long-term stability and leverage in their marketing.
- 06:19 – Courtney’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): I would say the bottom line, you need to develop a long-form content strategy. For us, we do that via a podcast.
- 07:47 – Courtney’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to learn how you can make more profits out of podcasting? Click here: theeffortlesslife.co/podcastworkshop
- 08:15 – Q: What is my podcast about? A: My podcast is called AntiFragile Entrepreneurship. And on the show, we explore how to navigate the ups and downs of growing a business as an entrepreneur.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“You need to develop a long-form content strategy. This would be a book, a blog, growing an email list where you publish longer-form content on a regular basis, or a podcast.” -Courtney Elmer Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you as always from the very sunny Sunshine Coast in Australia joined today by Courtney Elmer. And, Courtney, you’re in the deep south, somewhere. Is that right?
Courtney Elmer 00:23
I am! I am based in New Orleans.
Tom Poland 00:25
New Orleans! Fantastic. Yeah, a rich history of diversity, and, kind of like, party central for the South, I believe.
Courtney Elmer 00:35
Yes, that’s accurate!
Tom Poland 00:37
Lots of eateries and beautiful little nooks and crannies. And I have a reason to go there because I’ve got a son who’s just bought a property there. So Courtney, welcome to the show! Spotlight off me and off New Orleans and on to you. Courtney is the Founder of EffortLESS Life. And you just got to love that brand name! It just pops out because it’s a highly desirable situation, the EffortLESS Life. She helps online experts increase traffic and sales– who doesn’t want that– while enhancing their reputation– very important that that’s built at the same time, in tandem– as respected thought leaders in their niche. And we’re going to find out about Courtney’s superpower in a tickety-boo! The title is, “How to Leverage Your Podcast to Create a Lead Generation Machine”. Very interesting. Courtney, our time is going to start now. Question number one is who would you say your ideal client is?
Courtney Elmer 01:32
Yes. Well, Tom, thanks for having me. We work primarily with six and seven-figure coaches, consultants, speakers, and authors, who want to elevate their thought leadership and become the go-to expert in their niche. So these are people who typically have a proven offer. They have a clear message. They know who they want to serve and why, but they’re looking to expand that message to a broader audience.
Tom Poland 01:56
Gotcha! Thank you very succinct and well articulated, quite focused. We’re talking about growth-orientated individuals. I mean, they’re coaches themselves, so they believe in personal property, personal development, and business development. What would you say is the problem you solve for them?
Courtney Elmer 02:10
What are the biggest problems that we solve? There are many, but one of them is the feeling of having a wealth of info to share, lots of knowledge, and lots of insight that could help people, but struggling to package that into short-form content that can really make a difference in a 250-word, Instagram caption or a 15-second video. And lately, it feels like our content needs to be shorter and shorter to get people’s attention. So you might try to post more frequently, but nothing changes. And it can be very frustrating when you’re trying to grow your business. So what we do is we help people create leverage within their marketing via a podcast that drives leads and sales while expanding their thought leadership.
Tom Poland 02:10
And that’s how I’d probably put it. Wait, I’m going to ask you about the symptoms, and what’s going on in these people’s lives or businesses in a second. Still, I imagine one of them would be if they’re having a cup of coffee with a prospect, a qualified prospect, and it’s a 40-minute conversation back and forth. They’re probably going to convert 70%, 80%, or 90% of those situations. But online, the attention span is kind of different. So you’re helping to distill the value proposition and get cut through and motivate their prospects to want to know more. What would you say are some of the other typical symptoms of your ideal clients before they engage with your services?
Courtney Elmer 03:29
Yes, so one of the things that I hear from people all the time is, “I am so burnt out from having to create and post three or four times a week”, consistently come up with new content ideas that clearly drive sales because as soon as you post that content gets buried in the newsfeed within a 24-hour cycle or less. And maybe you are listening to podcasts on a weekly basis. You’re trying to figure out the secrets to growing your audience, and generating leads consistently, but haven’t considered a podcast as a marketing strategy for yourself. Or maybe you have, maybe you’ve even bought the gear and it’s sitting in a closet, you haven’t recorded an episode because you’re not really sure where to start. And so some of these symptoms, can permeate our business and really bog us down when we are trying to get visible, trying to market, trying to stay top-of-mind and relevant with our community, and can be a point of frustration for so many business owners.
