- Discover what are the different factors you need to work on and be clear about when it comes to selling in a competitive market
- Learn more about the importance of having an ideal client profile in understanding and selling what you’re worth
- Understand why investing in yourself isn’t something you should be guilty about
- To get the FREE Easy Budget Calculator, click here: gaildoby.com/poland
Do you find yourself often relying on these typical marketing tactics– word of mouth, tons of ads, or crazy expensive websites?
Do these guarantee you promising results or do you end up underselling yourself again?
Are you wanting to sell yourself like crazy, stress-free, and hassle-free at a low price, in a competitive market?
Gail Doby is the author of Creative Value Blueprint to Get Paid What You’re Worth. She also helps designers, architects, and other creatives increase their profitability to 5x.
Get a taste of what Gail has to offer on how you can sell yourself like crazy in the competitive market without having the need to undersell your worth!
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:10 – Gail’s ideal client: Its creative entrepreneurs, typically interior designers, lighting designers, and architects. And the key is they’re wanting to grow their businesses scale them and also achieve more profit, more wealth, more time off, and, hopefully, a well-oiled business on top of that.
- 01:35 – The problem she helps solve: The root cause of most of the problems we deal with, with our clients is a lack of clarity. And they don’t know what they want to achieve. And they don’t have a plan that is attached to that particular idea of clarity.
- 02:38 – The symptoms of the problem: Actually, most of them that come to us say they’re stuck, or they’re overwhelmed, or they’re not achieving the goals that they were looking for. And I think there are a few others as well.
- 03:31 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Gail: One thing is they think if they work more, they’re going to solve their problem. And that is never the right solution. So, if they think that that’s going to do it, it won’t do it.
- 04:56 – Gail’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): There are two things I’d like to share. The first one is to take only ideal clients. And if you don’t know who those people are, we have a free resource that we’ll share at the end.
- 05:43 – Gail’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): To get the FREE Easy Budget Calculator, click here: gaildoby.com/poland
- 06:37 – Q: What’s the reason most people don’t reach their financial goals? A: I would tell you that, hands-down, 100%, it is mindset and fear.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Market when you're the busiest.” -Gail Doby Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast of Australia, joined today by Gail Doby. Gail, a very warm welcome from Down Under. Where are you hanging out?
Gail Doby 00:23
In Denver, Colorado.
Tom Poland 00:25
Ooh, sounds nice! Starting to warm up now?
Gail Doby 00:27
We’re actually- we’re past this now. So, we’re very happy! It’s all rain.
Tom Poland 00:33
For a while. So, folks, in addition to living in Denver, Colorado, Gail is the author of the book, Your Creative Value Blueprint to Get Paid What You’re Worth. She helps designers, architects and other creators increase profitability by multiples up to five times even more. One such person said 512%, which is pretty freakin’ amazing! So, the title today is, “How to Sell Your Value in a Competitive Market”. Gail, our seven minutes start now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?
Gail Doby 01:10
Well, I think you said it. And its creative entrepreneurs, typically interior designers, lighting designers, and architects. And the key is they’re wanting to grow their businesses scale them and also achieve more profit, more wealth, more time off, and, hopefully, a well-oiled business on top of that.
Tom Poland 01:28
Perfect! Thank you for that. So, question two, we’ve got six and a half minutes left. How would you define the problem that you solve for these folks?
Gail Doby 01:35
I think the root cause of most of the problems we deal with, with our clients is a lack of clarity. And they don’t know what they want to achieve. And they don’t have a plan that is attached to that particular idea of clarity. So, we help them achieve a certain plan, a system, a process, build a team, set financial goals, and also build a business model that will help them achieve their goals.
Tom Poland 02:02
Something that’s systemized and scalable and brings in predictable, high-quality results. Because I imagine a lot of your folks would be just relying on word of mouth and, you know, sort of missing that predictability or certainty around their results.
Gail Doby 02:16
Tom Poland 02:17
Would that be right?
Gail Doby 02:18
It would be absolutely correct. Yes.
Tom Poland 02:21
So, let’s move on then, question three is- and we’ve got just five and a half minutes left, plenty of time. In addition to just sort of relying on word of mouth and wishing and hoping and praying, what would you say are some of the typical symptoms that your ideal clients are experiencing before finding a solution?
