How to Craft the Perfect Welcome Series – In Just 7 Minutes with Kimberly Weitkamp

Check out episode
  • Discover how to increase your open rate through Kimberly’s Guide, Crafting the Perfect Welcome Series
  • Learn how to craft the “perfect welcome” for your clients and keep them engaged with you and your product
  • Know more on how to better engage with your clients through the use of copywriting and frequent emailing



Are you struggling to keep your clients engaged in your business? Is your open rate decreasing and your clients slowly losing interest?

Kimberly Weitkamp is a very successful marketing strategist, podcaster, and conversion copywriter, which is real science in itself. She created and uses the Audience Conversion Model to help entrepreneurs convert their audiences from strangers to loyal fans.

In this episode, Kimberly shares her insights on how to increase your open rate and keep your clients engaged and interacted by crafting the perfect welcome.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 1:28 – Kimberly’s ideal client: “My ideal clients are coaches and online experts, and service providers, who are looking to build a community around what they do using usually courses or group programs.”
  • 1:49 – Problem Kimberly helps solve: “So I help a lot of my clients figure out exactly how to move people from, “I don’t know who you are,” to, “I know a little bit more about you,” to, “I’m really eager, how do I get more involved with you.” And I use email and conversion copywriting and lots of other things to help them figure out how to create a more engaged audience.”
  • 2:33 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Kimberly: “So, for a lot of people, you know, they’ve met somebody or someone has found them online and they’re really eager to work with them. But then they don’t really know what to say to these people. So, they kind of are sporadic with sending out their messages. When they do send out emails, they noticed, like, after that first message, suddenly the open rates really dropped to like, you know, 8%, 9%.”
  • 3:53 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Kimberly’s solution: “So, a lot of my clients, they approach it as, from a place of fear where they’re like I’m afraid to send out because I think people are going to unsubscribe or I think I’m going to get low open rates.”
  • 4:59 – Kimberly’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Craft a welcome series. That is a series of four to seven emails that are very specific to guide people through who you are, what you do, and how you help them. So, each little bit you’re going to, it’s a ready-made purpose made set of emails.”
  • 5:52 – Kimberly’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Kimberly’s Guide:
  • 6:55 – Q: How is your marketing different from anyone else is? A: I would guide people to what is the Audience Conversion Model that you talked about. And that is my framework for creating every single marketing campaign I talked about.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“You put your customer first and make sure that everything you're creating is speaking your customer’s language, and also guiding them to that next step.” -Kimberly Weitkamp Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 0:09
Hello everyone and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today like Kimberly Weitkamp. Kimberly, good day, welcome. Where are you hanging out?

Kimberly Weitkamp 0:20
Thank you. Good day to you as well. I am in St. Louis, Missouri.

Tom Poland 0:25
St. Louis, Missouri. For those of you who don’t know Kimberly, she is a very successful marketing strategist, podcaster, and conversion copywriter, which is real science in itself. She created and uses the Audience Conversion Model to help entrepreneurs convert their audiences from strangers to loyal fans.

And folks, this is, as I said, this is a whole science in itself because it’s one thing to meet someone at a business networking meeting or a conference or a summit. You can strike up rapport and respect and relatability and all those things, click, click, click. It’s a whole different ballgame if someone doesn’t know you from a freshly bought bar of soap, and you’re converting them through the magical words into loyal fans.

So, Kimberly is going to show us how to do that in just seven minutes. No pressure, Kimberly. And the title of our little talk here is, “How to Craft the Perfect Welcome Series,” to achieve that objective, of course. Kimberly, your seven minutes starts now. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?

Kimberly Weitkamp 1:28
My ideal clients are coaches and online experts, and service providers, who are looking to build a community around what they do using usually courses or group programs.

Tom Poland 1:38
Perfect and succinct as you would hope a conversion copywriter wouldn’t be. Question number two, and we’ve got six and a half minutes left, so what’s the problem you solve?

Kimberly Weitkamp 1:49
So I help a lot of my clients figure out exactly how to move people from, “I don’t know who you are,” to, “I know a little bit more about you,” to, “I’m really eager, how do I get more involved with you.” And I use email and conversion copywriting and lots of other things to help them figure out how to create a more engaged audience.

Tom Poland 2:07
Perfect. Thank you. And so question number three, six minutes left, describe for me if you will some of the typical symptoms that someone who, maybe think of someone who’s become a client, what were they experiencing prior to your service that would help our audience or listeners to know if this is for them? The symptoms that they’re going through, what’s happening? What’s not working? Describe that first.

