- Learn how expert positioning can help you build multiple income streams and help you grow the business of your dreams
- Find out how your voice is the best asset to grow your business, gain more profit, and welcome new clients
- Understand why you should believe that you’re the expert and how that mentality can positively affect the way you present yourself
- Wanting to Find Out How Expert Positioning Can Guarantee You Instant Business Growth, Better Paying Clients, and Multiple 6-7 Figure Income Streams? Learn more about the power and magic of expert positioning: expertpositioningsuccess.com
Do you feel like you’ve been struggling with focusing and staying in the right lane that it costs your business?
Have you been feeling like you’re the world’s best-kept secret and that people should know more about you and what you do?
Are you ready to find out more about expert positioning and how it can make you more profit, bring you more clients, and put your name in the game?
Debbie Allen, a.k.a. The Expert of Experts is an international business speaker, mentor, and best-selling author of The Highly Paid Expert. She has built and sold numerous million-dollar companies since the age of 19.
In this episode, Debbie talks all about the power of positioning yourself as an expert in the market through different tips and tricks. She also shares why the word “expert” isn’t something to be feared and how anyone, regardless of their background, can be an expert in their field.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:29 – Debbie’s ideal client: “My ideal client is somebody that really wants to do what I’ve been doing, who wants to become a highly paid expert. And to work with someone that’s been there, done that, and wants to create multiple income streams as I have.”
- 01:47 – Problem Debbie helps solve: “I help them position their marketing. So they stand out as the go-to expert in their industry. And they’re starting out, position them at the top, so they can grow into that and make money faster.”
- 02:37 – Typical symptoms that clients experience before reaching out to Debbie: “Most of them are just going, “My marketing sucks”, “I don’t know how to make money”, “I can’t get the next client”. They’re really frustrated because they’re playing in a general game. They’re way too general, and that’s very competitive.”
- 04:04 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Debbie’s solution: “Number one is staying focused. Pick a lane, stay in the lane, build their business, and do everything that gives them a return on investment. I call this the ‘squirrel syndrome’.”
- 05:08 – Debbie’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “It’s not just saying, “Hey, I want to be an expert”, right off the bat, it’s saying, “I’m going to step up my game”. And so to really get the best opportunity is to use your voice. Use your messaging.”
- 06:06 – Debbie’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Debbie’s Website: expertpositioningsuccess.com
- 06:46 – Q: Where did you learn to be an expert? A: Over the period of time, I’ve reinvented myself. And so that’s why I know people can become an expert in just about anything because, you know, I’ve reinvented myself in different types of businesses.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“You got to be able to step up and say, ‘I'm the expert’. If you're not claiming it, then somebody else is going to claim it.” -Debbie Allen Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Hello, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Debbie Allen. Debbie, a warm good day from down under! Where are you hanging out?
Debbie Allen 00:23
Good day. I’m hanging in Phoenix, Arizona, the other side of the world.
Tom Poland 00:26
The other side of the world and not quite as close to the ocean, but lots of fresh air, I’m sure.
Debbie Allen 00:32
I know. I miss Australia. I wish I was there, but that’s okay. We’re here now.
Tom Poland 00:36
You’ve been here a lot, right? I mean, you’ve done all sorts of speaking gigs and so on. Good segue then to your bio. Debbie Allen, a.k.a. The Expert of Experts is a class X. Now that last part is not in her bio, but I happen to know it’s true, so I put it in there. She’s also an international business speaker, mentor, and best-selling author of The Highly Paid Expert. She has built and sold numerous million-dollar companies since the age of 19. She started, obviously, about six or seven years ago.
Debbie Allen 01:11
You’re right. Thank you, Tom.
Tom Poland 01:13
You’re welcome. Oh, shucks. So the title of this little interview is, “Expert Positioning for Growth”. Debbie’s gonna share with us how to make that a reality for you in just seven minutes. Debbie, our time starts now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?
Debbie Allen 01:29
My ideal client is somebody that really wants to do what I’ve been doing, who wants to become a highly paid expert. And to work with someone that’s been there, done that, and wants to create multiple income streams as I have.
Tom Poland 01:40
Oh, music to my ears! Question number two, what is the problem you solve for them? Six and a half minutes left.
Debbie Allen 01:47
I help them position their marketing. So they stand out as the go-to expert in their industry. And they’re starting out, position them at the top, so they can grow into that and make money faster.
Tom Poland 01:59
You just used the word “faster”, took the words out of my mouth. So they get to where they want to go a whole lot quicker than if they had to, like, climb a ladder. You got to give them-
Debbie Allen 02:07
Everything is positioning. So it’s like, you know, people view you online and/or listen to a podcast and make a judgment about you very quickly. So why not look like you’re the absolute best at what you do, the go-to? I mean, there are so many areas that you can be the go-to, depending on what your background is.
Tom Poland 02:22
Right. Thank you for that. Six minutes left. Question three, typical symptoms that your ideal clients are going to be experiencing before they find your solution. What’s going on in their business, what’s going on in their life that kind of gives them a heads up that they need to find out more about becoming a highly valued expert?
