- Discover the difference between higher performance and high performance
- Find out why you should set yourself and your mindset on the right track
- Learn more on how going out of your comfort zone could help you and your business achieve growth
- Wanting to Know More About Yourself for Your Business and Personal Life? Learn More About the Epiphany Process: www.erikluhrs.com/epiphany
Have you been feeling overwhelmed with hustling and expectations?
Do you feel like you could do and be more than who you are right now?
Are you ready to overcome that high performance and achieve a better and HIGHER performance?
Erik Luhrs is a higher performance coach and helps executives and entrepreneurs become who they desire to be and achieve what they desire to achieve by aligning what is beyond their brain with what is in their business.
In this episode, Erik shares the difference between high performance and higher performance, and why your brain and mentality play a big role in this. He also talks about his own epiphany process that can also help you and your business grow and may even shift your mindset for the best!
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:34 – Erik’s ideal client: “I mostly work with executives and entrepreneurs who are “successful” on paper or whatever. But at the same time, they know and they also feel in their gut that they’re not living life and or experiencing their business to the highest possible level for themselves as a human being at this moment.”
- 02:06 – Problem Erik helps solve: “My solution has cascading solutions, or what I do has solved multiple problems. Everything from increasing sales, to physical health, etc.”
- 02:54 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Erik: “So they’d be feeling stuck. That’d be a general feeling. They’re stuck in multiple areas. So financially in their business, the revenue would seem to have- they couldn’t move the needle no matter what they tried, or, you know, months or years or whatever.”
- 03:45 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Erik’s solution: “Well, as you said, they’re smart people. So as soon as they- the first thing they do is they diagnose. They say, “Well, I think this is my problem.” And then they will go and they will say, “Well, I want more leads.” So, they’ll try marketing stuff or sales, and they’ll try marketing tactics or sales tactics alone.”
- 04:54 – Erik’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “So what they’re looking to do is they’re looking to expand themselves as a human being. So, what I say is, you know, find a list of those things that you truly desire.”
- 06:22 – Erik’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Erik’s Epiphany Process: www.erikluhrs.com/epiphany
- 07:47 – Q: What’s the difference between high performance and higher performance? A: High performance is really what I call, like, “hyper-performance,”. Looking at one area of your life and really focusing, “Oh my god!” and so intense on that. Higher performance means that you want to come from your higher self when you align with that everything else works perfectly.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Higher performance means that you want to come from your higher self. When you align with that, everything else works perfectly.” -Erik Luhrs Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings everyone and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to you from Little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by my long-term colleague and friend, Erik Luhrs. Erik, good day. Sir, for the audience, let them know where you’re hanging out.
Erik Luhrs 00:26
I’m hanging out in lovely New Jersey, USA.
Tom Poland 00:28
Perfect! So, folks, as I mentioned, I’ve known Erik for quite a few years now, and his specialty is aligning the inner mind with the outer world. So, to be more specific, he’s- you’re probably described as a high-performance coach, a specialist in high performance. He helps entrepreneurs, but also high-level executives, become who they desire to be and to achieve what they desire to achieve by, as I said, getting this stuff – if you’re listening to the podcast, you can’t see me pointing in my brain or what’s left of it – aligned to what’s happening in their business and their life. So, Erik, I’m sure you agree that a lot of people think that if they can just get their outer world, the hole is kind of fixed up, their inner world will be happy and full of peace. And of course, it works pretty much exactly the other way around. So, let’s get started. I’m excited to hear this, “How to Align Your Brain and Business for Rapid Growth”. Erik’s going to tell us how to do that in just seven minutes. Erik, our seven minutes start now. Sir, question number one is who is your ideal client?
Erik Luhrs 01:34
So, I mostly work with executives and entrepreneurs who are “successful” on paper or whatever. But at the same time, they know and they also feel in their gut that they’re not living life and or experiencing their business to the highest possible level for themselves as a human being at this moment.
Tom Poland 01:53
As there’s this sense there’s something more. Maybe something missing, or something that hasn’t stepped into. Thank you for that! Question two, six and a half minutes left, tell us about the problem you solve, but in a bit more detail.
Erik Luhrs 02:06
Well, my solution has cascading solutions, or what I do has solved multiple problems. Everything from increasing sales, to physical health, etc. But at the end of the day, the main problem that I solve is when you feel like you can be and should be accomplishing a lot more, and yet, the stuff you’ve tried just hasn’t been working.
Tom Poland 02:31
Folks, if you’re listening to this, and this is you, you’re going to resonate with this. You’re going to feel- it’s going to be visceral. You’re just going to go, “Oh, my goodness, that sounds like me. It feels like me.” So, tell us- if someone’s listening to this, what are some of the typical symptoms they’re going to be experiencing and noticing in the business and the life that will kind of give them a heads up that, “Yeah, I need to find out more about what Eric does.”
