- Discover how you can become limitless and fulfill your purpose through your business
- Learn more on the value of focusing and knowing more about who you are and what you want
- Find out why you should be focusing more on only one priority outcome rather than a lot
- Wanting to Make Millions by Helping More People? Find More on How You Can Make Your Impact into Millions: consciousmillionaire.com/makemillions
Have you ever felt like you weren’t fulfilling your full purpose and potential?
Do you want to know how you can make millions while doing your full purpose?
Are you ready to dig deeper into who you are and make a big impact on the world?
JV Crum III, “The Conscious Millionaire Mentor” helps entrepreneurial higher performers become limitless performers! He is the host of the Conscious Millionaire Show that has been heard by millions of listeners in 190 countries. His focus is coaching entrepreneurs to make high profits and a big impact!
In this episode, JV shares his insights on how you can make your work more fulfilling and better for your purpose while gaining millions of profit. He also talks about the importance of focusing on one goal instead of many at first.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:07 – JV’s ideal client: “My ideal client is a well-established six-figure entrepreneur, seven or early eight-figure. So up to about 20 million who I work with. And, you know, they’ve accomplished a lot with their life, but they want to make a big impact on the world.”
- 02:50 – Problem JV helps solve: “So it’s a complex problem, actually. Because, you know, usually people come to someone and they go, “Oh, well, I need affiliate.” So that’s just a single problem. But the people who come to me, they genuinely want to make more money.”
- 03:36 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to JV: “Well, you know, it’s interesting, because it’s Conscious Millionaire. And I put a lot of inputs into impact, and everybody I work with wants to make an impact. But I can tell you, as a coach, as somebody who does high-end coaching with clients, every one of them wants to make more money.”
- 04:33 – Common mistakes that people make before they find JV’s solution: “Well, you know, at the foundation level of being a high performer, there are three pieces. It’s the mindset- the internal, the consciousness- it’s strategies, which can include your business model and execution.”
- 05:30 – JV’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “I want to give you my formula for creating wealth. And it’s conscious-focused action. So, you got to get conscious of let’s have one outcome 30 days from now. What is that number one priority outcome and why are you choosing that number one priority over everything else you could?”
- 06:38 – JV’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out JV’s Empowerment Audio: consciousmillionaire.com/makemillions
- 08:29 – Q: Why did you start Conscious Millionaire? A: It was because I had made millions and did it the empty way and was not happy and wasn’t fulfilled. So, I want to help people make millions, but by doing something that’s on purpose that fulfills them and makes a difference.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“You can't build a bigger business 'till you build a bigger identity of who you are and what's possible for you.” -JV Crum III Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by the highly esteemed JV Crum III. JV, good day, buddy! Where are you beaming in from?
JV Crum III 00:26
Tom, I am in Keystone, Colorado! And normally I live in Denver but for those of you who don’t live in Colorado, Keystone is an hour and a half West, but another mile up. It’s 10 to 12,000 feet. And I am right now staying in the Keystone River Run Village where I typically have skied. And then I take the gondola from 10 to 12,000 feet in the afternoons. And I’m having a great time here. And today, I’m going to go hiking when we’re through!
Tom Poland 00:54
Sounds like paradise to me. And I-
JV Crum III 00:57
It is paradise!
Tom Poland 00:58
I have to say- I mean, folks, for those of you who are not seeing the video, JV and I go to the same hairdresser.
JV Crum III 01:05
Yes, exactly. Exactly!
Tom Poland 01:08
Now there is neither not much hair. So, for those of you who have been living in a cave, JV Crum III is “The Conscious Millionaire Mentor”. He runs a fantastic show and business teaching people have the best of both worlds with increasing consciousness, happiness, and fulfillment, as well as, increasing wealth. And those are my words! They haven’t been written for me. So, getting back to your official bio, JV, he helps entrepreneurial high performers become limitless performers- so that next level that we’re all chasing and seeking. He’s the host of The Conscious Millionaire Show. He’s been heard and his show has been heard by millions of listeners in 190 countries and counting. His focus is coaching entrepreneurs to make high profits and a big impact. And that brings us really nicely, JV, to the subject of this particular review which is, “How to Become a Limitless Performer”. And JV is going to tell you how to do that, folks, in just seven minutes. JV, our time starts now. Question number one is who is your ideal client?
JV Crum III 02:07
Yep, my ideal client is a well-established six-figure entrepreneur, seven or early eight-figure. So up to about 20 million who I work with. And, you know, they’ve accomplished a lot with their life, but they want to make a big impact on the world. They want to leave their mark. They may have sacrificed something personally in their personal life, in their relationships with their children, and now they want to get it all! They want to make more money- a limitless amount of money, limitless impact and get a limitless amazing life. And they’re driven to do that. That’s who I work with.
Tom Poland 02:42
On a mission. Thank you, sir. Question-
JV Crum III 02:43
We’re on a mission
Tom Poland 02:44
Question number two, six and a half minutes left, define the problem that you solve for these folks, please?
JV Crum III 02:50
Yeah, so it’s a complex problem, actually. Because, you know, usually people come to someone and they go, “Oh, well, I need affiliate.” So that’s just a single problem. But the people who come to me, they genuinely want to make more money. That’s important to them, you know, but they don’t feel like they’re making the impact they could. They don’t feel like they’re playing at the level they could. And there’s something missing in their life. So, they want the whole package. And that’s what they want solved.
