- Learn more on how to get more leads without sounding too pushy or aggressive
- Find out how to get profitable ads all the time with the right sales copy
- Get the secret on how you can stop your marketing from being boring and get more clients all the time
- Want to know how to get your clients to say “YES” all the time? Click here: https://www.gameofconversions.com/copywriting-secrets/
Do you want to know how to create high-conversion sales copy that will get you that sweet “YES” all the time?
The right sales copy is the answer to all your lead problems. By having a high-impact sales copy equipped with the power of human psychology, you can get anyone to say “YES” to you! All you need is the right equipment, a better mindset, and the perfect sales copy technique for you and your business.
Csaba Borzasi is a former psychology researcher turned lead activation and conversion expert.
Don’t forget to grab a pen and paper as we listen to Csaba’s insightful message on how you can close deals all the time without worrying about changing up your sales copy all the time. He also shares a glimpse into the secret recipe behind 100 of the most profitable ads of all time.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:30 – Csaba’s ideal client: It’s basically an education-based online business that sells genuine transformation products. So not just courses or information products, but those who do make an impact, and they want to make a bigger impact.
- 02:14 – The problem he helps solve: The biggest problem I usually see is that most of these people are struggling with leaky funnels, low conversion rates, and weak copy. So I basically help them identify and fix their biggest leaks.
- 03:00 – The symptoms of the problem: One of the biggest ones is they’re not really generating responses in the things that they’re doing. Most of the time, these are emails, like most of these people have email lists.
- 04:15 – What Csaba learned from the 100-proven sales letter: I would say one of the top lessons was that you really have to make sure that your message is not boring.
- 06:04 – Csaba shares an example of what entertaining marketing looks like.
- 09:06 – Csaba’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to know how to get your clients to say “YES” all the time? Click here: https://www.gameofconversions.com/copywriting-secrets/
- 10:30 – Q: What’s the number one insight that I’ve learned during the challenge? A: Just talk to people, like real people. Not avatars or something like that.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“People buy from people.” -Csaba Borzasi Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m joined today by Csaba Borzasi. Csaba, a very warm welcome, sir.
Csaba Borzasi 00:19
Hi. It’s great to be here, Tom!
Tom Poland 00:21
Where are you hanging out? Just as a point of geographical interest, I’m sitting here on the Sunshine Coast in Australia. Whereabouts are you based?
Csaba Borzasi 00:27
That sounds amazing! I’m sitting in Budapest, Hungary in Eastern Europe, which is far less sunshiny nowadays. But, you know, it’s a cool city anyway.
Tom Poland 00:36
I’ve only heard wonderful things about Budapest, Hungary, generally, and I can’t wait to visit. We’ve been close, but no cigar so far. Folks, Csaba is a– he’s got a really interesting background and brings a kind of like a hybrid blend to marketing because he’s a former psychology researcher. Researcher– his understanding of human psychology, and he’s applied that to lead generation and conversion. So getting people to be reaching out, getting people to make inquiries, the psychology behind that, and also moving them from being interested to buying. So the title today is, “What I’ve Learned From Breaking Down 100 Proven Sales Letters in 100 Days”. Csaba will define what that is. Let’s kick off! Our seven minutes is going to start now. Question number one, sir, who’s your ideal client? Let’s start with that.
Csaba Borzasi 01:30
Okay, so it’s basically education-based online businesses that sell genuine transformation products. So not just courses or information products, but those who do make an impact, and they want to make a bigger impact. They’re usually mission-driven. But the problem is that they’re struggling with reliably activating and converting their leads. So I basically help them engineer profitable marketing funnels and persuasive sales messages.
Tom Poland 01:56
Well, the world needs your skills, for sure, because so many people have a terrific transformational online experience. For their clients, they’re just the world’s best-kept secret. So I guess that’s the problem you solve, but let me ask you this. Question two is what is the problem you solve? Do you want to add anything to that?
Csaba Borzasi 02:14
Sure. I mean, we could expand this until forever, but the biggest problem I usually see is that most of these people are struggling with leaky funnels, low conversion rates, and weak copy. So I basically help them identify and fix their biggest leaks. So they can activate and convert more people and more leads into high-value buyers without being super pushy, without sounding like a late-night infomercial, and without just doing all that aggressive type of marketing. So I basically have them make consistent cash flow while impacting more people around them.
Tom Poland 02:47
Thank you for that! So they’re not converting, and they’re losing prospects. Are there any other symptoms that they’re going to be experiencing that, kind of, might give them a heads up that they should take a closer look at what you do?
Csaba Borzasi 03:00
Yeah, I mean, one of the biggest ones is they’re not really generating responses in the things that they’re doing. Most of the time, these are emails, like most of these people have email lists. They are using email marketing in their business. And, they spend a lot of time writing and crafting emails. They put their hearts and souls into it, and then they send it out and they get crickets. That’s a terrible feeling! So I help them fix that.
Tom Poland 03:25
Would you say, are they getting low open rates, and low click rates?
Csaba Borzasi 03:30
Yeah, I mean, open rates, click rates– they’re definitely a symptom. Most of them have low-converting front-end funnels, as well, either if it’s lead generation, or if it’s like some sort of bait funnel. They’re struggling to properly monetize their list as well without being super aggressive. Sure, they might be able to do a launch or something like that and push hard for a certain amount of time, but then nothing happens for months. So there’s inconsistent cash flow there. And just their marketing campaigns are pretty lackluster.
Tom Poland 04:01
You’ve probably described 90% of the listeners, I suspect. Let’s start unpacking this, what you’ve learned from the 100 proven sales letters. I’m just going to break the mold or the questions here and ask you to share about that for a couple of minutes.
