How to Create a Podcast in the Least Possible Time – In Just 7 Minutes with Colin Gray

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  • Learn how to spread and share you life changing thoughts and expertise through your own podcast show
  • Discover what podcast can do for your business
  • Learn the ins and outs of podcast production and the common struggles that podcaster experience in launching and maintaining their podcast show



Colin Gray is a podcaster, speaker, and founder of and The Podcast Host is a podcast network and a huge content resource on creating a successful show. Alitu is a web app that automates podcast production and assists editing, making podcasting quick and easy!

In this episode, Colin shares how to create a podcast in a short possible time. He holds your hand through every single thing you need to do to start a podcast including planning for success, top-quality equipment, recording, editing, publishing, and growth.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:24 – Colin’s ideal client: Our ideal client tends to be coaches and maybe, well freelance consultants certainly people that work on their own. It tends to be people who want to build their own brand, build their own personal visibility, and podcasting just works really well for that because it gets the real person, the personality, the culture, the values of that individual out there into the world..
  • 02:08 – Problem he helps solve: We help them simplify the process, essentially. We look to cut down the complexity of a few different areas of podcasting because podcasting can seem kind of tacky as you get into it.
  • 03:26 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Colin: I mean they get lost in the choice. There are so many different choices out there.
  • 04:34 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: One of the mistakes I see a lot of people make is not spending enough time on the planning.
  • 06:08 – Colin’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): Bring in personal experience to your podcast.
  • 07:30 – Colin’s Valuable Free Resource(VFR)

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“ Bring in personal experience to your podcast.” -@thepodcasthost Share on X

Info about our correspondent host:Travis has a background in sales, marketing, and strategy, and left the corporate world several years ago to start his own agency. As a copywriter by trade, his biggest skill is putting the right words, in front of the right people, at the right time. Travis has developed go-to-market strategies for grassroots apps to Fortune 500 and helped optimize up to $50k per day in Facebook Ad spend for one of the biggest startups in Asia.

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Travis Bennett: [00:00:09] Hi everyone and welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Travis Bennett and I’m rocking it to you out of Yangon, Myanmar. Proving that you really can be anywhere in the world and build your business into a success. I’m joined today by Colin Gray. Colin, a very very warm welcome.

Colin Gray: [00:00:25] Thank you for having me.

Travis Bennett: [00:00:27] It’s great to have you here. Where are you broadcasting to us from today?

Colin Gray: [00:00:30] I’m in Dundee, Scotland right now where it’s very very hot for Scottish standards. Anyway, not as hot as you I’m sure, but very warm here.

Travis Bennett: [00:00:38] We get used to the heat. You get used to the heat. So, for those of you don’t know Colin, I’ll just introduce him to quick. He’s a podcaster, a speaker, founder of thePodcastHost and Basically, it’s a podcast network and a huge bunch of resources for people to create a successful show. And they’ve also built an app that makes it very easy to do podcast production, editing and basically making it as quick as easy, as easy as possible to get your podcast up and running. So, it’s great to have you on the show Colin, and welcome. The title today is “How to Create a Podcast in the Least Possible Time” and Colin is going to explain it all in just seven minutes. So, I’m going to start this time and we’re going to go with question number one. So, Colin, who is your ideal client?

Colin Gray: [00:01:24] Our ideal client tends to be coaches and maybe, well freelance consultants certainly people that work on their own. It tends to be people who want to build their own brand, build their own personal visibility, and podcasting just works really well for that because it gets the real person, the personality, the culture, the values of that individual out there into the world. This is a way for smaller companies, for individuals, to compete with big brands I believe because showing the human behind that personal brand is a way to differentiate yourself as opposed to those big companies.

Travis Bennett: [00:02:00] Sure. So, then we’ve got six minutes 15 seconds on the clock. What is the problem that you solve for these kinds of clients?

Colin Gray: [00:02:08] We help them simplify the process, essentially. We look to cut down the complexity of a few different areas of podcasting because podcasting can seem kind of tacky as you get into it. For example, is all the equipment, you’ve got microphones, mixers, all that kind of stuff.

Travis Bennett: [00:02:24] I can see it on your screen there.

Colin Gray: [00:02:26] Exactly. So, we cut that down to just using the simplest possible USB mic with good quality. So, for example, the Samsung Q2U is a great USB mic, plugs right into your computer. Easy as anything to use. Similar to editing as well, we cut that right down to just two or three things we set up to do. We say don’t edit much at all, just treat it as a one-take on a live radio show. Just speak, just put it out there and imperfections and all. And actually, it just makes you seem more human. It makes your personality come across. And if you really need to do some editing then just keep it really simple in something like Audacity, a free package, or even our Alitu. That’s what Alitu is designed for, to make editing really easy. So that is the big thing we help is to simplify the process so that it’s easy to get into and you can stay consistent because it doesn’t take much time every week.

