- Discover the fastest path to be known as a trusted and in-demand expert
- Get outrageous confidence to be authentic online while still keeping your privacy
- Gain clarity on your “next steps” so that you can create a magnetic online presence that Attracts and Wows!
- Grab Your Free Visibility Checklist Here: https://VisibilityChecklist.com
Cindy J. Holbrook, aka The Visibility Wiz, is uniquely gifted at guiding entrepreneurs to thrive as they go up the ladder from being the best-kept secret to trusted and in-demand online authority.
In this episode, Cindy explains why you need to be visible to people who want what you have to offer and gives valuable tips on how to get you there.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:19 – Cindy’s ideal client: a coach, an author, speaker, small business owner, who wants to know how to easily attract their ideal clients online
- 01:42 – Problem she helps solve: I help my clients gain clarity on exactly what it is they want to be known for.
- 02:24 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Cindy: It’s definitely confusion. They’re not clear on their message.
- 03:10 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: Basically, what they’re doing is they start one strategy and they expect it to work like overnight or within a month.
- 04:40 – Cindy’s Valuable Free Action(VFA):“There are actually a few steps to this action. Number one is they really need to determine what they want to be known for. And number two is who their ideal client is, because you can’t be known for anything unless you know what it is you want to be known for.”
- 06:19 – Cindy’s Valuable Free Resource(VFR): Grab Your Free Visibility Checklist https://VisibilityChecklist.com
- 07:12 – Q: “How I became known as the Visibility Wiz?” A: I started out as a coach for divorced women. And because I live in a very remote area, I only had to use online visibility tactics to be seen. And so, what I found happening is my colleagues would start asking me if I could show them how I got on Huffington Post, how I got on eHarmony, how I got on Prevention. And so, I sort of morphed into being the Visibility Wiz because of how I created my own visibility and expertise in the divorce coaching field.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Understand how to make real connections so that you can engage with your audience. And that creates the know-like-trust factor which is needed before somebody's going to pay you for your services and products.” -@cindyj_holbrook Share on XInfo about our correspondent host:Jigar Poojar is Leadsology’s man on the ground in India. Just like CNN has reporters worldwide, Leadsology is developing a small but selective network of hosts to interview guest so our reach is deeper and wider than ever before.
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Jigar Poojara: 0:09
Very warm welcome to one more Marketing The Invisible Podcast. I’m Jigar, joined today by Cindy J. Holbrook. Thank you, Cindy, for joining. Where are you hanging out in the world by the way, Cindy?
Cindy J. Holbrook: 0:21
Thank you for having me, it’s my pleasure. And I live in middle of the Mojave Desert in California.
Jigar Poojara: 0:27
Wow. Okay. Cindy, let me introduce you to my audience. Cindy actually guides the entrepreneurs to thrive as they go up the ladder from being the best-kept secret to trusted and in-demand online authority. Her clients benefit from her empowering systems and strategies that enable them to honor their own integrity and attract their ideal clients while building a profitable business online. Which is amazing, Cindy. So, our topic today is “How to Get Online Visibility that Attracts Your Ideal Clients”, in seven minutes. And Cindy is going to tell us in seven minutes. So, Cindy, your time starts now. Question number one, who is your ideal clients?
Cindy J. Holbrook: 1:19
My ideal client is a coach, an author, speaker, small business owner, who wants to know how to easily attract their ideal clients online. So, they want to know how to be visible to get clients and they want to be seen as the go to expert in their field.
Jigar Poojara: 1:35
Okay. Great. We’ve got six minutes and 30 seconds remaining. What is the problem that you solve?
Cindy J. Holbrook: 1:42
Basically, I help my clients gain clarity on exactly what it is they want to be known for.
So, it’s to get a clear, congruent, message that they can utilize across all online platforms. The messaging is really, really important because it’s how they’re going to get in front of their ideal audience. If they use the wrong message, they might be getting visible to senior citizens but that’s not going to do them any good if their ideal client is a mother of toddlers.
Jigar Poojara: 2:13
Right. You’re right, I agree with this. We’ve got six minutes remaining. Question number three, what are the typical symptoms people experience with this kind of problems?
Cindy J. Holbrook: 2:24
It’s definitely confusion. They’re not clear on their message.
