- Discover how webinars can explode your business in a fast and easy way with less stress and at a lesser price
- Learn how to automate your webinars for less stress and high-profit turnout in your business
- Find out how crucial understanding your offer and offer stack is before making the webinar
- To learn more on how to automate your sales, growth, and profits at a low price, visit https://getwebinarkit.com/
Do you find it difficult to build webinars for your business?
Are you looking for a way to make webinars less stressful and more fulfilling at a lesser cost?
Do you want to learn how to make your business explode in growth and sales with webinars?
Stefan Ciancio went from struggling to sell courses, coaching, agency services, and software to selling 7 figures worth thanks to the power of webinars. He cofounded WebinarKit with a friend who had the same vision to create an all-in-one tool that lets others transform their businesses through webinars.
In this episode, Stefan shares how you can start selling out your products and services with less stress and less expense through the promising power of webinars.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:45 – Stefan’s ideal client: My ideal client is basically anyone who has something that could be sold, either a product or service, generally high ticket. So, coaches, consultants, agencies, and software founders.
- 02:26 – The problem he helps solve: I would say that the main problem we solve is providing affordable, powerful software that helps people run webinars in their business. So, you know, a lot of the solutions out there are pretty expensive, not necessarily super intuitive to use.
- 03:21 – The symptoms of the problem: One of the symptoms I would say is a lot of people might not know, you know, how to scale with webinars if you have to go live all the time. So, it’s like, “I don’t want to give a live webinar every day or every week. It’s a lot of work.”
- 04:50 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Stefan: I think one of the mistakes people make is not sorting their funnel, to begin with. I think that it’s very important to have a filtering mechanism so that you speak to qualified leads at the end of the day.
- 06:16 – Stefan’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Start with your hero story. I think it’s very important- well, actually, not let me track that. Your offer is very important.
- 07:29 – Stefan’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): To learn more on how to automate your sales, growth, and profits at a low price, visit https://getwebinarkit.com/
- 07:53 – Q: Why are webinars so great? A: The story covered it. Webinars make you a lot more money than without them. Even a bad webinar is better than no webinar.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Webinars make you a lot more money than without them. Even a bad webinar is better than no webinar.” -Stefan Ciancio Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and another very warm welcome to Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Stefan Ciancio. Stefan, a very warm good day from Down Under. Where are you hanging out?
Stefan Ciancio 00:23
Yeah, hey! I’m in New York City, so another side of the world here.
Tom Poland 00:27
The Big Apple! I’m really looking forward to this interview, Stefan because we have the same target market. We probably have a very similar range of ideal clients. So, a lot of folks that are going to be listening to this are going to have a vital interest in the subject matter, which is all about, how to explode your business with webinars. Folks, if you haven’t heard of Stefan before, he’s got something that is really exceptional and quite unique. But to give you the backstory, he went from struggling to try to sell courses, selling coaching services, trying to sell agency services, but struggling to do that, and tried all sorts of things. And this might ring a bell with many of you who’ve tried to sell software, which I’ve done as well. So, we’ve got a parallel journey, I suspect. Then went to selling seven figures every year, thanks to the power of- drumroll- webinars. music to my ears! Similar journey. He cofounded WebinarKit, that’s Webinar K-I-T with a friend who had the same vision to create an all-in-one tool that lets others easily and simply, and relatively quickly transform their business and their revenue through webinars. So, the title is, as I said, “How to Explode Your Business with Webinars”. Stefan, I better get my timer. Our time starts now, sir. Question number one is who is your ideal client?
Stefan Ciancio 01:45
Yeah, so my ideal client is basically anyone who has something that could be sold, either a product or service, generally high ticket. So, coaches, consultants, agencies, and software founders. Real estate agents are another one. But basically, anyone who has a high-ticket product or service can really benefit from webinars. Another interesting group is even professionals like chiropractors could do webinars. So, it’s really anyone who has a service or product that can benefit from educating their audience and building a relationship with their audience before selling them something at the end of the webinar.
Tom Poland 02:20
Right. Perfect! Thank you. So, question two, how would you define the problem that you solve? Six minutes left.
Stefan Ciancio 02:26
I would say that the main problem we solve is providing affordable, powerful software that helps people run webinars in their business. So, you know, a lot of the solutions out there are pretty expensive, not necessarily super intuitive to use. And what we want to do is create something simple that anyone without any tech experience could go in, start creating automated and live webinars, because we have functionality for both our webinar kit. so that you could go in there and create that solution very quickly and very affordably. So, I would say that’s the main problem we solve.
Tom Poland 02:56
Because they can be, yeah, so thanks for that complexity, and making it a bit simpler and easier is definitely an unmet need in the market which you’re fulfilling. Tell us about- question three is what would you say are some of the symptoms that people who- they’re probably trying to do webinars elsewhere, but they’re struggling a bit. So, what would you say are the symptoms? What’s going on that someone listening to this, they’re saying, “Yep. That’s what’s happening with me as well.” What would you say are some of the symptoms? Five minutes left.
