- Learn how to radically increase your money-making mojo… now and for years to come by consistently attracting 5-star clients
- Lose those “ain’t got enough money” blues and bask in the evidence of unlimited wealth
- Catapult your business into a whole new stratosphere of clients, cash flow, and fun
- Free Template: If you want to attract more clients, without a bunch of marketing malarkey… try Jeanna #1 mindset hack. It only takes 5 minutes a day to change your results! www.MoreClientsNowTemplate.com
Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach and founded MasterPeace Coaching 23 years ago. She knows, without question, you can make massive amounts of money and impact millions (even if you’ve been struggling for years) if your’e willing to flip the switch in your thinking, chuck the old-school rules in the toilet, and stay true to what lights you up and turns you on. She’s the co-author of Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction with Jack Canfield and her other books are 10 Minute Money Makers, Rock Your Profits and Speed Dial the Universe.
In this episode, Jeanna shares how she makes it effortless and exciting for conscious entrepreneurs to attract all the clients they want without doing more, working more, or marketing more. All the way to the bank.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:48 – Jeanna’s ideal client: “Business owners with small businesses who just want to make it more fun to attract clients instead of hunting them down.”
- 02:18 – Problem Jeanna helps solve: The whole point is to have marketing that attracts clients and have it feel natural and feel like you’re not trying. They’re just showing up, you’re still doing the stuff, but it doesn’t feel like work. It doesn’t feel like stuff.
- 03:03 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Jeanna: “They’re feeling like things just feel like work. It’s feeling there’s a cap, there’s some sort of plateau. They’re feeling like maybe they’re marketing but the marketing isn’t working. They usually work with a lot of other mentors. They’ve done a lot of other things and like, it doesn’t matter even if they followed it to a tee, it’s just not working and it’s, a ton of it is mindset.”
- 04:06 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: “I think that people are making themselves do a lot of things they don’t want to do. And they’re not even questioning, like, “Well, wait a minute, if I could make this fun or if I could customize this, what would that look like?”
- 05:49 – Jeanna’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): I would question where have I gotten, like, stale on marketing? Like, where am I just going through the motions? Where is it moldy and oldy? Because I’m not looking at it from fresh new eyes. How can I be innovative? What could I say that would like to be exciting for me to say? What would be a little edgy? What’s a different fun twist to put in? I mean, like, something as simple as that you don’t use emojis in your emails, try an emoji, it’s fun to use an emoji. But also getting radical, like, what would be radical? What do you not want to say? What do you want to say that you won’t give yourself permission to stay in marketing? Like, be edgy, take it to the edge. Get a little wild, get a little loose?
- 07:03 – Jeanna’s Valuable Free Action(VFR): Free Template: If you want to attract more clients, without a bunch of marketing malarkey… try Jeanna’s #1 mindset hack.It only takes 5 minutes a day to change your results! www.MoreClientsNowTemplate.com
- 08:18 – Q: “What’s the secret sauce?” A: My secret sauce is, like, being completely unfiltered and like taking radical risks, I think. And just showing up like I don’t think there’s such a thing as over-giving, oversharing if it’s relevant to the topic. I don’t think that there’s anything that’s too much. You can’t email people too much. You can’t be too much. It’s like be too much, it’s totally fine. Be over the edge. Be you.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Secret sauce is being completely unfiltered and taking radical risks. Just showing up like there's no such a thing as over-giving, oversharing.Be over the edge. Be you.” -@jeannagabellini Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: 0:09
Tom Poland: 0:09
Hello everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Jeanna Gabellini. Jeanna, a very good afternoon, I guess it is for you, good day and welcome. Where are you hanging out?
Jeanna Gabellini0:21
I’m at San Francisco, California
Tom Poland: 0:24
San Fran, San Fran. So, Silicon Valley amongst the billions of dollars, hopefully, that’s washing all over your life every day.
Jeanna Gabellini0:34
I like the way you think.
