- Learn how to find the influencers through your competitors’ links on YouTube
- Understand the importance of getting to those influencers with a value proposition that’s going to get cut-through
- Find out how to ace influencer marketing and not have your accounts banned for messaging hundreds of influencers all at once
- To get more FREE details about influencer marketing, go to https://advancepay.io.
Have you always known the power working with influencers have on sending your business to a higher level but you just haven’t found the right influencers to work with?
Sending 200 DMs can be so exhausting that it could even lead to fatigue.
Tune in to this episode and skip the rough road as you learn how to make influencer marketing easy.
John Crestani is a lifelong marketer, adventure-preneur, and father living in Malibu, California. He’s the #1 influencer in referral marketing on YouTube, with over 500k subscribers, and has earned over $20m selling information products.
In this episode, John explains how you can find and work with influencers who can generate sales for your brand as he shares tips to help you get started.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:55 – John’s ideal client: Our ideal client is a Shopify store owner or an agency or a brand kind of like consultant that helps those Shopify store owners get in touch with the influencers that help them sell more products.
- 02:18 – The problem he helps solve: We’re helping inform brands, just helping them make better decisions about what influencers to hire, what sort of sales projections those influencers will get for their specific company. And we’re doing so by showing what brands are working with what influencers and vice versa.
- 03:06 – The symptom of the problem: Typical symptoms is you’re going to have tons of sales calls with different influencer marketing network software, and you’re going to experience problems because you sign up for one influencer network and they want you to work with their little network of influencers.
- 04:04 – Clients’ common problems/mistakes when trying to generate sales from influencers: One of the macro problems here is Facebook ad costs, and ad costs in general are just going sky high. A lot of people are being priced out. Furthermore, you’re dealing with these cookie decay issues. Cookies are not as good at tracking things as they used to be, and so you’re looking at attribution problems overall. Just figuring out what money is going where and what’s effective.
- 06:01 – John’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Get some of your competitors’ URLs and literally type those in. Go to YouTube.com and put your competitors’ URL in the search bar. You can see what other influencers your competitors are working with.
- 07:25 – John’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): To get more FREE details about influencer marketing, go to https://advancepay.io.
- 08:05 – Q: What’s my favorite bird that comes to my birdfeeder? A: The black-headed parrots.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Find other influencers who have promoted products in your specific category and you'll be far ahead of the pack.” -John Crestani Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. Beaming out to you from two bird lovers here, the feathered variety, I’m talking about, I’m sure the others as well. But John Crestani, a very warm welcome from Down Under, sir. Where are you based? Tell us where you live in there, because it’s pretty special.
John Crestani 00:26
I’m based out here in Malibu, California, so I’m up in the mountains, not on the beach. It’s beautiful. Lots of birds around here.
Tom Poland 00:34
Show us your birdfeeder. John, can you move your webcam and show us your special birdfeeder there? John and I just went through about, I don’t know, a dozen birds that he has the pleasure of viewing outside the most spectacular house. We’ve been talking about native birds here in Australia and the Californian birds over there. We better get on with the interview then.
For those of you who don’t know John, he’s created something that’s quite remarkable. He’s a lifelong marketer. He’s an adventure-preneur. He’s a father. How many kids, John?
John Crestani 01:07
Tom Poland 01:08
John Crestani 01:09
I’m a girl dad; three and a five year old.
Tom Poland 01:12
And he’s got a whole playpen there full of toys and bits and pieces I had a peek at. He’s also – perhaps not quite as important as him being a father of two – is the #1 influencer in referral marketing on YouTube, underline the number one, over 500,000 subscribers. He’s earned over $20 million selling information products. He’s pretty frickin’ impressive.
So, this is a subject matter which you guys really need to tune up for because it’s How to Find and Work with Influencers Who Can Generate Sales for Your Brand.
So cool. Can’t wait, John. Let’s get the ball rolling. Our 7 minutes starts now, sir.
Question number one is who’s your ideal client?
John Crestani 01:58
Yeah. Our ideal client is a Shopify store owner or an agency or a brand kind of like consultant that helps those Shopify store owners get in touch with the influencers that help them sell more products.
Tom Poland 02:16
Perfect. Six and a half minutes left. Tell us about the problem you solve.
John Crestani 02:20
The problem we’re solving in my company, Advance Pay, is we’re helping inform brands, just helping them make better decisions about what influencers to hire, what sort of sales projections those influencers will get for their specific company. And we’re doing so by showing what brands are working with what influencers and vice versa. So, if I’m selling like whatever coffee mugs, I want to know what other influencers sold coffee mugs in the past and how many sales they got for those coffee mug companies. And we help people do that so they can just input a budget. They say, “I want to work with five influencers. I have a $20,000 budget. Who’s going to get me my best ROI?”
