- Learn why that shiny thing syndrome hinders you from knowing more about yourself and finding the right strategy for your business
- Understand why knowing your priorities can bring you more time, more clients, and more profit
- Find out the connection and importance of time and happiness to the success of your business
- Wanting to Know More on How You Can Transform Your Business and Get More Clients? Learn how you can book more clients in just two weeks or less: sherikayehoff.com
Have you always been in a constant fuzz about transforming your business and getting more clients but just end up struggling?
Are you always finding yourself struggling to find the right strategy for your business?
Do you want to know how the right mindset and time management is the key to all your business struggles?
Sheri Kaye Hoff is a transformational business coach using intuition, vision, omnipresent marketing, and mindset mastery working with coaches, consultants, experts, professionals, and small business owners since 2007 so they can reach their optimal clients, scale their business and live the lifestyle they want.
In this episode, Sheri shares the importance of priorities and time management and their effects on your business growth and client reach. She also talks about why instantly shifting strategies is a big no-no for your business.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:22 – Sheri’s ideal client: “My ideal clients are service-based business owners who struggle between that feeling of making a difference and making the profits that they want.”
- 01:45 – Problem Sheri helps solve: “One of the biggest problems that people have when they come to me is that they are in this place, working really hard for maybe not very much money. They’re hard workers. They believe in what they do.”
- 02:39 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Sheri: “One of the big things is fear. And a lot of times, it’s that unnamed fear. You know, they don’t even realize it’s fear. But typically, it’s been a program that has been running in their heads for a long time.”
- 04:10 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Sheri’s solution: “Oftentimes, people don’t give a strategy time to work. So they’re always maybe trying a new strategy or a new coach or a new something or other.”
- 05:10 – Sheri’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “The biggest step that people can take is to take a look at what they’re already doing and assess priorities to what they’re already doing. So usually people will say, “I need to spend, you know, six to eight hours in my business”, but maybe what you’re actually doing only needs an hour of time.”
- 06:26 – Sheri’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Sheri’s FREE Guide: sherikayehoff.com
- 07:08 – Q: Why is it important to be happy and be a great business owner? A: The answer is that your happiness is your vibration. And the more you can be happy and fulfilled and full of joy, the more of the good stuff you bring in– better clients, better life, everything!
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“The time that you give something is what it expands to. So find the things that are working and that you know that you want to keep replicating.” -Sheri Kaye Hoff Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to you from little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Sheri Kaye Hoff. Sheri, good day from down under. A very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?
Sheri Kaye Hoff 00:23
I’m hanging out in Parker, Colorado, and it’s a beautiful day!
Tom Poland 00:26
Colorado, where the sun is shining and the birds are singing! For those of you who don’t know Sheri, Sheri has this really interesting moniker, which kind of sparks me. It excites me! She’s a transformational business coach using intuition, vision, omnipresent marketing, and mindset mastery. Fascinating combination! Working with coaches, consultants, experts, professionals, and small business owners since 2007. So pluck that 14 years. And she really just helps them to experience optimal clients, scale their business, and, ultimately, live the lifestyle that they really want. So excited that you’re here, Sheri! Thank you for giving up your time. Our title is, “How to Book More Clients in Two Weeks or Less”. And Sheri’s going to share with us how to do that in less than seven minutes. Sheri, our time starts now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?
Sheri Kaye Hoff 01:22
My ideal clients are service-based business owners who struggle between that feeling of making a difference and making the profits that they want. So, you know, we need to have both as conscious business owners.
Tom Poland 01:35
Right. Yes, the fulfillment and the bank account. So tell us more, if you would, question number two, six and a half minutes left. Tell us more, if you would, about the problem you solve for them.
Sheri Kaye Hoff 01:45
Yeah, so one of the biggest problems that people have when they come to me is that they are in this place, working really hard for, maybe, not very much money. You know, I mean, they’re hard workers. They believe in what they do. And they think, you know, “If I just work harder, I’m going to somehow make it or somehow hit that breakthrough.” And so they’re really in a place of maybe frustration, burnout, questioning their decision making and being in business. But they really are an expert, and they bring a lot to the table and the world needs them.
Tom Poland 02:19
Right. Perfect, well-articulated! I think a lot of people listening to this will be relating to that. Working harder, working longer, finding it’s not ultimately the solution! So tell us, in addition to that, question number three, and we’ve got five and a half minutes left. What are some of the other symptoms that your ideal clients are going to be noticing coming up in their life before they start working with you?
