- How is Pinterest different than other social platforms?
- Discover how Rachel’s Pinterest strategy can help you generates blog traffic and leads for free
- Find-out how to get noticed by the right people, gain more followers, and turn your Pinterest account into a lead generation and sales machine
- Download Rachel Ngom’s Free Cheatsheet ’10 Pinterest Hacks That Increased her Traffic by 34,000/Month’: Visit www.pinwithrachel.com
Want to have an expert create a step-by-step Pinterest strategy for your specific business?
Rachel Ngom is a Pinterest Strategist by choice, business and lead-generation expert and an old-school hard-worker by default. She’s the host of the She’s Making an Impact Podcast.
Nothing makes her happier than creating CRAZY BIG GOALS and achieving them with fun and attention-grabbing pins, pins that put you on the path to new leads daily and money – the kind where you don’t have to think twice before giving back.
In this episode, Rachel shares how she guides purpose-driven entrepreneurs who are sick of struggling on social media drive more traffic, leads, and sales through Pinterest and the strategic use of automation.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:50 – Rachel’s ideal client: “My ideal client is having a really hard time getting new leads into their business.”
- 02:26 – Problem Rachel helps solve: “They’re just struggling with lead generation, a lack of sales and list building.
.” - 02:46 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Rachel: “A lot of times they’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, frustrated, they feel like they’re spinning their wheels and they’re not really getting anywhere. So, it’s like they’re on Instagram or Facebook, and they’re just trying to post and kind of show up and nothing’s happening.”
- 03:25 – What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Rachel and her solution?: “A lot of times they’re trying to build their business on Facebook or Instagram because these are like the sexy platforms that everyone talks about. And so, they’re trying to get new leads into the business that way.”
- 05:07 – Rachel’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): Open up a Pinterest business account, start creating content adding massive value to your ideal client and drive in that traffic back to your blog.
- 07:46 – Rachel’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Download Rachel Ngom’s Free Cheatsheet ’10 Pinterest Hacks That Increased her Traffic by 34,000/Month’: Visty www.pinwithrachel.com
- 08:06 – Q: What’s been the best things you’ve done to grow your business? A: Hire a coach and really work on my mindset and personal growth like attending events, like Tony Robbins seminars, reading books, really focusing on my own growth to grow my business.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Open up a Pinterest business account, start creating content adding massive value to your ideal client and drive in that traffic back to your blog.”-@RachelNgom Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: 0:09
Greetings everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Rachel Ngom. Rachel, a very warm welcome. Where you’re hanging out?
Rachel Ngom: 0:20
Hey, thanks for having me. I am currently in Orlando, Florida.
Tom Poland: 0:23
Orlando, Florida. Folks, for those of you who don’t know Rachel, she’s the host of She’s Making an Impact Podcast. She is a business and lead generation expert, helping purpose-driven female entrepreneurs drive more traffic, leads, and sales through Pinterest, blogging, and the strategic use of automation. I love the sound of all of that.
Tom Poland: 0:46
A little bit of a background story here, which I think makes the whole listening to Rachel a richer experience, is that she was on food stamps. And had like, I think literally 50 cents to her name.
Rachel Ngom 1:02
Negative $400.
Tom Poland: 1:03
Negative $400. Maybe some change rolling around in a handbag or purse somewhere. But she went from that situation, being absolutely flat broke or a little bit worse, to building a multiple six-figure online businesses. So, this is seriously impressive, we are going to get some of the real oil on how to do that during the interview.
Tom Poland: 1:23
She now helps others enjoy the same result. She’s lives in Kenya; she met her husband and Senegal. She got married in Morocco and spent two years in France. Why not?
Rachel Ngom: 1:35
Why not?
Tom Poland: 1:35
So, Rachel’s going to be very interesting, no pressure, but it’s going to be interesting and valuable for everyone. Our official title is, “How to Get More Leads with Pinterest.” You are going to tell everyone how to do that in seven minutes, just seven minutes. Our time starts now. Tell us, who is your ideal client?
Rachel Ngom: 1:50
Yeah, so I work with purpose-driven entrepreneurs. The entrepreneur who wants to make money but also wants to make a massive impact in the world.
And I truly believe that as entrepreneurs, we can change the world. We can start businesses that employ people, give people to have jobs. And take some of your money and be able to contribute, give to nonprofits, or organizations that you care about.
Tom Poland: 2:12
And, yeah, better businesses better lives, and that whole ripple effect of throwing the stone in the pond. That’s what happens when a business transforms, lives transform. So, question number two, and six and a half minutes left, what’s the problem that you solve?
Rachel Ngom: 2:26
Yeah. So, my ideal client is having a really hard time getting new leads into their business. So, they’re just struggling with lead generation, a lack of sales and list building.
Tom Poland: 2:35
Okay, thank you. Question three, so what are they going to be experiencing? What are some of the typical symptoms that your ideal client solves, who’s got this lead gen problem, before they find your solution?
Rachel Ngom: 2:46
A lot of times they’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, frustrated, they feel like they’re spinning their wheels and they’re not really getting anywhere.
So, it’s like they’re on Instagram or Facebook, and they’re just trying to post and kind of show up and nothing’s happening.
Tom Poland: 3:00
Right. So, they probably feel like that they’re the world’s best-kept secret.
Rachel Ngom: 3:05
Yeah, and no one could find them.
Tom Poland: 3:07
So, they’ve got revenue issues, they’re probably a little stress, they’re probably frustrated. So, given all of those experiences that they’ve had, they’re going to try stuff. So, question number four, with five and a half minutes left is, what are some of the common things that they try that turn out to be mistaken, again, before they find your solution.
