- Discover how you can leverage your story to speak with more impact and confidence
- Learn the importance of being clear with your values, mission, and passion to speak out a message worth everyone’s time
- Understand that you are an influential voice and how you can speak with a better and more dignified communication
- Wanting to Find Out How to Make a Long-Lasting Legacy with only the Power of Your Voice? Learn more on how you can make a powerful impact by saying what you mean: theinfluentialvoicebook.com/chapter
Do you want to grow more and get the recognition you deserve without the cost?
Have you been wanting to share your story but just don’t know how to share it with impact and confidence?
Are you ready to speak better, inspire more, impact widely with your powerful story?
Tricia Brouk is an international award-winning director. She founded The Big Talk Academy and was the executive producer of TEDxLincolnSquare. She curates the Speaker Salon in NYC, hosts The Big Talk an award-winning podcast, and her book, The Influential Voice: Saying What You Mean for Lasting Legacy was the #1 pre-order new release on Amazon.
In this episode, Tricia talks about how speaking up and sharing your story is more than just getting recognition but is also a step for you to change and inspire more lives. She also shares how you can leverage your story to share it with more impact that will keep your audience hooked and all ears.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:35 – Tricia’s ideal client: “CEOs, founders, authors, professionals who want to improve their communication skills.”
- 02:05 – Problem Tricia helps solve: “I solve how to leverage the power of your story. Everyone has a story, but not everyone knows how to leverage it or how to share it impactfully.”
- 02:57 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Tricia: “Most of these leaders are very successful already in their careers, but what they’re lacking is the recognition to make the impact that they want– to shine as leaders and the go-to experts in their space.”
- 04:49 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Tricia’s solution: “Well, the biggest mistake is not knowing what your values are. When you’re clear on your values and your purpose and your mission, then you can begin to talk about the thing that you care about in a way that’s authentic.”
- 06:12 – Tricia’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Writing is a practice and memorization will free you. You have to roll up your sleeves. It’s like plays for a dancer or bicep curls for a gym rat. You have to have repetition and practice inside of your writing skills and your memorization skills.”
- 06:57 – Tricia’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Tricia’s Book: theinfluentialvoicebook.com/chapter
- 07:19 – Q: Can anyone be an influential voice? A: I would say yes. If you are a parent at home with your kids sitting across the dinner table, what you say matters to them. You are a teacher and you are teaching your students. You are an influential voice in their lives
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Everyone has a story, but not everyone knows how to leverage it or how to share it impactfully.” -Tricia Brouk Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and welcome to another vibrant edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Tricia Brouk. Tricia, good day from down under. A very warm welcome! Where are you hanging out with your big love hearts there?
Tricia Brouk 00:22
I’m hanging out in New York City in midtown Manhattan.
Tom Poland 00:25
Oh, that is the beating heart of the free world! Well, great to have you here. You’re in the middle of the middle– you really are. So, for those of you who don’t know Tricia, she is an international award-winning director, which is freaking amazing! I mean, if people don’t know how freakin’- well, you won’t, unless you’ve been in the industry, but that is freaking amazing. She founded The Big Talk Academy when she was the executive producer- I mean, get this, folks- of TEDxLincolnSquare. She curates the Speaker Salon in New York City. She hosts The Big Talk, an award-winning podcast, and her book, The Influential Voice: Saying What You Mean for Lasting Legacy, was #1 pre-order for a new release on Amazon, and deservedly so. Tricia, thank you for being on the show and accepting our invitation. It’s a privilege and a pleasure to have you here. Folks, get your listening ears on because this is going to be a cracker! The title today- no pressure, Tricia. The title today is, “How to Become an Influential Voice”. Tricia, our time starts now. Question number one is who is your ideal client?
Tricia Brouk 01:35
CEOs, founders, authors, professionals who want to improve their communication skills.
Tom Poland 01:41
It sounds like it’s anyone leading a group who wants to be a better leader.
Tricia Brouk 01:45
Absolutely! Thought leaders, influencers– anyone who really wants to speak with effective, dignified communication for impact.
Tom Poland 01:54
And we all know that walking the talk is important, but you got to talk the walk as well.
Tricia Brouk 01:59
Tom Poland 01:59
Question number two, and we’ve got six and a half minutes left, what is the problem you solve for them?
Tricia Brouk 02:05
I will solve how to leverage the power of your story. Everyone has a story, but not everyone knows how to leverage it or how to share it impactfully.
Tom Poland 02:14
And many of them don’t even know they have a story, do you think?
Tricia Brouk 02:17
I think everyone thinks they have a story, but they aren’t confident enough to share it. So, I really curate thought leadership by packaging these authentic stories, industry-leading voices, and media luminaries.
Tom Poland 02:31
And with your background as executive producer with TEDx, I think you’re pretty well caught, and then a global winning award director. That’s pretty well qualified! So, let’s talk about the symptoms. Question number three is, we got six minutes left, we’ve got this leader who’s wondering about their voice, their communication skills, and style. What would be happening in their life that would give them a heads up that they need to find out more about the influential voice?
