How to Become Google’s Top Ranked Expert in Your Industry – In Just 7 Minutes with Bri Seeley

Check out episode
  • Discover how you can increase your profits through Search Engine Optimization
  • Learn more about why backlinking is important for your websites
  • Find out how to stop wasting time with Search Engine Optimization


  • Wanting to Know the Secrets of SEO and Become More Visible in Google? Learn more on How to Increase Your Visibility Online to Bring in More Clients and More Profit:


Have you been struggling with increasing your business’s visibility online?

Do you find yourself wasting more time in exchange for more profit?

Are you ready to learn more about Search Engine Optimization and how it can guarantee you more visibility, more profit, and more impact at a lesser time?

Bri Seeley is Google’s #1 Entrepreneur Coach. She distills her 14 years of real-world experience into digestible, tangible tools to help entrepreneurs thrive and profit. Her expertise has been featured in over 50 press outlets and hundreds of podcasts.

In this episode, Bri talks about how to thrive and maximize your potential by reaching more people through Search Engine Optimization. She also shares tips on what goes on in the online world and how Google works and thinks.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:33 – Bri’s ideal client: “I work a lot with solopreneurs. So, they are generally trading time for money. They’re doing one-to-one offerings. They don’t have a team yet, but they’re looking to scale and grow their business.”
  • 01:50 – Problem Bri helps solve: “I help them increase their profits. I help them increase their visibility. And I help them, ultimately at the end of the day, increase their impact in the world.”
  • 02:14 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Bri: “I think the biggest one is that the business structure that they currently have just isn’t sustainable. So, when you look at serving people on a one-to-one basis, you’re literally trading time for money.”
  • 03:17 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Bri’s solution: “One of the things that I find with a lot of people is that they fall into those, kind of like, silver bullet approaches to business growth and development.”
  • 04:27 – Bri’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “I think one of the biggest SEO tips that I always give people is backlinking. So, it’s when other websites on the internet direct to your website.”
  • 06:43 – Bri’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Bri’s SEO Training:
  • 07:36 – Q: Why are you so passionate about entrepreneurship? A: So, I specifically serve the majority of women. I work with men too, but the majority I serve is women. And I firmly believe that entrepreneurship is how women are going to get out from underneath the glass ceiling.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“We all have to find our own flavor and our own way to execute our growth strategies.” -Bri Seeley Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:09
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to you, as always, from little Castaways Beach, on the white sand here in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Bri Seeley. Bri, good day! A very warm welcome. Where are you based at the moment?

Bri Seeley 00:24
I’m based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but I’m currently coming to you from Southern Minnesota.

Tom Poland 00:29
There’s a bit of a difference there. Hope you’re enjoying your travels and staying safe. For those of you who don’t know Bri, folks, she is Google’s #1 Entrepreneur Coach. She distilled her 14 years of real-world experience into, and this is what I love about this bio, digestible- means you can assimilate it, you can benefit from it when you digest something, tangible- so this is the real world thing- tools to help entrepreneurs thrive and profit. So well beyond the conceptual can be important, principles can be important, but this is stuff you can put into place and make a difference. Her expertise has been featured in over 50 press outlets and literally hundreds of podcasts. So definitely this is not your first rodeo, Bri. So, our title today is, “How to Become Google’s Top Ranked Expert in Your Industry”. And I can only imagine the flow of clients and revenue and the number of people we can help if that was reality. So Bri’s going to show us how to do that in just seven minutes. Bri, our time starts now. Tell me, question number one, who is your ideal client?

Bri Seeley 01:33
I work a lot with solopreneurs. So, they are generally trading time for money. They’re doing one-to-one offerings. They don’t have a team yet, but they’re looking to scale and grow their business.

Tom Poland 01:43
Perfect. Thank you! Question number two, six and a half minutes left. What’s the problem you solve for those solopreneurs?

Bri Seeley 01:50
So, I help them increase their profits. I help them increase their visibility. And I help them, ultimately at the end of the day, increase their impact in the world.

Tom Poland 01:59
So well articulated. Question three, those solopreneurs that need those solutions- what are some of the symptoms that they’re going to be experiencing now? That’ll give them a heads up they need to find more about what you do, how you work?

Bri Seeley 02:14
I think the biggest one is that the business structure that they currently have just isn’t sustainable. So, when you look at serving people on a one-to-one basis, you’re literally trading time for money. So, if you want to make more money in your business, you have to somehow create more time which humans have been trying to do for eons and no one has been successful yet. So, you can’t create more time. And so, they’re generally in a place of frustration. They’re generally feeling like they’re not making enough money, and they want to make more. They’re not feeling effective. They’re feeling like their to-do lists are miles and miles and miles long, and they only get just a few things done every single day. So, they’re kind of in the rat race and the Mr. Wheel of entrepreneurship and looking to kind of move into more ease in their business.