Csaba Borzasi 04:15
Sure, so many lessons, but I would say one of the top lessons was that you really have to make sure that your message is not boring. I know it sounds like a cliche, but if you really want to build, know, like, and trust your audience, you want to engage with your leads early on, so that they actually do something instead of just acting as “looky loose” standing up and doing nothing, then you have to hook their attention with some sort of big idea. You have to make sure that your messaging isn’t the typical corporate BS market type of messaging and make sure that your own personality shines through because we live in a world in which AI is starting to be more and more important. But the thing is, people still buy from other people they know, like, and trust. AI might help you with crafting your emails, for example, but people want to read on much more than ever before. So I think this was one of the biggest lessons. The other one was to shift your audience’s beliefs, if possible because nobody buys without a so-called “one-buying belief”. And this idea comes from Mark Ford, one of the key people at the Agora companies. So before pitching them your offer, make sure to shift some of the beliefs that eventually installed the so-called “one buying belief” in them. Once that happens, making the sale is almost inevitable because, by that point, they honestly believe that, “Yes, I now realize why your solution is the only unique solution to my problem. And it’s only achievable through your unique mechanism.”
Tom Poland 04:15
So let’s put some flesh on the bones. Can you give me an example of a message where it might be perceived as being boring or a message that would be perceived as being interesting and engaging? I agree a hundred percent. You know, the biggest sin in marketing is to be boring. So what would it look like when you’re not boring? Let me ask you that. An example?
Csaba Borzasi 06:04
So a great example that I’ve seen is there was this one company that was selling supplements that basically help men with virility. They increase libido, and it’s basically a health supplement as well. But instead, instead of the copywriter going full out on our benefits and saying how this is the best thing since sliced bread, he came up with a hook that basically said, like, “Discover the Chinese emperor’s secrets that allowed him to satisfy a group of 10 women because he had a harem, and he was required to satisfy all of them every single night. This is how he did it.” So of course, this is an A-level copywriter hook, and you don’t necessarily have to use this. It just shows how you can shift the story a little bit, and suddenly, it’s 10X, 100X more interesting!
Tom Poland 07:05
The key point is, folks, don’t get tripped up on the details. The key point is that you could lead with something generic, like virility, or you could talk about a Chinese emperor on how, interaction with concubines. So it’s the invocation of curiosity, and it’s engaging and it’s interesting, and it draws people in. Terrific! Thank you. And tell me a bit more, I’m just going to pull us the stop watch here, but tell me a bit more about the belief. You talked about the one belief. Can you flesh that out a bit as well please, that you said you might need to shift someone’s belief? Quick summary on what that looks like.
Csaba Borzasi 07:41
So one of the most well-respected copywriters of all time, Gary Bencivenga, once said that nobody buys without belief. And, of course, this concept has been refined by many other copywriters and marketing masterminds. But what this means is that there’s a sequence of sub-beliefs that people go through before buying everything. One of the first ones, according to Dan Kennedy, for example, is “Okay, but how is this different than anything else I’ve seen before?” Another one would be, “How is this applicable to me?” Another one would be, “How do I know that this will work for me? How do I even know that this is attainable? How do I know that this is real? What’s holding me back?” So basically, there’s a sequence of sub-beliefs that once you go through, you basically preemptively answer them. It’s just like preemptively answering objections for people before they realize that they have objections in the first place. And if you can do this, again, they’re just going to feel like it’s a smooth flow from beginning to pitch.
Tom Poland 08:40
Yeah. And I think, “How is this different” to what I’ve experienced before is the key issue for a lot of buyers because they’ve often been burned before or bought a BS before, and they want to know why this is not going to be the same experience. Terrific! Thank you for that. Let’s start the clock again in a second, but where can people go to find out more? Question six is can you give us a URL where people can go and find out more about your work, and will find out more about this information?
Csaba Borzasi 09:06
Sure. So it’s gameofconversions.com, just like Game of Thrones, but gameofconversions.com/copywriting-secrets. And this is really cool, because yeah, I broke down 100 proven sales letters in 100 days, I put everything on YouTube, it’s there for everyone to see. But the problem is, most of these are long-form videos– half an hour to almost an hour. Nobody has time to watch all of those. But everybody’s interested in the top five insights, diving deeper. So this is basically a cool cheat sheet that gives you the biggest insights and packages that up into an easy-to-deploy strategy that you can use to also boost your messaging to make sure that you convert higher. So go to gameofconversions.com/copywriting-secrets and grab it!
Tom Poland 09:51
It really looks terrific, folks! For example, a simple 26-point “pre-flight” checklist that instantly reveals any gaping holes in your copy. So many people don’t use a checklist when they do the copy, and then forget stuff, even experienced copywriters. This will help you with that. There’s 100 world-class ads in 100 days. “I’ve put together a free cheat sheet that reveals all the highlights that you need to know.” It’s gameofconversions.com/copywriting-secrets. Go get it! Csaba and I don’t have any affiliate relationship. I’m not promoting him because we’re getting paid or anything like that. It’s just good stuff, so go get it! Question seven, I’m going to have to be real quick. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Csaba Borzasi 10:30
What’s the number one insight that I’ve learned during the challenge and it’s this– just talk to people, like real people. Not avatars or something like that. Because we can model that but people buy from people.
Tom Poland 10:45
People buy from people and conversational copies of this copy. I really appreciate your time. Thanks, Csaba. Look forward to working with you in the future at some point. Cheers!
Tom Poland 10:54
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