Eliminate Fear, Procrastination and Self-Sabotage and Create the Results You Want Now – in Just 7 Minutes with Kellan Fluckiger

Check out episode
  • How can you eliminate the chain of fear, procrastination, and self-sabotage into your system
  • Learn to tap your gifts and talents that can effectively serve you in growing in your life
  • Find out the importance of having someone as the catalyst, a mentor and coach in your personal and business journey



Kellan is the ultimate catalyst for personal growth. With a background of senior executive positions, challenging consulting successes, and powerful coaching processes, Kellan is uniquely positioned to help motivated people eliminate barriers and achieve their most treasured success.

In today’s episode, Kellan shares fear, procrastination and self-sabotage are the biggest culprits that hinder to achieve our dreams and how he help others unlock their full potential and transform their words into action and their obstacles into victory.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:20 – Kellan’s professional background as an executive, speaker, performer and catalyst
  • 02:25 – His ideal client: People who are Motivated, who finally made the decision to end the addiction of mediocrity, the Stuck and Angry
  • 03:10 – The self-imposed barriers that Kellan help solve for his clients
  • 03:45 – Typical symptoms like overconfidence with past success and burned through the relationship that people experience before they get help from Kellan
  • 04:32 – The limiting belief barrier that people make when they try to unlock their own potential
  • 05:23 – Kellan’s Valuable Free Action: Take responsibility and learn one fundamental truth. No one is coming. There isn’t a cavalry to come over the hill, you’re going to make out of your life what you choose to make out of it.
  • 06:30 – Kellan’s Valuable Free Resource: visit his Facebook site www.facebook.com/kellan.fluckiger3 and resultsequationintensive.com
  • 07:50 – Kellan’s Valuable Free Tip: Why should anyone hire a Coach? You shouldn’t unless you’re actually committed to making something impressive and important in your life.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“If I took responsibility now, today. What would I do differently today and this week than I did last week and yesterday?.” -@KellanFluckiger Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: Hello everyone a very warm welcome to another edition of marketing the invisible. My name is Tom Poland joined today by Kellan Fluckiger.
Kellan, where you’re hanging out man?

Kellan Fluckiger: Edmonton, Alberta Canada.

Tom Poland: On the other side of the world. Is it cold up there?

Kellan Fluckiger: Frozen north last 10 days next 10 days. I don’t think there’s any temperature above 0 fahrenheit minus 20 celsius.

Tom Poland: I think so can probably tell by a relative skin color right now it’s summer here and it ain’t where you are. Right.

Kellan Fluckiger: Not here it’s 50 million below outside.

Tom Poland: The most remarkably extraordinary individual and I wish we had 17 minutes for this interview not 7 minutes. Kellan remind again. What’s the name of the book on Amazon?

Kellan Fluckiger: Tightrope of depression, My journey from darkness, despair and death to light love and life.

Tom Poland: The most remarkable story it’s not the subject. Unfortunately of this interview, but I want to get it in there because Kellan and I been chatting for about 12 minutes 30 minutes now and yeah, it was kinda, like Russian dolls Kellan you know, what I thought I saw on the outside. Do we open that up? And there’s another story and there’s another story. There’s another story that what you have not achieved, well it’s not a hell of a lot of lift probably, but the subject of this particular interview to get on to that by what getting there, let me introduce you. Kellan is would have to be the ultimate catalyst, in one of the ultimate catalyst for personal growth. And it’s you know they’re not saying with God knows have the best area to see if it’s gone through the win. You know we might paraphrase that by saying nothing like experience. Well. Kellan got experience in spades. He’s got a background of senior executive positions challenging consulting successes, political commercial, a small business called Prep Lacrosse different multinational. So really rich experience in decades. So he’s quite uniquely positioned to help people who feel that they are motivated to eliminate some of those self-imposed barriers and perhaps external barriers as well so that I can actually achieve what they really want to achieve if you like that do trade-ins success, so title of this interview is Eliminate Fear, Procrastination and Self-sabotage and Create the Results You Want and we going to do that in just seven minutes. Kellan I can’t wait time starts now.

Tom Poland: This kick-off question number one who’s your ideal client?

Kellan Fluckiger: Ideal client is people who are motivated who are finally made a decision to end the addiction to mediocrity and stop settling for what’s obvious and available in front of them. Everyone knows insides when they’re in Quiet Moments by themselves that they have more potential and more capability they’re frustrated between angry and frustrated and resign with what they’ve accomplished so far and want to know what’s next what else is possible those people that are finally decided I had enough, I’m ready to move. They’re the ones who are good subjects for coaching and can do amazing stuff.

Tom Poland: It’s an interesting contrast you have the motivated, but the stuck and angry. That’s a cocktail for the success of the company such as yourself.

Tom Poland: So question two and 6 minutes left. What’s the problem you solve?

