- Learn how to use the connector’s mindset and become a networking pro on LinkedIn
- Discover why instead of waiting for people to come to you and hope for the best, you need to have the strategy, assets, and accountability in place and be consistent with your social marketing efforts
- Know why you need to be a connector if you want to get MORE REFERRALS, be top of mind all the time, and if you want to generate even more revenue from LinkedIn
- How to Use the Connector’s Mindset and Become a Networking Pro on LinkedIn: socialsellinwebinar.com
Joe Apfelbaum is the CEO of Ajax Union, a B2B digital marketing agency based in Brooklyn, NY. Joe is a business strategist, marketing expert and certified Google trainer.
In this episode, Joe shares how he helps coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs, sales professionals move up to the next level, become an influencer and be consistent with their success by leveraging their relationships on LinkedIn.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:19 – Joe’s ideal client: Our ideal clients are coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs, sales professionals that want to be able to leverage their relationships on LinkedIn.
- 02:14 – Problem he helps solve: Help his ideal clients overcome the fear of putting themselves out to the world and be visible to their market.
- 03:39 – Typical symptoms people experience when trying to solve that problem: They’re not going to have clients, that’s number one, they’re not going to be getting on phone calls with people. The clients that they are going to get are going to be based through desperation, whoever reaches out to you randomly, instead of getting your most ideal client.
- 05:00 – Common mistakes that people make when trying to solve that problem: The biggest mistake that people face when it comes to LinkedIn is that they spend all their time in the feed wasting time.
- 06:07 – Joe’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): Set a goal as to how many people you want to speak to each day.
- 07:04 – Joe’s Valuable Free Resource(VFR):How to Use the Connector’s Mindset and Become a Networking Pro on LinkedIn : socialsellinwebinar.com
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Set a goal as to how many people you want to speak to each day.” -@joeapfelbaum Share on XInfo about our correspondent host:Travis has a background in sales, marketing, and strategy, and left the corporate world several years ago to start his own agency. As a copywriter by trade, his biggest skill is putting the right words, in front of the right people, at the right time. Travis has developed go-to-market strategies for grassroots apps to Fortune 500 and helped optimize up to $50k per day in Facebook Ad spend for one of the biggest startups in Asia.
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Travis Bennett 0:09
Hi everyone, and welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Travis Bennett. And I’m rocking it to you out of Yangon in Myanmar, proving you can literally be anywhere in the world and make your business a success. I’m joined today by Joe Apfelbaum. Joe, a very, very warm welcome.
Joe Apfelbaum 0:24
Thank you. Yay, I’m so excited to be here. Boom.
Travis Bennett 0:27
Where are you hanging out today?
Joe Apfelbaum 0:29
So today I am hanging out in Brooklyn, New York. I’m actually in my man cave and this is what it looks like.
Travis Bennett 0:34
Very nice. Very nice. So, for those of you who don’t know Joe, he’s the CEO of Ajax Union. They’re a B2B Digital Marketing Agency, also based out of Brooklyn, New York, a business strategist, marketing expert, certified Google trainer. And he’s also the author of a new book called High Energy Secrets, how he lost 95 pounds and has more energy than ever, which is amazing because we’re going to have that same energy on the podcast today. Joe, it is very, very great to have you on the show. We’re going to be talking today about “From Lurker to Influencer on LinkedIn in just Fifteen Minutes, and we’re going to get it all explained in just seven. So, we’re getting even better there. Joe, I’m going to start this timer and we’re going to jump into question number one, maybe you could tell me a little bit about your ideal client.
Joe Apfelbaum 1:19
So, our ideal clients are coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs, sales professionals that want to be able to leverage their relationships on LinkedIn. Most people are dabbling on LinkedIn, and they’re busy on their feet.
And I tell everybody if you have 15 minutes a day to spend on LinkedIn, you got to do the right activities if you want to be successful.
So, I teach people how to do posting, engaging, and messaging in just 15 minutes a day. And look, if you’re a coach, if you’re a consultant, and you have an invisible product, right? As you said, you’re teaching people how to get leads with their invisible product, you can show somebody what you do, what you need to do is add value to them. And the best way to get clients these days, and the highest paying clients and the best clients are through referrals. And there’s no better technology to use, to network and get referrals than LinkedIn.
Travis Bennett 2:04
Gotcha, gotcha. So that’s kind of leading into the second question, the problem that you solve is kind of teaching people how to do this in the most time effective manner.
Joe Apfelbaum 2:14
Not just that, people have a lot of fear, people are afraid, and they don’t know that they have that fear. You see, fear stands for “False Evidence that Appears Real”, you have fear to post, you have fear to engage, you have fear to message people because you don’t want to look annoying and you don’t want to look stupid.
Especially as a consultant that everything you have is value, especially as a coach that all you have is your word, you’re selling your expertise, so you’re afraid that people will judge your expertise. But I’m here to tell you that if you’re not going to put yourself out there, you’re not going to have that visibility if you’re not going to engage, you’re not going to have that credibility. And if you’re not going to reach out to people through direct messages, you’re not going to slide into DM, you’re not going to do the outreach, you’re not going to get on the phone, you’re not going to get the customers. So, we teach people how to overcome that fear by having an actual strategy, a step by step plan. So, the problem that we solve for people is helping them overcome their fear by actually having a plan. The reason why people have a lot of excuses is that they don’t have a written strategy. And I believe that it just takes two or three minutes for you to write down your plan. What is your goal, who is your target market, and what is your message? And if you go write this plan down and then write what you’re going to do in just 15 minutes a day, your life will change.
