- Discover why as a business owner you need to do your homework and build relationships, not spreadsheets
- Know how to prospect smarter and faster with up-to-date social media profile information, business insights and verified contact data that helps you hone in on the right prospects quickly
- Learn how to work smarter using a CRM tool that lets you enjoy instant, effortless access to everything you need to know about the people you’re meeting – virtually or face-to-face
- Build Relationships, Not Spreadsheets Nimble saves you time by automagically building your contacts.http://www.nimble.com Discount Code: jon40
Jon Ferrara is a serial entrepreneur and noted speaker about Social Media’s effects on Sales and Marketing. He has re-imagined CRM by building the Simple Smart CRM for Microsoft Office 365 & G Suite with Nimble.com and previously with GoldMine.
In this episode, Jon shares how to prospect smarter and faster with up-to-date social media profile information, business insights and verified contact data helps you hone in on the right prospects quickly. And discover why as a business owner you need to do your homework and build relationships, not spreadsheets.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:18 – Jon’s ideal client: My ideal client are individuals and teams that really understand and value the power of relationships. I think that we all talk about the value of your network and your brand.
- 03:01 – Problem he helps solve: Whether you’re an individual, you need your own personal CRM, your golden Rolodex. Over for a team, you need a team Relationship Manager, not just a tool for salespeople, but a tool for everybody in the company to manage relationships.
- 04:03 – Typical symptoms people experience with that problem? People will start falling through the cracks, you won’t be able to follow up and follow through when you go to connect with somebody you won’t know who they are what their business is about.
- 05:18 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: I think that everybody goes out and buys the CRM because everybody else has a CRM and they basically don’t really have a reason for doing it.
- 07:16 – Jon’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): The first thing that you should do before you ever engage with another human being is to do your homework. In the old days, I told people to go look at people’s walls, look at the books they read, their degree, the school they went to, the knickknacks they collect. All these things give you a clue in who somebody is, and enables you to figure out your commonalities that you could share that with that person to build intimacy and trust.
- 07:45 – Jon’s Valuable Free Resource(VFR): http://www.nimble.com Discount Code: jon40
- 08:36 – Q:’What’s my favorite book? and What’s my purpose in life?’ A: My favorite book is Think and Grow Rich because ultimately if you aren’t figuring out your three P’s in life. What’s your passion, what’s your plan to achieve it, and make it your purpose on a daily basis, you will never achieve anything in your life. And ultimately, what are you trying to achieve in life? What’s my purpose in life? I’ll tell you what it is, I’m here to grow by helping other people grow, that’s my plan in life.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“The first thing that you should do before you ever engage with another human being is to do your homework.” -@Jon_Ferrara Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 0:09 Hello everyone, a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, beaming out to you as always from on the sand next to the waves of little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia. Joined today by the universally renowned Jon Ferrera. Jon, a very, very good afternoon I believe it would be for you. Welcome, and where you’re hanging out?
Jon Ferrera 0:30 Well, Tom, first off, thank you for inviting me to have a conversation with you, with your community. Any chance I have to have a conversation about inspiring, educating, other people is a great day for me. Today I’m hailing from Santa Monica, California. It’s a coastal city of Los Angeles. It’s adjacent to places that you’ve probably seen on TV like Malibu, and it’s about 74 degrees like an ocean breeze, it’s a beautiful day.
Tom Poland 0:59 Sounds fabulous. And just back from Sicily, my little spies tell me.
Jon Ferrera 1:03 Yes, yes. My dad was born in Sicily and I become a bit of an ancestry nut. Last summer we went to Ireland to visit my Irish cousins. And this summer we went to Sicily to visit my Sicilian cousin.
Tom Poland 1:16 Fantastic.
Jon Ferrera 1:17 And it’s some interesting stories and parallels between those two countries. But it isn’t enough time to cover it right now.
Tom Poland 1:23 A lot of Irish and a lot of Italians hit it off to the US of A. So, folks, for those of you who don’t know Jon, he’s a serial, literally, he’s a serial entrepreneur, not just someone who sort of stuck in the bio. He is a serial entrepreneur. He’s a world-renowned speaker about social media effects on sales, and marketing. He’s completely reimagined CRM, Customer Relationship Manager software, by building the simple smart CRM for Microsoft Office 365, and G Suite with Nimble.com, which hopefully just about everyone has heard of by now. And previously with a platform called GoldMine. So, the subject of this, I’m going to hold Jon’s feet to the fire for a whole seven minutes, “How to Build Relationships to Achieve Your Dreams”. We are going to do that in just seven minutes as always. Jon, our time starts now. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?
Jon Ferrera 2:18 My ideal client are individuals and teams that really understand and value the power of relationships. I think that we all talk about the value of your network and your brand. But ultimately, today, we don’t really have a good tool to manage our connections. Our connections are in Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Foursquare, Google Plus, Office 365 and G Suite. And it’s tough to manage your contacts. So Nimble is a team relationship management for people that have CRM and people that don’t have CRM, we are your CRM on top of Office and G Suite.
Tom Poland 2:54 Perfect. Thank you. So, question number two, just over six minutes left, what’s the problem you solve for your ideal client?
Jon Ferrera3:01 Well, like I said to you before, today, your contacts, your email, and your calendar are in three separate tabs in G Suite or Office. And then you’ve got contacts and sales, marketing, customer service, and accounting. So, whether you’re an individual, you need your own personal CRM, your golden Rolodex. Over for a team, you need a team Relationship Manager, not just a tool for salespeople, but a tool for everybody in the company to manage relationships. Today, CRM isn’t designed for managing relationships, they really report managers. And so, I like to say the reason it’s called Salesforce for salespeople to use it, no one in their right mind would use a CRM if they want to do it. And so Nimble is really designed from the ground up for you as a business person to engage effectively at scale.