Kellan Fluckiger: The problem I solved is fear, procrastination and self-sabotage are all self-imposed barriers. We live in a self-imposed straightjacket limited by what we believe is possible. The principal reason we don’t discover, develop and deliver the divine gifts and talents we have is that we live in this straitjacket and we choose to believe that no more is possible. I’m not good enough, I’m not worthy, it’s too late, fill in the blank. Ending that story, seeing what is truly is possible and then staying motivated and moving until that happens is the problem.

Tom Poland: Question number three, What are the typical symptoms people experience with that problem before they get to you?

Kellan Fluckiger: Often they had big success. They’ve had success and found that it wasn’t all that fulfilling made a lot of money and got out of balance and maybe burn through relationships. Like I did, maybe they’ve had private habits like I had that are bad that they’re like, I don’t want to live this life anymore. I got what I thought I wanted and holy crap. This is no fun that have done that and then they’re saying but I still know something is possible. Another symptom is I keep knowing that it’s possible. I keep trying and then burning myself down like what is wrong with this picture? I would say that kind of, those are the symptoms.

Tom Poland: I would say your ideal client is gonna be acutely aware of what’s going on. But some of them might is question number four. What are some of the common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem before they get to you?

Kellan Fluckiger: They believe their own thinking and their own thinking is the limiting barrier. I don’t believe I can, I, somebody else can I’ve read all this self-help crap and it works for somebody over there, but not me. For some reason I can’t, I won’t, I’ve lost. You know that kind of feeling and they’re not able or willing to truly take the work that it takes to be coached. If you think about athletes another true coach to peak performance, the coach doesn’t do the work the athlete does the work, the performer does the work, the singer does the work and those are motivated to do that can be inspired and driven by a coach. Those that want it done for them are going to repeat the past.

Tom Poland: Thank you so just over three and half minutes with question number five. What’s one valuable free action that an audience member could implement, it’s not to solve the right problem with my take in step in the right direction.

Kellan Fluckiger: Take responsibility. Take responsibility and learn one fundamental truth. No one is coming. There isn’t a cavalry to come over the hill, you’re going to make out of your life what you choose to make out of it. You’ve already got where you are by what you’ve chosen and done. Blaming government’s economy circumstances and might console you for a minute just like getting drunk but it doesn’t last very long and there’s a hell of a hangover. So when you decide to take responsibility and all that that entail that’s the first action, cuz when you say I am at cause for my life, the past whatever. From now on, that’s the first action right now and then say, If I took responsibility now, today. What would I do differently today and this week than I did last week and yesterday?

Tom Poland: Great question. Taking responsibility. What will I do differently today? Great question.

Tom Poland: So question number six, two and half minutes left, we’re doing well. What’s one valuable free resource that you could also direct people to that’s going to help them a bit more.

Kellan Fluckiger: The best place to find out what Kellan is about and to get tons of free coaching and resources is to stalk my Facebook wall. Kellan Fluckiger is a weird name. It’s not hard to find me and I do Facebook lives a lot. Not every day. It’s about coaching, It’s about the walk of life stuff, It’s about all kinds of things. And if you want to understand the inner workings of people I coach, myself. I talk about my own challenges. I’m recording I’m writing books, I’m in the middle of my 10th 11th 12th book. It’s not smooth sailing. I had the doubts and fears and frustrations the rest of us do. It’s an ongoing process if you want a resource, you want to understand something about this, stalk me on Facebook. It’s free. It’s easy. It’s available. That’ll be the best.

Tom Poland: Sees on facebook.com login and search for Kellan Fluckiger. If you are on the podcast it’s k e l l a n as a name F for Freddy l u c k i g e r, there is another link page after that resultsequationintensive.com. If you want to find out more about working with Kellan that’s resultsequationintensive.com. Cool.

Tom Poland: Question number seven and we got a whole minute left, actually now I wasted three seconds.

Tom Poland: Question number seven, What’s the one question I should have asked you but I didn’t?

Kellan Fluckiger: Why should anyone ever hire a coach?

Tom Poland: And the answer is?

Kellan Fluckiger: And the answer is You shouldn’t Unless you’re actually committed to making something impressive and important out of your life. No person that reach the top of Mount Everest or the Pinnacle of performance and capability in their own life did it alone. The idea that only star athletes, Olympians need coaches or performers on stage, musicians, simply wrong. The people that I work with – Owners of a small business, owners of the big big business of all kinds from pharmacies to clothing stores to online businesses. They have one thing in common. They recognize that their greatest potential is gonna come when they buckle down and say I’m willing to be coached. I want this more than anything and I’m gonna do what it takes to make it happen.

Tom Poland: Kellan Fluckiger thank you so much.

Tom Poland: Thanks for checking out our marketing the invisible podcast if you like what we’re doing here. Please, head over iTunes to subscribe, rate us and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated. And if you want to generate five fresh leads in just five hours then check out www.FiveHourChallenge.com.