Travis Bennett: [00:03:16] Okay. So, then I guess that kind of leads us into the next question with what are the symptoms people experience when they’re basically they’re trying to set up their podcast? Where do they get lost along the way?

Colin Gray: [00:03:26] Yeah for sure. I mean they get lost in the choice. There are so many different choices out there. So, I mentioned mics already, I mentioned editing platforms already, there are so many different ways to go with all of them. And you can get laid down the road of thinking that you know you make a better podcast by having better equipment. Geeks like me, I don’t know about yourself Travis, but you get drawn into thinking like shinier gear equals better content. So, keep it simple. But another place to get lost is in hosting. So, you need to get your podcast out there into the world, you need to have a place to publish it and there are dozens of choices out there now. So that is one place and I actually, we recommend a couple of places. You can either go Buzzsprout or Transistor because both actually I believe are the slickest, smoothest, easiest ways to do it. They don’t offer as many options as some of the other platforms out there but they offer everything you need just make it really simple.

Travis Bennett: [00:04:22] Okay. Okay. So, then I guess, we’ve got three minutes 50 seconds on the clock so we’re doing really good for a time. What mistakes do people usually make when they’re trying to do this themselves if they’re not getting expert help and advice as their set up?

Colin Gray: [00:04:34] Yeah sure. One of the mistakes I see a lot of people make is not spending enough time on planning. I mean I suppose this is the same with anything, isn’t it? Like people often skip the planning because they just want to get, stuck into something, but a little bit of planning goes a long way in podcasting. Particularly around the problem, you’re solving for your listener because podcasts take a fair back commitment to listen to. Somebody has to commit 20 minutes, 30 minutes to listen to one of your shows. So, you need to offer a really good value proposition in your show. You need to tell the listener exactly what you’re going to give them over the next 20, 30 minutes. You invest less time with me, I will solve this problem for you. And that goes down, we can’t go into full detail today with seven minutes but that’s down to thinking about your ideal audience. The problems they experience, the solution you’re going to offer them and why you are unique in delivering that solution. What makes you different and how you deliver that solution or how you put the show together, the format, the type of show, the different people that are on it, that type of stuff. So, spending the time on that, on thinking why is your show different. Like I do a show about marketing but there’s dozens of other marketing shows out there. But this is why you should listen to me, but don’t have a good answer to that is so important.

Travis Bennett: [00:05:49] Yeah, I guess that’s kind of the question five, right? We’ve got two minutes and 17 on the clock. The free action that people can take away from this call today to help solve their podcasting headaches is that planning, right? And thinking about it before you actually start recording and jump on a call.

Colin Gray: [00:06:08] Yeah. Yeah. I mean specifically, it’s that uniqueness. It’s that unique, what makes you different. And I think that one good way to think about that, practical way to think about it is to bring in something from your background. So, think about what makes you different. Not just your work but bring in hobbies, bring in personal experience. You know the people that you hear on podcasts, on blogs, on video channels that are most memorable, they often have quite unique life experiences that they can talk about and it doesn’t need to be huge. You don’t need to have had some tragic event or you know some sort of life-changing thing happens to you. It could just be a combination of two or three things that you do. Like I’m a surfer, who is also an ex-academic, who now teaches marketing. And I bring elements of all of that experience together and talking about it and you know analogies of surfing or something like that. You know there’s it sounds a bit silly almost when you describe it that way but I’ve seen shows bring together little things like that to make a really unique approach to assure that just makes it memorable and that’s what brings people back.

Travis Bennett: [00:07:11] And builds that connection, right? Because people relate to your experiences that they’ve had in their own life too.

Colin Gray: [00:07:17] Yeah absolutely yeah.

Travis Bennett: [00:07:18] So we’ve got 50 seconds on the clock. Question number six, what’s one valuable free resource that we can direct some listeners to today that they can go get some more help on podcasting?

Colin Gray: [00:07:30] A free resource, they can head over to I mean our entire website has full guides if you go to That’s our full how-to start guide and has everything on there, step by step. And another one I said that I really like a lot is Audacity. Audacity has an editing package which helps you edit, makes it nice and simple. So, if you want to get something that helps edit and that’s absolutely no cost. Helps you put together your show from absolutely nothing.

Travis Bennett: [00:07:57] Cool. And then I guess 10 seconds left. We might not get to the last question so I’ll just wrap it up here. Thank you, Colin, for your time today. It’s been a pleasure having you on the show.

Colin Gray: [00:08:06] Thank you very much for having me.

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