- Learn how to build a tight-knit network of connections through a mastermind
- Find out how to expand your client base through creating a high-quality mastermind and use it as a foundation to pop out the high paying clients
- Discover why you should call your friends, family, and prior customers if you are planning to start a mastermind
- Download Susan Epstein’s Free Report: 5 Simple Steps on How to Fill Your Mastermind: Sign-up at https://www.highlyprofitablepractice.com/
When it comes to mastermind groups, deciding which program to join, or who to invite is going to set the success of the program.
Many coaches shoot themselves in the foot because they think they’ve ‘got it all figured out’.
The sad truth is they do not know how to start their own tribe of people who will pay for what they knows.
Guidance and mentorship from people with a proven track record is a game-changer. They’ve figured out the blueprint to success. All you have to do is soak up their knowledge and apply what they tell you.
Susan Epstein is a business coach and strategist working with coaches, therapists, and healers to fill their practices and then leverage their time. She does this by offering, Masterclasses, Masterminds, Group Coaching Programs and Individual Coaching. Susan coaches her clients to follow her model by focusing on taking consistent action, eliminating distraction, finding their ONE THING and then focusing on constant reevaluation in order to hit their business goal.
In this episode, Susan shares how she helps business coaches create a foundation with groups or masterminds so that they can work with a lot of people at the same time. And therefore, grow their following and their client base and use that as a foundation to pop out the high paying clients.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:40 – Susan’s ideal client: “My ideal client is a coach who’s building their business currently, and they have some clients and maybe they’re starting to feel a little bit, like, I have all these one on one clients and I’m running out of time and I’m doing everything myself.
.” - 02:05 – Problem Susan helps solve: “I help them create a foundation with groups or masterminds or both so that they can work with a lot of people at the same time. And therefore, grow their following and their client base and use that as a foundation to pop out the high paying clients.”
- 02:45 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Susan: “It’s lack of time, their pricing is probably off. They might be charging like a consultant rather than a coach.”
- 04:49 – What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Susan and her solution?: “They create a lot of content on the back end and have nobody to share it with on the front end. That’s a big one. They think it’s easy to just put up a post and have a lot of people join their programs. They don’t understand that most coaching, the way that you end up signing people up or enrolling them is through a conversation.”
- 05:34 – Susan’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): Make a list of 50 to 100 people that you know, they don’t have to be people that will actually sign up for your programs, they’re just people that you know. Everybody is a referral partner or a prospect, every single person that you know in your life. And call them up, talk to them.
- 06:55 – Susan’s Valuable Free Action(VFR): Sign-up to Jennifer’s Create Consistent $10,000 Months Program: http://www.bit.ly/yourpassiontoprofit
- 08:07 – Q: How to create meaningful conversation? A: Look at all the things that you’re doing in your business, write them down and eliminate everything that it’s extraneous, that does not lead to an absolute conversation where you’re offering your coaching. If it doesn’t lead to a conversation, it’s a waste of time. I have a little quote, I say, “All roads lead to Zoom.”
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“ Make a list of 50 to 100 people that you know. And call them up, talk to them. Everybody is a referral partner or prospect.”-@MasterMindSusan Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: 0:09
Hello everyone, another warm welcome to Marketing The Invisible, the podcast, joined today by Susan Epstein. Susan, good day, very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?
Susan Epstein: 0:19
I live in New London, Connecticut, in the USA.
Tom Poland: 0:23
Fabulous. Thank you. Welcome to Australia. For those of you who don’t know Susan, she’s a business coach and strategist working with coaches, therapists and healers to fill their practices and then leverage their time. She comes highly recommended by the well esteemed, Rob Goyette, who’s now living in the Caribbean, I think. And so, Susan was referred to my little show by Rob, and Rob’s referrals are always above excellent. So, it’s a pleasure to have you here, Susan. Thanks for rocking out.
Tom Poland: 0:52
Susan does, she works with her clients through Masterclasses, Mastermind. She’s an absolute world recognized expert on filling mastermind groups, but she also does her own Group Coaching Programs and Individual Coaching. Coaches her clients to follow her model, very important words as this is a proven system, by focusing on taking consistent action, eliminating distraction, and finding their ONE THING and then focusing on constant reevaluation in order to hit their business goal.
Tom Poland: 1:23
So solid stuff, no smoke in mirrors or tensile. So, Susan, our title today is, “How to Attract Your Dream Clients using LinkedIn,” and you’re going to share with us how to do that in just seven minutes. Our seven minutes starts now. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?
Susan Epstein: 1:40
My ideal client is a coach who’s building their business currently, and they have some clients and maybe they’re starting to feel a little bit, like, I have all these one on one clients and I’m running out of time and I’m doing everything myself.
Tom Poland: 1:57
Perfect. Thank you.
Susan Epstein: 1:57
And, yeah, they’re really stretched for time.
