- Discover why asking is the first step in getting your ideal life
- Learn why you need ask more than just keeping quiet
- Find more about how your answers aren’t found outside but instead inside of you
- Wanting to Know More About Asking and the Power Behind it? Join Crystal and Mark’s Book Club Community: askthebookclub.com
Have you always wanted to ask but constantly find yourself getting anxious or scared?
Are you always tired of not being able to ask when you know that you really want it?
Do you want to know how to ask for your ideal life?
Mark Victor Hansen is the best-selling author of Chicken Soup for the Soul and other innumerable bestsellers including, One Minute Millionaire. And, Crystal Dwyer Hansen is also a best-selling author, international speaker, and clinical hypnotherapist.
In this episode, Mark and Crystal share their tips and insights for how to ask when you don’t know how to ask at all. They share also their experiences on how valuable and important asking is even if you may think it scary.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:09 – Crystal and Mark’s ideal client: “Our ideal client is anyone who is a voluminous reader that wants to make their life infinitely better by learning the technology of asking because you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you ask for.”
- 01:47 – Problem Crystal and Mark help solve: “So the problem we solve is getting you out of doubt, uncertainty, and unworthiness into the manifestation of your greatest destiny through asking because most people are scared to death to ask.”
- 02:41 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Crystal and Mark: “I love the question because what we said that there are seven detours to asking– the sense of unworthiness, naivete, doubt, fear, excuses, pattern paralysis, and then the big, big one that’s hit us now because of screen time, as far as I’m concerned, is disconnection.”
- 03:39 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Crystal and Mark’s solution: “So the common mistake most people make is that they look for their answers outside of themselves. And we say and teach in the book, you will never find your answers outside of yourself.”
- 04:51 – Crystal and Mark’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Well, Crystal said you got to ask yourself, others, and God. I want to do just the “Ask God”. When jack and I came up with Chicken Soup, we thought the soul of America is in trouble, what we discovered the soul the world was in trouble. And we didn’t have the right title!”
- 06:40 – Crystal and Mark’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Crystal and Mark’s FREE Webinar: askthebookclub.com
- 07:18 – Q: How do we get out of the COVID confinement cocoon? A: God gave you an eye, as human beings, only two powers. Nobody else has got our superpowers, learning how to ask and what we’re teaching is the science, the philosophy, the techniques, and the technology.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Once you ask, you have illumination. You have insight. You have wisdom.” -Mark Hansen Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, and a warm welcome to Marketing The Invisible, joined today by Crystal and Mark Hansen. Crystal and Mark, good day! A warm welcome from down under. How are you doing?
Mark Hansen 00:20
Good day to you. We’re excited to be with you, Tom.
Crystal Hansen 00:23
It’s great to meet you, Tom.
Tom Poland 00:25
A pleasure to host two luminaries such as yourselves! For those of you who have been, I don’t know living in a cave or hiding under the rock for the last 40 years, Mark Victor Hansen is a best-selling author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, innumerable other bestsellers including One Minute Millionaire. Crystal Dwyer Hansen is also a best-selling author, not to be outshone, international speaker, and clinical hypnotherapist. So, I can’t wait because the title of this is got tingles running down my spine. The title of this interview is, “How to Ask for Your Ideal Life and Cross the Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny”. Who wouldn’t want that? So, Mark, Crystal, our seven minutes starts now. Could you tell us first of all, who is your ideal client?
Mark Hansen 01:09
Our ideal client is anyone who is a voluminous reader that wants to make their life infinitely better by learning the technology of asking because you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you ask for. And we’re teaching how to ask yourself, ask others and ask God, and asking is a secret of art that very few of us really know because most of us are detoured with a sense of unworthiness or whatever. We got seven detours that get us out of the way.
Tom Poland 01:35
7 detours. Thank you! Well articulated, sir. Nothing less than what I would have expected from you. So, tell us- question number two, six and a half minutes left. Clock is ticking. What’s the problem you solve?
Crystal Hansen 01:47
So, the problem we solve is getting you out of doubt, uncertainty, and unworthiness into the manifestation of your greatest destiny through asking because most people are scared to death to ask. Studies reveal that most people going into the study think that if they ask for help, information, advice, or just assistance in doing something, that the answer will be no. They’ll be perceived as being stupid or ignorant. And the opposite is true. If you’re willing to ask, there’s an 80% more likely chance that you will have your request granted. But it also shows in the studies that people are not natural askers. We need to learn. We need to be taught how to ask.
Tom Poland 02:27
A hundred percent! Thank you for that. Just under six minutes left. Question three, what I’m interested with this one is what are the typical symptoms that someone listening to this would be noticing in their life where they’re going, “Yeah, I need to know more about this “ask” thing”?
Mark Hansen 02:41
I love the question because what we said that there are seven detours to asking– the sense of unworthiness, naivete, doubt, fear, excuses, pattern paralysis, and then the big, big one that’s hit us now because of screen time, as far as I’m concerned, is disconnection. Like you and I’ve been places, and you see the teenagers all pulling up their cell phones, and they’re with another teenager, and you go- I suspect if you got kids, you probably have teenagers.