Tom Poland 03:17
So, there are quite a few parts to that to unpack. Question number three, sir, five and a half minutes left, typical symptoms that your ideal client would be experiencing prior to working with you? How do- what’s going on in their business? What’s going on in their life, that they’re thinking, “Yeah, I need to speak to this guy, JV Crum III”?
JV Crum III 03:36
Yep. Well, you know, it’s interesting, because it’s Conscious Millionaire. And I put a lot of inputs into impact, and everybody I work with wants to make an impact. But I can tell you, as a coach, as somebody who does high-end coaching with clients, every one of them wants to make more money. And that’s a critical piece, and they’re typically are going about it the wrong way.
Tom Poland 03:56
So how would they know what’s going on in their business or their life that they’d go, “Yeah, that’s a symptom I’ve got that JV could help with”? Is it-
JV Crum III 04:04
Well, usually, they come with the symptom, “I’m not making as much money as I want.” “I’m not growing as fast as I want with my business.”
Tom Poland 04:12
JV Crum III 04:12
There’s always that “I’m not making the big impact”, but they’re going about trying to grow the business, usually the opposite way, and they’re making a big mistake.
Tom Poland 04:22
Okay, so that leads us nicely, thank you, into question number four. Four and a half minutes left. What are some of the common mistakes that these aspirational entrepreneurs are making before they get to work with you?
JV Crum III 04:33
Yep. Well, you know, at the foundation level of being a high performer, there are three pieces. It’s the mindset- the internal, the consciousness- it’s strategies, which can include your business model and execution. Most entrepreneurs want to focus on the external and they think that’s the problem. But what I’ve discovered from working with entrepreneurs and even building my own companies and selling them, is about 80% of the issue is inside. You can’t build a bigger business ’till you build a bigger identity of who you are and what’s possible for you. And they want to skip that part because they go, “Oh, I need to redo my marketing plan.” And I go, “That’s right! You may need to do that. But until we redo your plan of who you are, that’s not going to work.”
Tom Poland 05:16
Perfect. Thank you, sir. We’ve got three and a half minutes left. Give us one if you would- question number five is one valuable free action that- it’s probably not going to solve the whole problem, but it might start people on their journey towards this destination?
JV Crum III 05:30
Yeah, so if I- a valuable free action, I want to give you my formula for creating wealth. And it’s conscious-focused action. So, you got to get conscious of let’s have one outcome 30 days from now. What is that number one priority outcome and why are you choosing that number one priority over everything else you could? And what I find- when I start working with somebody usually they have 10 number one priorities, right? So, this won’t work, right. But that’s because we’re entrepreneurs. And actually, it’s not any of the 10 are bad, you just can only have one number one priority. So, my action step is right now, today, get clear. 30 days from now, what’s the number one outcome that’s going to move the needle forward, build your business, help your clients more and get you more into that zone of becoming limitless?
Tom Poland 06:23
I love the focus that that action item’s going to give folks. So, two and a half minutes left. Question number six, one valuable free resource we can direct people to that’s going to help them even more. And you and I discussed the URL before, tell us what that is, please, and what people will get when they get there.
JV Crum III 06:38
Well, Tom, I’m going to not only give you a free resource, but I’m going to give you a free exercise and I’m going to ask you to do it for 30 days but only if you want to become more limitless, make more money, make a bigger impact, and get a more amazing life. If that’s not of interest to you, do not go get this. It won’t help you! So, it’s an empowerment audio. I have nine years of NLP Ericksonian hypnosis certifications. I’ve created this and people rave about it. I created six of them, but you know one of them is going to like, people- Oh my god, I love this! It’s called “Born to Make Millions”. Now, first of all, before you go, “Oh my god! That JV, he’s so surface.” No, in the middle of it, it’s going to have something about the impact that’s very critical about how you’re going to make those millions. So, it’s only after you listen to the first minute intro, it’s only five minutes long. Listen to it for 30 days, am, pm. And then I want you to journal and this is the specific way I want you to journal. For five minutes, I want you to start every sentence with “I was born to make millions because” and whatever comes up, you write down. “Because I have blue eyes.” “Because I’m married to the perfect person.” “Because I love helping other people.” Whatever it is, if you do that for 30 days, you’re going to have so many amazing reasons why you were born to make millions while you’re reprogramming your mind!
Tom Poland 08:01
Perfect! JV, what’s the URL? Where would people go to get that?
JV Crum III 08:05
Yeah, it’s simple. It’s consciousmillionaire.com/makemillions.
Tom Poland 08:11
JV Crum III 08:11
I can give that to you one more time, consciousmillionaire.com/makemillions.
Tom Poland 08:17
Link is under the video, folks. If you’re listening to this on a podcast, consciousmillionaire.com/makemillions. JV, one question left, 30 seconds to go, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t.
JV Crum III 08:29
Why did you start Conscious Millionaire? And it was because I had made millions and did it the empty way and was not happy and wasn’t fulfilled. So, I want to help people make millions, but by doing something that’s on purpose that fulfills them and makes a difference, so at the end of every day, they go, “Wow, I’m so excited to be alive!”
Tom Poland 08:49
Perfect. Thanks, JV.
Tom Poland 08:52
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