- Discover how to create client relationships that equal bliss using the “real life, done this before” intuitive style to shaping client relationships that are more effortless, and more collaborative
- Learn how having the right mindset will help to stop the fear of any client-facing situations through clear concise steps to take to change how you interact with your clients
- Find out how to start a great client relationship or how to start over and create a great relationship with a pain in the ass client that you inherited
- Want to Know What to Say to Clients When They Want More for Free? Make this a less stressful process for yourself and download Trish’ script today: www.TrishTagle.com/clientbliss
As a B2B expert in the service-based business, are you tired of being seen as a commodity by your clients?
Do you feel like you are in the movie “GROUNDHOG DAY;” having the same conversation with the same client over and over again in the same week, like a loop on replay.
Are you someone who waits until the last minute to bring up issues with the client or to talk to the client about the account in general?
Does your client constantly try to nickel and dime you or get work for free?
Trish Tagle is an established efficiency and client relationship expert who uses frameworks developed from her time in the fashion and digital industries to create thriving environments while humanizing the corporate setting.
In this episode, Trish shares how to deal with client-facing situations, how to prevent having anxiety calling them out, and “real life, done this before” intuitive style strategies to shape client relationships that are more effortless, more collaborative, and more likely to help you upsell.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:29 – Trish’s ideal client: “My ideal client would be in a B2B setting, and they sell services in digital tech and digital advertising.”
- 02:07 – Problem Trish helps solve: “Mainly the problem that I saw is getting over the fear of being in a client-facing situation.”
- 03:10 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Trish: “Number one is, first of all, waking up dreading going to work. Number two, it’s just if you have to deliver bad news, which we all have to at some point, okay, because that’s just the way the world works. And you have to deliver it to your client.”
- 04:27 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Trish’s solution: “They don’t fix the solution. They don’t figure out that there’s a solution.”
- 05:53 – Trish’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Okay, this is about mindset. Take the client off the pedestal and treat him as a partner.”
- 06:44 – Trish’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to know what to say to clients when they want more for free? Make this a less stressful process for yourself and download Trish’ script today! www.TrishTagle.com/clientbliss
- 07:17 – Q: Why more for Trish at this time? A: I actually do work in the client relationship space, but more on the stakeholder level, where I help stakeholders or businesses, get clients to stay longer, refer more often and be more open to upsell, but because of the situation we’re in right now. Now I’m switching more to speaking to individuals and teaching them about developing better client relationships.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Take the client off the pedestal and treat him as a partner. So basically, it's an adult relationship. It's an adult business relationship. So, it's a mindset change.” -Trish Tagle Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 0:09
Hello everyone and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible I’m especially looking forward to this interview because it’s with the wonderful Trish Tagle. Trish, a very warm welcome good day and where you hanging out
Trish Tagle 0:22
Right now, New York, New York.
Tom Poland 0:24
New York. Peacocking 19 semi locked down. Folks, Trish and I have known each other for, I guess, a couple of years now. And the subject is such a critical one and it’s so overlooked and so much given lip service, too. So, let me give you a little bit about Trish’s background she’s an established efficiency and client relationship expert. She uses frameworks developed from her time in fashion and in digital industries to create thriving environments while humanizing what would otherwise might be a stereotype, business or corporate setting. So, the subject which I am absolutely fascinated with, and which is far more important than my pit subject, which is marketing, is “How to Create Client Relationships = Bliss, Really!” And Trish is going to tell us how to do that in just a minute. So, Trish, thank you so much. Our time starts now. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?
Trish Tagle 1:29
Okay, my ideal client would be in a B2B setting, and they sell services. More specifically, they would be in digital So, tech, digital advertising, and advertising. But again, people who are, who have accounts and are servicing clients and for the long term where the transaction is a one and done, they can benefit from this beat and run selling services,
Tom Poland 1:56
Ongoing relationship selling services like you. Six and a half minutes left question two, how would you define the problem that you solve for those clients?
Trish Tagle 2:07
Mainly the problem that I solve is getting over the fear of being in a client facing situation. Because you will not believe how many people are in account management, project management, any client facing situation in these, you know, service industries that hate talking to their clients.
Tom Poland 2:32
Trish Tagle 2:34
You would think that it’s the most natural thing in the world, but it is not. Behind the scenes, there’s a lot of stress. That’s right.
