- Discover how to attract promotional partners without the exhaustion and stress
- Understand why personalization plays a big role in the promotion and collaboration
- Learn how to create a workflow that automates your communications but still keeps that human and personal touch
- Want more tips on how you can attract through automation? Click here: https://www.sellwithcollabs.com/
Have you been promoting and collaborating but just feels like it’s going nowhere? Do you struggle with maintaining communications that feel like it’s more automated than personal?
Communicating, marketing and collaborating don’t need to be this stressful. Get a system in place, automate it, and give it a personal and human touch.
Jess Kotzer is the queen of automating collaborations to drive prospects and clients into your business.
Sit down and grab a cup of coffee and listen in to Jess and what she has to share on how you can automate your communication while still having that personal and human touch.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 00:51 – Jess’ ideal client: My ideal client is someone who values relationships– business and personal relationships, right? We want to create systems to actually scale our communications with the closest people in our lives, our current past and active clients and partners or parents and grandparents and grandkids.
- 01:39 – The problem she helps solve: So, I think a big problem with small brands is they don’t have systems in place. And we kind of get together on calls and plan to make plans. And then with bigger brands, it can feel really transactional.
- 02:51 – The symptoms of the problem: Do you remember those old credit cards in printer machines? Yeah, like 30 years ago, we’d wait in line and have these credit card machines, and it was normal. But today, five minutes of waiting for that in line would feel like such a waste of time.
- 04:27 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Jess: I think super common mistakes are coming into this really scarcity mindset and wanting to collaborate with anybody. And I really appreciate people who are kind of sassy and have automated their boundaries.
- 05:45 – Jess’ Valuable Free Action (VFA): So, without getting too nerdy, I like to think of everything in terms of workflows, and the beginning of a workflow for collaboration is, is this person, a friend? If yes, it’s the last thing I did. Check-in with them or ask them for a favor.
- 06:29 – Jess’ Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want more tips on how you can attract through automation? Click here: https://www.sellwithcollabs.com/
- 07:14 – Q: How do we automate communications without losing our human touch? A: Think about the PS field, the personal connection field after, “Hey, ‘first name’.” Think about adding your human touch there, and then script the rest.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Collaboration is just more fun when we have real friendships with these people.” -Jess Kotzer Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Jess Kotzer. Jess, good day from Down Under. A very warm welcome! Where are you hanging out?
Jess Kotzer 00:23
I’m hanging out in Toronto, Florida. I won’t say where I am. Let’s just say Toronto.
Tom Poland 00:28
Too many stalkers. I get that all the time. I understand. For those of you who don’t know Jess, she is the queen of automating collaborations to drive prospects and clients into your business seamlessly and relentlessly, and predictably. The title today, Jess, is, “How to Attract Promotional Partners Regardless of the Business Stage You’re At”. Our seven minutes is going to start now. Question number one is who is your ideal client?
Jess Kotzer 00:51
Okay. Thanks, Tom. So, my ideal client is someone who values relationships– business and personal relationships, right? We want to create systems to actually scale our communications with the closest people in our lives, our current past and active clients and partners or parents and grandparents and grandkids. So, we want to talk about forming genuine friendships with our partners in this case, without burning out, and actually feeling more energized because collaboration is just more fun when we have real friendships with these people.
Tom Poland 01:26
It is fun, and you don’t often hear the idea of the concept of collaboration, automation, or systemization in the same sentence. Well, I’m intrigued. Tell us a bit, if you would, question two, just over six minutes left, how would you define the problem that you solve for your clients?
Jess Kotzer 01:39
So, I think a big problem with small brands is they don’t have systems in place. And we kind of get together on calls and plan to make plans. And then with bigger brands, it can feel really transactional. And we can have super affiliates. And we can have all of these people who are promoting us but we can’t maintain this really personalized level of communication with all of these people. So, I’d like to maintain these highly personalized communications easily by creating workflows really that turn check-in, happy holidays, whether it’s Hanukkah or Christmas, or whatever it is introductions, pitches, and onboarding processes into automated processes that save hundreds of hours without skipping out on the human stuff.
Tom Poland 02:27
And I know that part of your thing is to try to avoid these hundreds of hours through systemization and automation and so on. Let’s go to question three, five minutes left. What would you say is going on in their life or the business of someone who would be your ideal client, but before they start working with you? In other words, what are some of the symptoms that people go, “Yeah, that’s happening in my business? I need to find out more about what Jess does.”?
