- Discover how to improve your relationship with your clients through gifting
- Learn the proper way of gifting your clients through a personal level rather than a call-to-action gift
- Find out different substitutes that you can use as gifts for your clients instead of the regular pens and t-shirts
- Check out Chelsea’s Website: www.getnoms.com
Do you want to know how to get more clients? Do you want to build a strong relationship with your clients? Do you want to know how you can swoon them off their feet and make them think that you’re different than the rest?
Chelsea Martin is a Co-Owner of Noms Bake Shop, the industry expert in personalized, corporate gifting that leaves a lasting impression with clients, partners, and prospects.
In this episode, Chelsea shares the importance of gifting as a way of building a strong relationship and a lasting impression on your clients. She also shares her insights on the different ways and substitutes you can choose from when it comes to thinking of a unique gift for your clients for every occasion. Ditch the pens and t-shirts and start being unique and personal. It will give an impression on your clients that you value them as well!
Check out these episode highlights:
- 00:46 – Chelsea’s ideal client: “So our ideal client is anybody out there that is either looking to get new clients for their business, retain clients that they’ve already gotten that they’d like to build those relationships with, and then would like to use gifting to strengthen that connection.”
- 02:03 – Problem Chelsea helps solve: “So the problem we solve is actually one and it’s multifaceted because I think as business owners, we all have a different strategy for building our relationships or building our clientele. And so, everybody has that problem in a unique way, and we help solve it in a unique way, whether that is we’re trying to find new clients and get their attention, and that is through gifting.”
- 03:40 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Chelsea: “Yeah, so I think that and I guess this kind of goes hand-in-hand with before as a lot of people are experiencing trouble getting the attention of their clients, and that is one, through email marketing. Everyone’s using email marketing, “How do I differentiate myself?” You know, that’s really tough with- there’s only so many emojis you can use in a subject line to try to get someone’s attention.”
- 05:21 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Chelsea’s solution: “Yeah, so definitely the swag type of gifts, I think that there’s a time and a place for those, of course, but for more of the client appreciation, or the holiday gifting, you really want to do something personal to that person. And that doesn’t mean that you can’t have your name or your logo but, you know, adding that custom element of maybe etching their name into the gift box, or something they like, or a photo of their family.”
- 06:39 – Chelsea’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “As far as something that they can do to, I think, well, I think just taking a look at their current strategy and seeing, “Okay, is there room in our budget to either add gifting? And if there is, how can we implement strategic gifting in a way that is not just blanket mindless gifting?”
- 07:31 – Chelsea’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Chelsea’s Website: www.getnoms.com
- 08:04 – A: I might flip the script a little bit on you and say one of the things that I think that people forget to do when it comes to gifting is not only the giving side but the receiving side. Say thank you when you get a gift.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“People forget to do when it comes to gifting is not only the giving side but the receiving side. Say thank you when you get a gift.” -Chelsea Martin Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:09
Hello everyone and another very warm welcome to yet another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland joined today by Chelsea Martin. Chelsea, good day from down under. Where are you hanging out?
Chelsea Martin 00:19
Hello. I am in Phoenix, Arizona, so quite a bit warm here, actually. I’m not sure what the weather’s like there right now this time-
Tom Poland 00:25
It’s pretty warm. Not as warm as what you’ve got, I’m sure, in the middle of the desert there but Phoenix is where you got to- when you take your sinuses to Arizona, I think we used to be the adverb.
Chelsea Martin 00:35
Well, we’re ready for falling. It’s still 100 degrees, so I’m not sure.
Tom Poland 00:38
Oh wow, that’s super hot, man. Yeah, a bit- windy’s quite nicely, though. Yeah. All right. For those of you don’t know Chelsea, she is the Co-Owner of Noms, N-O, N for Nigel, O, M for mum, S, Noms Bake Shop, the industry expert in personalized corporate gifting that leaves a lasting impression with client partners and prospects. And if you think you know about gifting, you might have to think again after this interview. Our title is “How to Get Clients with Cookies”, and not the internet cookies that we don’t like, the good ones that we like eating. Chelsea, so you are just going to show us how to do that in just seven minutes. Chelsea, our seven starts now. Question number one is who’s your ideal client?
Chelsea Martin 00:46
Absolutely. So, our ideal client is anybody out there that is either looking to get new clients for their business, retain clients that they’ve already gotten that they’d like to build those relationships with, and then would like to use gifting to strengthen that connection. So, people who are looking to grow their business and get the attention of clients, we can help them with that through the act of gifting.
Tom Poland 01:50
And in this insanely digital age, what a way to stand out. What a point of difference having something physical. So, question number two, six and a half minutes left, tell us about the problem you solve.
Chelsea Martin 02:03
So, the problem we solve is actually one and it’s multifaceted because I think as business owners, we all have a different strategy for building our relationships or building our clientele. And so, everybody has that problem in a unique way, and we help solve it in a unique way, whether that is we’re trying to find new clients and get their attention, and that is through gifting. Instead of just email marketing, we want to get your attention and cut through all of that and actually have something tangible, or you’re trying to keep your clients because you’re a referral-based company and you work off of other people referring you, and it’s really important that your clients have your name, top of mind for other people. So, the act of client appreciation, gifting, or holiday gifting is really, really important, and that personalization factor is what sets you apart. And that’s the solution that we deliver versus the typical gift basket type of gift.
Tom Poland 03:01
Yeah, and what a way to get cut-through and to send a message that we care.