Tom Poland: 0:37
For those of you don’t know Jeanna, she’s a Master Business Coach. She founded MasterPeace Coaching 23 years ago. So, one of the originals. What, did you start it when you’re like two or three years old or something?
Jeanna Gabellini0:51
Of course, yes.
Tom Poland: 0:53
Yeah. Okay. So, an early adopter, one might say. She knows, without question, you can make massive amounts of money and impact millions (even if you’ve been struggling for years) if you’re willing to flip the switch in your thinking, chuck the old school rules into the toilet, flush it, double flush them, and stay true to what lights up and turns you on. So, it’s kind of like a combination of the passion, the mission, the vision, and some good marketing smarts to lock into place. She’s the co-author of Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction with Jack Canfield, pretty impressive. And her other books are 10 Minute Money Makers, Rock Your Profits, and Speed Dial the Universe, that’s clever. Alright. So Jeanna, the topic today is, “How to Attract Five Star Clients.” We’re going to show folks how to do that in just seven minutes. Our seven minutes stats now. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?
Jeanna Gabellini1:48
Business owners with small businesses who just want to make it more fun to attract clients instead of hunting them down.
Tom Poland: 1:55
So, your thing is that combination of making it fun, you know, as you said before, tapping into the vision, the mission, etc., but equipping those some tactics that actually frickin’ will works in getting new clients on board. Does that sound about right?
Jeanna Gabellini2:07
Yes, I love marketing. Marketing geek.
Tom Poland: 2:10
Six and a half minutes left. Question two, what is the problem you solve? I probably stole some of your time there, but you could elaborate if you wish.
Jeanna Gabellini2:18
Yeah. The whole point is to have marketing, ah, not marketing, marketing is a necessity. But it’s like, how can you attract clients and have it feel natural, so that just feels like you’re not trying. They’re just showing up, you’re still doing the stuff, but it doesn’t feel like work. It doesn’t feel like stuff. It feels like badass-sery happening. It’s fun, it’s creative.
Tom Poland: 2:40
And the beautiful thing I like about that is when it’s fun, people do it. And when it’s not fun, they don’t do it. And I think that’s probably one of the biggest reasons that marketing efforts fail is, people don’t want to do it. So, tell us about, question number three, just five minutes 45 left, what are some of the typical symptoms that your ideal clients are experiencing in their life and business before they find you?
Jeanna Gabellini3:03
Yeah. They’re feeling like things just feel like work. It’s feeling there’s a cap, there’s some sort of plateau. They’re feeling like maybe they’re marketing but the marketing isn’t working. They usually work with a lot of other mentors. They’ve done a lot of other things and like, it doesn’t matter even if they followed it to a tee, it’s just not working and it’s, a ton of it is mindset. You know, mindset is what fuels marketing and I think just a lot of people get wrapped up in that and they’re following a formula that doesn’t, but it’s not customized to their personality style, you know, just go through the motions. Or, it is work, it feels like work. It’s like a little checklist, “Oh, I check that box it should work,” no, like, your energy suck. And if you go look at your marketing, your marketing suck because of that.
Tom Poland: 3:48
So that’d be feeling, I mentioned I’d be feeling frustrated. They’re probably feeling like that tempted to do things that disingenuous or inauthentic and they just kind of think marketing sucks because of that. So, question number four, four minutes 40 seconds left, what are some of the common mistakes that people make before they find your solution?
Jeanna Gabellini4:06
I think that people are making themselves do a lot of things they don’t want to do. And they’re not even questioning, like, “Well, wait a minute, if I could make this fun or if I could customize this, what would that look like?” Like, for me, marketing is something I get to sit down, I get to enjoy writing. I want to do a Black Friday sale. I can’t wait to do the emails. I can’t wait to like, “Okay, cool.” It’s my connection with my people. And I think most people look at really, literally, everything in their job except for working with clients, or creating the product is work. It’s just become work.
