- Learn the importance of having the right growth system for your business
- Discover how the ‘Engineered Growth Systems’ will help grow a business to whatever level is desired
- Build a growth system that allow you to take on more clients and more money
- Check out Chris’ Website: http://www.chrisgoegan.com/scale/
Are you where you want to be, or, should your business be much bigger than what it is?
Do you want to scale up your business but don’t know how to do it?
Do you know what growth system best fits your business?
Chris Goegan is an expert in engineering scalable growth systems for business owners, brought by the serial combination of his professional engineering and marketing background for 20 years. Chris draws on his background as a high volume manufacturing engineer, in-the-trenches sales professional, marketer, and endurance athlete.
In this episode, Chris shares ways on how you can scale up your business with the right growth system.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:23 – Chris’ ideal client: “So my ideal client is someone who’s ready for a change. They’re not having the impact they want, not making the money that they should, working too hard, and there’s ready to grow and scale their business.”
- 02:48 – Problem Chris helps solve: “I help good people grow great businesses, that’s the core of it. More specifically, I help grow and scale six-figure and seven-figure businesses with their engineered marketing methodology.”
- 04:25 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Chris: “So there are the obvious signs, like, you know, “We don’t have enough leads”, or there’s, you know, inconsistent income compared to the business growth. But there’s really a much, much bigger like symptom that comes up, Tom is that they get miserable.”
- 05:50 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Chris’ solution: “Yeah, so they go into crazy mode. They can feel good. It feels good when you’re doing stuff, “I’m busy. I’m doing stuff. I’m getting things done”. They read articles, watch videos, hire people, buy courses, feel good doing stuff, just throwing a lot of mud against the wall. But at the end of the day, they’re not getting anywhere.”
- 06:44 – Chris’ Valuable Free Action (VFA): “I think it’s good just to slow down sometimes and hit pause, step back, step out of things, slow down and take inventory. You know, ask yourself- ask yourself the hard questions, you know, ‘If I keep going, if I keep doing what I’m doing right now, am I going to get to where I want to go?’”
- 07:53 – Chris’ Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Chris’ Website: http://www.chrisgoegan.com/scale/
- 08:09 – Q: Why am I doing what I’m doing now? A: I just had this crazy thing, Tom, that’s like, you know what, I want to help good people build great businesses, and if they could just focus on taking what they’re gifted and talented at and bring that to the world, instead of trying to figure out how this marketing and scaling thing works, they would have a much better life.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“It's good just to slow down sometimes and hit pause, step back, step out of things, slow down and take inventory.” -Chris Goegan Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Hello, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland joined today by Chris Goegan. Chris, a very warm welcome, sir. Good day from Australia! Where are you hanging out?
Chris Goegan 00:21
So, I’m originally from Canada, but I live in Southern California now.
Tom Poland 00:25
Perfect! Southern California, hopefully well away from those dreadful wildfires they are having there right now, and COVID, and got presidential – you have a hell of a year, sir. Let’s get on to the interview, though we will not discuss climate change or politics because that could take us a long time.
Chris Goegan 00:41
Tom Poland 00:42
You’ve got seven minutes for this. For those of you who have not been introduced yet to Chris, he’s a Canadian, a husband and father to four children, one of whom I almost met, because he just walked into the office. He’s also an Iron Man triathlete, and if you don’t know what that is, it’s a big day at the office. It’s a 3.8k swim, that’s about a two-mile swim, 180ks of cycling, often quite mountainous and hot conditions. That’s like 110, 120 miles, I think of cycling. And that’s just a warm-up for a full marathon of 26.2 miles or 42k. So, walk in the park, really? So, he’s an-
Chris Goegan 01:17
I recommend driving it. It’s faster.
Tom Poland 01:20
Yeah, even that takes a fair while. So, in addition to being a super fit athlete, if you want to know more about how he came up with the whole- his thing is like engineering a growth system to really scale. And if you have a look at his background, first of all, he spent 10 years as a professional engineer, then he spent 10 years as a professional marketer. And since then, he’s combined both, the sort of the skill sets of engineering with the skill set of scalable marking systems, and that all make your business simpler, and more successful and a lot more fun to lead because it’s scalable. You get to serve more people and generate a lot more revenue. So hopefully, that’s a succinct enough introduction. Our subject today, in line with that bio, was “How to Engineer Growth Systems to Scale Your Business”. A great mystery to many people, Chris. You’re going to show us how to do that in just seven minutes, and our time starts now. Question number one, so who is your ideal client?
Chris Goegan 02:23
So, my ideal client is someone who’s ready for a change. They’re not having the impact they want, not making the money that they should, working too hard, and there’s ready to grow and scale their business. A big thing, though, is that they sell value add. I mean, they’re not the cheapest. That’s who we help.
Tom Poland 02:39
Right. So premium service providers. Question number two, six, and a half minutes left, what’s the problem you solve for these folks?
Chris Goegan 02:48
Okay, I help good people grow great businesses, that’s the core of it. More specifically, I help grow and scale six-figure and seven-figure businesses with their engineered marketing methodology. Now, a lot of people say they do that. So, from 30 years of working, and there’s- in between the two things you mentioned, there are another 10 years of sales in their work, right ground up, over 100,000 cold calls in there. But working with hundreds of businesses, I found most businesses that none of are producing at the level that they want. They want more, but they’re not there. They haven’t got a great product or service, and the thing is, like, you know what, more people knew about you, then the business would explode. The problem is more people don’t know about you. So, there are not enough sales and not enough leads. But behind that, there’s really a bigger problem is that they don’t have a system that delivers a scalable and continuous flow of leads and sales. So, what we do is we work with them and we build an engineer with those systems. We do it either in a one-on-one or in a dynamic small group setting. So, it worked on hundreds of industries with consulting businesses, local businesses, service businesses, professional service businesses, coaches, commerce.