Kimberly Weitkamp 2:33
Absolutely. So, for a lot of people, you know, they’ve met somebody or someone has found them online and they’re really eager to work with them. But then they don’t really know what to say to these people. So, they kind of are sporadic with sending out their messages. When they do send out emails, they noticed, like, after that first message, suddenly the open rates really dropped to like, you know, 8%, 9%.

Maybe the average of 10 or 12%, when they have something new and exciting or they’re looking for feedback from this community so they can create that next best piece of coaching programs or something like that. They’ll send out a survey to ask, you know, how can I best help you, and very few people open those messages, and then few people actually participate. So, they’re kind of, they’ve got this really large list, but then they’re not getting a lot of feedback from them, and they don’t know how they can best serve their audience.

Tom Poland 3:18
Right. So, it’s kind of almost like their marketing is like pin the tail on the donkey, they’re not sure how to make it work, or if it could be working, better. Thank you for that. Just under five minutes left. Question four, what are some of the common mistakes that your ideal clients make before they find your service? So, they’ve got these low open rates? They don’t know if they’re really educating their prospects, and so on is horrible substitute describe. They’re going to try stuff, they’re not, probably not lazy or stupid. They’re going to be doing stuff but some of them might be the wrong stuff. So that’s question four, what are some of the common mistakes that your clients make before they find you?

Kimberly Weitkamp 3:53
Absolutely. So, a lot of my clients, they approach it as, from a place of fear where they’re like I’m afraid to send out because I think people are going to unsubscribe or I think I’m going to get low open rates. So, they have this idea in their head that, “Well, I should lessen how often I speak to people, I should only contact people if I’ve got something to offer them because then I won’t be bothering them.” So, they approach their marketing as “I’m bothering someone,” instead of saying, “How can I best help my audience? How can I best serve my audience and be consistent?”

So instead of emailing once a week, instead of becoming a trusted person in their inbox, instead they’re like, “Oh, I’m just going to, I’m just going to email, you know, like once a month maybe,” or only when I have something to promote, which is, of course, the wrong approach, because then people forget who you are. Or they’re like, “Oh, this person only ever wants to sell me, I’m going to unsubscribe and leave.”

Tom Poland 4:41
Right. So, some common mistakes there, folks, to hopefully pick your ears up and go don’t make that mistake. Three and a half minutes left. Question five, can you give the audience, listeners, one valuable free action that’s not going to solve the hard problem, but it’ll take him a step in the right direction.

Kimberly Weitkamp 4:59
Absolutely. So, I would say the first step is to craft a welcome series. That is a series of four to seven emails that are very specific to guide people through who you are, what you do, and how you help them. So, each little bit you’re going to, it’s a ready-made purpose made a set of emails. So, it’s not selling something, it’s not, “Oh, this is, you know, you need to go buy my product.” It is four to seven messages where you’re really going to guide them from, “I don’t know who you are,” to, “I want to learn more,” to, “I’m ready to talk to you.”

Tom Poland 5:30
Nice, nice. So, it’s a nurturing style, it’s educational. So, people know what they’re in for, there’s not going to be big surprises. So, question number six is folks, going to want to know more about this. So, can you offer us a free resource that could be quite valuable for them that’s going to help them a bit further?

Kimberly Weitkamp 5:52
Absolutely. I’ve created a guide called Crafting the Perfect Welcome Series. And it covers not only what should be in your welcome series, but also how you can use your welcome series to stand out in people’s inboxes and guide them through those next steps.

Tom Poland 6:05
And that is to be found at So that’s Absolutely brilliant because you’ve told people what they need to do, you’ve given them a tip on that exact thing, which is the four emails, and now folks, you can go there and find out exactly how to do it.

I can’t help but think this is a perfect example, this is you walking the talk. You know, it is a podcast and not an email series but essentially, you’re doing exactly what other folks should be doing. So, a lot of integrity around there. Question number seven, and we’ve got 90 seconds left, which is heaps of time. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t? And the answer, please.

Kimberly Weitkamp 6:55
Yes. So, one of the questions I get asked a lot is, you know, how is your marketing different from anyone else is? And I would guide people to what is the Audience Conversion Model that you talked about. And that is my framework for creating every single marketing campaign I talked about. And the whole process guides people through creating marketing campaigns that asked, “How can I help you?” You put your customer first and make sure that everything you’re creating is speaking your customer’s language, and also guiding them to that next step.

Tom Poland 7:21
Oh, yeah, baby. Yeah. Speaking a customer’s language and guiding them to the next step. Folks, Kimberly said that pretty briskly but there’s gold in there so my recommendation is you rewind that, but also definitely get to Kimberly Weitkamp, thank you so much for your time.

Kimberly Weitkamp 7:39
Thank you.

Tom Poland 07:41
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