How to Find the Exact Words that Make People Buy – In Just 7 Minutes with Peter Sandeen

Check out episode
  • Figure out what to say with your marketing to make people see the value they could get from you
  • Learn how to build the core of your marketing, so you have every piece in place to get consistent results
  • Learn how to stay focused on the highest-impact things without wasting time trying to find them or figuring out how to do them



Peter Sandeen is a Value Proposition and Marketing Message Development Expert.

He works with a wide range of businesses and unusually a large portion of his clients are actually other marketing experts who want help improving their marketing message. So in that way, he’s the marketers’ marketer.

In this episode, Peter talks about how to find the exact words that make people buy and how to align your marketing message to the perspective of your clients. making it strong to make it an almost unfair competitive advantage for your business.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 02:06 – Peter’s ideal client: business owners who are still responsible primarily for their own marketing and they realize already that their marketing message is inconsistent or ineffective or a little ambiguous
  • 02:42 – Problem he helps solve: clients don’t really know what they’re supposed to say and they do not get consistent results
  • 04:25 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Peter: not getting cut through, people not buying
  • 06:39 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: trying to do more.
  • 07:10 – Peter’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Write down just one or two at most three different things that people get from you. If they buy your thing and they actually implement it. What do they get? And specifically, write it as they would say it to a friend.
  • 07:12 – Peter’s Valuable Free Resource(VFR):
  • 08:11 – Q: Why is it so hard to figure out what to say in marketing? A: “By default, see it from a different perspective than the perspective you’re talking to and you don’t see it from their perspective. Nothing will work like only their perspective will affect their decision.”

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“They don't really stop and look at what's the foundation, what's the core, what is the underlying problem why everything is not working as well as it could.” -@Peter_Sandeen Share on X “Get very clear on what you're trying to say with marketing and call it marketing essentialism-- what are really the parts of marketing that create results.” -@Peter_Sandeen Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland: Hello everyone. Very well welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland. As usual beaming out to you from on the sand next to the waves at Little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia joined with me today I should say, and not joined with me but joining me, we’re not Siamese twins is Peter Sandeen. Peter, very well welcome sir.

Peter Sandeen: Hi. Proud to be here.

Tom Poland: Yeah.

Peter Sandeen: From the other side of the planet though and you’re looking very green there are very envious of your office has got my brain wearing just such a beautiful green environment. Tell everyone where you’re hanging out, Peter.

Peter Sandeen: I’m in Finland. Helsinki, Finland.

Tom Poland: How’s the weather in Finland at the end of May?

Peter Sandeen: Mostly quite nice today it’s rainy but mostly it’s been really amazing weather actually.

Tom Poland: Fantastic. So coming into summer or we’re just heading into winter so we better get off the climate I suppose in geography and to the subject of this interview.

Peter Sandeen: But before I announce the title which I think everyone is going to find very, very interesting because it cuts to the.. really it’s the heart and soul of all marketing. Let me share with you Peter’s bio. He works with a wide range of businesses and unusually what I discovered is that a very large portion of his clients is actually other marketing experts.

Tom Poland: And Peter and I have the privilege of being in the same Joint Venture Marketing Mastermind group. Well that’s what I call JBMM and I know of a number of expert marketers who have gone to Peter for advice which is not unusual because a significant portion of his clients are actually other marketers and they go to Peter for the same reason that I wanted to interview Peter which is to as to improve their marketing message and make their marketing message more effective. So in that way, he’s very much the marketer’s marketer.

Tom Poland: Our subject is how to find the exact words that make people buy. We’re going to focus we’re going to discover how to do that and just seven minutes. And our seven minutes starts now. Peter, Question 1 one who is your ideal client?

Tom Poland: It’s business owners who are still responsible primarily for their own marketing and they realize already that their marketing message is inconsistent or ineffective or a little ambiguous and often also the other thing I help them with their marketing overall is just pieces of marketing instead of a very clear system or a funnel or something where everything actually fits together.

Tom Poland: Great. Thank you. Question 2 two six and a half minutes left, can you describe a bit more fully the problem you solve for them.

Peter Sandeen: Well there’s two primary ones. The primary one is that they don’t really know what they’re supposed to say and with their marketing which means they’re doing marketing, takes a lot of time guess they always need to figure out well what do I say what I’m what am I trying to make people see here?

Peter Sandeen: And even if I have an idea of what they should see I still have no idea how to make them see it or what aspect of it they should see or how they would understand the value of it. Because of me, as the product creator or service provider. I can see the amazing value of what I sell but what is it that makes the other person really get it.

