- Find out why you don’t need to become the advertising master to get high-quality leads
- Learn how one-to-one marketing through videos is better than investing tons in ads
- Discover how to achieve sustainable growth and income in your business without sacrificing your “me” time
- To get more FREE advice on how to integrate the power of videos into your business, click here: go.mikemoll.co/leads
Do you feel like you’re constantly revolving inside your business and not having enough time for things outside of it?
Looking for the right marketing strategy isn’t supposed to be hard, time-consuming, and costly. Videos are efficient, and simple, and can help you generate better and high-quality leads.
Mike Moll is a marketing coach who helps marketers charge what they are worth, then, remove themselves from daily operations. He hopes to help other marketers who want to create an amazing business while having time for hobbies, travel, and enjoying life.
Get a truckload of tips and tricks on how Mike generates high-quality leads at a low and time-sufficient cost through the power of videos– even if they’re unedited!
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:37 – Mike’s ideal client: My ideal customer is a marketer.
- 02:23 – The problem he helps solve: I think it’s four parts because no one shot can fix an entire business. So often, we go back and start with what is the product? What is the offering? Who are you offering it to? And how are you talking about it?
- 03:36 – The symptoms of the problem: Typically, they are winning to an extent. So, they’ve got their business at $10-, $15-, $20,000 a month, but every time they scale up past that, what typically happens is there’s an overwhelm of work.
- 04:42 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Mike: The first thing is the price as if they are a solopreneur, which typically they are. They’re an individual running this business and they are pricing according to their time and energy.
- 05:45 – Mike’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): When it comes to leads, the idea that you have to become this advertising master and run Facebook ads, and Google ads is a complete farce. If you’re selling a service, if you’re a service-based entrepreneur, whether it’s marketing or creative or administrative work, the best way to reach out to people is one-on-one, human-to-human to make that sale.
- 07:26 – Mike’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): To get more FREE advice on how to integrate the power of videos into your business, click here: go.mikemoll.co/leads
- 07:55 – Q: Where do people get the most stuck trying to execute this video strategy? A: They feel like the video needs to be perfect. And they rehearse and they sit there recording it over and over again, and they go nuts.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“When it comes to leads, the idea that you have to become this advertising master and run Facebook ads and Google ads is a complete farce.” -Mike Moll Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to you from the very sunny Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Mike Moll. Mike, a very warm good day from Down Under. Where are you based?
Mike Moll 00:24
Currently in Kedah Teto. But I’ve been flipping through Sayulita, Mexico, Portugal, and California for the last few years.
Tom Poland 00:30
Oh, that sounds wonderful. What a lifestyle! Folks, in addition to being a marketing coach and a global, Globetrotter, I should say, Mike helps people like you and me with marketing, charge what you’re actually worth. And then once the leads are flying in, and the cash flow is boosted, he helps to remove you from daily operations. So, there are two wings of the same bird here, so to speak. Because one is the lead generation in the marketing and the other is the systemization. Today, we’re going to be talking about how to generate high-quality leads with video. He helps a lot of other marketers. Mike’s kind of- Mike’s the marketer’s marketer. And it’s all about boosting lead flow, and client conversion, but also having, kind of Mike walking the talk, having enough time through systemization for hobbies, travel, and generally enjoying life. Can’t wait to get started, Mike. Thanks for being a guest on our show. Question number one, sir, is who’s your ideal client?
Mike Moll 01:37
Awesome! Well, first of all, thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it. My ideal customer is a marketer. I have, you know, built my company up over the previous nine years. I feel like I’ve made a lot of mistakes that the people that are trying to build their current company are going to go through, and I’ve kind of packed that knowledge into how to kind of get them there. So, I generally work with people that are between 10 and 30,000 in revenue. I do best when the person’s already got some momentum, and they’ve already got some customers and just need help to make the business stronger, more profitable, and then, obviously, the system so that they can move out of the way.
Tom Poland 02:12
Perfect! Presumably, you just tend to 30,000 a month. Does that sound about right?
Mike Moll 02:16
Correct. Yeah.
Tom Poland 02:17
Thank you. And so, tell us, question number two, six and a half minutes left. What’s the problem you solve? How do you define that?
Mike Moll 02:23
I think it’s four parts because no one shot can fix an entire business. So often, we go back and start with what is the product? What is the offering? Who are you offering it to? And how are you talking about it? Once you solve that, and you can speak from a place of value and an outcome, what we typically do from there is start to raise the price. Now. a lot of people use that language, “scale the price”, but you know, for me, you have to be mentally comfortable with the price to sell it at that price. So, it’s a combination of product and pricing. Once we’re good on that front, we move into the sales marketing side. So how do we get this in front of the right people– part of the subject matter we’re going to speak about today. You know, how do you go through a sales call successfully talking about it in a new price and a new way, and get people to say yes? And then finally, what are the systems that you can put in place to put the people in place to execute the things that you don’t want to if you want to be fully out and just manage it or you want to manage is the part that you love to manage? How do you delegate the rest?