Tom Poland 03:04
Perfect. Thank you, sir.
Question number three is what are some of the typical symptoms that people are going to be experiencing without https://advancepay.io?
John Crestani 03:16
Typical symptom is you’re going to have tons of sales calls with different influencer marketing network software, and you’re going to experience problems because you sign up for one influencer network and they want you to work with their little network of influencers but that might not represent the entirety of the 75 million creators in the world. It might just represent a couple of hundred people that are in their little network. So, you’re going to suffer from ROI problems as well, given that you’re just not getting a full look at all of the creators that are out there.
Tom Poland 03:56
Right. So, profits’ going to be suffering, going to be working hard, going to be working long, and really not tapping into anywhere near the total potential of the pool. Thanks for that, sir.
Question number four. Let’s look at some of the problems that people make when they’re trying to generate sales from influencers. Four and a half minutes left.
John Crestani 04:13
Well, even beyond, I’d say even looking at the macro problem.
One of the macro problems here is Facebook ad costs, and ad costs in general are just going sky high. A lot of people are being priced out. Furthermore, you’re dealing with these cookie decay issues. Cookies are not as good at tracking things as they used to be, and so you’re looking at attribution problems overall. Just figuring out what money is going where and what’s effective. Apple’s not tracking as many things anymore. So, it’s just harder to judge ROI in general nowadays.
But going into specifically working with influencers, I mean, a lot of the folks I speak to, they have to message 200 people. They have to send 200 DMs on Instagram in order to get one influencer to actually accept a free product. I mean, it’s just there’s so much spam and there’s so much broad messaging and it’s such a dance. It’s hard to even work with specific people you want to work with because creators are creating; they’re not looking at their email inbox or DMs. So, you really need to have a kind of targeted message and say, “Hey man, I’m willing to give you 5000 bucks.” Influencers respond if you know what you’re willing to pay for somebody.
So, you’re working with response fatigue or message fatigue. To send 200 DMs to micro-influencers, you’re also going to end up getting accounts banned because you can’t send that many messages to people you don’t know. So, there’s so many problems in this market. It’s unbelievable. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Tom Poland 06:00
Okay. Let’s flip it now. Question five. Two and a half minutes left. One valuable free action that someone could take that is not solve the whole problem in terms of generating sales from influencers, but it might just take them a step in the right direction.
John Crestani 06:13
I mean, a perfect thing you can do to put yourself in the right direction is get some of your competitors’ URLs and literally type those in. Go to YouTube.com and put your competitors’ URL in the search bar.
So, let’s say you’re selling mugs. Search YETI.com and you’ll see what other influencers on YouTube have actually posted a link to YETI.com, and you can see what other influencers your competitors are working with. And you just see who’s getting the most engagement, views, comments, etc. And you reach out to those people. You send them a DM. You send them an email. Reach out to just those people rather than saying, “Oh, you know, moms like my stuff.” Find other influencers who have promoted products in your specific category and you’ll be far ahead of the pack.
Tom Poland 07:10
Alright. Thank you for that. There’s a couple of real good top tips there, folks. One is how to find the influencers through your competitors’ links, but the second one that John mentioned earlier is getting to those influencers with a value proposition that’s going to get cut-through, and dollars certainly talk.
70 seconds left. Two more questions. One valuable free resource. Where can people go to find out more about your work?
John Crestani 07:33
We are a free resource. Go to https://advancepay.io, and people can actually see this data for free on our site.
Tom Poland 07:43
Oh. Good price. So that’s https://advancepay.io. Folks, open disclosure: I’m not an affiliate for John or https://advancepay.io. We’re just doing this because we think, first of all, it should frickin rock your world if you need influencers to boost your sales, and secondly, it’s just a great insight into this whole world of influencers for you, hopefully.
25 seconds left. Shut up, Tom.
Last question. What’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t, John? And the answer within 20 seconds, please.
John Crestani 08:10
Oh, man. One question you should have asked me but didn’t. Shoot, man. I don’t know. What’s my favorite place in the world?
Tom Poland 08:20
What’s your favorite bird that comes to your birdfeeder? Five seconds left.
John Crestani 08:24
It’s those parrots; the black-headed parrots.
Tom Poland 08:26
Beautiful. Alright. Interesting. Thanks so much for sharing your time with us.
John Crestani 08:30
Thank you, sir.
Tom Poland 09:06
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