How to Generate Six-Figures or More Every Month with High Ticket Automated Webinar Funnels – In Just 7 Minutes with Sam Bell

Check out episode
  • Discover ways on how to increase your sales through Sam’s Minimal Viable Offer formula
  • Learn how to maximize your product or service’s potential by giving the right offer to your clients
  • Recognize the mistakes in your marketing strategy and product offer and learn how to fix them


  • PreSell Your Product or Service For Profit Before Finishing The Offer With The M.V.O & M.V.F Formula To Finally Create A Profitable Coaching / Consulting Biz That Pays You Daily!​​: Check out


Have you ever felt hopeless about getting a fully booked calendar for your business? Are you struggling to get high ticket sales?

Sam Bell is known as the Social Ads Engineer. He has served coaches, consultants, and service providers by helping them achieve high ticket sales and fully booked appointments in their calendars. He helps them get consistent clients through his own philosophy called the minimal viable offer formula.

In this episode, Sam shares his insights on how to increase you and your service or product’s potential by giving the right offer to your client’s needs.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 1:17 — Sam’s ideal client: “So, I serve coaches, consultants, and service providers who sell high ticket products and services, generally $1,000 or more. And generally, better done either through digital products or over the phone.”
  • 01:37 — Problem Sam helps solve: “So, the number one problem that we solve is helping them get qualified, booked appointments on their calendars, or high-ticket sales for their digital products consistently.”
  • 02:16 — Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Sam: “So, the biggest thing is that most clients that we work with experienced what we call rollercoaster income because they usually fall into one or two scenarios. Generally, they’re out on the speaking circuit and they’re depending upon referrals, or joint ventures to get clients. So, they don’t have consistency in terms of income. So, it’s like this one month, down one month. And that’s because they don’t actually have a pipeline built to acquire clients on a consistent basis. So that’s like one of the number one symptoms that they experienced.”
  • 03:33 — Common mistakes that people make before they find Sam’s solution: “So, one of the mistakes that most people make is they, a lot of times people think that they have a traffic problem. They’re like, “Well, I need more traffic, you know, I need more leads,” and that’s actually not really the issue. The biggest issue is that they have a great product, they have a great service that they offer to the world, but they do not know or understand how to properly package that offer and that services.”
  • 05:02 — Sam’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Yeah, absolutely. So, one of the things that I would highly recommend is people take time to really refine their offer. So, I have this philosophy called the minimal viable offer formula. And basically, what you want to do is put together a key offer and put it into the marketplace. And you don’t want to spend a lot of time developing it, on trying to perfect it.”
  • 06:27 — Sam’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): PreSell Your Product or Service For Profit Before Finishing The Offer With The M.V.O & M.V.F Formula To Finally Create A Profitable Coaching / Consulting Biz That Pays You Daily!​​: Check out
  • 07:18 — Q: Why do I do this?
    A: And the reason that I do this is because I found is though that there are a lot of people who have gifts and talents, and I look at what I do as the conduit. I’m the connector. I’m the person that connects people with their gifts and talents to the people that need their help. So, I look at myself as a conduit. And I get fulfilled from actually bridging the gap between people who have the products and services and the people who need the most.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“A lot of times people will do what we call funnel hacking and they'll see one funnel, and they will follow it meticulously from a technical aspect, but they don't really understand the positioning and the offer.” -Sam Bell Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland: 0:10
Greetings everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. I’m Tom Poland, joined today by Sam Bell. Sam, good day, sir, welcome. Where are you hanging out?

Sam Bell 0:18
Oh man, thanks for having me. I’m in lovely West Palm Beach, Florida.

Tom Poland: 0:23
Just back from the Caribbean, is that right?

Sam Bell 0:26
Yeah. I just got back from a lovely vacation down in Belize with my wife. Went to go visit her friends so we checked out a couple of beautiful islands there.

Tom Poland: 0:34
Business must be good. And why is it good? We’re about to find out.

Tom Poland: 0:38
For those of you don’t know Sam, he started his agency in 2009. Right at the depth of the GFC, interesting. Global financial crisis, for those of you too young to remember. And has taken the knowledge gleaned from a decade of advertising experience in the digital age, as well by the way. In addition to that, has leveraged it to get his clients frickin awesome results. That’s not his words, that’s mine.

Tom Poland: 1:02
So, the title today is, “How to Generate Six-Figures or More Every Month with High Ticket Automated Webinar Funnels.” Sam is going to tell us how to do that in just seven minutes. Sam, our time starts now. Question number one is, who’s your ideal client?

Sam Bell 1:17
Yes. So, I serve is coaches, consultants and service providers who sell high ticket products and services, generally $1,000 or more. And generally, better done either through digital products or over the phone.

Tom Poland: 1:31
Perfect, very clear. Thank you. Question number two, six and a half minutes left, what is the problem you solve for them?

Sam Bell 1:37
So, the number one problem that we solve is helping them get qualified, booked appointments on their calendars, or high-ticket sales for their digital products consistently.

Sam Bell 1:46
One of the biggest challenges that people face is not only getting enough lead volume, but making sure it’s the right quality. So, we have a very specific process that we use to make sure that we filter people out throughout the funnels that we build to make sure that they’re getting the right type of clients consistent.