Tricia Brouk 02:57
Most of these leaders are very successful already in their careers, but what they’re lacking is the recognition to make the impact that they want– to shine as leaders and the go-to experts in their space. And they’ve got passion and motivation, but they don’t necessarily have the skill set to formulate all of their ideas into one potent big idea that will have the kind of impact that they desire in the world.
Tom Poland 03:24
Right, kind of like the flame that attracts the moths.
Tricia Brouk 03:28
Tom Poland 03:28
You know we have this thing, we call it “the world’s best-kept secret”. Maybe they’ve got the world’s best-kept story.
Tricia Brouk 03:34
There is a best-kept story and all of us, it’s just a matter of how to give birth to it.
Tom Poland 03:39
You’re talking about symptoms, still. Are they feeling like they’re just not getting the cut through with their leadership? Would that be another symptom?
Tricia Brouk 03:47
Too many ideas which are going to cause paralysis or not enough ideas cause paralysis. So, it’s that moment of, “I’m just not going to do anything because I don’t know how to cut through all of the ideas that I have” and you have to actually generate the ones that are potent.
Tom Poland 04:03
Do you find that people, some of your clients prior to working with you, are actually making the mistake of communicating too many ideas, desperate ideas?
Tricia Brouk 04:12
Absolutely. It’s got to be one clear idea that you are constantly always talking about. And that’s from your point of view, as well. Your point of view as an expert, and as a leader is what makes it special.
Tom Poland 04:25
Very interesting. And we often see some of the better politicians sticking to the same story, don’t we? And that’s how they seem to get cut through all the messages. So, let’s move on to question number four. We have four minutes left. We’ve got these people who have, by and large, are very successful already, but want to get to the next level on their skills or leadership and communication, so on. They’re going to be trying things is what I’m saying. So, what would you say are some of the common mistakes that they try before they find your solution?
Tricia Brouk 04:49
Well, the biggest mistake is not knowing what your values are. When you’re clear on your values and your purpose and your mission, then you can begin to talk about the thing that you care about in a way that’s authentic. And the next thing is not realizing that speaking is an art form. There is an art to public speaking. You can’t just get up on stage and blather on or use bullet points. There is an art form. And yes, I’m a director. I work in the theater which means I require memorization of scripts. And then also the mistake they make is making their talk about themselves or their business instead of what they care about and what they’re passionate about. That’s a huge mistake! Many people who apply to speak at my events, pitch their business instead of their big idea.
Tom Poland 05:34
Me, me, me! There’s a bit of a sweet spot, isn’t there, between drawing from our own experience, which is about me, but doing such a way that the audience is relating to it and getting value? Is that-
Tricia Brouk 05:43
It’s got to be in service of the audience. Absolutely. It can be your personal story, as long as you’re telling it in a way that’s going to serve the audience.
Tom Poland 05:54
If people feel like they can relate to it, right, other than just, “Look at me! Pick me!” Okay, so let’s flip it now. Let’s go to question five and talk about what people can do to move forward with this. Question five is one valuable free action, like a top tip that’s not going to get people fulfilled in terms of being an influential voice, but it will start them in the right direction.
Tricia Brouk 06:12
Writing is a practice and memorization will free you. You have to roll up your sleeves. It’s like plays for a dancer or bicep curls for a gym rat. You have to have repetition and practice inside of your writing skills and your memorization skills. And when you practice every single day, even if it’s 10 minutes a day, you will start to do it. And it will become easier and your stories will begin to come out. And the same thing with memorization. If you are repeating yourself over and over again, you move beyond that threshold of memorization, so that the work is in your DNA. And that frees you when you step onto the stage.
Tom Poland 06:48
So true! Thank you. Question number six, 90 seconds left, one valuable free resource. Where can we direct people to go to find out more about the influential voice?
Tricia Brouk 06:57
I’m going to give you chapter one of my book, theinfluentialvoicebook.com/chapter.
Tom Poland 07:04
Perfect! The Influential Voice: Saying What You Mean for Listing Legacy, go get it, folks! It’s theinfluentialvoicebook.com/chapter. Question seven, the last question, a whopping 60 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t and the answer, please?
Tricia Brouk 07:19
Can anyone be an influential voice? And I would say yes. If you are a parent at home with your kids sitting across the dinner table, what you say matters to them. You are a teacher and you are teaching your students. You are an influential voice in their lives. And if you are a CEO, a founder, a thought leader, and an influencer, you know that you have an influential voice which means there is a responsibility that comes along with that.
Tom Poland 07:43
Perfect! Tricia Brouk, thank you so much for your time and your insights, and your wisdom.
Tricia Brouk 07:47
My pleasure. Thank you, Tom.
Tom Poland 07:50
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