Rachel Ngom: 3:25
Yeah. A lot of times they’re trying to build their business on Facebook or Instagram because these are like the sexy platforms that everyone talks about. And so, they’re trying to get new leads into the business that way. And a lot of times those platforms they’re paying to play, or they’re really hard at to actually gain traction. And then they’re building their business on something that they don’t own and they don’t control.
Tom Poland: 3:45
So, I’ve actually seen some of my clients get their accounts shut down. So that’s why it’s so important that you have your email list and that you’re focused on building that as your main asset in your business instead of just social media platforms. And that’s kind of where they’re stuck.
Tom Poland: 4:01
Right. So, they’re trying to engage a lot socially by the sound of it. Is what you’re saying that those platforms are really geared towards advertising dollars because that’s probably where they get revenue.
Tom Poland:4:10
Paid ads. Exactly. Like they used to work really well. I had 50,000 followers on my Facebook page, 20,000 on Instagram. And in 2013, it was so easy to get new leads, oh, my goodness, but the logarithm shifted and things have changed. And you have to make sure that you’re keeping up with the times and you’re doing what’s working now, which organic traffic on those platforms is not working very well right now.
Tom Poland: 4:34
Right. It seems to me that a lot of the platforms, including Google, you know, made their money from people providing the content. And now they’ve got so much content that they switch their strategy to getting paid advertising, and so it’s getting harder and harder to get noticed. And this year, they’ve paid advertising businesses, Google SEO versus Google ads.
Tom Poland: 4:53
So, question number five, and it’s just four minutes left, what’s one valuable free action that someone with this problem, experiencing those symptoms, having tried their stuff, what’s one thing they could actually try that will take them a step in the right direction?
Rachel Ngom: 5:07
Open up a Pinterest account, a Pinterest for business account. And make sure you’re creating content that’s going up on Pinterest wall content and you’re directing traffic to your blog that way.
And that is going to help you get more visible for free and the platform is a search engine. So, it’s going to help you get some more traffic. And you can really target your ideal client that way.
Rachel Ngom: 5:29
And so, because it’s a search engine, we still drive traffic to a website we haven’t updated in over two years, which is pretty crazy. And we’re still making sales from that same website. Yeah. So, I would start by opening up a Pinterest business account, start creating content, adding massive value to your ideal client and drive in that traffic back to your blog.
Tom Poland: 5:48
And just tell us briefly, for those who may not, who may have heard, a little bit more about Pinterest. Because we’ve got a bit of time, so much, three minutes left. What is Pinterest? Why is it different? How does it work?
Rachel Ngom: 5:58
It’s a visual search engine. And so, think of it, I mean, it’s kind of like Google except, you know, you can see pictures on it. And the cool thing about Pinterest is that you can show up on Google image search. And so, when someone’s searching for something on Google, your pins can show up and show up at the top of those image searches.
Rachel Ngom: 6:16
And so, the reason you want to be on it, one, that you’re going to have more control over it because a lot of times, if you’re on Facebook or Instagram, it’s like, people are scrolling and they’re not looking for you. You know, like on Pinterest, people are actually searching for something specific. And you can be the person that shows up and then solving a problem for them. And a lot of times too, pinners are buyers. And they’re researching on Pinterest while they’re making that purchasing decision.
Rachel Ngom: 6:42
So, a lot of times they’ll come to you if you’re someone that’s adding value and content. And then once you get them to your blog, you’re driving traffic to your website, that’s where you can get them on your email list and really start to build the connection and the relationship with them. And so, yeah.
Tom Poland: 6:58
Okay. So quality content on Pinterest, drives to your blog or your website. Get them to opt-in or follow. Okay. And, plus, if anyone is sort of artistically, geographically inclined, it’s just fun, right?
Rachel Ngom: 7:13
But you don’t even have to be, you know, a lot of times people think you have to be like this, like, super artistic or a great designer, I am not. Like, I created the ugliest pins when I first started. And then I started using Canva, which is a free platform that you can use and actually have Pinterest templates. So, you can just put your like, plug in your colors and your fonts and create a really great headline and just take that and run with it. So, yeah, it can be really, really simple.
Tom Poland: 7:37
Okay, thank you. So, questions six, two questions to go and a whole minute, what’s one valuable free resource that we could direct people to is going to help them a bit more?
Rachel Ngom: 7:46
Yes, I have my Pinterest cheat sheet and that’s going to share with you just 10 tips that you can get up and running on Pinterest. And you can just go to pinwithrachel.com to grab that.
Tom Poland: 7:54
Say that again, please.
Rachel Ngom: 7:56
Tom Poland: 7:57
Okay, and we’ll have that published in the show notes. And question number seven, 35 seconds left, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Rachel Ngom: 8:06
Oh, what’s been the best things you’ve done to grow your business?
Tom Poland: 8:09
And the answer?
Rachel Ngom:8:11
Hire a coach and really work on my mindset and personal growth. Like attending events, like Tony Robbins seminars, reading books, really focusing on my own growth to grow my business.
Tom Poland: 8:20
Fantastic. Thanks so much. And oh, we’ve got 15 seconds left, spell out that URL for us, please.
Rachel Ngom: 8:26
Pin, P-I-N-W-I-T-H-R-A-C-H-E-L, dot com. So just pinwithrachel.com.
Tom Poland: 8:33
Perfect. Rachel, thanks so much for your time.
Rachel Ngom: 8:36
Thanks for having me.
Tom Poland: 8:37
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