Tom Poland 03:23
Got it! Perfect. So, let’s have a look at the symptoms. Someone listening to this, how would they know that they need more information about what you do? What’s going on in their business or their life where they go, “Yeah, that sounds like me”?
Mike Moll 03:36
Yeah, absolutely. So typically, they are winning to an extent. So, they’ve got their business at $10-, $15-, $20,000 a month, but every time they scale up past that, what typically happens is there’s an overwhelm of work. Things start to fall apart. They lose track of things, and customers leave. And then they say, “Okay, I think I figured it out.” They get that momentum rolling again, get it back up, the revenue up, and then things start to fall apart because they can’t manage all the projects. They can’t manage all the people. And so, they’re in this cycle, not being able to break free and really grow their business and sustain it. My thing is all about sustainability.
Tom Poland 04:12
Sustainable growth. That is a great way to summon up– sustainable growth. So, it’s less like a roller coaster, and more like an upward stock market curve. So, we’re talking about people who have the degree of success here. $10 to $30,000 revenue a month is not to be sneezed at. They’re going to be trying stuff and you’ve already mentioned a couple of things, but what would you say are some of the common mistakes that these folks are likely to have made before they find your solution? Four minutes left.
Mike Moll 04:42
Absolutely. So, the first thing is they price as if they are a solopreneur, which typically they are. They’re an individual running this business and they are pricing according to their time and energy. As soon as you do that you eliminate the margins and the budget for you to bring on people to execute the work for you. So that is typically the strongest symptom. Often what happens is when we’re nervous about revenue and the workflow, we just try and get any customer we can. We try and, you know, bring on any project that we can. We maybe extend ourselves and, say, we’ll do stuff that we’re not comfortable with, “Oh, I’ll just find someone to help me with that job.” And we don’t really go all-in on the thing that we’re amazing at. And when you do that, when you position it right, and it’s priced right, and it’s the thing that you’re the best at, that’s when the solution starts to build off the back end.
Tom Poland 05:29
So true. And that’s also when people really start to enjoy what they do when they’re doing what they were born to do. Thank you for that. Question five, three minutes left, one valuable free action, like a top tip. It’s not going to solve that problem, but it could be taking people in the right direction.
Mike Moll 05:45
Yeah. So, when it comes to leads, the idea that you have to become this advertising master and run Facebook ads, and Google ads is a complete farce. If you’re selling a service, if you’re a service-based entrepreneur, whether it’s marketing or creative or administrative work, the best way to reach out to people is one-on-one, human-to-human to make that sale. So how do I do that? I send personalized videos. The videos are 40 seconds to a minute and 20 seconds long. They say hi. They introduce who you are and what you do. They explain that you probably understand where they’re at, but you’re not telling them that this is where they’re at. You’re saying, “Other people just like you, the people that I work with, are in this position. They’re stuck here. They can’t get here. They can’t get past here. But what they found is my service will help them do that. And so, if it sounds interesting to you, I would love to explain that more.” So that is actually a video that you send to somebody either through social media, or you can record it and send it through email. But if you can get them on LinkedIn, and send the video directly on LinkedIn, that is going to give you the strongest chance of success with this. One other final piece I’ll just say about that is the reason you’re saying “Other people experienced this. And if you’re interested, I’d like to talk to you” people hate being told what they feel and people hate being told what to do. So, giving them the autonomy, and putting it in their hands to self-identify with these issues is the strongest way to have them not reject you from the beginning.
Tom Poland 07:07
Alright. And, folks, if you have any doubt about that, just go and try and tell your husband, your wife, your partner, how they’re feeling and what they’re doing, and you’ll find out that’s not a good idea, right? The same is true with prospects. Thank you, sir. Question six, one minute left, valuable free resource. People are going to want to know more about this. So where can they go to find out more?
Mike Moll 07:26
So go.mikemoll.co/leads. I have a 27-minute mini-course. It’s literally as concise and as direct as humanly possible to show you exactly how you can do this for your own business.
Tom Poland 07:38
I’m on the page now, and it looks absolutely amazing! Folks, it’s www.go.mikemoll, M-O-L-L, .co/leads. Go get it! 35 seconds left, sir. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t and the answer, please?
Mike Moll 07:55
Where do people get the most stuck trying to execute this video strategy? And the answer to that is they feel like the video needs to be perfect. And they rehearse and they sit there recording it over and over again, and they go nuts. I completely stumble over my own words often. In fact, I’ll sometimes be in the middle of a video saying, “Wait, what was I saying? Oh! This is the reason that you want to talk to me.” And I will literally send that video out without edits. People don’t care. They don’t care about perfection. They care about the effort that you make to send it to them.
Tom Poland 08:02
Perfect! Mike Moll, thank you so much for your time. Very precise.
Mike Moll 08:28
Thank you.
Tom Poland 08:28
Tom Poland 08:30
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