Stefan Ciancio 03:21
Well, one of the symptoms I would say is a lot of people might not know, you know, how to scale with webinars if you have to go live all the time. So, it’s like, “I don’t want to give a live webinar every day or every week. It’s a lot of work.” So, one of the problems we solve is the automated solution. Another problem people have, I think, is with the price. So, you know, do you really want to pay $197 a month? You know, for a lot of people that’s hard to stomach, especially if you’re not making a ton of money in your business yet. So, to shell out $197 a month for a tool that you’re not even sure what kind of great results you’re going to get yet, I think it’s very hard for people. So, I think that’s another one of the things that people experience, besides just the, you know, there’s the automation aspect, and then there are the pricing aspects. So, I think those are two big things people experience.
Tom Poland 04:04
And just not to steal your thunder, but, folks, WebinarKit is under $100 so that’s a one-off fee. So, you can trust that too, say, the $200 a month. And, Stefan, let everyone know, am I an affiliate of yours? Or am I just promoting you because I think you’re good?
Stefan Ciancio 04:05
I don’t believe you’re an affiliate. No, I think-
Tom Poland 04:19
No, we’re not affiliates. You’re on the show because you’ve got something that’s pretty special I think folks need to hear about. So, folks, I’m not getting any commissions out of this. I just think you need to know about this because I think it really is an exceptional opportunity to get into the webinar game at a very cost affordable price. So, let’s carry on. We’ve got people wanting to do their marketing out there. They’re growth-orientated. They’re struggling to get sales. You’ve been there. I’ve been there. Question four is what do you think are some of the common mistakes that folks make when they’re trying to generate new client inquiries?
Stefan Ciancio 04:50
I think one of the mistakes people make is not sorting their funnel, to begin with. I think that it’s very important to have a filtering mechanism so that you speak to qualified leads at the end of the day. I think, you know, a lot of people get on the phone with just about anyone. Whether you’re getting on the phone or not, you know, like. So, I’ll give two examples. If you’re getting on the phone, a lot of times people are getting on with completely unqualified leads. They don’t even know why they’re turning up to the phone call three-quarters of the time. It’s a waste of time. And you know, the other one is if you’re selling directly online. If you’re selling a high ticket, or even a mid-ticket, or even a low ticket via a sales page, sales pages, especially as you get to higher prices, are much higher to convert directly from a sales page. So having a high-quality webinar is something that I think people need, and a lot of people are not leading with that. Whether that webinar is to sell directly online or even to book a call, you should be filtering everything through a webinar.
Tom Poland 05:37
So yeah. So, folks, this is music to my ears. It comes from the real world. It comes from experience. The webinar’s going to educate, motivate, qualify the sales page, pre-consult, so someone’s been to your webinar, books the time to talk with you, but then sees your sales page, then the consult. You’re talking with people who are highly qualified and highly educated, it’s a much better conversation to have. And WebinarKit can help you with that. So, let’s go to question number five, what’s one valuable free action that you think folks can take that will take them a step in the right direction? I’ve got an idea, but let’s see over here. It may not solve the whole problem, but just something to get them started on this?
Stefan Ciancio 06:16
Start with your hero story. I think it’s very important- well, actually, no, let me track that. Your offer is very important. So, before you even make the webinar, you need to have the right offer stack. So what problem are you solving? Are you really, really nailing down who that offer’s for? What is the problem you’re solving? You know, what customer avatar are you going after? And that ties into really structuring that offer. Are you providing as much value as you can in that offer that it becomes a no-brainer? So that offer is very, very important.
Tom Poland 06:41
Yeah. Okay. Thank you for that. So almost working back from the end, right? And making sure the offer is something that’s meeting an unmet need in the marketplace, or in a manner that is, at least, very differentiated. So, let’s go to question six, we’ve got 75 seconds left, one valuable free resource. Now, folks, this is not quite free, but it’s almost as good as. And I’ll answer this for you, if I may, Stefan, just for the sake of time, it’s www.getwebinarkit.com. Getwebinarkit.com. What are they going to find there, Stefan, when they get there?
Stefan Ciancio 07:12
You’ll find the three solutions that we have. The most popular at the moment is our Automated Webinar Solution. You can run hundreds or even 1000s of automated webinars a month without having to go live a single time and the big sell right now is for a limited time. It’s under $100, like you said, for one-time pricing.
Tom Poland 07:29
Yeah, that’s pretty exceptional, fully branded, live chat questions, box conversion, boosting offers, analytics, automated email reminders, and advanced remarketing segmentation. This thing can be as simple or as deep as you want it to be, folks. It’s https://getwebinarkit.com/. I’m promoting it because I think Stefan’s got something which is just special. 20 seconds left, sir, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t and the answer?
Stefan Ciancio 07:53
Why are webinars so great? The story covered it. Webinars make you a lot more money than without them. Even a bad webinar is better than no webinar.
Tom Poland 08:05
Perfect! Stefan, thanks so much for your time.
Stefan Ciancio 08:08
Thanks for having me.
Tom Poland 08:10
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