- Find out how our conscious awareness can affect how we productively operate in life and in our business
- Learn more on why you shouldn’t be too attached to your plans not unless it is worthy of your life and time
- Understand why knowing “how” beforehand is an overrated statement and excuse that you should stop thinking
- Wanting to Learn How to Live a Rich Life But Those Limiting Thoughts Keep on Stopping You? Find out how to turn your business into a massive empire with the power of your mindset: Paulmartinelli.net
Have you been feeling down in the dumps and just feel like you can’t get to the top of your business dreams?
Do you want to learn how to change those limiting beliefs and thoughts into powerful action and growth?
Are you ready to live the rich life you have ever so deserved?
Paul Martinelli is an internationally acclaimed speaker, trainer, mentor, and coach who truly believes that if you can dream it, you can do it.
In this episode, Paul talks about why you should be ditching the idea of knowing “how” to do things and start thinking about the “why”. He also shares his insights on how you can activate your full potential through the right mindset and grow and live rich!
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:00 – Paul’s ideal client: “Nice, happy, rich people. I want to work with people who are nice, people who are happy, and people who are not going to beat me up on price and who have a vision, who want to be, do and have more in their life.”
- 01:20 – Problem Paul helps solve: “I think what I do is I interrupt the story. You know, everybody wants to be, do, and have more. It’s who we are as a spirit to beat. And there’s a story that interrupts us seeking out, living our full potential.”
- 02:22 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Paul: “Look, there are seven levels of conscious awareness, how we think, and make decisions in our lives. And when we operate from the lower levels of conscious awareness, we’re bound to screw things up.”
- 03:47 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Paul’s solution: “They think in reverse. They look at their results, and they allow their results to be the cause of their lives. “I can’t have my dream…” because of these results: because they don’t have the time, because they don’t have the money.”
- 05:04 – Paul’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “’How’ is overrated. The Wright brothers didn’t have a pilot’s license. They didn’t know how to build it. They didn’t know how to fly it. Once they got it in the air, they did not know how to land it.”
- 06:07 – Paul’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Paul’s Website: Paulmartinelli.net
- 06:39 – Q: What’s the biggest mistake people make when they set goals? A: I’ll give you three or four of them. I think one of the things is that you know, we plan too much, and then we fall in love with the plan. You’re a creative being and where your focus goes, your energy flows.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“We were designed to be causative. Not to live on the side of effects of our lives, but to be the cause.” -Paul Martinelli Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to you from little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Paul Martinelli. Paul, good day. A very warm welcome from down under. Sir, where are you based?
Paul Martinelli 00:23
I’m in Jupiter, Florida, just about an hour and a half north of Miami.
Tom Poland 00:27
Perfect, and I think you said two hours south of Mickey Mouse. Is that right?
Paul Martinelli 00:31
You bet! Absolutely.
Tom Poland 00:33
For those of you who don’t know Paul, he’s an internationally acclaimed speaker, trainer, mentor, and coach who truly believes that if you can dream it, you can do it. He’s also known as the assassin of self-limiting beliefs which brings us, Paul, nicely to the title of this interview, which is, “How to Break the Invisible Boundary of Limiting Self Beliefs”. Paul is going to share with us how to do that in just seven minutes. Paul, thank you for rocking up. Our time starts now, sir. Question number one is who is your ideal client?
Paul Martinelli 01:00
Nice, happy, rich people. I want to work with people who are nice, people who are happy, and people who are not going to beat me up on price and who have a vision, who want to be, do and have more in their life.
Tom Poland 01:13
Perfect! So question number two, thank you for that. Very succinct. What’s the problem you solve for the happy, nice, rich people?
Paul Martinelli 01:20
I think what I do is I interrupt the story. You know, everybody wants to be, do, and have more. It’s who we are as a spirit to beat. And there’s a story that interrupts us seeking out, living our full potential. Now that story could be like mine. I’m a high school dropout. I’ll never amount to anything. Now, I went on to generate, you know, three-quarters of a billion dollars worth of sales in five multimillion-dollar companies. So the story is not the truth. And so when I think I’m probably the very best in the world at doing is helping people think differently, challenging the boundary that they’ve set for themselves on income, on relationship, on health, on happiness, on whatever it is. We can be, do and have much more than the results of our life we indicate we can have.
Tom Poland 02:07
Perfect, thank you for that. Paul, six minutes left. Question number three is what are the typical symptoms that these folks are going to be experiencing? What’s going on in their life or their business or their relationships or in their head that they think, “Well, gee, I need to find out more about what Paul’s up to”?