Peter Sandeen: And the other problem that people really experience is super inconsistent results. They might to tons and tons of marketing and sales might or might not come in here and there but it’s usually impossible or at least very difficult to see what created it. And even if they can see what’s created that was sales they can’t replicate the results by getting more of the same thing. So having this inconsistency around basically everything in marketing is the big picture problem with that.

Tom Poland: So it sounds like you get the message right. First and foremost and then you’re aligning everything so it’s streamlined and consistent.

Peter Sandeen: So I just get very clear on what you’re trying to say with marketing and then I guess you can call it like marketing essentialism what are really the parts of marketing that create results. Why, how do more of those drop everything else make things actually work together.

Tom Poland: Marketing essentialism I love that it sounds like the name of your next book. So question 3, just under five minutes left. Grab it before I do it’s just under five minutes left. What are some of the typical symptoms that your ideal clients experience before they find you?

Peter Sandeen: But really I think the obvious ones are the ones I already said I’d like the marketing takes a lot of time and it’s it relieves to very inconsistent results cause it’s impossible to analyze and if you can’t analyze something clearly then you can’t you can only blindly try things and hope that you have eventually struck gold in a puzzle as complex as marketing, it’s just really unlikely that you happen to get the right pieces in place by chance like that almost never happens. And trying more and more tactics which is the usual solution because it looks like well the previous tactics haven’t worked. So we need to try something else. That’s basically a logical thought. And then there are dozens of our colleagues selling some sort of training on the latest tactic saying that like, “Hey all these people got great results with this, so go try this.’ And then, try it and it doesn’t create results and they don’t see why.

Peter Sandeen: And the problem must be it wasn’t the right case into their puzzle or they didn’t really have the full puzzle so there wasn’t anyone piece that was missing and no one really helped them see the whole picture. And really the symptom is people being a little overwhelmed and confused as to like, ‘Why don’t I get results even though I’m following their advice, I’m doing the right things and I’m doing them the correct way.’

Tom Poland: Right. So they have clarity over what the problem is that I have clarity of what the solution is.

Tom Poland: And so when you say they try the more tactics instead of going back to perhaps the foundation of the strategy.

Peter Sandeen: Even more common option is that they try LinkedIn and they don’t even copy the same message they just say something different on LinkedIn because I’m noticing that what you’re saying with marketing and even the exact way you’re saying it’s really what makes people want to buy or not. It’s not intuitive. Very few people ever actually notice it and really consciously think through what exactly they’re supposed to say with it. So the majority of the tactics that failed before might work just fine if you got the message really really right. Yep. And also the rest of the puzzle behind its perfect work.

Tom Poland: Thank you. I better stop distracting you because I’ve only got two minutes 20 seconds left. We are up to Question 4 what are some of the common mistakes that people make — trying to fix this problem of their message not getting cut through, people not buying before they get to you?

Peter Sandeen: I think the obvious one is they are just trying to do more. They don’t really stop and look at what’s the foundation, what’s the core, what is the underlying problem why everything is not working as well as it could. They’re trying to talk more about features, they tried to just list out more benefits, they tried to compare themselves to other options, they lower prices create new products great offers they just try things without really thinking through why something would work. I think that’s the common thread between the mistakes.

Tom Poland: Thank you.

Tom Poland: Question 5, one valuable free action that an audience listener could take that’s going to help them with this problem.

Peter Sandeen: Write down just one or two at most three different things that people get from you. If they buy your thing and they actually implement it. What do they get? And specifically, write it as they would say it to a friend like once they got the result what would they say when they’re really excited about it what would they tell their friends or family members.’ Hey, we’ve got this thing’ or what would they say to your colleague like you won’t believe this result we’ve got. How would they talk about it and what would they talk about.

Tom Poland: Fascinating and put it in the words that they would use. Very interesting.

Tom Poland: So let’s give folks one valuable free resource that is going to help them with further and I’m going to steal your thunder a little bit on this because I know the link it’s PeterSandeen/value folks go there and you’ll get even more help with crafting a marketing message that only get cut through and help people buy.

Tom Poland: Peter, question 7and we’ve got 32 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but I didn’t?

Peter Sandeen: Why is it so hard to figure out what to say in marketing so that people see the value and the 15 second answer is that, you by default see it from a different perspective than the perspective you’re talking to and you don’t see it from their perspective. Nothing will work like only their perspective will affect their decision. So that’s the difficulty in 15 seconds.

Tom Poland: Perfect. Peter Sandeen thanks so much for your time.

Tom Poland: Thanks for checking out our Marketing the Invisible Podcast if you like what we’re doing here please head over to iTUnes to subscribe, rate us and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated. And if you want to generate five fresh leads in just five hours then check out