They’re not clear on who their ideal client is. And they’re not clear on what strategies to use online. There are so many people out there giving them hundreds of strategies. So, they think they need all of them. So, they’re constantly going from one to another. And the fourth one is just they lack the confidence, they’re afraid of everything. They’re afraid of being rejected, of being ridiculed, of being called a fraud. And their making a fatal mistake that’s going to hank their business.
Jigar Poojara: 2:57
You’re right. We’ve caught five minutes and 10 seconds remaining. Question number four, what are the common mistakes people make when they try to solve these kinds of problems on their own?
Cindy J. Holbrook: 3:10
Basically, what they’re doing is they start one strategy and they expect it to work like overnight or within a month.
So, they don’t really take the time to hone the skills needed to make that one strategy work. So, they’re constantly going from one strategy to the next. And that’s definitely a problem because they’re never going to succeed until they hone in on one strategy, get good at it into the next.
Another mistake that a lot of them make is they don’t have an email list.
They think that they can get all their clients on Facebook so they put all their eggs in one basket per se. And so, they don’t have an email list because they think emailing is dead, or if they have an email list, they’re not really sending emails to their list. I say there’s three pieces of real estate everybody needs One of them is their own email list. The second one is their own website. And the third one is their brand. And the brand is who they authentically are. And their brand is also their messaging. And that’s why getting that clear congruent message that you constantly use is very, very important to your visibility and to be seen as an expert in your field.
Jigar Poojara: 4:25
Yep, I agree. We’ve got three minutes and 40 seconds remaining. Question number five, what is one valuable free action that the audience can implement, and that will further help them with this kind of problems?
Cindy J. Holbrook: 4:40
There are actually a few steps to this action.
Number one is they really need to determine what they want to be known for.
And number two is who their ideal client is.
Because you can’t be known for anything unless you know what it is you want to be known for. Such as Muhammad Ali, he wanted to be known as the greatest, and he is. So, whenever you know what you want to be known for that’s going to help you find your ideal clients.
Third, you want to go to Facebook and find five to 10 groups that your ideal audience is already in them.
And I suggest that the group should have a minimum of 500 people in it up to however many. And every day you want to go into these groups and you want to see what questions people are going asking about your niche. This is going to help you find the issues that they’re having. So, it’s going to help give you more content and also you just want to answer their questions if it pertains to your niche. You’re not going to sell to them, you’re not going to tell them check out my website or anything. You’re just answering questions because this puts you in front of them as an expert and they’re going to seek you out.
They’re going to come and say, who is this person that’s given all these great answers, and they’re going to want to know more.
And just remember, it’s not a time to sell, it’s a time to give valuable information. You can never ever, ever give away too much information.
Jigar Poojara: 6:07
You’re right. We’ve got two minutes remaining. Question number six, what is one valuable free resource that you can direct people to that will further help them with this kind of problem?
Cindy J. Holbrook: 6:19
I’ve created a seven-step checklist that will help you radically up-level your visibility online. And so, with this checklist, you’ll be able to discover the fastest path to be known as a trusted and in-demand expert in your field. You’ll be able to identify your ideal clients, where to find them, and what language they are using that is imperative to you, to them being attracted to you. You want to be on their level. And number three is to understand how to make real connections so that you can engage with your audience. And that creates the know-like-trust factor which is needed before somebody’s going to pay you for your services and products.
Jigar Poojara: 7:02
Yup. I agree. We’ve got one minute remaining. Question number seven, what is the one question that I should have actually asked you, but I didn’t?
Cindy J. Holbrook: 7:12
I think that question would be, how I became known as the Visibility Wiz?
And as I mentioned, I started out as a coach for divorced women. And because I live in a very remote area, I only had to use online visibility tactics to be seen. And so, what I found happening is my colleagues would start asking me if I could show them how I got on Huffington Post, how I got on eHarmony, how I got on Prevention. And so, I sort of morphed into being the Visibility Wiz because of how I created my own visibility and expertise in the divorce coaching field.
Jigar Poojara: 7:49
Wow. This was an amazing topic today. All right. Thank you, Cindy, for joining. I wish you a very wonderful day. Thank you.
Cindy J. Holbrook: 7:57
Thank you. You have a good day too. It’s been a pleasure.
Tom Poland: 8:02
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