Erik Luhrs 02:54
So, they’d be feeling stuck. That’d be a general feeling. They’re stuck in multiple areas. So financially in their business, the revenue would seem to have- they couldn’t move the needle no matter what they tried, or, you know, months or years or whatever. Every day seems like the same activities. Life just feels like it’s on autopilot or Groundhog Day. But instead of the autopilot taking it to the airport you want to go to, it just keeps flying in circles.
Tom Poland 03:22
That’s a great analogy! So, question four, five minutes left. Question four, these are smart people. They’re generally ambitious people. They’re people that want to get to the next level. They’ll have a step into their destiny, as it were. They’re going to try stuff, right? So, tell us about some of the common mistakes they make in trying to get to the next level before they find your solution?
Erik Luhrs 03:45
Well, as you said, they’re smart people. So as soon as they- the first thing they do is they diagnose. They say, “Well, I think this is my problem.” And then they will go and they will say, “Well, I want more leads.” So, they’ll try marketing stuff or sales, and they’ll try marketing tactics or sales tactics alone. Maybe some of them get to the point where they say, “Hey, you know, I could use some, you know, unclogging in my noggin.” They go to therapy, or they try a vacation. So, they think one thing will solve everything. And you know, that single focus tactic kind of thing just never works. And again, it puts them back into that loop day in and day out. It makes them feels worse because they tried something. They spent a bunch of money at a time and it didn’t work.
Tom Poland 04:26
We’ve all done it. That kind of sums it up what you said, that we think there’s one thing that’s going to solve everything. And when you put it like that, that kind of makes sense. Okay, so let’s look at something positive, and three and a half minutes left. Question five is, can you give the audience one valuable free action that they could take, kind of move them a step in the right direction. May not solve the whole problem, but it’s going to move them a little bit along the road?
Erik Luhrs 04:54
Sure. So, what they’re looking to do is they’re looking to expand themselves as a human being. So, what I say is, you know, find a list of those things that you truly desire. Now, first, get rid of the Facebook revenge list, as I say. The thing that you want that everybody else on your Facebook list has them. But what are the things in your heart that you truly, truly desire? Now, look at them like a tree, right? What’s the lowest hanging fruit on that tree that still scares you a little bit? And say, okay, and you commit to just that. Forget everything else, but just commit to that because it’s going to take you out of your comfort zone automatically. And that’s going to force you to bump out who you are and expand as a human being. And that’s really the beginning of the catalyst for the rest of the changes you’re looking for.
Tom Poland 05:39
Having listened to that, I’m now regretting we’ve only got seven minutes. But that is a mind-expanding and life-altering concept, the what’s in your heart, and of that, what’s the low lying fruit. Get out of your comfort zone and start reaching for that. Now, I know that’s really conceptual. But in practical terms, they would like literally make a list, right? Of the things that they want to step into. Can you give us a couple of examples of things that they might want- that some of your past clients have had on their lists?
Erik Luhrs 06:10
They might want something like, you know, “I never took the time to learn how to paint.” Or to tell people, “I want to be a painter,” or something and just share that with their clients or their family or something. I’m making this up, but-
Tom Poland 06:22
Sure, yeah. Okay, got to put some flesh on the bone. So, it could be business stuff, but it could be personal stuff, as well. In fact, it’s very likely to be personal stuff as well. thank you for that! Were over 90 seconds left, so heaps of time. Question six, one valuable free resource. We want to be able to direct folks to somewhere they can go to dive a bit deeper into this. So, if you’ve got a landing page, we can publish and ask people to go to.
Erik Luhrs 06:22
Sure. They can go to www, make sure you put that in, www.erikluhrs.com. That’s E-R-I-K-L-U-H-R-S.com/epiphany. And that is my self-diagnostic and epiphany process and a series of questions. And if you take it seriously, most people who have taken this and taken it seriously, have come back and they have said it made them cry and it has shaken this loose inside of them that needed to shake loose. And several people have said just that the questions and going through this process has changed their life and they can’t look at their life or their business the same anymore. They can’t unlearn what they learned about themselves.
Tom Poland 07:24
So incredibly healthy exercise to do. For goodness sake, folks, do that exercise now, rather than when you’re sitting on your rocking chair at 35 minutes too late. So, Erik, E-R-I-K, Luhrs, L-U-H-R-S.com/epiphany. 30 seconds left, sir. What’s the one question I should have asked you, and the answer, please, in less than 25 seconds?
Erik Luhrs 07:47
Okay. Since I am a higher performance coach, a good question would have been, what’s the difference between high performance and higher performance? So high performance is really what I call, like, “hyper-performance,”. Looking at one area of your life and really focusing, “Oh my god!” and so intense on that. Higher performance means that you want to come from your higher self. When you align with that, everything else works perfectly. And that’s where I work!
Tom Poland 08:10
Thinking of perfection. Perfect timing! Thanks, Erik.
Erik Luhrs 08:14
Tom Poland 08:15
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