Sheri Kaye Hoff 02:39
Yeah, so one of the big things is fear. And a lot of times, it’s that unnamed fear. You know, they don’t even maybe realize it’s fear. But typically, it’s been a program that has been running in their heads for a long time. And so, you know, maybe fear that they can’t make it, fear that no matter what they do, it might not work out the way that they want it to, fear of rejection, fear of just not being good enough. All of those things, and maybe just one per person, but sometimes people have all of it. And when it’s swimming underneath, most people push it down, and they’ll work through it, but they’re really not eradicating that. That same fear tends to keep coming up and coming up. And it can be paralyzing and really steal your everyday joy in your business. And so, yeah, if people are feeling that fear and kind of that, you know, sometimes even a little bit of panic. And it doesn’t matter if you’re a six-figure business owner just starting out, that panic can set in at any time. You could be a seven-figure business owner and still have those moments of panic and question.
Tom Poland 03:44
Anxiety. So we’re talking about people that are determined to succeed. They understand that fulfillment is important, Helping clients is important, but they’re pretty stressed by the sound of it. They’re going to be trying stuff. So question four and we’ve got four minutes left. What are some of the common mistakes that you noticed that people are making trying to solve that problem that, other than working long and hard, what else are they doing that you can share with the audience to save them some frustration, maybe?
Sheri Kaye Hoff 04:10
Well, one of the things is, I think, oftentimes, people don’t give a strategy time to work. So they’re always maybe trying a new strategy or a new coach or a new something or other. And they don’t go within because it’s a mix of learning techniques and strategies, but then really, going within yourself to feel out what feels like you and sounds like you and is you. And so I think when people have that, “Well, I better try.” It’s kind of that shiny thing syndrome, really.
Tom Poland 04:42
Just chase another squirrel.
Sheri Kaye Hoff 04:43
Yeah. And you don’t get the traction in your business when you do that.
Tom Poland 04:47
Right. Yeah. And it’s difficult for folks to continue and persist with something that probably, actually believing, is the right strategy, and they’re getting results straight away. So let’s flip it and let’s start sharing a bit about what folks can do to solve the problem. We’ve got three minutes left. Question five, one valuable free action. One of your best tips you could give people that’s not gonna solve the whole problem, but it might take them a step in the right direction?
Sheri Kaye Hoff 05:10
Yeah. So I think the biggest step that people can take is to take a look at what they’re already doing and assess priorities to what they’re already doing. So usually people will say, “I need to spend, you know, six to eight hours in my business”, but maybe what you’re actually doing only needs an hour of time. So I’m a fan of compartmentalizing things into- you know, the time that you give something is what it expands to. So find the things that are working and that you know that you want to keep replicating. See how much you can squeeze those into very short compacted impactful time periods. And then you’re open to trying some new strategies. But if you’re just working a gazillion hours, you know, adding something new, it’s just gonna feel overwhelming.
Tom Poland 06:02
Right, even more so. Make a list, prioritize it, then it sounds like schedule a block of time for each task.
Sheri Kaye Hoff 06:08
Yes, yeah. And have very few priorities. Like I would suggest three, you know.
Tom Poland 06:14
Not 24!
Sheri Kaye Hoff 06:15
Tom Poland 06:16
Okay, cool. So question six, and we’ve got one minute, 45 seconds left, one valuable free resource. Where can people go to find out more about your work, maybe get some more help for free?
Sheri Kaye Hoff 06:26
Yeah, so I am a fan of deep thinking and big vision. But I also know when people are in that panic or anxiety, looking at, “What can I do in the next two weeks?” So I have a free guide called, “How to Book More Clients in Two Weeks or Less”. And that’s on my website. You just go to sherikayehoff.com, and it’s right there. And it’s not a long thing to get through. And there will be something that jumps out at you that you can do today or tomorrow or within the next two weeks, to start bringing more clients in.
Tom Poland 06:53
More clients in, super! So it’s Sheri, S-H-E-R-I, Kaye, that’s K-A-Y-E, H-O double F. Sherikayehoff.com. Go get it. We’ve got 55 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?
Sheri Kaye Hoff 07:08
Okay, so I wish you would have asked me why it’s important to be happy and be a great business owner?
Tom Poland 07:13
Oh, yeah, that’s a great question! So what’s the answer to that one?
Sheri Kaye Hoff 07:17
The answer is that your happiness is your vibration. And the more you can be happy and fulfilled and full of joy, the more of the good stuff you bring in– better clients, better life, everything!
Tom Poland 07:30
Absolutely. It’s almost magical! Sheri Kaye Hoff, thank you so much for your insight, your wisdom, and your time.
Tom Poland 07:39
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