Chelsea Martin 03:07
Exactly. Because it’s so easy to send a gift basket, but when you get a million gift baskets because it’s easy, how do you stand apart from that, and we make that solution or we give you that solution by making it very easy but personal.
Tom Poland 03:22
Easy and personal. That’s the big differentiators right there over and a top on above of the fact that they’re getting something physical. So, tell us about- question number three, sorry, four and a half minutes left, what are the typical symptoms that people are experiencing that would give them a heads up that they need your solution?
Chelsea Martin 03:40
Yeah, so I think that and I guess this kind of goes hand-in-hand with before as a lot of people are experiencing trouble getting the attention of their clients, and that is one, through email marketing. Everyone’s using email marketing, “How do I differentiate myself?” You know, that’s really tough with- there’s only so many emojis you can use in a subject line to try to get someone’s attention. And then two, how do we differentiate ourselves from the other swag or gifts out there that necessarily don’t have that value behind them. So, it’s almost like sending nothing because you’re sending just like almost a mindless gift, and it’s- while it’s meant to be appreciative, it’s not necessarily received in that same way. So, we help clients understand that, like, “If I’m not getting the attention of prospects, then I really want to cut through the clutter. Maybe I can use gifting as a tool” or “If I’m trying to stand out for my clients, how can I change up my approach instead of sending a pen with a logo? What has more meaning and value to it?” And I think that those are symptoms that people are missing when they’re gifting. Because they’re gifting, they’re so desperate to get their name out there that they’re just gifting like pens or t-shirts and that’s missing kind of the bigger issue which is that your clients want to feel like you put the effort in.
Tom Poland 04:59
Right. Alright, thank you. So, question number four, three minutes left, what do you think of some of the common mistakes that people make, I think you’ve already mentioned one, which might be just sending a pen, which is kind of not particularly cursive, it’s got your logo on it as well. So, it’s not customized, it’s not doesn’t really have that personal feel about it. Are there any other common mistakes that people are making that you notice?
Chelsea Martin 05:21
Yeah, so definitely the swag type of gifts, I think that there’s a time and a place for those, of course, but for more of the client appreciation, or the holiday gifting, you really want to do something personal to that person. And that doesn’t mean that you can’t have your name or your logo but, you know, adding that custom element of maybe etching their name into the gift box, or something they like, or a photo of their family. Those are really beautiful, easy way to just elevate your gifting. And then additionally, in your gift message, so a lot of the common mistake we see with people gifting is they’re almost trying to sell themselves and their gift message. Gifting is all about this authentically giving, with no real, “Hey, now here’s the call to action,” you know, “Please make sure to buy this.” And if people are trying to sell in their gift message, people start to distance themselves from that too, and that is a really common mistake we see.
Tom Poland 06:20
Pretty icky. Alright, thank you for that. That might save some people the temptation to make a call-to-action in a cookie. So, let’s go to question five with two minutes left, so bit a hustle. What’s a valuable free action someone could take that could take them a step in the right direction? You’ve already given us a lot so feel free to pass on this. But anything come to mind?
Chelsea Martin 06:39
As far as something that they can do to, I think, well, I think just taking a look at their current strategy and seeing, “Okay, is there room in our budget to either add gifting? And if there is, how can we implement strategic gifting in a way that is not just blanket mindless gifting?” And that is very easy, it actually might save you money by looking and saying, what are we doing that we could take a few steps back, not just hit everyone with pens and t-shirts, and, you know, I think that just taking that step back. And then if you don’t gift say, is there a place that I can use gifting as a way to make a human connection with people and really boost the relationships that I haven’t? I haven’t been implementing that type of gifting in my strategy yet.
Tom Poland 07:27
I mean, the thing is, you can do this, folks, for like less than 50 bucks.
Chelsea Martin 07:31
Tom Poland 07:31
I mean, it’s either you think of the impact, the bang for bucks that you get from sending a box of cookies that’s personalized like that, it’s an extraordinarily effective return on investment, I would suggest. A bit of hustle, valuable free resource, question six. I’m going to answer it because I’ve taken up too much time, www.getnoms, as in nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, getnoms.com. Go there, have a look at the resources there, go order a box, try them out. And question number seven, Chelsea, what is the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Chelsea Martin 08:04
I think, so okay, I might flip the script a little bit on you and say one of the things that I think that people forget to do when it comes to gifting is not only the giving side but the receiving side. Say thank you when you get a gift. I cannot tell you, oh, you’re like in the highest over half the amount of people that receive a gift, forget to say thank you.
Tom Poland 08:26
Chelsea Martin 08:26
And I know that sounds crazy, but on the other side, if you are the recipient of a gift, really close that loop and again, make that connection with the person. Say you’re grateful because that’s what it’s all about.
Tom Poland 08:36
They want to make sure the least he got the thing, right?
Chelsea Martin 08:39
Right. Well, we’ve gotten so many calls of like, “Hey, did they get it? It says delivered but we haven’t heard anything.” And it’s like, you know, again, it’s all about relationships. So, yeah.
Tom Poland 08:48
All right, perfect. Chelsea Martin, thank you so much for your wisdom and advice, and folks, go get it at www.getnoms, N-O-M-S.com. Try it, order it! I think you’ll be bout to blow away your very valuable clients and those high priority prospects. Thanks, Chelsea.
Chelsea Martin 09:06
Thank you.
Tom Poland 09:08
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