- Find out how to let your team manage you and not the other way around
- Learn how to manage your energy and know where to put your work that requires the most attention
- Hear about the Win Formula to create a Win Team
- Get your FREE eBook from Kris: freegiftfromkris.com
Are you working long and hard, not even having days and summers off?
Do you always think everything is worth doing now and you are the only one who can do everything, and there is always next time?
Are you experiencing attention residue and decision fatigue without you knowing it?
Kris Ward is the leading authority in leveraging your time and scaling your business. She is the founder of the Win the Hour, Win the Day philosophy.
In this episode, Kris shares how we see ourselves as the solution to all the problems, putting off all ideas for improvement to a later time. Also, she talks about someone who already built quite a business, known in the industry but still working extended hours and juggling so many things, including admin work. And when one does find someone to help out, tasks are not defined, making everything unclear and all over the place. And for things to ease up, she suggests getting things executed and not letting it remain an idea.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:19 – Kris’ ideal client: I work ideally with entrepreneurs in a service-based business, and they’re at least five years in, and they’re doing amazing. They look good on paper; maybe they have a book, a podcast, whatever. Or perhaps they’re just known in their industry, but they’re working more hours than they expected to be doing by this point.
- 02:19 – Problem she helps solve: The problem we solve is getting ideas to execution.
- 03:12 – Symptoms of the problem: They misdiagnose that I get a lot done. I’m the go-to person for most people in my life.
- 04:11 – Mistakes clients make before seeing Kris: Spending too much on growing a team. And then also talk a lot about our super toolkit, which is not, like, SOP standard operating procedures.
- 05:17 – Kris’ Valuable Free Action: It’s really about managing your energy. I would tell you; science has shown that the first hour is where you should put your work where it requires the most attention or creativity.
- 06:18 – Kris’ Valuable Free Resource: Get your FREE eBook here: freegiftfromkris.com
- 06:47 – Q: What are some of the biggest mistakes people make in hiring a VA? A: They think that will solve everything [hiring a VA]. What happens is you’re not clear what that person’s going to do.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Never make the same mistake, increase your traction, be in that 60% execution mode, and constantly get your ideas to execution.” -Kris Ward Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to you from the sunny sunshine coast in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Kris Ward. Kris, a very warm welcome from down under here. Where are you hanging out?
Kris Ward 0:24
I am hanging out in Canada, Tom.
Tom Poland 0:27
And whereabouts in that little tiny country are you?
Kris Ward 0:30
I am on the East Coast. And yeah, just living the dream.
Tom Poland 0:34
Good for you. For those of you who don’t know, Kris is the leading authority on leveraging your time. She has accolades from right around the world for the power and effectiveness of training. None of this is in her bio. I stalked her around the internet and did a little due diligence. Seriously impressive, transformational advice. So, it is about leveraging your time, but it’s also about scaling your business through leveraging your time. She’s the founder of Win the Hour, Win the Day philosophy, and our title today is How to Crush Any Demanding Schedule You Might Have and Explode Your Profits. Can’t wait to get started. Kris, thank you very much for being here. Question number one, seven minutes, starts now. Who’s your ideal client?
Kris Ward 1:19
So, I work ideally with entrepreneurs in a service-based business, and they’re at least five years in, and they… you know what, they’re doing amazing, they look good on paper, maybe they have a book, a podcast, whatever. Or perhaps they’re just known in their industry, but they’re working more hours than they expected to be doing by this point. So, they say things like, once I get past this next thing, once I get… once I get… And so, they’re working in isolation and they’re the last one to go to bed in their family and the first one up, and so they’re the kind of secretly no one knows how many hours are working. But they’re thankful to be in business. And they do well. But they’re still working too much.
Tom Poland 1:54
Right. And they still want to grow, as well.
Kris Ward 1:57
Yeah. So, we’re all about ideas execution. And so, what I would say, as these entrepreneurs, you guys out there know who you are, you’re still trapped in the web of admin, where we believe you should be in execution mode 60% of the time.
Tom Poland 2:11
Perfect. Thank you. So, let’s get to question two. And we’ve probably covered some of it. But anything you want to add to the problem you solve, six minutes left?
Kris Ward 2:19
Yeah, the problem we solve is, again, getting ideas to execution. And what that reminds me of sort of the three Ds, so many people think like, oh, you know what, I’ll do it myself. That might be saved money, which I call damaging overhead, delayed income, or diminished opportunity. And there’s a lot into that. But given the time we have, I’ll move forward. I would say that sometimes people think, oh, you know what, maybe I just need to hire more people. But what happens is, it’s a lateral move, and they start thinking, well, then I’ll give them this work. And I’ll check on them like a parent-child, teacher-student. And in fact, what you’ve done is just created another job, because now you’re busy checking on them. And we’re all about the win formula where your team manages you.
