- Learn how you can craft the perfect pitch that will make people want you and what you have to offer
- Find out why having a proof of concept is crucial before investing in different advertisements
- Discover the importance of understanding your services’ worth to ensure that you get the most out of your marketing and that your audience gets the most out of you
- To find out how to craft the marketing that will cut through and get your ideal clients to want to know more about you and what you do, click here: Toptalentjv.com and Davidtfagan.com
Do you know that you have great service to give but just end up feeling like you’re the world’s best-kept secret?
Have you been trying to pitch yourself to prospects but end up not being wanted?
Are you ready to find out how you can gain more exposure and credibility and become one of the most influential in your field?
David T. Fagan is the former CEO of Guerrilla Marketing, which sold over 23 million books in 62 languages. He is also the former owner of LCO Communications, a PR firm that has represented 58 Academy Award Winners, 34 Grammy Winners, and 43 New York Times Best Sellers.
In this episode, David talks about how you can attract your ideal clients through the right words, the best strategy, and the perfect pitch! He also shares why you need to have proof of concept first before investing in different marketing strategies such as ads.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:36 – David’s ideal client: People in the advice business, you know. People that make money off the advice they give. You know, speakers, authors, coaches, trainers, but also real estate agents and attorneys and plastic surgeons and dentists.
- 02:07 – The problem he helps solve: There are a lot of people out there that are really the world’s best-kept secret. And so, the challenge is for them to become more influential, to become more credible, and to get more exposure.
- 02:47 – The symptom of the problem: These are the people that are realizing that they’re not standing out, you know. They’re not attention-getting. They’re not creating what we call “want”.
- 03:49 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting David: They’ll spend a lot of money on advertising, maybe Facebook ads, maybe SEO without really having their business model created, without really having proof of concept.
- 05:05 – David’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Every week, every Wednesday, we do what we call a top talent JV mastermind. And for the first 30 to 60 minutes, I help people learn how to talk about themselves. How do you talk about yourself?
- 05:50 – David’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): To learn how to craft the marketing that will cut through and get you clients: Toptalentjv.com and Davidtfagan.com
- 07:02 – Q: What’s the big difference maker behind us and everybody else that kind of acts like us? A: we’re really in the talent management business. You know, we manage talent. You know, we represent talent. We manage talent.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“We want you to be the pursuee, not the pursuer.” -David Fagan Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast here in Australia, joined today by David Fagan. David, a very warm good day from Down Under. Whereabouts are you hanging out?
David Fagan 00:24
I’m in that Arizona, United States!
Tom Poland 00:27
Arizona! I bet you got sunshine right now.
David Fagan 00:30
It was actually raining today, but we do have sun now.
Tom Poland 00:33
OMG, it was raining in Arizona! All right.
David Fagan 00:37
A rare day! It was a rare day. Made the news.
Tom Poland 00:39
Amazing weather there. Okay, folks, David is a pretty amazing guy. He was the former CEO of Guerrilla Marketing. And I don’t know if you’ve heard of that book, Guerrilla Marketing, but if you haven’t, you should get it. It sold 23 million copies. It was in 62 different languages. He’s also the former owner of LCO Communications, which was a PR firm that represented 58 Academy Award Winners, 34 Grammy Winners, and 43 New York Times Best Time Sellers. So, David knows a thing or two about marketing, about client attraction, which is really great because our title today, David, is, “How to Attract and Enroll the Clients that You Love to Serve”. The big difference between working with people that you think are dipsticks and people that, you know, you’d have for Sunday barbecue. So, let’s get into it, David! Our seven minutes start now, sir. Question number one, who is your ideal client?
David Fagan 01:36
People in the advice business, you know. People that make money off the advice they give. You know, speakers, authors, coaches, trainers, but also real estate agents and attorneys and plastic surgeons and dentists. And, you know, all of these people are paid experts in the advice business, and that’s our ideal person.
Tom Poland 01:56
Perfect! Similar wheelhouse to our listeners which is great. So, listen up, folks. There’s going to be some gold in here. David, what’s the problem you solve? That’s question two, six and a half minutes left.
David Fagan 02:07
There are a lot of people out there that are really the world’s best-kept secret. And so, the challenge is for them to become more influential, to become more credible, and to get more exposure. And that’s an “ice” acronym that we use that’s really been changing people’s lives and making them a lot of money.
Tom Poland 02:25
Perfect! Thank you. Question three, I’m sure a lot of people relate to, you know, the world’s best-kept secret. They’ve got like a 10 out of 10 in service, but they feel like they’ve got 2 out of 10 in marketing. Six minutes left. What would you say are the typical symptoms that people listening to this are going to be experiencing in their business? It kind of gives them a heads up that they need to find out more about what you do?
