- Discover why you’re overpaying for website services when you could just do it on your own for less or even free
- Learn how easy it is to make your own world-class website without the expense, stress, and delays
- Understand why you should start investing your time in training and courses to help your business grow
- Want to learn how you can automate your business for free? Click here: www.ScrewTheCommute.com/automatefree
Do you want to learn how to save yourself from stress and save some money by making your very own world-class website?
Making your own world-class website and having an effective digital marketing strategy isn’t supposed to make you broke and stressed. Get back your time and business by investing more in your skills and depending less on others.
Tom Antion never had a job, but he’s an Internet multimillionaire. He also has the only licensed, dedicated Digital Marketing school in the USA.
Get an awesome over-the-shoulder experience of how Tom saves himself thousands of dollars by creating his own website and having an unstoppable flow of income through his amazing tips on digital marketing!
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:15 – Tom’s ideal client: I actually have three of them. One would be a young person thinking about going to college. I don’t know about Australia, but here, it’s a mess! They’re running up big student debts.
- 01:52 – The problem he helps solve: The problem is that they lack online skills, and they want to farm out everything to everybody else without understanding what’s going on.
- 02:39 – The symptoms of the problem: They’re overpaying for services is one of the big ones. And they’re frustrated because there are so many delays when they’re just hiring out all the things for their business, to other people.
- 04:20 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Tom: They refuse to get their fingers dirty and learn some of these techniques because we make world-class websites like an 82-year-old lady’s making world-class websites for $450.
- 05:10 – Tom’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): One thing they could do totally for free– now, I’m not endorsing this as “the end all”, but Google has a digital marketing certificate course for free! It’s a 40-hour course.
- 06:07 – Tom’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to learn how you can automate your business for free? Click here: www.ScrewTheCommute.com/automatefree
- 07:19 – Q: At my age, how do I keep my boyish good looks? A: Actually, you have to hire young tech-savvy, inexpensive geeks by going to your secondary school and finding all the kids that are tech-savvy, that are loving working on computers rather than cutting grass and selling burgers.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“If you understand what's going on, you're not going to get ripped off.” -Tom Antion Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Hello, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Tom Antion. Tom, good day from Down Under, sir. Where are you hanging out?
Tom Antion 00:22
I’m hanging out in Virginia Beach on the East Coast of the USA.
Tom Poland 00:26
Sounds rather nice, actually. And how’s the weather? You must be in the depths of winter, right?
Tom Antion 00:32
Yeah, but it’s pretty moderate here. So today it was 55 degrees Fahrenheit, so it wasn’t too bad.
Tom Poland 00:38
It sounds nice. Let’s kick on, folks. If you don’t know Tom, he’s a bit of a legend on the internet. He’s never had a job, but he’s an internet multi-millionaire. And he has the only licensed dedicated Digital Marketing school in the USA, which is pretty unique and quite extraordinary. Title of this particular interview, if ever, you’ve thought that it might be nice to have a significant income flow from digital marketing, then you’re in the right place, because the title is, “How to Create an Unstoppable Flow of Income through Digital Marketing”. Tom, I’m pleased to have you on the show. Our time is going to start now. Question number one, sir, who is your ideal client?
Tom Antion 01:15
Well, I actually have three of them. One would be a young person thinking about going to college. I don’t know about Australia, but here, it’s a mess! They’re running up big student debts. They’re qualified to get a job at a coffee shop– so that’s one. The second would be someone that wants a full-time digital marketing business. The third one would be someone that’s already got a business, but they’re spending a fortune and not getting results from online marketing. So I take care of all three of those. Yeah.
Tom Poland 01:45
Perfect! Thank you for that. Six and a half minutes left. How would you describe the problem that you solve for your clients?
Tom Antion 01:52
Well, the problem is that they lack online skills, and they want to farm out everything to everybody else without understanding what’s going on. And that leads us to some of your other questions about overpaying and being ripped off by, I don’t know, in the United States, we call them “shysters”. But you might call them “mongrels” or “lower than Snake’s bellies” or something. It’s easy to get ripped off in this field.
Tom Poland 02:17
So just under six minutes left, thanks for that. And we have all of those names for them and more, and there’s a special corner of hell reserved for them. What would you say are some of the typical symptoms that your ideal clients experience before they find your solution? What’s going on in their business or their life that would give them a heads up and go, “I need to find out what Tom’s all about”? The other Tom.