Tom Poland 3:47 Perfect. Thank you. Question number three, five and a half minutes left. If someone does not have a platform, well, let’s say they don’t have nimble and they’ve got leads of bits and pieces everywhere. What are some of the symptoms that they’re going to be experiencing which is going to give them a heads up that they better look at Nimble?
Jon Ferrera 4:03 Well, there’s a thing called the Dunbar limit, you can only manage 100, 200 people in a head at one time. And everybody today is being told that you need to go out and build your brand and your network. And if you do what you should be doing properly, you’re going to get over connected and over-communicated, and you won’t be able to manage people that matter. People will start falling through the cracks, you won’t be able to follow up and follow through when you go to connect with somebody you won’t know who they are what their business is about. You won’t know the history of interactions you and the team have done and you’ll start wondering how do I manage my connections and conversations, and that’s what Nimble does. So Nimble automatically builds itself by unifying your contacts, your email, your calendar, and your social into a unified, cohesive whole. And then it works back where you work, in your inbox, in social, in your business apps, to give you the context and insight you need to engage effectively, but most importantly, the ability to follow up and follow through.
Tom Poland 4:57 Thanks for that. Question number four, just over four minutes left. We’ve got these folks where they got bits and pieces everywhere and they’re going to try and fix that, right? So, what are some of the common mistakes that people try to make when they’re trying to coordinate a line and get something like Nimble happening in their life before they find out about Nimble? What are some of the things that they stuffed up with?
Jon Ferrera 5:18 Well, I think that everybody goes out and buys the CRM because everybody else has a CRM and they basically don’t really have a reason for doing it. And they think that if they give their sales reps CRM systems that they’re basically going to be more effective at closing more deals. But the reality is a CRM is just a database, it’s only as good as the data you put in. And the biggest cause of failure in CRM is bad data or lack of views. Because you work for the CRM, you have to Google somebody before the meeting. You have to go log what you know, they need to go engage wherever you can email and social and log what you did. And that’s why CRM systems fail. And so, I believe your CRM work for you by building itself and work with you everywhere you work. And so instead of going out and buying a CRM, sales intelligent software, like LinkedIn Sales Navigator, or arrange for you DiscoverOrg, email template outreach software, like Salesloft or Outreach.io, which each of these programs are $100 per user per month and don’t even talk to each other. Just by Nimble, because Nimble basically gives you awesome contact management, sales intelligence, email templated sales enablement and a plugin that works everywhere you work.
Tom Poland 6:25 And for those of you who are looking at the video, you’re currently going to see a screen with nimble.com/features, which was not part of our plan that I had it up on before the interview, and I think it is so frickin awesome, because it has visual, and it’s got the numbers. Just wet your taste buds’ folks, if you are listening to the podcast and not the video, go to nimble.com and have a look at the features tab. Jon, back to you. Two minutes, 20 seconds left. Question number five is, what’s one valuable free action that an audience member can take that’s going to take them a step closer to this problem? Now, let’s just tell them straight off the bat go to www.nimble.com, this is also a response to question number six, which is a valuable free resource. But walk us through, what the next step someone could take to help them solve the problem of having all their CRM data all over the place?
Jon Ferrera 7:16 Well, I think the first thing that you should do before you ever engage with another human being is to do your homework. In the old days, I told people to go look at people’s walls, look at the books they read, their degree, the school they went to, the knickknacks they collect. All these things give you a clue in who somebody is, and enables you to figure out your commonalities that you could share that with that person to build intimacy and trust. Today, you Google somebody. And the beauty of googling them is you get to know a little bit about them. But then what you should do is when you go and engage with them, ask them a simple question. And then just shut up and listen, because people will tell you everything that you need to know in order to figure out a way to add value and that’s your purpose in life, is adding value because service is the new sales. So, when you go just meet a new customer, don’t talk about yourself, don’t talk about your private, nobody cares. Talk about how you can help them become better, smarter, faster because people buy a better version of themselves. They don’t buy great products.
Tom Poland 8:12 Perfect. Thank you just under a minute left. The valuable free resource, I’ve already mentioned go to nimble.com and folks if you want to give it a go. And I’ve, there’s no affiliate commissions or anything here, I’m recommending because it’s damn good. Use the code Jon, J-O-N, four zero, jon40. And you’ll get a bit of a discount. So, question number seven. Jon, just over 30 seconds left. What’s the one question I didn’t ask you but I should have?
Jon Ferrera 8:36 Well there’s two, what’s my favorite book? My favorite book is Think and Grow Rich because ultimately if you aren’t figuring out your three P’s in life. What’s your passion, what’s your plan to achieve it, and make it your purpose on a daily basis, you will never achieve anything in your life. And ultimately, what are you trying to achieve in life? What’s my purpose in life? I’ll tell you what it is.
Tom Poland 8:55 10 seconds
Jon Ferrera 8:56 I’m here to grow by helping other people grow, that’s my plan in life.
Tom Poland 9:01 Jon Ferrera, thank you so much for your time.
Jon Ferrera 9:03 Thank you, Tom.
Tom Poland 9:05 Thanks for checking out our Marketing The Invisible podcast. If you like what we’re doing here please head over to iTunes to subscribe, rate us, and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated. And if you want to generate five fresh leads in just five hours then check out www.fivehourchallenge.com.