David Fagan 02:47
Sure. Yeah, these are the people that are realizing that they’re not standing out, you know. They’re not attention-getting. They’re not creating what we call “want”. You know, when they talk, people don’t “want”. If you’re going to attract and enroll, you need to create that “want”. And so, you know, they find themselves with not a lot of opportunities to shine, not a lot of opportunities to talk to the right people. And when they do talk to people, it’s usually the wrong people. And they’re negotiating and, you know, they’re people who maybe can’t afford what they’re really worth. And so, it all kind of goes downhill from there.
Tom Poland 03:24
Right. So, question four, you know, people that you’ve mentioned, the coaches or consultants or realtors, and so on, they’re growth orientated, and they want to grow, and they want client demand. But they’re probably going to try some stuff that doesn’t work before they find your solution. So, what would you say are some of the most common mistakes that people are making before they find your solution? Four and a half minutes left.
David Fagan 03:49
They’ll spend a lot of money on advertising, maybe Facebook ads, maybe SEO without really having their business model created, without really having proof of concept. And you know, the other thing that they’ll do too is they’ll start to brag about themselves knowing that they need to stand out. And that’s just not the key thing to do. I mean, I’ll get into that more later on. But the bragging and talking about themselves a lot, if they do it wrong, it’s just going to really turn a lot of people off.
Tom Poland 04:24
And when you say the proof of concept, your business model hasn’t yet been proven. And they’ve started doing a lot of marketing. Can you give us an example of what you mean by proof of concept?
David Fagan 04:32
Yeah, if I have a very specific definition. It’s three things. One, you have a product or service to sell. Two, you’re selling that product or service at a profit. And three, people are so happy with that product or service that you’re getting referrals and testimonials. If you have all three of those, you got to work on the business model.
Tom Poland 04:50
A proof of concept and a business model. Thank you for that! So, question five, three and a half minutes left, what’s one valuable free action that someone listening to this feels like they’re the World’s Best Kept Secret.? What’s one thing they can do that’ll make them a step in the right direction, a top tip if you like?
David Fagan 05:05
Every week, every Wednesday, we do what we call a Top Talent JV Mastermind. And for the first 30 to 60 minutes, I help people learn how to talk about themselves. How do you talk about yourself? What’s your elevator pitch? How do you quantify what you do? And so, if you go to toptalentjv.com, you could come to one of these weekly Wednesday workshops. They go for about four or five hours, and you can introduce yourself and talk about yourself, and be put in breakout groups.
Tom Poland 05:33
And they’re going to learn how to articulate their marketing message in such a way that people are going to get it.
David Fagan 05:40
We have scripts that we use. We have different formulas that we use. And you get not just to learn those things, but practice those things– talking to other people. And we do it every week.
Tom Poland 05:50
So, folks, the URL there and this was the answer to question number six, but because David’s amount ahead of his time, we’ve already answered it. It’s www.toptalentjv.com. Go to one of his meetings and learn how to craft marketing that’s going to get cut through. It’s going to motivate your ideal clients to want to know more. The other place you should go because we’ve got a little bit of time left, is davidtfagan.com, F-A-G-A-N, and T for Thomas, Terry, and Terrific. Davidtfagan.com. Because at the bottom, there’s an opt-in there for a fabulous little book, which is all about the words that you can put into email subject lines, is good at conversations, is the word “genius”. Thank you, there it is, David T. Fagan. Get a copy of that as well. So, there are two resources for you. Toptalentjv.com and Davidtfagan.com.
David Fagan 06:41
In both of those places, you can download this book for free.
Tom Poland 06:46
Both of those places?
David Fagan 06:47
Both of those places. Yeah.
Tom Poland 06:47
So go to toptalentjv.com. And we are not an affiliate, not associated in a profit way directly with David. We just do this because we think he’s got great stuff. Go get it! Question number seven, sir, 90 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?
David Fagan 07:02
Probably what’s the big difference maker behind us and everybody else that kind of acts like us? And the answer to that really is we’re really in the talent management business. You know, we manage talent. You know, we represent talent. We manage talent. And we do that in three ways publishing, publicity, and show production. So, if you’re in the advice business. You’re a speaker, author, and expert. If you want more influence, credibility, or exposure, you might start looking at yourself as, “Hey, look, I’m a talent. I’m a starter. I need a finisher. I need someone who’s going to finish what I’m starting. I need someone that’s going to publicize me and promote me and publish me and market me.” And you know, that’s really what we do. And it’s actually a unique language or unique explanation that you’re just not going to hear very much. And what we want to do is we want to get people chasing you instead of you chasing them. And so, there’s this conversation shift. And we help create your message and your brand and the things that you’re putting out so that people are going to be coming after you. We want you to be the pursuee, not the pursuer.
Tom Poland 08:17
Thanks, David. Terrific!
Tom Poland 08:20
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