Paul Martinelli 02:22
Look, there are seven levels of conscious awareness, how we think, and make decisions in our lives. And when we operate from the lower levels of conscious awareness, we’re bound to screw things up. So the lowest level of awareness, symptoms of people are, you know, they’re blaming other people. “See what you made me do”, “He made me mad”, “They upset me”, “It’s the boss’s fault, the economy’s fault, government’s faults.” Everybody else’s fault, but you. So it’s people who know in their heart, they know in their heart, that they haven’t really stepped into the full responsibility of their life. And they’re living at this fourth level of awareness, which is “aspiration”. This is where they aspire to be, do, and have things, but they never get around to it. “One of these days, I’m gonna..” “I’m going to spend time with my family”, “I’m going to go to church”, “I’m going to start the business”, “I’m going to go back to school”, “I’m going to learn a different language.” They speak the language of aspiration. And what’s worse is they’ve built a network of people who make it safe for them to quit. Who says they’re sorry, “Hey, you gave it a good shot”, “Hey, you give it a good shot.” So you know, the symptoms for me is, if everything’s the same if people who know you and haven’t seen you for a year come up to you and say, “Geez, you haven’t changed a bit!” That’s a problem.
Tom Poland 03:34
Well said. Alright, thank you, sir! We’ve got- let’s go to question number four, and we got four minutes left. What are some of the common mistakes that people make when they’re trying to break out of the rut that they’re in, these self-limiting beliefs? What would you say are some of the biggest mistakes they make?
Paul Martinelli 03:47
They think in reverse. They look at their results, and they allow their results to be the cause of their lives. “I can’t have my dream…” because of these results: because they don’t have the time, because they don’t have the money, because they don’t have the support, because my wife doesn’t believe in me. Because, because, because! Emerson said that the law of all laws is the law of cause and effect, and in a universe governed by creative force. And we are, as far as we know, we are the only intelligent species that can create beyond our conditions and circumstances. We were designed to be causative. Not to live on the side of effects of our lives, but to be the cause. And the mistake people make is they look at their results. And they think their results are an indication of their potential. It’s a reflection of their awareness of their potential. And as they expand the awareness of their true, infinite, God-given potential, then they have the belief that drives the behavior to change the result. Stop thinking in reverse!
Tom Poland 04:50
Inspirational stuff, and so true too! So thank you for that, sir. Three minutes left. And question number five. Let’s talk about a top tip, kind of like a valuable free action, probably not going to solve the whole problem of folks, but it might take them a step in the right direction?
Paul Martinelli 05:04
Look, “how” is overrated. The Wright brothers didn’t have a pilot’s license. They didn’t know how to build it. They didn’t know how to fly it. Once they got it in the air, they did not know how to land it. So if you think you’re going to need to know how to do whatever it is that you want to do, perish the thought! You don’t know how to do anything. You don’t even know how to stand up out of the chair. If what you would do is you would start to move and you tell me what you did. You don’t know how to do anything. The model is very simple– try and fail and learn. Try and fail and learn! And so if I could give one piece of advice is understand that “how” is over related. You don’t need to know how, you need to know why. See, Saul didn’t know how, he knew why. Jarvik didn’t know how, he knew why. Edison didn’t know how, he knew why.
Tom Poland 05:53
And figured it out along the way.
Paul Martinelli 05:55
You bet.
Tom Poland 05:56
Thank you, sir. Question six, let’s give people a valuable free resource. Where can folks go to find out more about your work and more inspiration, more ideas for moving forward?
Paul Martinelli 06:07
Thanks so much. The easiest thing is to go to my website, Paulmartinelli.net. And sign up for my free daily thought that puts you on my mailing list. And I’m always releasing free stuff. Or go check out my YouTube channel, Paul Martinelli, there are all kinds of free content there!
Tom Poland 06:23
And, folks, Martinelli is M-A-R-T-I-N, Martin, E, double L, I. So Paulmartinelli.net, or the YouTube channel. Thank you for that, sir. 70 seconds left, heaps of time. Question number seven, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Paul Martinelli 06:39
I think what’s the biggest mistake when people make when they set goals? I’ll give you three or four of them. I think one of the things is that you know, we plan too much, and then we fall in love with the plan. You’re a creative being and where your focus goes, your energy flows. And if all of your passion and energy is attached to a plan, the Buddhist religion tells us that the source of all suffering is attachment. If we become attached to the plan, and the plan starts to fail, we surrender the goal. We lower the goal to match the plan. Another mistake is we think that the goal is so worthy, that this is some high aspiration, and we fail to recognize that you’re going to trade your life for it. It had better be a worthy goal. It’s not whether you’re worthy of the goal. Is the goal worthy of you? Because if it’s not, you will pay the price. Last, you don’t need to get the goal. You’ve already got it!
Tom Poland 07:33
Paul Martinelli, thank you so much for your time.
Paul Martinelli 07:36
You’re welcome.
Tom Poland 07:38
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