- Discover what are the four key areas you need to build a strong framework around on
- Understand how are your core values connected with your goals
- Find out why the delta between these key areas is crucial
- To get more FREE advice on how to reach your potential in business and in life, click here: robertglazer.com
Are you struggling with trying to expand your capacity, leadership, and business? Do you feel like what you’re doing isn’t enough to make your business move?
Aligning your goals to your core value is crucial in making your business – and you – grow and become a success! Building a strong framework using the 4 powerful key areas can take your business miles away.
Robert Glazer is the Founder and Chairman of the Board of Acceleration Partners, a global partner marketing agency. He is the author of five books and is #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller, USA Today, and the internationally bestselling author of five books. He is also the host of The Elevate Podcast.
Grab a seat and listen in on how Robert can help you elevate and grow your capacity into a powerful business leader with a great business through the 4 key areas.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:25 – Robert’s ideal client: People who want to expand their leadership, expand their capacity, and you know, which I always say, is sort of the delta between where you are today and the potential that you think you can be as an individual or a leader, and then by the proxy organization.
- 01:59 – The problem he helps solve: I think understanding how they can build their capacity. I built a framework around looking at spiritual, intellectual, physical, and emotional capacity and sort of understanding how to use that framework for where people may be out of alignment and how they can kind of achieve it at a higher level than they are today.
- 03:21 – The symptoms of the problem: There are a couple of different areas, right? They could have let something go out of whack. Their physical capacity could just be, you know, totally pulling them down.
- 05:03 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Robert: One of the biggest things is their goals are not in alignment with their values. So, when you achieve the goal, it’s not actually something that makes you feel good or sort of serves your purpose.
- 06:00 – Robert’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): There are a couple of things. I think one of them is, actually, to start spending time on figuring out your core values.
- 06:36 – Robert’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): To get more FREE advice on how to reach your potential in business and in life, click here: robertglazer.com
- 07:07 – Q: What’s the biggest value in this? A: A lot of organizations are living below their capacity, similar. Their leaders aren’t doing what they could do, right? So, they don’t need new stuff. They just need the people on their team to, sort of, live up to their potential.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Goals should fulfill a purpose. And then it's worth all the work to get there because it sort of supports what you're looking for at your core.” -Robert Glazer Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland, joined today by Robert Glazer. Robert, good day from Down Under. A very warm welcome, sir. Where are you hanging out?
Robert Glazer 00:20
I’m outside of Boston, Massachusetts.
Tom Poland 00:23
Thank you. Boston, Massachusetts, so the USA. So East-ish, East Coast, or are you Central?
Robert Glazer 00:29
East. Yeah, east. We’re not that far from New York, a few hours north of New York.
Tom Poland 00:34
Pretty close. All right. Well, thanks for being here. Robert is quite a high-level achiever. Quite extraordinary, what you’ve done already, Robert! And it’s a long way to go, I hope for you. He’s the Founder and Chairman of the Board of Acceleration Partners. It’s a global partner marketing agency. He’s also the author of five books, not just the author of five books, but #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller, USA Today, and international best-selling author of some other books, as well. He’s also the host of the Elevate Podcast, and he’s got quite a unique take on building businesses through building capacity. And that’s the fascinating title of this interview, it’s, “How to Build Your Capacity in Four Key Areas”. Robert, we’re going to kick off. Our seven minutes start now, sir. Who’s going to get the most out of this interview? That’s question number one.
Robert Glazer 01:25
Yeah, I think people who want to expand their leadership, expand their capacity, and you know, which I always say, is sort of the delta between where you are today and the potential that you think you can be as an individual or a leader, and then by the proxy organization.
Tom Poland 01:40
So, right, so growth-oriented individuals who understand that their development is going to precede the organization’s development and growth. Is that-
Robert Glazer 01:48
Yeah. And I would actually say, them, their team, the organization, right, probably both.
Tom Poland 01:54
Flows through. Thank you. Six and a half minutes left, sir. Tell us about the problem you solve for these folks.
Robert Glazer 01:59
Yeah, I think understanding how they can build their capacity. I built a framework around looking at spiritual, intellectual, physical, and emotional capacity and sort of understanding how to use that framework for where people may be out of alignment and how they can kind of achieve it at a higher level than they are today. So, I think by going through that, people get a good sense of, “Oh, you know, I don’t really have a sense of my direction”, or “I’ve let my physical capacity diminish and start to see where that delta is.”
Tom Poland 02:28
So, what do you mean by the word “Delta”? It’s like a crossover?
Robert Glazer 02:33
Delta is like the difference. What’s the gap between, you know, where they could be and where they are today?
Tom Poland 02:38
Thank you for that. So, give us the four, again, please– the physical, emotional, spiritual?
Robert Glazer 02:43
Yeah, I think they work better in this order because it’s like a stack– spiritual, intellectual, physical, and emotional. So, sort of the why, the what, and then your physical nature, and then your emotional is a lot of your relationships.