Tom Antion 02:39
Well, they’re overpaying for services is one of the big ones. And they’re frustrated because there are so many delays when they’re just hiring out all the things for their business, to other people. And one of the things that I give an example is you might have the best idea of your whole life on a Friday evening. And your web person is with their family on Friday and Saturday, or Saturday and Sunday. And then Monday, all their clients are trying to get them so they get to you by Wednesday, and maybe they get the job done by Friday, so you just lost a week. That’s not acceptable. What’s easy is to learn some skills to be able to have an idea up there Friday night when you get it.
Tom Poland 03:23
Right. So one of the symptoms is you’ve got this- you’re dependent on other people. You’ve got these delays happening, frustrations, etc. Anything else you want to add to this? Four and a half minutes left so plenty of time.
Tom Antion 03:33
Well, one of the things is it’s just so darn easy with a little bit of tutoring and people, what frustrates me is that somebody that can’t make their car payment is on stage when I speak and tell people to delegate everything. If delegating is making you broke, maybe you should rethink that and get some skills. And it is just so easy to make world-class websites for pennies nowadays.
Tom Poland 04:01
And it’s easier and easier and less and less expensive! It’s not like it was even five years ago or three years ago. So one of the mistakes, clearly, that some people are making when they tell you about is that they’re spending all this money, delegating everything, and still not getting great traction. Are there any other common mistakes that people tell you they made before they find your solution?
Tom Antion 04:20
Yeah, they refuse to get their fingers dirty and learn some of these techniques because we make world-class websites like an 82-year-old lady’s making world-class websites for $450. All right!
Tom Poland 04:33
Tom Antion 04:34
Yeah. What I tell people is if you spent $5,000 on that $150 website, you have to make $4,850 to get back to being broke. Okay, so that’s just not acceptable. It’s just crazy, that kind of business because they think the tech people want to keep you in the dark all the time. And if you understand what’s going on, you’re not going to get ripped off.
Tom Poland 04:59
Okay, thank you for that, sir. Just under three minutes left. Let’s flip it now! Let’s look at moving forward. One valuable free action is question number five. What is a top tip that you can give listeners that will help them move in the right direction?
Tom Antion 05:10
Well, one thing they could do totally for free– now, I’m not endorsing this as “the end all”, but Google has a digital marketing certificate course for free! It’s a 40-hour course. And you could just take it for free and get exposed to a lot of these things you never even heard of as a business owner. And that’s the start of your education. But it’ll open your eyes totally for free by a fairly reputable source, you know, put quotes on “Google”. So it opens your eyes, and then you take more training on things that you’d like best.
Tom Poland 05:44
Thank you for that! So that is a top tip. It’s a very good price, completely free. And it’s from a very credible source such as Google. So go get that one! Question six, I know you’ve got some valuable stuff on your website because of being there. This question is about where can we direct people so they can find out and get more help from you.
Tom Antion 06:07
Well, one of the things that frustrate people that delay their success is that most of them never had any formal training on a computer, including myself. So your computer will do so a thousand things that you didn’t even know about, so I wrote a book on how to automate your business. We sell it for $27, but we give it for free on things like this. One of the tips, Tom, has saved me 8 million keystrokes, we estimated it. That’s just one of the tips in the book. So if you’re fooling and fighting with your computer for four hours, you don’t have the psychic energy left to sell stuff. So you’re on lightning fast in responding to people because of these automation techniques that are free and cheap in that book, so take that book and-
Tom Poland 06:54
So folks, “How to Automate Your Business: Seven Figure Guide to Getting and Handling Lots of Customers Without Pulling Your Hair Out”. If you go to www.ScrewTheCommute.com/automatefree. So, we’ll have it under the video but if you’re listening to it on the podcast, it’s ScrewTheCommute.com/automatefree. 24 seconds left, sir. What’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t, and the answer?
Tom Antion 07:19
I think you forgot to ask me at my age, how do I keep my boyish good looks? And you never asked me that.
Tom Poland 07:26
All right. How do you, in 10 seconds?
Tom Antion 07:28
Actually, you have to hire young tech-savvy, inexpensive geeks by going to your secondary school and finding all the kids that are tech-savvy, that are loving working on computers rather than cutting grass and selling burgers.
Tom Poland 07:43
Thanks, Tom! Cheers.
Tom Poland 07:45
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