Tom Poland 03:11
Yeah, I do. Yeah, and grandkids too. So, let’s talk then about some of the- because we, you know, our audience, your audience, they’re people that, they want to fulfill their destiny. They want to make a difference in the world. They’re aware that maybe they’re asking the wrong questions, at least, or they’re thinking could do a little correction, perhaps, so they’re going to try stuff. So, question four is what are some of the common mistakes that our listeners might be making before they find the “Ask” solution?
Crystal Hansen 03:39
So, the common mistake most people make is that they look for their answers outside of themselves. And we say and teach in the book, you will never find your answers outside of yourself. People are looking around their life, and think that life is just coming out of them, and they’re ducking and dodging and trying to keep the balls up in the air. The truth of it is your life is created from the inside out. And so, unless and until you take that asking journey that you dive deep, and ask yourself, which is that reflective journey and that imaginative journey and the action journey, ask yourself, ask others, which is your way to bond with the world that connect to the rest of the world because all of us need each other to get the things done in this life. And then ask God, so that you figure out how your life fits into that whole universal scheme. The whole universal plan, whatever you want to call it. The kingdom. What is your “kingdom” purpose? Your “universal” purpose?
Tom Poland 04:32
This is just making so much sense. Thank you. Three and a half minutes left. Question number five, can you give the audience one valuable free action. It’s kind of like a step in the right direction that’s not going to solve the whole problem. They’re going to want more resources, which we can give in a moment, but just a top tip, a step in the right direction.
Mark Hansen 04:51
Well, Crystal said you got to ask yourself, others, and God. I want to do just the “Ask God”. When jack and I came up with Chicken Soup, we thought the soul of America is in trouble, what we discovered the soul the world was in trouble. And we didn’t have the right title! So, the principle that I’m going to teach you is you ask right before you go to sleep, and you ask multiple times. Now, Jack and I believe you got to do 101 times, “Mega best-selling title. Mega best-selling title. Mega best-selling title.” Well, this was before cell phones. So, at 2:58 in the morning, he calls me. He wakes up the whole house. My little daughter was coming out of bed at the time. We had 800 animals on one acre. And Jack said, “Chicken soup! I said, “For the soul!” I said, “We got it!” And he got goosebumps and I got goosebumps. I can’t talk for you, Tom, but for us, that was corroboration of truth, and we said that’s going to be it. Now, still, 144 publishers all said, “Actually, hit the road, Jack” and I don’t care if you don’t like Canfield. It’s- I’m a nice guy. No, Jack’s a great guy. He’s brilliant! The point is, if everybody else doesn’t know their destiny, and our research shows that 99% of people don’t, they’re just, “I go to a job, Tom. Don’t you understand? What are you thinking?” If you go to yourself and say, “God, what’s your destiny for me? God, what’s your destiny for me? God, what’s your-” Now, you got to do it like 101 times to wake up the deeper subconscious. Push back sleep, and be ready with a paper pen and pad. So, the answer will come and tell your sweetiekens, “Hey, honey, I’m sorry to tell you this but I listened to this guy Mark, and his wife, Crystal, and they said you’re going to have this great idea. And I’m going to have to write it down to put it on my marble, so it really works.”
Tom Poland 06:23
Beautiful! And it does work. It’s impossible for it not to work if you follow that top tip, folks. 90 seconds left. 2 questions left. What’s one valuable free resource we could direct folks to? A website somewhere, perhaps, so people can go dive in more to this.
Crystal Hansen 06:40
Yeah, no, we would love to invite everybody to our free webinar. It’s really a free class that we’re doing. It’s go to askthebookclub.com because we want to pull people into this discussion of this important book. This is a book that is absolutely going to change your life if you’re willing to take that journey. And so, we want to help people with that. So once you get your book at Amazon, or wherever else books are sold, then you go to askthebookclub.com and join us there. No cost to you.
Tom Poland 07:09
Perfect. Askthebookclub.com. Go get it, folks! Question number seven, we got 50 seconds left, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Mark Hansen 07:18
How do we get out of the COVID confinement cocoon? And there’s only one answer. God gave you an eye, as human beings, only two powers. Nobody else has got our superpowers, learning how to ask and what we’re teaching is the science, the philosophy, the techniques, and the technology. And then number two is imagination. And once you ask, you have illumination. You have insight. You have wisdom. You have the revelation that doesn’t exist for any other animal kingdom. So, nobody asked that, but we can make the world worse for everyone if everyone learned our technology. And right now, I got to tell you, our book is rocking and getting people out of the depression, despondency, nurture, and giving hope and inspiration in life and like.
Tom Poland 07:59
Beautiful! Crystal and Mark, thank you so much for your time.
Mark Hansen 08:03
Thanks, Tom!
Crystal Hansen 08:03
Loved being here with you.
Tom Poland 08:05
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