- Discover how can you step away from your business without letting your business fall without you
- Find out why you should first be reflecting on what you want and don’t want to do before putting up a system
- Learn more about how you can take bigger opportunities every day through systematizing your business
- Wanting to Learn How You Can Reduce Your Time In Your Business and Still Scale Your Profits? Find out how to systemize yourself out of your business and ditch being stuck in those day-to-day operations: systemology.com/academy
Have you been feeling like you’re stuck doing your business’ operations daily that you don’t have any time for anything else?
Do you feel bombarded with all the work from your business that you feel like it’s time to have the right system in place?
Are you ready to systemize your way out of your business and create more time, reduce errors and scale your profits?
David Jenyns, in 2016, has successfully systemized himself out of his business, one of Australia’s most trusted digital agencies, Melbourne SEO Services. Through this process, he became a systems devotee founding systemHUB and SYSTEMology. Today, his mission is to free all business owners worldwide from the daily operations of running their business.
In this episode, David talks about how to get unstuck in your business’s day-to-day operations and let your team do the work through the right and structured system. He also shares his tips and insights on how you can find the right system for you and your business.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:22 – David’s ideal client: “Business owners with 3 to 20 staff who find themselves very much stuck in the day-to-day operations. So they are the bottleneck, and they can be service-based businesses or product-based businesses.”
- 01:40 – Problem David helps solve: “The problem that we help them solve is how do they step out of the day-to-day operations? How can they step away from the business for more than a day or two, then, you know, without the business falling in a heap?”
- 02:30 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to David: “Usually the warning signs, limited time, that’s obviously a big giveaway. And very much that they are the bottleneck, that errors are popping up inside their business.”
- 03:35 – Common mistakes that people make before they find David’s solution: “Common things that business owners try to systemize the business themselves or they start off doing the documentation. And they don’t really like documentation or writing systems and processes and they’re usually not the best person on the team to be doing it, but for some reason, they feel a need to be.”
- 04:50 – David’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “The best thing that you can do is to think about where to start. That’s always the first question that pops up into someone’s mind which is, “Okay, well, I know systems are important and I want to do them, but what is the first system I should put in place?”
- 06:23 – David’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out David’s Website: systemology.com/academy
- 06:56 – Q: How did I get to know Michael E. Gerber, the author of The E Myth and how did he come to endorse SYSTEMology in the work that we do? A: It’s a big story. It’s covered at the start of the SYSTEMology book. And if you hear the audio version of that, Michael reads it himself and his wife makes the cameo as well.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Removing the business owner, simplifying the process, and getting the team a lot more involved – that really helps to overcome many of the common mistakes people had at the start.” -David Jenyns Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:09
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Pollan beaming out to you, as always, from little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by David Jenyns. David, good day. Sir, welcome. It’s our Australia morning, this morning. Whereabouts are you hanging out?
David Jenyns 00:25
I’m in Melbourne, Australia, right down the bottom. So pleased to be here!
Tom Poland 00:28
Great! Coffee capital of the world– Melbourne. For those of you who don’t know David, in 2016, he’s very successful, and this is pertinent folks! He’s systemized himself out of his own business. He had one of Australia’s most trusted digital agencies, Melbourne SEO Services. And it was through that sort of systemizing himself out of his own business, he went on and thought, “Well, this actually worked pretty darn well. I could teach this stuff”. And, no doubt, you had people asking you how you manage that. So he founded systemHUB, and SYSTEMology. Today, David’s mission is to free all business owners worldwide from the daily operations of running their business. Very nicely brings us to our title, David, which is, “How to Create Time, Reduce Errors, and Scale Your Profits with Proven Business Systems”. Can’t wait! David, our seven minutes start now. Sir, question number one is who is your ideal client?
David Jenyns 01:22
Business owners with 3 to 20 staff who find themselves very much stuck in the day-to-day operations. So they are the bottleneck, and they can be service-based businesses or product-based businesses.
Tom Poland 01:34
Perfect! Thank you, sir. Question two, six and a half minutes left, what’s the problem you solve for them?
David Jenyns 01:40
The problem that we help them solve is how do they step out of the day-to-day operations? How can they step away from the business for more than a day or two, then, you know, without the business falling in a heap? A lot of business owners have built their businesses up around them. They’re really intimately involved in all aspects of the business from the delivery of the product, or the service, to the selling, to the marketing, to the finance. They’re looking after the staff, and nothing really works without them. So we help to remove them.
Tom Poland 02:11
Perfect! Six minutes left. Question number three, tells us about the symptoms. You got this business owner. They’ve probably got a business which is doing okay, but they’re feeling a bit, you know, like the hamster on the wheel sort of thing. What else is going on in their business, or in their life that would give them a heads up that they should find out a bit more about SYSTEMology?
