- Discover how to increase your email list through developing loyal and engaged subscribers
- Learn how to develop a really strong connection, that profitable, authentic relationship with your subscribers
- Gain insights on how devoting your time to writing striking weekly newsletters can increase your email list
- Check out Linda’s Website: https://6figurenewsletters.com/love-trust-buy/
Are you struggling to gain loyal and engaged subscribers in your email list? Are you devoting your time to write remarkable weekly newsletters that address your subscribers’ needs and their issues?
Linda Puig is a relationship-marketing expert, key phrase “relationship marketing”, and founder of Ready2Go Articles, which provides professionally written done-for-you content that helps you market with ease, and she’s also the author of The Six-Figure Newsletter.
In this episode, Linda shares her insights on how to transform your email list into loyal subscribers by taking time in developing and writing newsletters that addresses your subscribers’ needs.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:22 – Linda’s ideal client: “My audience is primarily solopreneurs. Solo individuals in business for themselves who coach, who consult, who teach online typically, and otherwise support their clients, their students to transform, transform their business, transform their lives, their relationships, their finances.”
- 01:45 – Problem Linda helps solve: “Well, these people want to be able to send emails and make money, and experience, you know, the freedom that comes with that, but they haven’t taken the time to develop that loyal, engaged subscriber list. And that’s really the only way that you can turn those kinds of people into clients and customers.”
- 02:20 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Linda: “They’re miserable. Well, they’re busy seeing clients, first of all. They’re busy building their business, they’re busy having a life, they’re busy, right? They’re busy. They don’t feel like they have any other time in their world to squeak out writing content to email, an email list. Right? Not only that, they feel uncertain about what to write to, you know, develop that really strong connection, that profitable, authentic relationship. They lack confidence often in their writing skills, they may have had a teacher tell them, “Your writing stinks” or, you know, some of them say that they would rather have their tooth pulled than sit down and write an article.”
- 03:38 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Linda’s solution: “Yeah. The two biggest ones are that first of all, they don’t really know who they’re writing to. You know, they haven’t jumped inside the skin of their ideal client that they’re attempting to attract and serve. So, they don’t know what they’re really all about or what makes them tick or what makes them stay up late at night. You know, thinking and ruminating and whatnot.”
- 05:50 – Linda’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Well, I guess I can answer it in two parts. The first one really is to just start writing. But what I want you to do is to actually open up an account with a free email service provider, and you can use this to practice or you can use it to start connecting with your audience right away. And I recommend the second one, and just start writing to them. I know a gentleman that’s an Aussie, by the way, who started writing an email list of maybe 25. Over the course of a year, he just wrote, and wrote, and wrote nurture content. Did not make any offers during that period of time. And by the end of that, that period, there were at least 7000 people on his list. And not just 7000 people, but 7000 motivated people. So just go. Just start.”
- 07:00 – Linda’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Linda’s Website: https://6figurenewsletters.com/love-trust-buy/
- 07:38 – Q: Why should solopreneurs not be concerned with somebody else doing their content for them? A: Because it’s about your audience, what they care about. They don’t care whether you wrote it or somebody else, as long as it addresses their needs and their issues.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“ Just go. Just start. ” - Linda Claire Puig Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: 0:09
Hello, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Linda Puig. Linda, a very good, is it afternoon or evening for you?
Linda Claire Puig 00:20
It is afternoon, mid-afternoon.
Tom Poland 00:22
And where are you hanging out?
Linda Claire Puig 00:24
Northern California, about an hour north of San Francisco in the Sonoma County wine country.
Tom Poland 00:30
Oh, what a strategically clever location! Those of you who don’t know Linda, she’s a relationship-marketing expert, key phrase “relationship marketing”, and founder of Ready2Go Articles, which provides professionally written done-for-you content that helps you market with ease, and she’s also the author of The Six-Figure Newsletter. And folks, I have to tell you the amount of money that people leave on the table by not keeping their brand in people’s brain until they’re ready to buy is bordering on the criminal. So, the title of this particular little juicy interview is “How to Build a Responsive Email List That’s Hungry for Your Offers”. And Linda is going to tell us how to do that in just seven minutes. Linda, our time starts now. Question number one is who is your ideal client?
Linda Claire Puig 01:22
My audience is primarily solopreneurs. Solo individuals in business for themselves who coach, who consult, who teach online typically, and otherwise support their clients, their students to transform, transform their business, transform their lives, their relationships, their finances.
Tom Poland 01:40
Perfect. Thank you. Question number two, six, and a half minutes left, what’s the problem you solve?
Linda Claire Puig 01:45
Well, these people want to be able to send emails and make money, and experience, you know, the freedom that comes with that, but they haven’t taken the time to develop that loyal, engaged subscriber list. And that’s really the only way that you can turn those kinds of people into clients and customers.
Tom Poland 02:03
Right and so to be there, to be that brand in their brain.
Linda Claire Puig 02:07
Be in front of their face. Yeah.
Tom Poland 02:09
Right. Thank you. And Question number three, six minutes left. So, how does someone know that they are, in fact, your ideal client? What are the symptoms they’re going to be experiencing?