Tom Poland 03:55
Cool bananas. Thank you, sir. Question three, we’ve got this person that has got the premium price, value adds services, advice, etc., consultants, coaches, etc., and they probably hit a ceiling of some sort, revenue-wise, or people they can service, or things are falling between the cracks, but what are some of the other typical symptoms that they’re experiencing? So that it’s kind of like, it could be a wake-up call for them to go, you know, “I need to talk to Chris because I’m experiencing the stuff that’s happening” as question three.
Chris Goegan 04:25
Yeah. So, there are the obvious signs, like, you know, “We don’t have enough leads”, or there’s, you know, inconsistent income compared to the business growth. But there’s really a much, much bigger like symptom that comes up, Tom is that they get miserable. They get cranky. They get crotchety. You know, when life is going good, when business is going good, life is good, but when it’s not going well, you get miserable.
Tom Poland 04:46
Chris Goegan 04:47
I don’t think there’s any more maddening for a business owner and entrepreneur than no growth. Their segments are here and they can’t get to here, and no matter what they do, they’re not getting there. And so, they hit wall-wall-wall, and then that’s where the real symptoms are. Now it will spin-off and show other things. Sure, the bank account can be a rollercoaster, but they’re going to have relationships with your wife or kids or dog is going to like a struggle. They’re going to spend more time worrying about things than actually working on things. Your self-confidence is going to start going into the toilet. Their self-worth is going to start going down.
Tom Poland 05:22
All right. Thank you. And the office is the place I leave when I’m tired of being nice to people, alright.
Chris Goegan 05:28
Tom Poland 05:29
The stress is on. Okay, thank you. Three and a half minutes left. Question number four is what are some of the common mistakes, real quick, that people are making before they find your solution? Obviously, there’s a lot of false prophets out there. As you said before, a lot of people saying “Yeah, all of it is true.” Apart from hiring the wrong people, what are some of the common mistakes they’re making trying to solve this problem?
Chris Goegan 05:50
Yeah, so they go into crazy mode. They can feel good. It feels good when you’re doing stuff, “I’m busy. I’m doing stuff. I’m getting things done”. They read articles, watch videos, hire people, buy courses, feel good doing stuff, just throwing a lot of mud against the wall. But at the end of the day, they’re not getting anywhere. So, they step back, and it’s like, “You know what this stuff just isn’t, it’s just not working”.
Tom Poland 06:12
They’re probably working longer, working harder, working with more moving parts, but feeling like they’re stuck on this treadmill that gets cut faster.
Chris Goegan 06:19
It’s just another thing that they’ve done, it just hasn’t worked.
Tom Poland 06:23
Yeah. So, there’s a series of those. Okay, so let’s get down to the positive stuff. Question number five, two, and a half minutes left. What’s one thing that someone can do, that’s going to make a positive difference in terms of scaling their growth? It’s like a free valuable tip or action they could take, it’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it’s going to take them a step in the right direction.
Chris Goegan 06:44
Yeah, great question. And it’s really, I think it’s good just to slow down sometimes and hit pause, step back, step out of things, slow down and take inventory. You know, ask yourself- ask yourself the hard questions, you know, “If I keep going, if I keep doing what I’m doing right now, am I going to get to where I want to go?”
Tom Poland 07:03
Chris Goegan 07:03
Like, look at everything that you’re doing. It’s like, you know, do you have multiple traffic sources bringing you leads in? Are you the magic in the business? If you stop doing stuff, is the business going to stop? Does everything depend upon you? And really, ultimately, Tom, the biggest question is, like, you know, for your goals, is your plan working?
Tom Poland 07:20
So hit the pause button, and just reflecting on that question could be a massive step in the right direction. You’ve got 90 seconds left. Two questions to go. One valuable free resource we could direct people to just for the sake of time, I’m going to get folks that answer now, because I happen to know it. Folks go to Chris, as C-R-I-S in case you’ve forgotten how to spell Chris.
Chris Goegan 07:26
Absolutely. C-H-R-I-S. Yeah.
Tom Poland 07:36
G-O-E-G-A-N.com/scale. So that’s chrisgoegan.com/scale. What’s going to be waiting for them there, Chris?
Chris Goegan 07:53
So, there’s a video- there’ll be me there, there’ll be a video of me just telling them how to grow and scale a business. It has worked for lots of other businesses. Hence, the foundational start from there.
Tom Poland 08:03
Perfect. Thank you. 57 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Chris Goegan 08:09
Why am I doing what I’m doing now?
Tom Poland 08:11
So why are you doing what you’re doing now? We’ve got 45 seconds for the answer. A massive amount of time!
Chris Goegan 08:16
Right. So, I’ve been working as a consultant and doing implementation hands-on in the trenches with clients. Worked with some Michael Gerber, some thought leader, stuff like that. And I was happy doing that but then since COVID hit, I’ve had a lot of people, you know, asking me for help, and I haven’t had anything to help them with other than, you know, high-end services. So, when I started developing some coaching programs, and some other workshops just to help people learn, because I’m tired of seeing people who are struggling, not know what to do. I just had this crazy thing, Tom, that’s like, you know what, I want to help good people build great businesses, and if they could just focus on taking what they’re gifted and talented at and bring that to the world, instead of trying to figure out how this marketing and scaling thing works, they would have a much better life.
Tom Poland 8:59
Chris, thank you so much for your time.
Chris Goegan 9:00
Tom Poland 09:01
Chris Goegan 09:02
Cheers, aye!
Tom Poland: 09:03
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