Tom Poland: 2:00
So, six and a half minutes left. So, what’s the problem you solve? That’s question two, can you talk about that a little bit?
Susan Epstein: 2:05
Yeah. I helped them create a foundation with groups or masterminds, or both, so that they can work with a lot of people at the same time. And therefore, grow their following and their client base and use that as a foundation to pop out the high paying clients.
Tom Poland: 2:23
Brilliant model, brilliant strategy, because they can scale it, which means they’re helping more people. They’re earning more money, and they’re freeing up more time. Nice. So, questions three, just under six minutes left, what are some of the typical symptoms that people are experiencing prior to finding you and your solution? Lack of time is obviously one of them.
Susan Epstein: 2:45
It’s lack of time, their pricing is probably off.
They might be charging like a consultant rather than a coach. They’re not doing value pricing. They’re not seeing themselves as the, as the person who is the most valuable. So, in order to work with me one on one, my prices are the highest, whereas, if you’re in a group, you’re sharing with other people so I can lower my price on that. They don’t understand that math and mindset of adding a lot of people to a room, and being there and making more money that way.
Tom Poland: 3:17
And also, the wonderful enrichment that comes from having a diverse number of people in that group.
Susan Epstein: 3:22
Tom Poland: 3:23
So, it’s a win-win for everyone. Your clients get to scale revenue, free up time, serve more people. And their clients have a richer experience for it, and are paying less per head. So, question four, just over four and a half minutes left, what is some of the common mistakes that you found that your new clients have made prior to finding your solution?
Susan Epstein: 3:49
They create a lot of content on the back end and have nobody to share it with on the front end. That’s a big one. I have to get my website done. I have to do all this work. And they’re into a year and a half or two years into their business and they’re not making any money. They’re not helping anybody. It’s like I have to be perfect before I jump.
Tom Poland: 4:10
Right. So, this little, I call, like, they cradle is billboards in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Yeah, okay, thank you. Any other common mistakes that you notice?
Susan Epstein: 4:20
They don’t understand, I think they think because when you look at the whole internet marketing, they think it’s easy to just put up a post and have a lot of people join their programs. They don’t understand that most coaching, the way that you end up signing people up or enrolling them is through a conversation. Yes, we would all like the easy button. Boom, client, referrals all day long. But it takes relations, it takes time. You have to build, know, like, and trust with people. And they think you can just do it fast because you have a computer.
Tom Poland: Right, “the article I posted to LinkedIn didn’t work, so. But hey, there’s one about videos, maybe that’s the answer. I’ll do a video.” Alright, so, wise words, the voice of experience. Thank you. Just over three minutes left, question number five is, what’s one valuable free action, this is like a super top tip, that someone listening to this could take, it’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it’ll take them a step in the right direction?
Susan Epstein: 5:16
Make a list of 50 to 100 people that you know, they don’t have to be people that will actually sign up for your programs, they’re just people that you know. Everybody is a referral partner or a prospect, every single person that you know in your life.
Tom Poland: 5:32
That is so well said.
Susan Epstein: 5:34
And call them up, talk to them.
Tom Poland: 5:36
Call them out and talk to them. That is so well said. Every single person is either a referral partner or a prospect, or possibly both.
Susan Epstein: 5:44
Tom Poland: 5:45
Yeah, so just make a list and take action. Two minutes left, we got so much time left, it’s ridiculous. I’m even giving extra questions. What are they saying in that conversation when they call people up?
Susan Epstein: 5:54
They’ll say, “I’m so excited, I’m starting a pilot group and I thought of you because of x, y, z. I’d like you to be a founding member, would you like more details?”
Tom Poland: 6:07
That’s so clever. Thank you, absolute gold. Question number six, just under two minutes left, what’s a valuable free resource we could direct people to that’s going to help them even more with this?
Susan Epstein: 6:18
So, I have a special report that I created on how to, basically, five simple steps to create your first mastermind in two weeks or less. And it is something that I have systematized and done. They can go to highlyprofitablepractice.com, click on that link and you will get it right away, downloadable. And you can have a group two weeks from the time that you read it.
Tom Poland: 6:40
Wow. Thank you. 80 seconds left. Question number seven, the ultimate question, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t? And the answer, please.
Susan Epstein: 6:50
Kind of goes back to the beginning.
So, look at all the things that you’re doing in your business, write them down and eliminate everything that it’s extraneous, that does not lead to an absolute conversation where you’re offering your coaching. If it doesn’t lead to a conversation, it’s a waste of time. I have a little quote, I say, “All roads lead to Zoom.”
Tom Poland: 7:15
All roads lead to Zoom, to that conversation. Susan Epstein, that was absolutely brilliant. Thank you so much for your time.
Susan Epstein: 7:24
Thank you, Tom.
Tom Poland: 7:26
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