Travis Bennett3:25
Gotcha. Okay, so we’ve got four minutes 45 on the clock. The typical symptoms people experience when they’re suffering from this, you said, you don’t have the plan in place. What kind of headaches that they’re going to have in their life, in everything that they’re doing?
Joe Apfelbaum 3:39
They’re not going to have clients, that’s number one, they’re not going to be getting on phone calls with people.
The clients that they are going to get are going to be based through desperation, whoever reaches out to you randomly, instead of getting your most ideal client. And what’s going to end up happening is you’re going to start questioning yourself whether or not you should even be a coach.
And you may even go get a nine to five job or something like that. I know, as an entrepreneur, once I figured out how to get clients, I can never get a job again. And I know that it’s really up to me, to be able to fish and to be able to get out there and to be able to plant seeds and to be able to build relationships with other people so that I can take my life and my business to the next level. I want to be able to give you, the viewer, the person, the coach, the consultant, the entrepreneur, the sales professional, the ability for you to have relationships that no matter what you do in your life, you’ll be able to leverage those relationships to get more customers. And that’s really the key, you’re not going to have to make a fortune off just hoping that people will come to you. Hope is a great thing, it’s just not a great strategy. So, I tell people, instead of using hope, instead of using luck, instead of waiting for something to come to you, you got to put yourself out there. You got to start posting once a day, you got to start engaging with your ideal target market and your ideal target partners, and you got to start messaging the right people on a regular basis.
Travis Bennett 4:50
Gotcha. And I guess then the mistakes that people make when they’re trying to solve this, but they don’t actually have the right plan, is they’re not doing that, right? They’re not doing the follow-through.
Joe Apfelbaum 5:00
Yeah, so the biggest mistake that people face when it comes to LinkedIn is that they spend all their time in the feed wasting time. Don’t go in the feed, don’t spend all your proactive time in the feed.
Most people don’t know the difference between them being proactive and reactive. And Stephen Covey, in his book called The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, he says that you have to be proactive. And being proactive means having a plan and knowing what you’re going to do. So, if you have a list of people that you’re going to go after, go after that list, but do it with the right messaging for the right target market to help you be able to get to your goal. Always set a goal first, know what you want to get to in terms of how many people you want to speak to, how many proposals you want to send out, how many clients you need, what the value of the client is, who your most ideal client is. All that stuff needs to be written down in advance and that’s basically what I’m passionate about teaching people about.
Travis Bennett 5:48
Okay. And I guess that’s kind of leads into the next question. We’ve got two minutes, 15 on the clock. So, we’ve got three questions, we’re doing well. The valuable bit of advice that you can give to people that they can overcome this today is, kind of what you said, get out of the feed and start writing this stuff down, figuring out who you’re targeting, and just doing it.
Joe Apfelbaum 6:07
Set a goal as to how many people you want to speak to each day.
For me, I want to speak to five people every single day. How many people do you want to speak to every single day? If you can set a goal that is not just an outcome goal but more specifically, if you can set a goal, that’s a process goal and then you make love to the process, you start loving the process. I love getting on the phone with people, I love having conversations. I love building relationships, and I love making introductions. That’s why I make 1000 introductions every single year, that’s only three a day, it sounds like a lot. But at the end of the day, if you can get on five phone calls every single day, or even five phone calls a week, if you don’t have a lot of time. I get five phone calls a day, that’s 20 a week, that’s 80 a month, that’s 1000 a year. And that’s how I generate millions of dollars in my business.
Travis Bennett 6:50
That’s very powerful. So then, I guess that leads us to the next question is, if people want to learn more, and learn a little bit about how you can give them some guidance on how to do all of this, where would you send them? Where’s the best place for them to find out all about you?
Joe Apfelbaum 7:04
So, if you want to find out more about me, I would recommend going to my LinkedIn profile. If you go to joelinkedin.com, you could read my about me, I spent a lot of time writing that about me, it’s 2000 characters. And in there, I’ll have a link to a webinar that’s coming up very, very soon, social sellin webinar, there’s no “g” in sellin, socialsellinwebinar.com. And if you want to sign up for a $7 trial to socialsellin.com, you can access over 14 hours of webinars, over 20 hours of coaching. You can literally get everything that you need in just seven days for $7. And after that if you want the course, the coaching, and the community of over 200 engaged LinkedIn users, then you can sign up to our program. But the bottom line is I give a lot of value for free. I have over 180 articles with tips and strategies and stuff. And at the end of the day, what I want to do is I want to help people take their life and their business to the next level. So that’s why I’m here.
Travis Bennett 7:55
Awesome. And so, we’ve got eight seconds left, so we’re going to miss the last question. But Joe, it’s been great to have you on the show and to everyone else, check out your LinkedIn profile or socialsellin, with no “g”, dot com. Thanks so much for coming on.
Joe Apfelbaum 8:07
Tom Poland 8:09
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