Tom Poland 04:20
And yet, I understand why the gear is sometimes sitting in the hallway cupboard still, but you get so much leverage and so much scale with podcasts. So real quick, a couple of other mistakes apart from leaving the gear in the closet. What would you say are some of the mistakes that these folks are making before they find your solution? That’s question four.
Courtney Elmer 04:39
Yes! So right now they’re likely looking for quick solutions to generate leads, to grow their following, but they haven’t yet learned how to create long-term stability and leverage in their marketing. So what this might look like is they’re following trends. They’re doing the reels. They’re trying to build a presence on LinkedIn. They’re trying to build a presence on Twitter, and all of these platforms without all of these platforms working together as one cohesive whole. And they’re really unsure what their audience wants to hear from them, so they’re relying on trends and unoriginal content, versus sharing their own ideas that position them as the thought leader in their niche. And then the bottom line of it, Tom, really, is just relying too heavily on short-form content to grow their audience, to begin with. You can only get so far with a 15-second video. You can’t expect to build trust, drive engagement, and educate someone on what you do and why you should do it all in 15 seconds. It just takes a lot of content in order to achieve that.
Tom Poland 05:47
Yeah. At some point, you’ve got to get from the speed date to the dinner out in the town, right?
Courtney Elmer 05:52
Yes, exactly!
Tom Poland 05:54
All right, thanks. That’s a good list. People will be able to relate to that and find a lot of solutions to those mistakes by stopping doing them. Question five, let’s flip it. I’m after a top tip here. We got two minutes, 20 seconds left. What’s one step that someone listening to this could go, “Courtney, you’ve nailed it. You’ve been like a– pardon my expression– but a fly-on-the-wall on my business? You know what’s going on. How do I move forward? What’s one step? It’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it might just take me in the right direction?”
Courtney Elmer 06:19
Yes, I would say the bottom line, you need to develop a long-form content strategy. For us, we do that via a podcast. Long-form content, so this would be a book, a blog, growing an email list where you publish longer-form content on a regular basis or a podcast. For me, I’m all about leveraging my time. Books and blogs take a lot of time. They’re great. They can be great tools but they are very time intensive. Podcasting, I’ll be honest with you, it takes some time, but less than a book and a blog. And so for me, the way my brain works, “Let me leverage a podcast to grow my email list, feed two birds out of one hand, and create leverage within my marketing strategy, where the podcast becomes the source of all the other content I create.”
Tom Poland 07:07
I saw what you did there– feed two birds with one hand. Much better than killing two birds with one stone. I like that.
Courtney Elmer 07:12
Right. I wouldn’t! Who would want to kill birds?
Tom Poland 07:15
I’ve always felt bad when I said that. It just popped out of my mouth. And the other thing that often people overlook with podcasts is, in addition to the ability to scale and etc., you establish a relationship with an influencer. In this case, we’re doing it right now in less than 10 minutes. And that’s potentially more valuable than the listenership. I better move on to your podcast, not mine, your interview, not mine. One valuable free resource. We’ve only got 35 seconds left. Real quick, where do people go to find out more about your stuff?
Courtney Elmer 07:47
Yes, the best place is theeffortlesslife.co/podcastworkshop. I teach regular workshops that are pure value, with no pitch, on how to launch an app and a podcast.
Tom Poland 08:00
Fantastic! So that’s theeffortlesslife.co/podcastworkshop. 10 seconds left. I’m going to pause things because I’ve run you a little short of time by gobbling on myself. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Courtney Elmer 08:15
Hmm. How about, what is my podcast about?
Tom Poland 08:17
And, what is your podcast about, Courtney?
Courtney Elmer 08:20
Yeah, so my podcast is called AntiFragile Entrepreneurship. And on the show, we explore how to navigate the ups and downs of growing a business as an entrepreneur.
Tom Poland 08:32
And, where can people find that while we’re here?
Courtney Elmer 08:34
Anywhere you listen to podcasts. So whatever app you’re listening to right now, wherever you’re watching, search it, and you’ll be able to see it.
Tom Poland 08:41
So search for AntiFragile Entrepreneurship. Lovely! Courtney, thank you so much for your time and your insights. Cheers!
Courtney Elmer 08:49
Thank you.
Tom Poland 08:50
Thanks for checking out our Marketing The Invisible podcast. If you like what we’re doing here please head over to iTunes to subscribe, rate us, and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated. And if you want to generate five fresh leads in just five hours then check out www.fivehourchallenge.com.