Tom Poland 2:42
Well, well, that brings us quite nicely to question number three, which are some of the typical symptoms that you’ve, before they get to be your client, your ideal clients would be experiencing and it sounds like one of those symptoms as they have anxiety around meeting with clients. The what are the some of the So, other symptoms that your ideal clients are going to be experiencing before they find your solution. How do they know that they need what you’ve got? What’s going on apart from anxiety with meeting with clients?
Trish Tagle 3:10
Well, number one is, first of all, waking up dreading going to work. Okay, I know there’s there are a lot of industries in that, but we’re talking specifically about client relationships, if that’s your job, and you wake up in the morning and you hate going to work because you have to talk to the client. That’s the number one symptom. Okay? Number two, it’s just if you have to deliver bad news, which we all have to at some point, okay, because that’s just the way the world works. And you have to deliver it to your client. It’s putting it off until the last minute because you just don’t want to have that conversation. Right. That’s another symptom. So yeah, there’s variations of this, but those are the two most common.
Tom Poland 3:56
Okay, so we’ve got these tell by almost like organizational culture where people have anxiety around face to face or digital meetings with clients. They understand they have this problem. And they’re going to try and fix it. So, they don’t have that anxiety. Question number four with four minutes left is what are some of the common mistakes that your ideal clients make before they find your solution? How they’re trying to fix this problem but getting it wrong before they find your solution?
Trish Tagle 4:27
You know, they don’t. They don’t fix the solution. They don’t figure out that there’s a solution. They don’t try to fix it because they don’t. There are no role models for them at work. See, that’s what creates the problem in the first place. So, it’s finding people like me, that would solve the problem is somebody who would teach them.
Tom Poland 4:52
So, it’s not like they’re trying a whole lot of stuff to fix the problem. They don’t even know whether there’s a solution. They just think this kind of situation’s normal, that this is just the way it has to be.
Trish Tagle 5:01
Yeah. Exactly. Because they don’t have role models again, right? They’ve been promoted and now they have more responsibility. And they didn’t know how to do, you know, the first Junior tasks. Now, how are they going to understand how to do more senior tasks. So again, like I said, it’s just this building of anxiety, there’s a lot of turnover because of this.
Tom Poland 5:22
So key employees are leaving because of the anxiety and, and possibly this client attrition as well. So, let’s move on to a valuable free action. This is question number five. When we’ve had just two and a half minutes left, what’s one valuable free action that someone listening to this who has some degree of anxiety around client facing meetings, what’s a tip that we can give them it’s going to help them a little bit. It’s not going to solve the whole thing, but it might just help them take a step in the right direction.
Trish Tagle 5:53
Okay, this is about mindset. Take the client off the pedestal and treat him as a partner. So basically, it’s an adult relationship. It’s adult business relationship. Pedestals. So, it’s a mindset change.
Tom Poland 6:10
So, think of this as an equal, a relationship of equals, where you’re in partnership, working together on a solution. And just that mindset switch. Yes. Thank you for that. Question number six, just under two minutes left, what’s one valuable free resource? Where could we direct people to go that they can find out more about your solution and how to create bliss? Yes, really. When you’re going to meet with a client, so you look forward to going with the client, where can they go to find out more about that?
Trish Tagle 6:44
That would be trishtagle.com/client bliss, and they’ll find there a download, which is a script. And it’s what to say when the client wants more for free without using the word no.
Tom Poland 7:00
Very nice. So that’s Trish, T-R-I-S-H, Tagle, T-A-G-L-E, dot com, trishtagle.com/clientbliss. Question number seven, and we’ve got a whopping 60 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Trish Tagle 7:17
Okay, so well, this is something that, you know, I actually do work in the client relationship space, but more on the stakeholder level, where I help stakeholders or businesses, get clients to stay longer, refer more often and be more open to upsell, but because of the situation we’re in right now.
Tom Poland 7:40
Trish Tagle 7:43
Now I’m switching more to speaking to individuals and teaching them about developing better client relationships. And it’s back to, you know, my corporate days where I had teams and direct reports and taught them how to deal with clients which I always love. So, this is bringing me back to my roots.
Tom Poland 8:03
Every client facing employee in every organization needs what you’ve got. Folks go and get the free information Trishtagle.com/client bliss. Our time is up, Trish. Thank you so much.
Trish Tagle 8:17
Thank you.
Tom Poland: 08:19
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