Jess Kotzer 02:51
Yeah. Do you remember those old credit cards in printer machines? Yeah, like 30 years ago, we’d wait in line and have these credit card machines, and it was normal. But today, five minutes of waiting for that in line would feel like such a waste of time. And I think a lot of things we do today are robotic tasks that we can automate. And we don’t really think about automating communications because we think that’s robotic like automation is for robotic stuff. And we want to keep it human and personalized. So, I like to think the real problem is being in a constant state of robot minds, and not really thinking that we can put in systems that are actually really good for maintaining our relationships and building them.
Tom Poland 03:39
Right. So, the candidate so you’re- what’s got going on could be the people, or you mentioned it before, random acts of marketing, the leaders get together, meet. You know, we don’t have any predictability or automation. And I suppose a lot of people are doing that because they want to keep it personal.
Jess Kotzer 03:54
Yeah, and they’re like, personalized emails to take us 15 minutes to write, which is actually 13 hours of our life if we do that every week. And then there are canned emails, and I want to find something in between that we can actually automate.
Tom Poland 04:10
The sweet spot between personalization and customization and automation. So, what would you say are some of the mistakes that people make? We’ve got three and a half minutes left. They’re wanting to establish quality relationships with prospects. They’re going to be trying stuff. What are they trying that’s just never going to work that well?
Jess Kotzer 04:27
I think super common mistakes are coming into this really scarcity mindset and wanting to collaborate with anybody. And I really appreciate people who are kind of sassy and have automated their boundaries. Like I confirm that this is indeed my audience and that we are aligned so we can automate that, automate some boundaries, put some filters in place, but then also think about all of those conversations you know you’re going to have, where you get off the phone. You’ve set dates. You had some laughs. We want to put those into our next email that has the rest of it, the scripts, where we, you know, here’s my swipe file. Here’s all the information you need. That’s just set and forget– that’s the automated part. And the human part is the PS and the personal connection and the dates. So really thinking about the minimum amount that you need to add, that is actually the most human part of that.
Tom Poland 05:24
And you continue to improve that by the sound of it as well. You get another idea something didn’t work as well last time. You put that into the system, so it mitigates the likelihood of it happening again. Very good! Thank you. Two minutes left. Question five is a top tip. It’s not going to solve the whole people- sorry, the whole problem for people, they might need you for that, but it might take them a step in the right direction. What have you got? An action item or a top tip?
Jess Kotzer 05:45
So, without getting too nerdy, I like to think of everything in terms of workflows, and the beginning of a workflow for collaboration is, is this person a friend? If yes, it’s the last thing I did. Check-in with them or ask them for a favor. If you ask them for a favor, check-in. If you checked in, now, you can ask for a collaboration or partnership. If they’re a newbie, and you’re kind of prospecting, then reach out and build rapport. Think of slow-burn romance, reach out and thank them for a unique selling proposition that they have and start a dialogue. So really think about step one is just building rapport with the types of different scripts you would have for check-ins with friends vs prospects.
Tom Poland 06:29
Perfect! Thank you for that. Great top tip. A bit like dating in a way, you know, you want a slow-burn romance. I love that phrase. So, question six is one valuable free resource we can direct people to. I’m going to give the answer just for the sake of time. Folks, you go to www.sellwithcollabs, C-O, double L, A-B-S.com. Sellwithcollabs.com. And what are they going to discover there just in 10 seconds? What are they going to find there?
Jess Kotzer 06:54
They’ll find resources to collaborate like scripts and workshops where you can learn a little bit more about automation, and think collaboration in terms of automation.
Tom Poland 07:04
There’s so much there. It just looks brilliant! So, it’s sellwithcollabs.com. Last question, 14 seconds left, what’s the one question I should have asked you? And the answer.
Jess Kotzer 07:14
How do we automate communications without losing our human touch? Think about the PS field, the personal connection field after, “Hey, ‘first name’.” Think about adding your human touch there, and then script the rest.
Tom Poland 07:25
Nice. Nice touch! All right. Thanks, Jess, much for your time.
Jess Kotzer 07:28
Thank you, Tom.
Tom Poland 07:51
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