David Jenyns 02:30
Usually the warning signs, limited time, that’s obviously a big giveaway. And very much that they are the bottleneck, that errors are popping up inside their business. Or they’re feeling like they’re managing a daycare, like an adult day care center, where they spend most of their time looking after the children which is the team.
Tom Poland 02:52
Changing diapers?
David Jenyns 02:53
That’s right! Keeping them on track and making sure that everybody’s doing what they should be doing. And oftentimes that means that they spend the bulk of their day looking after work, getting done, either, first thing, last thing, or on the weekends.
Tom Poland 03:05
David Jenyns 03:06
And oftentimes, a lot of those things are symptoms that you’ve built this owner-dependent business that needs to change.
Tom Poland 03:13
They need to get some of that IP out of their brain and have system leverage. Thank you, sir. Question number four, just under five minutes left. What are some of the common mistakes that people are making, trying to get out of this trap before they find your solution? So, tell me, if you had some new clients come along and say, “Gee, I wish I’d found your 20 years ago. Here’s what I tried that didn’t really work well.” What would some of those things be?
David Jenyns 03:35
Common things that business owners try to systemize the business themselves or they start off doing the documentation. And they don’t really like documentation or writing systems and processes and they’re usually not the best person on the team to be doing it, but for some reason, they feel a need to be. That’s definitely a common one. Another one is people trying to systemize like they’re McDonald’s. They have this idea that “Oh, we should systemize” and then the first business that comes to mind of a systemized business is McDonald’s. And then they try to do what McDonald’s has done. Yet their business is very different. McDonald’s has been doing it for 60 years and trying to compare where they are today to where you might be right now getting started. It’s worlds apart. So they overcomplicate it. It’s definitely removing the business owner, simplifying the process, and getting the team a lot more involved. And by doing that, that really helps to overcome many of the common mistakes people had at the start.
Tom Poland 04:35
Perfect! Well articulated. Some great insights there. Thank you, sir. Three and a half minutes left. What am I after with the next one, question five, is a valuable free action. It’s like a top tip, not going to solve the whole problem, not going to systemize the whole business but might take them a step in the right direction?
David Jenyns 04:50
The best thing that you can do is to think about where to start. That’s always the first question that pops up into someone’s mind which is, “Okay, well, I know systems are important and I want to do them, but what is the first system I should put in place?” And to do that, I find the best thing the business owner can do is to reflect on themselves and think about what is something that they might not enjoy doing, or they actively avoid doing it, yet, it’s really critical to deliver their core product or service. Maybe they don’t like writing proposals? Maybe they don’t like the selling piece? Maybe they don’t like setting up a new project? Maybe they don’t like- there are probably elements that if the business owner shone a light on it, and said, “Ah, where am I gonna start?” That’s a really great place to start. Think about what you don’t like, that you’re actively avoiding. If you could systemize and document and create a process, a way of doing things that it’d be easy to plug someone in, to then take over this really important part of your business.
Tom Poland 05:55
There’s an interesting saying that gardeners have. They say, “The best Earth is the Earth that has gone through the worm.” And you know, I very much get the sense from what you’re saying is this is not taken out of a textbook or a workshop, this has come from the real-life experience of not only experience in your own business but helping a whole lot of people. So it’s fresh and authentic based in the real world. So thank you for that! Two minutes left. One valuable free resource. Where can we direct folks to help them even more with this systemization?
David Jenyns 06:23
Yeah, just head to systemology.com/academy. There’s a range of different resources, videos, training, audios, templates. Great way to get started. And we’ve got a little free resource in there called “The Critical Client Flow” which, again, further helps to identify where do I get started? What are the first 10 to 15 systems that you should consider documenting first?
Tom Poland 06:46
Fantastic. So systemology.com/academy. Thank you, sir! We’ve got a whopping 70 seconds left. Last question, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
David Jenyns 06:56
One question is that I always like to talk about is, how I got to know Michael E. Gerber, the author of The E Myth and how did he come to endorse SYSTEMology in the work that we do? It’s a big story. It’s covered at the start of the SYSTEMology book. And if you hear the audio version of that, Michael reads it himself and his wife makes the cameo as well. But yeah, one of the big things that kind of go through all of those details, but the short version is there are huge opportunities for business owners every single day, and you just need to create enough space to be able to take advantage of those opportunities when they land in your lap. And that for me was Michael Gerber but every business owner listening, there is a big opportunity waiting for you if you can just get out of the day-to-day operations.
Tom Poland 07:47
Perfect! David Jenyns, thank you so much for your time!
David Jenyns 07:53
Oh yeah.
Tom Poland 07:53
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