- Learn how to be financially free, achieve multi-millionaire status and make a bigger impact in your community through philantrophy
- Discover how to create financial prosperity through understanding the secrets of the wealthy
- Learn how to create wealth with a purpose, so much that you have enough for philanthropy
- Sign up for “The Wealth Creation Road Map”, a proven strategy based on the story of how Rennie created his wealth on an average income: https://wealthonanyincome.com/tedx/
As the sun rises each day, you have an opportunity to begin your life anew.
When it comes to creating wealth, Rennie has an expression that people might be tired of hearing; “Wealth is a team sport, not a solo sport.”
You can move from doubt and indecision over money in the quest to experience financial freedom.
Let Rennie show the way.
Rennie Gabriel is an author, speaker, master financial coach, and founder of Wealth On Any Income.
In this episode, Rennie shares the “secrets” he used to create abundance and financial freedom in his own life, with those who might be struggling with their finances and finding it hard to make sense of Money, and how to create financial health in their lives. His mission is to support people in becoming financially free through imparting the principles and practices he used to achieve multi-millionaire status and to raise philanthropists.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:18 – Rennie’s ideal client: “Generally, they are people who want to be philanthropic, heart-centered business owners, entrepreneurs, coaches, authors, speakers, people with incomes as low as 60,000, up to 900,000 a year.”
- 02:38 – Problem Rennie helps solve: “Ending a cycle where people have the money coming in and going out, kind of like they feel like they’re treading water. They’re not building up reserves. They’re creating a weak future for themselves, where they don’t see that they’ll have a choice of working or not working. They don’t feel like they’re being able to donate to the causes that really matter to them or touch their heart.”
- 03:43 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Rennie: “Like I said, it feels like they’re treading water.”
- 04:30 – What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Rennie and his solution?: “They think if they make more money that’ll solve the problem, like, more liquor would solve the problem of an alcoholic. They think they need to pay off credit cards or other debts before they can start investing, and the numbers prove this does not work. They think it’s okay to waste small amounts of money so they don’t track their spending. They have no idea if they’re spending in alignment with their financial or business goals.”
- 06:23 – Rennie’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): Pay yourself first.
- 08:00 – Rennie’s Valuable Free Action(VFR): Sign up for “The Wealth Creation Road Map”, a proven strategy based on the story of how Rennie created his wealth on an average income: https://wealthonanyincome.com/tedx/
- 08:34 – Q: When is it too late to turn around your finances? A: Never.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“When is it too late to turn around your finances? A: Never.”-@RennieGabriel Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: 0:09
Hello everyone, a very warm welcome into another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Rennie Gabriel. Rennie, good day, welcome, sir. Where are you hanging out?
Rennie Gabriel: 0:19
Oh, a little town by the coast in California, it’s called Los Angeles.
Tom Poland: 0:24
Aah, yes, yes. I drove through there, yes, you drive through and if you blink you might miss it. It’s that small, right, City of Angels. Folks, Rennie is a rare bird. He’s gone from absolutely broke at age 50 to multi-millionaire after learning three secrets of the wealthy, despite having failed high school math.
This is very encouraging for me. He now donates 100% of his profits from his books, his online programs and from his coaching to the charity Shelter to Soldier, where rescue dogs are trained as service animals to soldiers who have returned with post-traumatic stress disorder or TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury).
His award-winning, best-selling book on Wealth on Any Income has been translated into eight languages. Rennie is not the guy out there selling a program to create wealth because he’s broke, which there are a few of those people around.
Rennie Gabriel: 1:26
Yeah, I’ve met them.
Tom Poland: 1:28
For Rennie is the guy out there who’s marketing the heck out of his book and his programs because 100% of those sales go to the charities I just mentioned. And Rennie and I have known each other for quite a few years and so I can tell you, he’s walking the talk.
This is, what you’re seeing is what you’re getting. And I wanted to take a little time to reinforce that in case any of you out there think that Rennie as a guest is there to flog you something. Because, well, if he is, it’s for a good cause.
Which leads us beautifully into the title which is, “How to Create so much Personal Wealth You have Enough leftover for Philanthropy,” exactly what Rennie has done. And Rennie’s going to tell us how to do that in just seven minutes. Big challenge Rennie, you up for it?
Rennie Gabriel: 2:12
Oh, yeah, I can handle it.
Tom Poland: 2:13
I reckon. All right. Our time starts now. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?
Rennie Gabriel: 2:18
Generally, they are people who want to be philanthropic, heart-centered business owners, entrepreneurs, coaches, authors, speakers, people with incomes as low as 60,000, up to 900,000 a year.
Tom Poland: 2:32
Perfect. Thank you. So, question number two, six minutes 40 seconds left, what is the problem you solve?
Rennie Gabriel: 2:38
Ending a cycle where people have the money coming in and going out, kind of like they feel like they’re treading water. They’re not building up reserves. They’re creating a weak future for themselves, where they don’t see that they’ll have a choice of working or not working. They don’t feel like they’re being able to donate to the causes that really matter to them or touch their heart.
Tom Poland: 3:01
This sounds like an affirmation I created something like 25 years ago. And I learned about affirmation and visualization. So, the affirmation was, money flows to me like a river. And so, I visualize that and affirm that and that was fantastic. But the problem was, it kept flowing past me just like a river. You got to be careful what you wish for. Yeah.