Gail Doby 02:38
I love that question! Actually, most of them that come to us say they’re stuck, or they’re overwhelmed, or they’re not achieving the goals that they were looking for. And I think there are a few others as well. They tend to be on a roller coaster of client leads, and you know all about that with your business. And with that, they get a roller coaster of financial results. A lot of fear, and chaos. They’re busy. They’re not productive. They have a lot of anxiety. They’re overworked. And I think grumpy would be a good word for it at the end.
Tom Poland 03:10
Yeah, absolutely! Okay, thank you for that. I remember those days! It’s not a fun place to be. So, folks, if that sounds like you, keep listening out because we’re coming up with a solution and two questions time. But before we get there, Gail, question four, and four and a half minutes left, what are some of the common mistakes that your clients tell you that they made prior to finding you?
Gail Doby 03:31
Well, I think one thing is they think if they work more, they’re going to solve their problem. And that is never the right solution. So, if they think that that’s going to do it, it won’t do it. And I think that if you look at the root cause, again, is that reactive vs. proactive, and they get into the mode of looking at their cell phone in the morning, and that determines their plan for the day, which means that they’re not really very productive. So those are a couple of the issues that I see happening with a lot of our clients
Tom Poland 04:00
Proactive vs. reactive, that sums it up really well. So, you also find that some of them make the mistake of thinking that they just have to cut their prices?
Gail Doby 04:10
Well, you know, they might, but that’s not a good answer. That’s, in fact, a poor answer. Most of the time, we want them to raise their rates because that helps them attract the right people to their business. And so, we tell them to do, probably, the opposite of whatever they’re thinking they should do.
Tom Poland 04:27
Well, that actually kind of makes sense. I mean, yeah and what they’ve done has gotten to where they are, and they don’t like where they are, so they really should probably do something different. That’s very interesting. Very interesting! So, what you’re saying is that you know, in some cases, you’ll be attracting fewer clients with cheaper prices than you will with higher prices. So, let’s go to question five, just over three minutes left. What’s one valuable free action that someone could take that’s not going to solve the whole solution, they might need to work with you for that, but, at least, it might start them in the right direction?
Gail Doby 04:56
I think there are two things I’d like to share. The first one is to take only ideal clients. And if you don’t know who those people are, we have a free resource that we’ll share at the end. And also, the second thing is to market when you’re the busiest. And I tell my clients that they need to have at least 10 hours of marketing a week. And if you’re not doing that, either you or someone on your team or you’re outsourcing, then you are going to have a rollercoaster ride. It will not be a lot of fun; it’ll be very stressful.
Tom Poland 05:26
Yeah. It can be a lot of fun at the top, but when you’re streaming down, revenue-wise, not so much. Bad anxiety. So, let’s go on to question six, which is the valuable free resource. Where can people go to find out more about what you’ve just been talking about now? What’s the URL you can give us?
Gail Doby 05:43
Well, it’s really simple. It’s gaildoby.com/poland, like your name, and it’s a great toolkit. It has four different tools in it, one of which is the ideal client profile. It doesn’t matter what kind of business you’re in, you should have this for your business and have it well identified. It will make sure you get the right kind of people attracted to you.
Tom Poland 06:05
There’s actually a lot on that page, folks. It’s gaildoby, D-O-B-Y, .com/poland, with one L, same as the country next to Russia, actually, next to Ukraine, I should say. But let’s not go there, at the moment. Determine your pricing precisely and confidently, select from multiple profit options, eliminate guesswork, and calculate your design fee. Yes, your design fee is great, but there’s an awful lot there. Gaildoby.com/poland. 90 seconds left, Gail. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Gail Doby 06:37
I think this is a great question that I would love to have you ask, but I’ll ask it for you. What’s the reason most people don’t reach their financial goals?
Tom Poland 06:47
And what is the reason why most people don’t reach their financial goals?
Gail Doby 06:50
I would tell you that, hands-down, 100%, it is mindset and fear. And the reason that a lot of people never get past where they are at this very moment and don’t get the results that they want is that they’re afraid of spending money on themselves because they look at that as an expense instead of something that will return money to them many times over.
Tom Poland 07:13
Fantastic! Gail Doby, I really appreciate your wisdom and your insights, and your generous share. Folks, get your butts over, digital bucks over to gaildoby.com/poland. Gail, thanks again.
Gail Doby 07:26
Thank you so much, Tom.
Tom Poland 07:29
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