- Learn how to get things organized and avoid overwhelm so you continue growing your business
- Learn how to create a system that refines your solution so you move with a clear vision
- Find out how to manage your business successfully with clarity and time freedom
- Download Kathi’s bestselling book, ‘How to Master your Muck’. Get here: www.get.organizedandenergized.com/ebook-master-muck
Are you a business owner that is so busy yet stuck?
Are you facing a lot of problems and creating lots of solutions but no clear results?
Do you want to know how to get a clear vision of what you want to do and get done as an entrepreneur?
Kathi Burns is a Board Certified Professional Organizer, Stylist & best-selling author. She helps clients get their life and business organized and let go of the unnecessary to make room for renewed energy and more freedom.
In this episode, Kathi shares how women entrepreneurs can declutter and have a clearer vision of their business. She talks about getting things refined and not just keeps on creating. That way you avoid overwhelm and keep you going and earning more.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:13 – Kathi’s ideal client: “My ideal clients are women entrepreneurs who feel stuck or overwhelmed with their businesses. They started a business for freedom, but now they might find themselves just without a system to support them or the energy to even support their ambitions. They just feel overwhelmed and stuck.”
- 01:53 – What problem Kathi helps solve: “As an objective observer, I’m able to identify and help my clients eliminate whatever might be holding them back. You know, we often get stuck in the muck of our stuff when we can’t see clearly what we shouldn’t be doing, let alone what we should be doing because we’re just busy, busy, busy.”
- 02:20 – Typical symptoms of the problem: “We get stuck in what I call busy-ness and instead of getting down to business, we’re stuck in busy-ness, we’re just going on that wheel, right? We’re working and working, but we don’t have the momentum to pull ourselves towards our goals, which means then we’re in a constant state of overwhelm. We’re always trying to go and go and go, but not getting where we want to go.
- 04:03 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Kathi’s solution: “We create multiple solutions, multiple systems to approach the same solution. And we don’t eliminate or refine, we just keep creating. And, you know, that’s the stuff that I lovingly call muck, things that are blocking our ability to move forward with ease and flow.”
- 05:55 – Kathi’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Stop. Give yourself permission to stop and take the time to see what resources you can capitalize on, Stop and see the things that you need to remove in your environment or your schedule so you can eliminate the overwhelm.”
- 7:13 – Kathi’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Kathi’s Best Selling Book www.get.organizedandenergized.com/ebook-master-your-muck
- 07:29 – Q: What happens when you get organized and how to master your muck? A: “Every hour you spend getting organized, you save eight hours later. Abe Lincoln is one of my favorite guys and he said, ‘For every hour I spend in preparation, I save eight hours in perspiration.’ So, if you want to move forward with clarity of purpose, it always pays to get organized.”
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Getting organized requires the ability to stop and assess and to get clarity.” -Kathi Burns Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings everyone and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from Little Castaways Beach in Queensland Australia joined today by Kathi Burns. Kathi, get a warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?
Kathi Burns 00:22
I’m hanging out in sunny San Diego, California.
Tom Poland 00:26
Sunny, San Diego, sunny Castaways Beach, hands across the water. If that ditch was just a little bit closer, we could build a bridge, but alas we cannot. San Diego is a beautiful, beautiful place to live. I love that whole coastline down there. For those of you who don’t know Cathy, she’s a board-certified professional organizer. I got a system where you can’t see my office. Also, a board-certified stylist and a best-selling author. She helps clients to get their life and business organized and to let go of the unnecessary, to make room for renewed energy and more freedom. I can’t wait. So, Kathi, our title today is ‘How to Become the Master of Your Muck.’ You’re going to tell us how to do that. And just seven minutes, our time starts now, who is your ideal client?
Kathi Burns 01:13
My ideal clients are women entrepreneurs who feel stuck or overwhelmed with their businesses. You know, perhaps you have clutter in their workspace, or chaos in their head because they’re sitting simply overwhelmed. You know, they started a business for freedom, but now they might find themselves just without the system to support them or energy to even support their ambitions. They just feel overwhelmed and stuck.
Tom Poland 01:36
I guess the clutter in the head is creating chaos in their business. Is that how it works?
Kathi Burns 01:42
Yeah. And we’ve been, clutter everywhere will just cause complete chaos.
Tom Poland 01:47
Thank you for that. Question number two, I’ve got six and a half minutes left still. What’s the problem you solve for them?
Kathi Burns 01:53
I, as an objective observer, I’m able to identify and help my clients eliminate whatever might be holding them back. You know, we often get stuck in the muck of our stuff when we can’t see clearly what we shouldn’t be doing, let alone what we should be doing because we’re just busy, busy, busy. Right? So being that mirror back to them, I can see very clearly what might be causing those roadblocks to their success. And when we’re in it, we often cannot see it.