Tom Poland: 3:22
So, you’re the guy that helps them, whether they’re going 60,000 or 900,000, wealth on any income. You’re the guy that helps them hang on to it for long enough so that they become a philanthropist. So, question number three, five and a half minutes left, what are some of the typical symptoms that your ideal clients are going to be experiencing in their life or business before they find you?
Rennie Gabriel: 3:43
Like I said, it feels like they’re treading water. Again, we’re talking about feelings, it doesn’t matter what the income level is. They have stress when they’re having to meet their payroll. They don’t see that they’re building reserves or if they do, they get depleted with any business cycle. So, they got a roller-coaster income. Those are the typical symptoms.
Tom Poland: 4:02
Right. So, anxiety, rollercoaster income, and probably mad spurts of marketing to try and get some frickin more money in when in fact, it keeps going out the back door anyway. So, question number four, and this is a very valuable one for audience members. Listen up, folks. Question number four, just under five minutes left, what are the common mistakes that your ideal clients are making before they find your solution?
Rennie Gabriel: 4:24
I’m actually going to refer to my notes here because I don’t want to draw anything out. But I have a handout and I have emails that list what I call dangerous myths that people buy into. As an example, they think if they make more money that’ll solve the problem, like, more liquor would solve the problem of an alcoholic.
Rennie Gabriel: 4:46
You like that one, huh.
Tom Poland: 4:47
I wish.
Rennie Gabriel: 4:50
They think they need to pay off credit cards or other debts before they can start investing, and the numbers prove this does not work. They think it’s okay to waste small amounts of money so they don’t track their spending. They have no idea if they’re spending in alignment with their financial or business goals. And I saw a journal kept by John D. Rockefeller, who had, you know, in the 1800s is one of the wealthiest men in the world. He tracks every penny that came into or went out of his life when he was 11 years of age. Hey, if it works for the richest man in the world, it works for the rest of us, too. Four, people think they need good credit if they want to invest in real estate, not the case. And the last myth is, they think they can do it by themselves. And there’s not one successful business that you can look at and see that there’s only one person who’s created it and running it. It takes at least two people, a visionary, and an execution master.
Tom Poland: 5:52
So true. And one of the secrets to success is that people don’t realize this, but you only have to be smart enough to know how dumb you are. I know I’m done with this stuff. But I don’t have to be smarter, I have to find someone else like you who is smart at it. So just under three minutes left, that was a very valuable list of mistakes. Thank you. Question number five is, what’s one valuable free action that a listener could take that’s going to take him a step in the right direction, probably not going to solve the whole thing, but it’s going to help them along in the right direction?
Rennie Gabriel: 6:23
It’s a secret, it’s really not a secret, it’s 5000 years old and this deals with attitudes that people have. And I want to compare an attitude a wealthy person has to the rest of the population. When you or I hear something familiar, we might make a statement like, “Oh, I’ve heard that before. I know that. That’s not new to me.” Or maybe even, “I’ve tried that.” The wealthy mindset instead of making a statement when they hear familiar information, ask a question. So, here is something that’s probably familiar to most of your listeners,
…and that is – pay yourself first. That’s the money that if times get lean, you can fall back on. That’s the money you can use to make investments.
That’s the money that you can keep for the rest of your life so you have a choice of working or not working and can donate to philanthropic causes. And some of the questions that wealthy people ask are the kind that many people learn in grammar school, it’s “Who,” like, “Who can help me with this? Where do I apply this? When will I start this? And, when will I begin this?” It’s not, you don’t use the question “Why,” that’s a waste of time.
Tom Poland: 7:35
Or, “How,” maybe.
Rennie Gabriel: 7:37
Oh, and, “How.” If I miss that one, you’re right.
Tom Poland: 7:39
So instead of just saying, “Oh, peace off, yeah, I heard that.” Instead, “How could I do that,” or, “Who can help me to do that?”
Rennie Gabriel: 7:46
Tom Poland: 7:47
That opens the mind up to possibilities, whereas, got it. Thank you. So, one minute 10 left, we’ve got two questions to go. One valuable free resource where we could direct people to that could learn a bit more about this.
Rennie Gabriel: 8:00
I’ve got a roadmap that lists nine steps from wherever someone is to a place where they have a complete financial choice. And they can find that at WealthOnAnyIncome.com/tedx, that’s based on my TEDx talk.
Tom Poland: 8:16
Fantastic. So that’s WealthOnAnyIncome.com/tedx. Fantastic. And I’ve, I’ve heard the talk, it’s brilliant. Question number seven, 30 seconds left, what’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?
Rennie Gabriel: 8:29
When is it too late to turn around your finances?
Tom Poland: 8:32
And the answer is?
Rennie Gabriel: 8:34
Tom Poland: 8:36
I thought it might be. Rennie Gabriel, thank you so much for your time.
Rennie Gabriel: 8:40
Thank you, Tom. My pleasure.
Tom Poland: 8:41
Tom Poland: 8:42
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A great interview. I have been supporting people who are taking care of Rescue Dogs through fostering, re-homing and financial support. I am offering them training with the Bach Remedies and the HeartMath program. I would love to be in a situation where I could donate income but hardly earning enough to support myself. My challenge is unblocking the dam and getting the flow to be abundant and consistent