Debbie Allen 02:37
That’s a great question! Most of them are just going, “My marketing sucks”, “I don’t know how to make money”, “I can’t get the next client”. They’re really frustrated because they’re playing in a general game. They’re way too general, and that’s very competitive. And we’re also close to what we do. You know, we don’t see the most obvious thing that people see within us and it takes someone on the outside that’s been doing it to see where they can go. And also find that market that’s going to be the top market, the top 20% of your industry that you can go to and get top paying clients.
Tom Poland 03:11
So you’re sort of bringing out that je ne sais quoi, that uniqueness, that gift, but you’re also matching that with what the marketplace wants and that must be a tricky thing to get, both the authenticity out of your clients in a way that’s attractive to the market. Okay.
Debbie Allen 03:26
Definitely! It could be anyone. It could be a dentist, could be a doctor, could be any industry at all. I mean, you know, you’ve spent any time in an industry for a number of years and most people think, “I got to reinvent myself completely.” No, you have that wisdom and knowledge and experiences from those years of what you’ve been doing. Why not become an expert and teach other people what you already know?
Tom Poland 03:27
Perfect! So let’s look at mistakes, four and a half minutes left. The common mistakes that your ideal clients make- they come along, they find your solution, they become a highly paid expert and they go,” You know, Debbie, I want to share with you. I made these mistakes before I discovered your solution.” What are you hearing from them? What sort of mistakes are they typically making?
Debbie Allen 04:04
Number one is staying focused. Pick a lane, stay in the lane, how building their business, and do everything that gives them a return on investment. I call this the “squirrel syndrome”.
Tom Poland 04:18
Debbie Allen 04:18
Yeah, or “bright shiny object”. Entrepreneurs go like that. And so I, actually, when I do have my live events, I actually throw out squirrels. Now, Tom, they are not real squirrels. They’re stuffed with my logo, they have a little t-shirt on them. I have a little t-shirt here, like that, on the squirrel and they fight for that. Because throughout the whole event I’m keeping them focused like that is the main thing in really growing any business.
Tom Poland 04:43
So true. So they’re chasing the squirrels as you do, I remember once you telling me that, you know, so you’re going to chase another squirrel, instead of staying focused staying in the lane. So let’s look at- we’ve talked about the problem, symptoms, and mistakes. Let’s start moving people forward. Question number five is, and three and a half minutes later, a valuable free action like a top tip, not gonna solve the whole issue, not gonna make them a highly paid expert tomorrow, but it might take them a step in the right direction?
Debbie Allen 05:08
Well, you know, it’s not just saying, “Hey, I want to be an expert”, right off the bat, it’s saying, “I’m going to step up my game”. And so, to really get the best opportunity is to use your voice. Use your messaging. Being a speaker. So, Tom, you’re right here with me, we’re on a podcast. That’s one way to share your voice. Webinars, you know a little bit about that. Another way to share your voice and your message, you have to be able to put yourself out there to get that client. And what a better time to position yourself as an expert now that we’re, you know, all online. It’s easier and cheaper and an easier entry point for everybody. So you got to be able to step up and say, “I’m the expert”. I think the number one problem is that people have an issue with the word “expert”. But if you’re not claiming it, then somebody else is going to claim it.
Tom Poland 05:53
Debbie Allen 05:53
And they’re gonna go ahead of you, right?
Tom Poland 05:55
Absolutely, yeah, so put your stake in the ground. Question number six, two minutes left. What I’m after here is where can people go to find out more about what you’ve been sharing about?
Debbie Allen 06:06
Right. So if you want to know what expert positioning really is, how to use it, and then how- when I mentioned multiple income streams, you know, what are those multiple income streams? And then show me in a business plan how to do it. So I put together a 30-minute video that you can watch at expertpositioningsuccess.com. Expertpositioningsuccess.com, and watch the 30-minute video. It explains everything of how, what it is, walks you through your business plan, everything. And if that seems like something you want to learn more about again, you can contact me and we’ll have a chat.
Tom Poland 06:36
Perfect! So expertpositioningsuccess.com. Go get it! 90 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?
Debbie Allen 06:46
Where did you learn to be an expert?
Tom Poland 06:48
So where did you learn to be an expert?
Debbie Allen 06:50
Yeah, that would be a long one. I’d have to come back. No, it would be, you know, over a period of time, I’ve reinvented myself. And so that’s why I know people can become an expert in just about anything because, you know, I’ve reinvented myself in different types of businesses. So, I guess that’s the question you’d ask is, “Can anybody become an expert whether they have been to college, whether they have the background?” Yes, anybody can become an expert if you really want to learn something and share it with other people and you’re passionate about it.
Tom Poland 07:17
Perfect! Debbie Allen, thank you so much.
Debbie Allen 07:20
My pleasure, Tom.
Tom Poland 07:22
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