Linda Claire Puig 02:20
They’re miserable. Well, they’re busy seeing clients, first of all. They’re busy building their business, they’re busy having a life, they’re busy, right? They’re busy. They don’t feel like they have any other time in their world to squeak out writing content to email, an email list. Right? Not only that, they feel uncertain about what to write to, you know, develop that really strong connection, that profitable, authentic relationship. They lack confidence often in their writing skills, they may have had a teacher tell them, “Your writing stinks” or, you know, some of them say that they would rather have their tooth pulled than sit down and write an article.
Tom Poland 03:02
Linda Claire Puig 03:04
Those are the primary.
Tom Poland 03:05
It is interesting because, with all the surveys I’ve done, 50% of people who would love to do marketing with webinars don’t do it because they don’t know how to write the content. Alright, so let’s go on to question number four, and we’ve got just under five minutes left. People are going to be aware that they’ve got this problem, that they need to be keeping, nurturing their email subscribers, attracting more email subscribers, and they don’t like writing newsletters. So, what are some of the things that they’re going to be doing that turn out actually to be mistakes- waste of time, waste of money, perhaps?
Linda Claire Puig 03:38
Yeah. The two biggest ones are that first of all, they don’t really know who they’re writing to. You know, they haven’t jumped inside the skin of their ideal client that they’re attempting to attract and serve. So, they don’t know what they’re really all about or what makes them tick or what makes them stay up late at night. You know, thinking and ruminating and whatnot.
Tom Poland 04:00
Linda Claire Puig 04:00
So, you don’t really know who they are, or what they need, what they want to hear from you, from the person who’s writing. And the second thing, I mean, that’s a big, big piece right there, if you can nail that you’re already really far ahead. But the second piece I find is so frequent is that they put off sending these kinds of nurture emails. They put it off until my website’s done or till I have 2000 people on my list or till I create my first course. And it’s so backward, and it’s so doesn’t serve because if you want to have a new website, a big splash for a new website, who you going to announce it to, if you haven’t been developing a list of people that care and if you have, you know, if you wait till you have 2000 people on your list, you have wasted all that time developing that zero to 2000 as really strong, loyal customers, and fans. And you know, if you wait to create your first course or whatever else that you’re doing in your business is then you just- there’s so much opportunity, as you said at the beginning, Tom. You’re just leaving lots of money on the table. Email is still a very strong way to build your business and to make income but you have to do these nurture steps before you can really do that. You can’t just ask for money, you know, every two to six months.
Tom Poland 05:20
Right! And a lot of people don’t realize is as they’re building their list if they’re not nurturing it just dying, and it’s dying. I know people that have had lists of 10,000, 20,000, who haven’t touched it for a year, they go back to it. No response.
Linda Claire Puig 05:33
Yeah, it’s tricky. It really is.
Tom Poland 05:36
Great tips there already. So, let’s go to question number five, two, and a half minutes left. What’s one valuable free action that someone can take that’s going to take them a step in the right direction, not going to solve the whole problem, but it’s going to help them move in the right direction?
Linda Claire Puig 05:50
Well, I guess I can answer it in two parts. The first one really is to just start writing. But what I want you to do is to actually open up an account with a free email service provider, and you can use this to practice or you can use it to start connecting with your audience right away. And I recommend the second one, and just start writing to them. I know a gentleman that’s an Aussie, by the way, who started writing an email list of maybe 25. Over the course of a year, he just wrote, and wrote, and wrote nurture content. Did not make any offers during that period of time. And by the end of that, that period, there were at least 7000 people on his list. And not just 7000 people, but 7000 motivated people. So just go. Just start.
Tom Poland 06:35
In his thoughts. Exactly. Fantastic! Just start, right. It’s like I often said to people who don’t have an email list, we’ll just start one. I mean, we were all born naked. None of us came out with an email list.
Linda Claire Puig 06:46
Start with your friends and family your biggest fans!
Tom Poland 06:48
Yes, and I did that. Someone, anyone! Question six, what’s one valuable free resource we could direct people to this going to help them even more? And we’ve got a whole minute left.
Linda Claire Puig 07:00
Okay, great. So, I have a five-day Facebook challenge coming up where you can get some daily training, daily little assignments, less than 10 minutes each, prizes. It’s a week-long immersion into this notion of nurturing your list.
Tom Poland 07:17
So, real quick because we’ve still got another question. Where do they go?
Linda Claire Puig 07:22
They go to six, the number 6figurenewsletters.com/love.
Tom Poland 07:28
Oh, nice. That’s number 6figurenewsletters.com/love. Question number seven, a whopping 18 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t and the answer, please?
Linda Claire Puig 07:38
Why should solopreneurs not be concerned with somebody else doing their content for them?
Tom Poland 07:43
And in less than 10 seconds, why not?
Linda Claire Puig 07:46
Because it’s about your audience, what they care about. They don’t care whether you wrote it or somebody else, as long as it addresses their needs and their issues.
Tom Poland 07:53
And in fact, an external specialist could be actually better at tapping into what that audience wants to hear. Linda, thank you so much for your time.
Linda Claire Puig 08:00
You’re so welcome!
Tom Poland: 8:05
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