Tom Poland 02:57
Right. So, they’ve run out of time, and they still don’t have enough money. Okay, thank you. Question four, five and a half minutes left. We’re talking about smart people. They’re ambitious people. They’re going to try stuff, but some of the things they try initially may not work. So, question four is what are some of the common mistakes that these folks are going to be making before they find your solution?

Bri Seeley 03:17
One of the things that I find with a lot of people is that they fall into those, kind of like, silver bullet approaches to business growth and development. And so, they tried to just blindly take someone else’s recipe and apply it to their life and their business, when we all know the best recipes are the ones where we add, you know, a little extra cinnamon here, or we, you know, broil it for a few minutes there, instead of just fully baking it. And so, we all have to find, kind of, our own flavor and our own way to execute our growth strategies. And so, I do see a lot- I have a lot of people come to me that say, “Man, I wish I would have found you six months ago so that I could have developed my unique strategy rather than just blindly following, you know, what worked for someone else.”

Tom Poland 04:01
So, there’s an interesting sweet spot there, somewhere, I guess, which is to maybe learn from other people’s mistakes, but add your own, as you’ve alluded to, recipe in there. That’s- I love the balance of that. Thank you! So, four minutes left, question five. What I’m after here is a step in the right direction, a top tip, a valuable free action that someone listening to this could take. It’s not going to solve the whole problem, they might need your solution for that, but it might take them a step in the right direction.

Bri Seeley 04:27
I think one of the biggest SEO tips that I always give people is backlinking. So, it’s when other websites on the internet direct to your website. And so, some of the best ways that I actually love to do this are with websites such as Instagram linking to your website in your bio, right? YouTube linking to your website in your bio. Yelp, Google business listings. There’s a lot of really high authority websites that you can create profiles on to link to your website. And then, the trick is you don’t want them to just link to you, what you want to do is you want to, then, link back to them. So, if you have a Yelp listing somewhere on your website, you want to have a link that then goes to your Yelp listing. Or if you have a Google Places listing somewhere on your website, you want to have a link that goes to your Google Places listing. So, it doesn’t have to be super visible. You don’t really need people to click on it. It just needs to be there so that Google knows that this website directing to you and you directing them back to it makes that link more valid in their eyes.

Tom Poland 05:36
And if I got this right, that means that you don’t have to go on hands and knees begging people to put a backlink on their website, because you’re-

Bri Seeley 05:44
Well, and you shouldn’t.

Tom Poland 05:45
And you shouldn’t?

Bri Seeley 05:46
And you shouldn’t because Google’s going to ding you. Google’s pretty smart. And if they find out you’re going out and getting spam backlinks, they will, like, not shut your website down, but they will start like run spam flags up and you will not be found on Google.

Tom Poland 06:03
Well, they may be legitimate backlinks or websites, but what you’ve done is so smart because it means you don’t even have to get permission or ask. You can just go ahead and do it. Thank you for that.

Bri Seeley 06:14
If you have a full-blown strategy, you can put together a whole, like pitch-and-press kind of strategy to go along with it, that’s also going to be building more lengths. You know, like you mentioned, I have over 50 press outlets and over 100 podcasts. Well, those are all links linking to my website that I then link back to on my website.

Tom Poland 06:32
Gotcha. Perfect, thank you! 2 minutes left. A valuable free resource that we can direct people to where they can find out more about this. A landing page somewhere where they can learn more about SEO, learn more about you?

Bri Seeley 06:43
Yeah, so I have a really great SEO training. In fact, most people that have taken this training have paid for it. So, the fact that I’m offering it to your audience for free is like-

Tom Poland 06:53
Thank you!

Bri Seeley 06:53
Yeah, it’s a big deal. Not even kidding.

Tom Poland 6:55
That’s pretty cool.

Bri Seeley 06:55
So, it is a very comprehensive SEO training. In fact, I tell people, it’s a little bit like you get hooked up to a fire hydrant. So, take it in bites, take it in bits. It’s a lot of information, but the information in there will radically change your visibility on Google. And so, if you go to, stands for Search Engine Optimization, you can get that training.

Tom Poland 07:21
Perfect. Thank you. That’s a great gift. So, folks, it’s B-R-I-S, double E, L-E-Y .com/SEO. Thanks for that, Bri. Question number seven, last question, 50 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?

Bri Seeley 07:36
Why are you so passionate about entrepreneurship?

Tom Poland 07:39
And why are you so passionate about entrepreneurship, in less than 40 seconds?

Bri Seeley 07:43
So, I specifically serve the majority of women. I work with men too, but the majority I serve is women. And I firmly believe that entrepreneurship is how women are going to get out from underneath the glass ceiling. I believe the glass ceiling is absolutely 100% not breakable. And if we ever want to achieve parity in the world, we need to get out of the building, make our own game and play by our own rules.

Tom Poland 08:04
Beautiful analogy. Rapturous applause, mixed with wave. Fantastic. Thanks, Bri Seeley.

Bri Seeley 08:10
Air horns all over the place!

Tom Poland 08:12
Fireworks. Thank you.

Tom Poland 07:50
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