Tom Poland 02:57
I really liked this because, to me, this is often overlooked, isn’t it? We kind of skip the personal and go-to tactics.
Robert Glazer 03:02
Tom Poland 03:03
But yeah, it makes a lot of sense. It’s one of those things that when you hear it, it sounds like it’s- someone said, it’s common sense, but not commonplace. Well, let’s go to question three, five minutes left, what would you say are the typical symptoms of people who really need to have a look at the delta between these four?
Robert Glazer 03:21
Yeah, I think there are a couple of different areas, right? They could have let something go out of whack. Their physical capacity could just be, you know, totally pulling them down. I think for a lot of people, it starts with spiritual capacity, which is, kind of, what they want and their core values. And I think if a lot of people look hard at that, they will realize that they are spending a lot of time and energy on something that doesn’t really matter to them, kind of climbing the wrong mountain. So that’s why I say they go in order because you start to figure out again, what it is that you want in your values, kind of the discipline and execution to pursue that, the physical and mental you need, and then the relationships that you need. So, you can be out of whack on a bunch of those things, but, again, if you’re off on spiritual, you are often climbing the wrong path or mountain and that’s, definitely, you want to get off that before you get too far.
Tom Poland 04:08
Right. And, I like the way you amplified what you meant by spiritual. So, for example, core values, someone’s beliefs, and work-life balance, but they’re working seven days a week and the kids no longer recognize them. They’re going to be out of whack and imagine that would lead to a lot of frustration, a sense of a lack of fulfillment or happiness.
Robert Glazer 04:26
Yeah, you’re working too hard for this, you know, vacation home for your family and your kids and partner aren’t speaking to you, right? So what good is that house at the end of the day, if you’ve lost their relationships? Yeah.
Tom Poland 04:39
Right. What does it profit a person to gain the whole world but lose their soul, sort of thing? So, this is good stuff, folks. Please listen up and examine yourself carefully to see if there is a big gap there. What would you say are some of the common mistakes that people make when they’re trying to increase capacity? What do you see people doing that you think, “Gee, that’s just not going to work”?
Robert Glazer 05:03
Yeah, you know, one of the biggest things is their goals are not in alignment with their values. So, when you achieve the goal, it’s not actually something that makes you feel good or sort of serves your purpose. So, I see that as a very common misalignment. I think goals should fulfill a purpose. And then it’s worth all the work to get there because it sort of supports what you’re looking for at your core.
Tom Poland 05:25
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it’s hard to shut out all the noise about what people tell us, the advertisers and marketers, evil people, like me, tell us that we should want, right, we’re very-
Robert Glazer 05:36
Family, parents, society, you know, all you want to do is be sitting in a cabin, writing books, and you’re busy doing something else that doesn’t actually get you in that direction.
Tom Poland 05:48
It doesn’t feel right. Thank you for that. Let’s flip it. We’ve got two minutes left. A valuable free action, kind of like a top tip. Something that someone could actually do that might take them a step in the right direction.
Robert Glazer 06:00
Yeah, I mean, there are a couple of things. I think one of them is, actually, to start spending time on figuring out your core values. I have a course on that, but set aside some time and start writing, thinking, reading about it, and seeing whether you can put those on pen-to-paper because to me, that’s like turning on the lights if you’re driving in a tunnel. That’s my analogy.
Tom Poland 06:19
Right, and take a step back from the busyness and just have a look and focus on exactly what is important to you. Well, let’s help people with that. We’ve got 90 seconds left, two questions to go. A valuable free resource. Where can people go, a URL, people go to find out more about your work, or get help with this?
Robert Glazer 06:36
Yeah, they can go to robertglazer, G-L-A-Z-E-R, .com. And under the resources tab, I have something called the whole life dashboard that can be really helpful in terms of kind of laying out a schedule and a plan. And there’s a quiz too that may tell you which capacity you need the most work in.
Tom Poland 06:53
I’m going to go get it because it’s time for me to recalibrate! So, folks, it’s Robertglazer, with the Z, Zed if you’re down under here, E-R, .com. Last question, Robert, what’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t? One minute left.
Robert Glazer 07:07
I’d say sort of, for an organization, you know, what’s the biggest value in this? And you know, the answer to that would be like, a lot of organizations are living below their capacity, similar. Their leaders aren’t doing what they could do, right? So, they don’t need new stuff. They just need the people on their team to, sort of, live up to their potential, and I think that has this incredible holistic effect inside and outside of work, right? You’re not looking for a better person just to do their job better. Like how can you make them better at some core things that will help them both inside and outside work? For example, health, sleep, like, again, if you’re exhausted, it’s going to impact your life inside of work, outside of work. Prioritization inside of work, outside of work, so I think that’s commonly overlooked.
Tom Poland 07:53
Perfect. This is gold! Robert Glazer, thank you so much for your time and insights. Cheers!
Robert Glazer 07:58
Thank you.
Tom Poland 07:59
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