Tom Poland: 4:42
So, you’re, part of your secret sauce is that you, I think you used the word customized. You’re customizing a marketing model or method for a client so that, just like you’re looking forward to writing an email, they’re looking forward to doing whatever it is that you have agreed with them that they need to do.
Jeanna Gabellini4:59
Yeah. Like, I teach a class on launching stuff online and I say, “Here’s five models, mix and match and choose,” be willing to throw all this crap out. Like, even if I say, “This is what you have to do.” It’s like question, does that feel good to me, or, is there a better way of doing that? And like not being locked into, “Well, this is what the coach said,” or, “This is what I read in the book.” You know, it’s like, let’s get some creativity and be innovative here.
Tom Poland: 5:24
Listeners, I hope you listen to this real hard, because I believe this is the most overlooked reason why marketing fails is that people simply don’t want to do it. So, if you can find a method that you actually want to do, then you’ll do it. And when you do a thing regularly, because you want to do it, you got to get really, really good at it. So, question number five, three minutes left, what’s one valuable free action that you could recommend an audience member takes that’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it’ll take them a step in the right direction?
Jeanna Gabellini5:49
Yeah, I would question where have I gotten, like, stale on marketing? Like, where am I just going through the motions? Where is it moldy and oldy? Because I’m not looking at it from fresh new eyes. How can I be innovative? What could I say that would like be exciting for me to say? What would be a little edgy? What’s a different fun twist to put in? I mean, like, something as simple as that you don’t use emojis in your emails, try an emoji, it’s fun to use an emoji. But also getting radical, like, what would be radical? What do you not want to say? What do you want to say that you won’t give yourself permission to stay in marketing? Like, be edgy, take it to the edge. Get a little wild, get a little loose?
Tom Poland: 6:30
Get a little you.
Jeanna Gabellini6:32
Yeah, exactly. Bring up the volume on you.
Tom Poland: 6:36
Yeah, because, I mean, do you find that, you know, one of the mistakes a lot of people make is they’re copying others because they think the other people have the formula. But in doing so they’re, it’s like they’re depersonalizing they’re marketing. All right, that’s a yes. Move on, Tom. Sorry. One minute, 45. Do not hijack the interview, Tom. Do not hijack the interview. One minute 40 seconds left. Question number six, what’s a valuable free resource that we can direct people to this going to help them even more?
Jeanna Gabellini7:03
Tom Poland: 7:06
Oh, very clever, http://www.moreclientsnowtemplate.com. What are they going to find when they get there?
Jeanna Gabellini7:14
They’re going to find a radically easy template to use that must be used in order to work. Don’t download it and stuff it in your download file.
Tom Poland: 7:23
You got to take the wrapper off. Okay, great. I’ve been there, folks, it’s really, really worth it. Moreclientsnowtemplate.com, very well thought out and also very simple to execute. Spot on time, one question left, one minute left. What’s the one question I should have asked you, but I didn’t?
Jeanna Gabellini7:40
Jeanna, what’s your secret sauce?
Tom Poland: 7:43
Jeanna, what’s your secret sauce?
Jeanna Gabellini7:46
My secret sauce is, like, being completely unfiltered and like taking radical risks, I think. And just showing up like I don’t think there’s such a thing as over giving, oversharing, if it’s relevant to the topic. I don’t think that there’s anything that’s too much. You can’t email people too much. You can’t be too much. It’s like be too much, it’s totally fine. Be over the edge. Be you.
Tom Poland: 8:12
Yeah. The giving away thing is initiating, one of our clients says, you know, I’m not giving too much away. And I said, “You know what, smart people with money will want you to help them implement. People who haven’t got money, you use to give them something to help, and you don’t want the dumb people.” So, no. Jeanna Gabellini, thank you so much for your time.
Jeanna Gabellini 8:30
It’s been a pleasure.
Tom Poland: 8:32
Tom Poland 8:33
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