- Discover the one brilliant way of increasing 20% of your revenue by just having two sentences copy to write
- Find out marketing tactics and strategies that can have a considerable impact on your revenue
- Learn how you can create more traffic to drive sales and increase your revenue
- How much more money could you be making? Get your FREE funnel revenue analysis now https://datadrivenmarketing.co/calculator/
Are you a course creator or influencer who has already created content for years and built an audience but couldn’t sell a course?
Do you feel like you can be earning more but don’t know how?
Are you ready to find out tactics and strategies that can double your revenue?
John Ainsworth is the founder and CEO at Data Driven Marketing. They help creators and influencers double their revenue in 3 months through marketing funnels.
In this episode, John shares how there are course creators and influencers who have already proven their worth by creating content with a market base that they have not converted yet. He suggests specific ways of increasing their revenue in no time.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:47 – John’s ideal client: We work with online course creators who have already built an audience, people who’ve been putting content out for years, educating people, and building up that trust but haven’t converted that into making a ton of sales yet.
- 02:11 – The problem he helps solve: A lot of course creators who are in this position, these guys who are creators and influencers make a lot of content, share it, and build up an audience. They don’t realize how much money is available to them because of what they’ve done.
- 03:04 – Symptoms of the problem: What people are feeling is, they’re frustrated that they should be making more money, like, ‘I know that this is worth more money.’ ‘I know that I should be getting more out of this, but I just don’t know quite how,’ and they’ve heard of funnels, and they’ve heard of all of this, you know, different marketing tactics, what have you. And they’re like, ‘Yeah, but I don’t know, I don’t know how to do that.’
- 04:28 – Mistakes people commit before they get John: One of the biggest things there is that people might try some tactics that they’ve heard about from marketing people, and they don’t know which ones specifically work for online courses. They try something, get mediocre results, and go, ‘You know what, I’m going to get back to what I was doing before.’
- 05:13 – John’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): In about a day to two days of work, you can increase revenue by about 20% for most people, and it’s something called order bumps. And what you do is, an order bump is on your checkout page, you have a tick box and have another offer available somewhere between a third of the price of the original thing and the same price as the original thing that you’re selling. You have about two sentences to write very, very short, and about 40 to 60% of people will buy. We’ve had people increase their revenue by $130,000 a year from doing this.
- 06:11 – John’s Valuable Free Resource (VFA): How much more money could you be making? Find out here: http://www.datadrivenmarketing.co/calculator
- 07:00 – Q: How else can people solve that issue [increasing revenue]? A: There are three ways people can solve it; we covered one to increase the revenue you get per sale. And so, order bump is one way of doing that. Other ways are upselling, improving your offer, and how you can raise your prices, but that’s like order bumps is an easy one there. The second main thing is increasing the percentage of your email list to buy each month.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“In about a day to two days work, you can increase revenue by about 20% for most people, and it's something called order bumps.” -John Ainsworth Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to you from the sunny sunshine coast here in Australia, joined today by John Ainsworth. John, a very warm day from down under. Whereabouts do you hang out?
John Ainsworth 0:24
I’m in Lisbon in Portugal at the moment. It’s beautiful out here.
Tom Poland 0:28
Probably, earlier you told me that you’re about to pop back to the UK in preparation for a trip to Kenya. Sounds very exciting.
John Ainsworth 0:38
Yeah. I’ve never been; looking forward to it; it should be great. Yeah.
Tom Poland 0:41
It’ll be fantastic. Alright, so for those of you who don’t know, John, in addition to being an affiliate world traveler, he’s the founder and CEO of Data Driven Marketing. He helps creators and influences double their revenue in three months through marketing funnels. And the reason I really welcome John onto the show is that he’s not like one of these agencies that say, shut up, give me a lot of money, we’ll see what happens. He actually backs the results, I mean, significantly puts his own skin in the game. So, I’m really delighted to have you on the show, John. You’ve set yourself apart from newer and other agencies. Can’t wait to hear what you’ve got to say, to hear what you got to say. The title is How to Double Two Times Your Online course revenue. And I think you actually can do that in about 90 days for most of your clients. Does that sound right?
John Ainsworth 1:35
That’s the average. Yeah, for some people, it’s quicker. For some people, it’s a little longer, but on average, it’s three months, right? Yeah.
Tom Poland 1:40
Still pretty fast. Pretty significant. Yeah. So, let’s kick off our seven minutes starts now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?
John Ainsworth 1:47
We work with online course creators who have already built an audience. So that could be through YouTube, or podcasts or SEO, or social media, but it’s the people who’ve been putting content out for years and educating people and building up that trust but haven’t converted that into making a ton of sales yet.
Tom Poland 2:03
Fabulous. Thank you; very succinct, too. Question number two, six and a half minutes left. Tell us about the problem you solve for these folks.