Tom Poland: 2:02
Critical, I’m sure. Question number three, six minutes left, someone’s got this problem, what are the typical symptoms that they’re going to be experiencing? Another way of putting this would be, how would someone know that they need what you’ve got? What’s going on in their life or their business?

Sam Bell 2:16
So, the biggest thing is that most clients that we work with experienced what we call rollercoaster income because they usually fall into one or two scenarios. Generally, they’re out on the speaking circuit and they’re depending upon referrals, or joint ventures to get clients. So, they don’t have consistency in terms of income. So, it’s like this one month, down one month. And that’s because they don’t actually have a pipeline built to acquire clients on a consistent basis. So that’s like one of the number one symptom that they experienced.

Sam Bell2:47
One of the other symptoms that they experienced is that their lead flow is not consistent enough either. So, there’s a direct correlation between your lead flow, as well as your income as well. So, if you don’t have the leads that are coming in a consistent basis, coming through a process to where they’re properly indoctrinated and educated, then that’s also going to be reflected in their business.

Tom Poland: 3:09
Rollercoaster revenue. And that, which create a fair bit of anxiety when they’re screaming down the bottom of the roller coaster, I’d imagine. So, what are some of the common, it’s the question four, sorry. Just under five minutes left. What are some of the common mistakes people going to make? They’re getting this rollercoaster revenue; they’ve got anxiety in between the ups and downs. What are some of the mistakes they make trying to solve the problem before they find your solution?

Sam Bell 3:33
That’s a great question. So, one of the mistakes that most people make is they, a lot of times people think that they have a traffic problem. They’re like, “Well, I need more traffic, you know, I need more leads,” and that’s actually not really the issue. The biggest issue is that they have a great product, they have a great service that they offer to the world, but they do not know or understand how to properly package that offer and that services.

Sam Bell 3:55
So your offer is probably one of the most critical and important thing that you can spend time on investing because if the offer is good, and if it’s packaged and presented in the right way, people will buy from you even if you just have organic traffic. So, a lot of times people don’t actually have a traffic or lead problem, they actually have an offer and a packaging and positioning problem.

Tom Poland: 4:17
Right. So, they’re getting the traffic, but they’re not getting the conversions because the offer is not compelling. Interesting.

Sam Bell 4:24
That’s right. They’re spending money on Facebook ads, they’re spending money on Google ads, and the offer and the positioning is not done. Even if they technically have the right infrastructure, because a lot of times people will do what we call funnel hacking and they’ll see one funnel, and they will follow it meticulously from a technical aspect, but they don’t really understand the positioning and the offer.

Tom Poland: 4:29
The psychology that, right, gotcha. Okay, that makes total sense. Thank you. So, question number five, we’ve got just over three minutes left. Let’s get a valuable free tip from you. A valuable free action that an audience member could actually take that’s not going to solve the whole problem but it might take them a step in the right direction.

Sam Bell 5:02
Yeah, absolutely. So, one of the things that I would highly recommend is people take time to really refine their offer. So, I have this philosophy called the minimal viable offer formula. And basically, what you want to do is put together a key offer and put it into the marketplace. And you don’t want to spend a lot of time developing it, on trying to perfect it.

Sam Bell 5:20
The most important thing is that you find out and identify like, what are the key pain points? What are the key symptoms that your people are experiencing? And then provide a solution that directly addresses those symptoms. And do it in such a way and to present it to where when you write out your offer that you have multiple bullets that address the different symptoms that are going to occur that are going to fix those pain points for them, and then present it to the marketplace. And don’t be afraid to raise your prices.

Sam Bell 5:49
There are a lot of people out there that have great products and services but they’re under charging. And there’s a disconnect when people think you’re charging too little and the service value is too high, then they don’t believe you. So, don’t be afraid to double your asking price. So, double your prices, make sure you present the offer in such a way that identify the pain point and the symptoms, and present the offer to a marketplace.

Tom Poland: 6:13
Thanks, Sam. Great stuff. Question number six, a minute 45 left, heaps of time. What’s one valuable free resource we could direct people to? A landing page somewhere perhaps that we could send people to that’s going to help them even more.

Sam Bell 6:27
Yes, absolutely. So basically, what I’ve done, the minimum viable offer formula, I actually put together a training that is a deep dive training, as well as a PDF that really breaks that down and go through all the steps. Shows you how to, not only develop the offer, how to present the offer, and I put that together. And you can actually go to, and you’ll get it. And I’m sure you may present the link here for everyone.

Tom Poland: 6:55
Certainly, under the video, we will. On zoom, difficult with podcasts. But number 1, F-B, presumably stands for Facebook, dot M-E, forward slash Sam’s, with an S, gift., go get it. Question number seven, gives us a whopping 40 seconds left to answer this one. What’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t? And the answer please.

Sam Bell 7:18
The one question that you should have asked me is, why do I do this?

Tom Poland: 7:22
Sam, why do you do this?

Sam Bell 7:24
And the reason that I do this is because I found is though that there are a lot of people who have gifts and talents, and I look at what I do as the conduit. I’m the connector. I’m the person that connects people with their gifts and talents to the people that need their help. So, I look at myself as a conduit. And I get fulfilled from actually bridging the gap between people who have the products and services and the people who need the most.

Tom Poland: 7:49
Perfect. Sam Bell, thank you so much for your time.

Sam Bell7:51
My pleasure.

Tom Poland: 8:49
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