Tom Poland 2:58
Perfect. Wow, what a paradigm shift. Flip that one on what you said. Question three, five minutes left, typical symptoms that your ideal clients will be experiencing before they start working with you. What’s going on in their life or the business?
Kris Ward 3:12
Well, again, as I said earlier, they say things in their head, like if you ever hear yourself say like, once I get past, once I get like, there’s always going to be something. It’s like walking in the desert; there’s a moving horizon, right? So, if you think once you get past this next thing, ‘Oh, I just need a few more clients.’ ‘Oh, now we just have to onboard these clients, or once we get past this and that. So, they think, you know what, they also misdiagnose that I get a lot done. I’m the go-to person for most people in my life. I have accomplished a lot. So, there must just be too much to do. Because they look around, and they’re achieving more than most. And so, but if you’re not working what I call school hours, you know, taking Fridays off and long summers, then you’re working too hard.
Tom Poland 3:51
Right. Oh, well said. Thank you for that. So, let’s go, four minutes left. Question four, we’re talking about growth-oriented individuals here; they want to go and try things, but they might be making a bunch of mistakes before they find your solution. So, question four is, what are some of the common mistakes you see people making?
Kris Ward 4:11
Spending too much on growing a team. And then also talk a lot about our super toolkit, which is not like SOP standard operating procedures. Standard operating procedures are written not by the end-user; they’re static in nature and really cover liability. So, we lean heavily into, you know, systems and processes, which we have, you know. Really our signature program is a super toolkit. And this allows you to compress anything you do, and just, you know, never make the same mistake, increase your traction, and really just, you know, be in that 60% execution mode, and constantly get your ideas to execution. So not relying on the systems as the issue.
Tom Poland 4:48
Right, and presumably filtering those ideas as well, somehow. I think I read somewhere that you have a system for prioritization because as entrepreneurs that lack ideas, it’s a problem as we start thinking, race after another one. Not that I’m teaching you anything new. Three minutes left. Let’s flip it now and go to moving folks forward. Question five, what’s the top tip or a valuable free action you could give folks that… it’s not going to solve the whole problem for them, that might take them a step in the right direction.
Kris Ward 5:17
Yeah, so most of my clients tell us that when working with this in the first month, they get 25 hours back a week. And it’s really about managing your energy. So, we definitely talk about your win formula, and your win team, all that stuff. But there are some basic fundamentals that people are mistaken about this serves as our energy management. So, I would tell you, science has shown that the first hour is where you should put your work where it requires the most attention or creativity. And so many people waste that on their email. And their brain is going in all different directions, which gives you attention residue and decision fatigue. And so you are; it’s like having a whole bunch of apps open on your phone. You’re burning your battery down that first hour by diving into emails.
Tom Poland 5:59
Fascinating. I can just sense all the depth of knowledge and experience and the systems and models you have behind this. Let’s go on to question number six, where people might be able to tap into some of that resource, one valuable free resource we can direct people to that will help them even more with this problem.
Kris Ward 6:18
Yeah, so you can check out a free gift from Kris, that’s giftfromkris.com. And we put something very special in there that we still charge for, the audio version of my book. So, you might want to check that out because it’s not going to be there very long. But I want to give something special to your listeners. So, freegiftfromkris.com.
Kris Ward 6:37
freegiftfromkris.com. Go get it, folks. Question 7, 70 seconds left; what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Kris Ward 6:47
Yeah. Oh my, there are so many things. So, I think, to go back again, some of the biggest mistakes people make is hiring a VA, and they think that will solve everything is, what happens is, again, you’ve just created another job. But more importantly, you’re not clear what that person will do. Sometimes people will say, hmm, I should have a social media person. Well, which, what do you want them to do? And I’m all about having a lean team, but you want them to design. So, you’re asking them to write. They have to know the backend stuff. So, there’s no clarity in that. And when that doesn’t pan out, and it usually doesn’t, they think I spend more money. Oh, that’s it, you pay what you get for more and more, more, more. So, they just start chasing the wrong thing. And they also think that they can just hire somebody on the side, but they have no training experience on that whatsoever. Whereas we hire, train onboard your first-person, and help you get set up so that we could start teaching how to use super toolkits. So, minimizing onboarding somebody is a problem.
Tom Poland 7:40
Perfect. Kris Ward, I want to thank you so much for your time, insights, and the wealth of tips and information you shared. Unfortunately, it was too short a time. Thank you very much.
Kris Ward 7:49
Thank you.
Tom Poland 07:56
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