John Ainsworth 2:10
A lot of course creators who are in this position, these guys who are creators, and influencers make a lot of content, share it and build up an audience. They don’t realize how much money is available to them because of what they’ve done. And the problem is that they don’t understand that there are three legs to this; there’s traffic. It Has lots of traffic, that’s great. Courses, you have great courses that people love; that’s fantastic. But if you don’t have a mechanism of converting traffic into buying the courses, which is email marketing and funnels, then you’re leaving most of the money that’s available to you on the table.
Tom Poland 2:47
Yes, I’m squirming as I hear these because I think we have those ideal clients of yours. So, make me squirm some more. Questions three; six minutes left; what would you say are the typical symptoms of your ideal clients? What’s going on in their business before they find your solution?
John Ainsworth 3:04
What normally happens… The standard approach is, I’ve driven traffic and that has worked, I’ve created courses. And that’s work. So, what I’m going to do is do more of that. I’m going to, every time that I want to make more money, I’m going to make a new course, or I’m going to try and drive more traffic. And both of those work. That’s the thing, right? If they didn’t work, people might look elsewhere, but they both work. It’s just that they don’t work nearly as well as they could. So what people are feeling is, they’re frustrated that they should be making more money, like, I know that this is worth more money. I know that I should be getting more out of this. But I just don’t know quite how and they’ve heard of funnels, and they’ve heard of all of this, you know, different marketing tactics, what have you. And they’re like, ‘Yeah, but I don’t know, I don’t know how to do that. I’m uncomfortable with it. I don’t know exactly which bits would work the best.’ ‘I tried some stuff, but that didn’t really work.’ ‘So anyway, I’m just going to drive more traffic and create more courses.’ And that’s like 99% of people I talked to are like that.
Tom Poland 4:04
Perfect. Thank you, Sir. Question four, we’re talking about people who create online courses, and they’ve been doing marketing and putting out content; these people are pretty growth-orientated. So, they’re going to keep trying stuff you’ve mentioned, making the mistake of just doing another course and getting more traffic. Are there any other common mistakes folks are making in trying to solve this problem that you could help them with? Four minutes left.
John Ainsworth 4:28
One of the biggest things there is that people might try some tactics that they’ve heard about from marketing people, and they don’t know which ones specifically work for online courses. So, they try something, get mediocre results, and go, ‘You know what, I’m going to get back to what I was doing before.’
Tom Poland 4:43
Right. So, try a few courses and then go back to… kind of works okay by its sound, but it’s not maximizing the potential. It’s not really scaling things, and it’s a lot of hard work to rinse and repeat the new course, etc. So, let’s flip this now, question 5, how about a top tip, like one valuable free action that someone could… they could take it? It’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it might stop them off on the journey on the right foot.
John Ainsworth 5:13
Yeah, this is good. So, in about a day to two days of work, you can increase revenue by about 20% for most people, and it’s something called order bumps. And what you do is, an order bump is on your checkout page, you have a tick box and have another offer available somewhere between a third of the price of the original thing and the same price as the original thing that you’re selling. You have about two sentences copy to write very, very short, and about 40 to 60% of people will buy it. We’ve had people increase their revenue by $130,000 a year from doing this. It takes honestly no more than like generally about an hour to do.
Tom Poland 5:50
Incredible. I’m internally crying, thinking about all the money that we’ve left on the table by not having done that. An order bump. There you go, folks. John, two and a half minutes left; let’s get people some more value with an online resource. People go to find out more about what you’re doing and get more solutions for their problem.
John Ainsworth 6:11
Yeah. So, if people want to know how much more money they could be making, specifically, we will figure it out for them. So, we’ve got a calculator on our website and go to datadrivenmarketing.co/calculator and fill in some questions, about ten questions. And we will go through it personally and figure out for you exactly how much more revenue you could be making. And we’ll send you some useful resources about how to do it as well.
Tom Poland 6:34
Not only is that incredibly clever marketing, but it’s also very valuable, folks, www.data drivenmarketing.co/calculator. The link under the video if you’re watching this; otherwise, if you’re on an mp3, then please go to datadrivenmarketing.co/calculator. Question seven. So, the last question, we’ve got 60 plus 35 95 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
John Ainsworth 7:00
I think the question is, how else can people solve that issue? And there are three ways that people can solve it; we covered one increase the revenue you get per sale. And so, order bumps are one way of doing that. Other ways are upselling, improving your offer, and how you can raise your prices, but that’s like order bumps are easy one there. The second main thing is increasing the percentage of your email list to buy each month. And most people send three email promotions a year with a discount as the average, sometimes two, sometimes four, normally three. And it’s possible to send great emails every month that get people to buy people like they don’t unsubscribe, and your bank account will go crazy because of it. And the third one is how you get more people onto that email list. And most people have got an opt-in rate of between normally point five and 1%. And then normally, you can get it to about 5%. by well, as no time to go into that one today, how to do it, but most people can manage to do that.
Tom Poland 7:59
So those look a wealth of information and lots of valuable ideas there. John Ainsworth, thank you so much for your time. Appreciate all your insights.
John Ainsworth 8:08
My pleasure. Thank you very much.
Tom Poland 07:56
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