- Get an interpreter who can put the right words in the right places to tell your story will help you connect with customers and maximize your profits
- Create an experience worth talking about, and worth coming back for
- Mobilize and master your message by storytelling
Jody Maberry is a former park ranger who uses his gift of storytelling and interpretation to help people and businesses get their message out.
In this episode of Marketing the Invisible, Jody shares how he helps business owners market, mobilize, and master their message through the power of storytelling.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:15 – Jody Maberry as a the ‘Brand Ranger’
- 01:50 – His ideal clients: experienced people who are not sure how to package their story and brand together to get their messages out
- 02:25 – The problem that he solves for his clients
- 03:20 – Why storytelling is important?
- 04:00 – Typical symptoms that people are experiencing if they’re not so good at articulating their story in an influential manner?
- 05:30 – The common mistakes people do when they fail to encorporate their story to their brand?
- 06:40 – Jody’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Even if you’re not going to launch a podcast I think if you were to prepare yourself like you were and build out some story of OK if I did 12 episodes on this topic here’s how it would go.
- 07:47 – Jody’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Podcast Magic :Learn What You Need to Launch a Podcast
- 08:20 – What is it that’s holding people back? They don’t think their voice matters.
Tweetable Takeaway from this Episode:
“People don't always understand their story or they can't really find how to piece it together. Sometimes when you're the one that's lived it, you don't see it as special.” - @jodymaberry Share on X
“The story is what helps build influence. You've got to have a good story that connects with people, people are interested in that.” - @jodymaberry Share on X
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: Hello, a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to from on the sand of Little Castaways Beach here on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland Australia joined today by Jody Maberry all the way from where the heck are you?
Jody Maberry: I am in Port Townsend Washington where it’s just a beautiful place on the northwest corner of the United States.
Tom Poland: What do you love the most about living there?
Jody Maberry: Well there’s three months of the year. This is the most beautiful place in the country. The other the rest of the year it’s rainy and cloudy. But man the July August September is gorgeous water and mountains.
Tom Poland: It must be amazing for those three months to make up for the other nine months I lost. I left the whole country because we had three nice months the year of the other nine were so good that was good New Zealand still love New Zealand. But anyway before I alienate all of our Kiwi subscribers I should move on. It is a wonderful country by the way. All right. So for those who don’t know Jodie is really a strong guy because he’s actually a former park ranger so clearly used to all or four seasons being out in the open.
Tom Poland: But he’s for a long time he’s used what I believe could only be described as a natural gift of storytelling and interpretation to help people and businesses to get their message out the title of this interview is how to build influence with a podcast. So I’m going to be listening as hard as anyone is going to be listening. And we’re going to be going through LCA. Well, let’s go through all we can do that segments of course as we always do. So our seven-minute starts now.
Question number one is Who is your ideal client?
Jody Maberry: Well, my ideal client is somebody who has experience that they know can help other people. They’re just not quite sure how to package it together and get their message out. And that I think that’s just who I excel working with because you’ve mentioned it gives a storytelling interpretation which I picked up from being a park ranger wrap that together with somebody who has the experience and I just helped them shape it up and good things happen.
Tom Poland: Fantastic. Question two, six and a half minutes left what’s the problem you solve?
Jody Maberry: I think that the problem that I solve is people don’t always understand their story or they can’t really find how to piece it together you know sometimes when you’re the one that’s lived it. You don’t see it as special but I have the gift of being able to listen to you tell your story and just find that one thread in there and then we can yank the thread and the rest of the ugly sweater falls away and we’ve got the great story there. And then I also think it’s this goes with it. It’s the same problem. People don’t know how to tell their story. But as we walk through it and help people understand what it is then they figure out how to tell it how to use it in helping other people.
Tom Poland: Kind of an extra question here why is that so important that people are able to tell a story? More specifically what’s the power in that?
Jody Maberry: Yeah the story is what helps build influence and I know where you’re talking about building influence through a podcast and this is part of it. You’ve got to have a good story that connects with people that people are interested in that people can see themselves as part of your story they’ll see a bit of themselves in there. So that story is how you connect with people and build influence build rapport reliability and therefore leading to influence.