Tom Poland 02:20
Absolutely. So, brings us nicely to question number three, five and a half minutes left. We can’t see it when we’re in it often. What are some of the other typical symptoms that people listening to this will be experiencing, where they go, ‘Oh gosh, I better find out more about what Kathi does?’
Kathi Burns 02:37
Well, again, we get stuck in what I call busy-ness and instead of getting down to business, we’re stuck in busy-ness, we’re just going on that wheel, right? We’re working and working, but we don’t have the momentum to pull ourselves towards our goals, which means then we’re in a constant state of overwhelm. We’re always trying to go and go, but not getting where we want to go. So, you know, getting organized requires the ability to stop and assess and to get clarity. And when we feel like we don’t have the resources, we’re unable to stop, we don’t have the resources to get help for what we can’t do. We think that we can do it all ourselves. And that’s what I feel is a common symptom. I, you know, as an entrepreneur, a serial entrepreneur myself, you know, we feel like we should want to do it all ourselves and we don’t have time or the resources, right? So those are the symptoms that I see that it allows us to… just our whole viewpoint is murky. And we’re not able to see our way through.
Tom Poland 03:39
So, that intense busyness and that, most addiction to trying to do everything ourselves. Thank you for that. Question four, we’re talking about entrepreneurial people that are proactive, they are thinkers, they are doers, they are go-getters, they’re going to try stuff, but they’re probably going to try some of the wrong stuff before they find your solution. So, question for four minutes left, what are some of the common mistakes that you see people making before they reach out to you?
Kathi Burns 04:03
The most common mistake that I see is we create multiple solutions, multiple systems to approach the same solution. And we create, we know it’s artistic, creative entrepreneurs. We all are, because we’re entrepreneurs. That’s what we do. We like to create, right? So, we’ll create something and then, oh, squirrel, and then we’ll create something else. and then we’ll create something else. I mean, that’s what we do. And oftentimes we have five systems that are trying to do the same thing for us. Like we have contacts in Google, we have contacts in address books, but we have contacts on our phone, things like that. And we don’t really compile things together so that they serve us. So, what happens is we end up serving our systems, right? And we don’t eliminate or refine. We just keep creating. And, you know, that’s the stuff that I love and they call them muck, things that are blocking our ability to move forward with ease and flow. And what I know to be true, Tom, and you do too, is masters hire masters to see what we can’t see and do what we can’t do at the time when we hire them. And I know you’ve done it multiple times; I’ve done it many times. And that’s the whole idea is you hire things to either see what you cannot see or do what you cannot do so that you can see what you need to see. And then eventually you’re able to do what you should be doing anyhow. They all have different talents.
Tom Poland 05:31
Well said. Absolutely. Yeah. And you know, people think you have to be smart to be successful and you don’t, you only have to be smart enough to know how dumb you are and get help from the right people. So, let’s go to question five, just under two and a half minutes left. What I’m after here is one valuable free action. Someone can take, it’s not going to solve the whole problem. They probably need to reach out for that, but it might take them a step in the right direction.
Kathi Burns 05:55
Stop. Give yourself permission to stop and take the time to see what resources you can capitalize on. Stop, and see the things that you need to remove in your environment or your schedule so that you can eliminate the overwhelm. Tom, we all feel better when we eliminate the distractions and take control of our time. If we have a little bit of control and we stop being on that hamster wheel and looking at squirrel here, squirrel there, you know, and stats, we create more time when we have more time, we’re much more clear. We’re much clearer, more clear about what we should be doing, what we shouldn’t be doing. And we know who we can trust our instinct on who would help us best, you know. And if we don’t stop, we just react right, being in the reactionary mode of things.
Tom Poland 06:44
Calm, consciousness, stop. Thank you for that. 75 seconds left. I want to direct people. Question six is one valuable free resource, where can people go to get more of this real oil?
Kathi Burns 06:56
Ah, well, they can follow the link below, obviously. And basically, I’m giving away a digital copy of my bestselling book, ‘How to Master your Muck’ and that will help them start on their path of getting better organized. So, download the digital copy of my best-selling book and that’ll start you out.
Tom Poland 07:13
So thank you. So, it’s www.get.organizedandenergized.com/ebook-master-your-muck. Thank you for that. 35 seconds left, what’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t.
Kathi Burns 07:29
What happens when you get organized and learn how to master your muck?
Tom Poland 07:32
Oh, it could be scary. What does happen?
Kathi Burns 07:36
Every hour you spend getting organized, you save eight hours later. Abe Lincoln is one of my favorite guys and he said, ‘For every hour I spend in preparation, I saved eight hours in perspiration.’ So, if you want to move forward with clarity of purpose, it always pays to get organized.
Tom Poland 07:53
Perfect. Kathi Burns, thank you so much for your insights.
Kathi Burns 07:57
You’re welcome. It’s good to see you.
Tom Poland 08:17
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