Tom Poland: So if someone struggling, 4 minutes 45 seconds left. Question number three is what are the typical symptoms that people are going to be experiencing if they’re not so good at articulating this story in an influential manner?
Jody Maberry: Well some of there’s a couple of different things that they’ll see. One is they’re going to be frustrated because they feel like they’re not connecting with people they say Oh I’m so good at this one particular thing but I can’t seem to find who I need to work with. I can’t seem to get in front of the right people. So those are some of the symptoms and you start to change that as you understand your story. You’re consistent with it. You’ve got clarity with it. Then the other piece is sometimes if you haven’t figured out who you are and what you’re doing in the story you’re telling then you don’t fully know how you can help people. I mentioned before you don’t always see your story because you’ve lived it you’ve been a part of it. Well, there may be something hidden in there that can really help somebody else and you just haven’t uncovered that yet. So I’ve seen people that haven’t worked on this yet and they’ll bounce from I’m going to try this and then I’ll try that. I’ll try this. They know they don’t narrow down.
Tom Poland: Well let’s talk about those bouncing around things because that’s probably the question. For three and a half minutes left, so people feeling a bit frustrated about it about influencing not influencing people. So what are some of the common mistakes that they try before they get to someone like you?
Jody Maberry: Well some of the things that I think people try is they start and stop a lot. They might they might try Instagram and all that didn’t really do much for me and I’m going to try Facebook and I’m going to launch a podcast and the average podcast they say last seven episodes and that’s it. So that’s another thing people try to give it seven episodes. I’ll go ahead and do anything for me and they move on. That certainly is a common mistake and they approach people the wrong way, not with the influence it’s just like Hey can you do this for me or you can put yourself in front of people in different ways when you’ve got influence and the ability to offer some. And let’s just use a podcast as an example we can end up talking to a lot of people that you couldn’t otherwise because you have a podcast. And one of the reasons is you have influence because you can offer them something. They’re coming on your show. You’re highlighting them you’re putting them in front of some new people. So that’s just an example of how that influence works.
Tom Poland: So it sounds like one of the mistakes that people are making is they’re trying different mediums but they haven’t got the message right yet. And yeah and once they get the message right. Podcasts are a great medium.
So the question number five just under two minutes left what’s one Valuable Free Action (VFA) that an audience or or listener could take that will solve the whole problem that’s going to take a step in the right direction.
Jody Maberry: Well I think one of them is to even if you’re not going to launch a podcast I think if you were to prepare yourself like you were and build out some story of OK if I did 12 episodes on this topic here’s how it would go. I think that exercise just walking yourself through that if it really helps you start to shape this into OK. If I had to talk for twelve episodes about this particular topic and this is how I would do it and you start thinking more like a story how will I keep people interested how will I break this apart? I just think doing something like that maybe act like it’s a book if you aren’t going to do a podcast. If you did a book what. Twelve chapters. So OK just walking that exercise helps.
Tom Poland: And the question number six, 50 seconds left, two questions to go is there a valuable free resource (VFR)that you could direct them to?
Jody Maberry: Yes I have a free resource called PodcastMagic and it will actually walk you through something similar. It’s about podcasting. But even if you’re not going to start one you’ll find it useful and it’s a JodyMaberry.com/podcastmagic one-word podcast magic that will help you get started.
Tom Poland: OK. So it’s JodyMaberry.com/podcastmagic we’ll publish the link under the video for the podcast as you need to make a note of that 15 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you that I didn’t?
Jody Maberry: The one question, what is it that’s holding people back?
And I think that is they don’t think their voice matters there. They’re a little afraid to speak up but that that that’s it. That’s what holds people back. But people want to hear your story. They really do. Perfect.
Tom Poland: Thanks for checking out our Marketing of the Invisible podcast. If you like what we’re doing here, please head over to iTunes to subscribe, rate us and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated.
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